Create a team using a team template via Graph API - microsoft-graph-api

Can anyone enlighten me on the Graph API endpoint to create a team using a team template. The create team endpoint does exist but Im looking for the endpoint that allows me to create a team from an existing team (aka Team template )

Ok I figured it out. Its a clone operation

Actually, creating a team from a template and cloning a team from an existing team are two different things.
Teams Templates are currently only available in the beta endpoint and not supported in production. You can use the ones listed here:
On the endpoint, you can create a Team from a template by providing the chosen template in the request body:
$body = #{
"template#odata.bind" = "$targetTemplate"
"displayName" = "Test Team DisplayName"
"description" = "Description"
$targetTemplate being one of the values from the documentation above, for example:'educationStaff').
Cloning a team is done using the supported in production v1.0 endpoint: where you have to specify from which team and which parts you want to clone:
$body = #{
"displayName": "My Test Team",
"description": "New Description",
"mailNickname": "TestTeam2",
"partsToClone": "apps,tabs,settings,channels,members",
"visibility": "private"


Planner Plan URL or creating a Planner Tab in Teams

I've been trying to create a plan using the Graph REST API for .Net and Microsoft Planner. Following the provided documentation, I was able to create a plan. However, I've seen that after creating it, no URL in order to access that plan is provided.
I was wondering if there was a way of getting or constructing this URL having the planId.
Following this, I also want to link the created Plan to a Tab in Microsoft Plan, but could not find anything useful in the documentation. Is there even a way to create a Planner Tab in Ms Teams using the Graph API?
These are the documentation pages for adding tabs:
The URL for the Planner Tab page is as follows. You'll need to put your plan id there, but other variables in curly braces are part of the URL as variables, and get filled in by Teams when someone is viewing the tab.{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<YourPlanId>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s
The full request looks like:
"displayName": "<Name of the tab>",
"teamsApp#odata.bind" : "",
"entityId": "<combined channel and plan id>",
"contentUrl": "{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<Your plan Id>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s"
3 values need to be replaced there, the display name, the entity id and the plan id in the URL.
The entity id value looks like tt.c_<channel id>_p_<plan id> For example for Channel ID = ABC, and Plan ID = 123, you'd get literal string tt.c_ABC_p_123
The plans can be accessed to through this API:
Please refer this document:Top Planner API tasks
You should only need the Planner Id and Channel Id to create a Planner tab in Teams.
Here is my complete request body:
"displayName": "<Name of the tab>",
"teamsApp#odata.bind" : "",
"entityId": "tt.c_<Channel Id>_p_<Plan Id>",
"contentUrl": "{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<Plan Id>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s",
"removeUrl": "{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=13&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<Plan Id>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s",
"websiteUrl": "<Plan Id>?Type=PlanLink&Channel=TeamsTab"
The following attributes need values replaced:
displayName: Tab Title
entityId: Channel Id & Plan Id
contentUrl: Plan Id
removeUrl: Plan Id
websiteUrl: Plan Id

List private team channel members with Microsoft Graph API in Microsoft Teams

My application for Microsoft Teams works as a tab and needs to get the list of the chat members or channel members, depending on where it is installed.
To use the APIs, I get the Context object from the client SDK library to get the identifiers required for the APIs. It works fine for chats–both group and one on one (using Context.chatId), and public team channels (using Context.groupId and Context.channelId).
However, nothing I try seems to work for private team channels.
The context object returned for private team channels contains teamId and channelId, but they are equal, and using one value for both ids naturally doesn't work. Here is an example of what is returned for a private team channel by the SDK library 1.11.0 (the latest):
"locale": "en-us",
"theme": "default",
"subEntityId": "",
"isFullScreen": false,
"sessionId": "5194fd2b-5c9a-16a7-7411-94ddabffffff",
"chatId": "",
"meetingId": "",
"parentMessageId": "",
"hostClientType": "desktop",
"tenantSKU": "unknown",
"jsonTabUrl": "",
"userLicenseType": "Unknown",
"appSessionId": "7503c11c-d524-409c-b58b-004810ffffff",
"appLaunchId": "c736c663-cc0b-47c3-8824-ba56b7ffffff",
"isMultiWindow": false,
"appIconPosition": 79,
"userClickTime": 1637007245298,
"sourceOrigin": null,
"userFileOpenPreference": "inline",
"osLocaleInfo": {
"platform": "macos",
"regionalFormat": "en-gb",
"longDate": "d MMMM y",
"shortDate": "dd/MM/y",
"longTime": "HH:mm:ss z",
"shortTime": "HH:mm"
"frameContext": "settings",
"isTeamArchived": false,
"teamType": 0,
"userTeamRole": 0,
"channelRelativeUrl": "/sites/ffffff/Shared Documents/Devel",
"channelId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2",
"channelName": "Devel",
"channelType": "Private",
"defaultOneNoteSectionId": "",
"teamId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2",
"teamName": "Devel",
"teamSiteUrl": "",
"teamSiteDomain": "",
"teamSitePath": "/sites/ffffff",
"teamTemplateId": "",
"teamSiteId": "",
"ringId": "general",
"tid": "d158bb9f-f90c-422d-9d0d-0040efffffff",
"loginHint": "",
"upn": "",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"userObjectId": "fc5a4a6d-60e2-4370-83bd-aab1baffffff"
You can see above that the two are equal:
"channelId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2"
"teamId": "19:0bc109b412d9448bb6b1b3d4d485700b#thread.tacv2"
I wonder, whether this is an expected behaviour, or something is broken there... 🤔 As per comment by #Prasad-MSFT, this is normal behaviour for private channels.
There is an answer suggesting that one should first list all the teams the user joined. However, I don't see how I would connect this information to the context data shown above.
Is there a way to list the members of a private team channel? What am I missing?
UPDATE1 16.11:
I did an experiment, but the results got me puzzled. I followed the idea of getting all the teams of the user first. This got me ids of all the teams the user is a member of. I then requested members of for the current private channel for every team: I expected to get errors for all teams but one–that team the channel really belongs to. However, I got members for every request! That's very confusing.
/teams/{id}/channels/{channel_id}/members for each team received in 1. and channelId received from context.
Each call returned some members, which I did not expect...
UPDATE2 16.11:
This long-winded way gets me channel members in the end:
/teams/{id}/channels for each team received in 1.
Find the channel with id matching the channelId from my context among those received in 2.
/teams/{id}/channels/{channel_id}/members for the channel found in 3.
Looks like a lot of effort for such a simple thing. 🙄
Update: see the new answer from Nov 1 2022.
Update 2: it's still not fully functional, use both. 🤷‍♂️
This long-winded way gets me channel members list in the end. Only applies to private team channels because we don't have group id/team id in the Context there. As per #Prasad-MSFT's comment to the original post, there is no other way at the time of writing.
Get /me/joinedTeams
Get /teams/{id}/channels for each team received in #1.
Find the channel with id matching the channelId from the Context among those received in #2.
Get /teams/{id}/channels/{channel_id}/members for the channel found in #3.
Here is a caveat: if you create a private team channel and immediately add your tab to it, there is a chance that your new channel will not be returned by the API. If #3 in the above list of procedures fails, I ask the user to retry in a couple of minutes.
A year later there seem to be some improvements! (Yeah, but not really, see below.)
There is a new property called hostTeamGroupId which appears to contain the correct team id for private channels. The documentation, however, doesn't mention private channels specifically and only tells us about shared channels. Nevertheless, it seems to be working for the purposes of this question.
In #microsoft/teams-js v2 we can use
The property is newly added and describes the host
team’s Azure AD group ID, useful for making Microsoft Graph API calls
to retrieve shared channel membership.
This still doesn't work on mobile platforms at the time of writing 08.11.2022. The fields mentioned above are not populated.
So, for mobile platforms, we still need my other answer.

Creating Post with Dynamics CRM Web API

A Post entity ( cannot be created using Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Web API.
This payload should create a post on POST /api/data/v8.1/posts
"text": "Test Single Post",
"source": 1,
"type": 7
(source 1 is an auto post, type 7 is a status post)
But it returns:
"message":"An unexpected error occurred.",
"message":"An unexpected error occurred..."
Submitting the same payload with only "text" fails too.
Notice that the Post entity does not have single-valued navigation properties ( that will allow me to set the related entity (contact, account, etc).
For example, Creating a Task entity ( works fine on POST /api/data/v8.1/tasks
"subject": "Test Single Task",
"description": "Test One Description of Task",
"regardingobjectid_contact_task#odata.bind": "/contacts(<someguid>)",
"scheduledend": "2016-07-21T12:11:19.4875892Z"
It seems to me that Post should expose something like regardingobjectid_contact_post#odata.bind, but it does not.
For context, this is how to create a Post via the SOAP endpoint and the SDK:
var result = Client.getOrganizationService().Create(new Post
Text = post.text,
RegardingObjectId = new EntityReference(
Does anyone have a working example of a Post created via the Web API? Is this an omission in the Dynamics CRM Web API?
It doesn't look like this is listed in the limitations:
It appears that the postregarding entity is where the link should be created to contact/account. This can be demonstrated by querying:
/posts?$filter=postregardingid/regardingobjectid_contact/contactid eq <someguid>
However, a "deep insert" like so does not work:
The response is
Cannot create child entities before parent entity.
Nowhere it's mentioned like Post (activity feed) cannot be created using webapi. In fact it's not listed as crm webapi limitation like you pointed out.
Also on comparison, _regardingobjectid_value lookup property of post is different from activitypointer. Single valued navigation property too.
Out of curiosity, My investigation moved towards the Partner - post_PostRegardings
Only thing making sense - postregarding is strictly internal use. This could be the reason for all such behavior. This is my theory per v8.2 today(Aug 12 2017)
Description: Represents which object an activity feed post is regarding. For internal use only.
Entity Set path:[organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/postregardings
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: Post Regarding
Primary Key: postregardingid
Looks like MS recommend the community to use Organization service to create a custom Post record. Web api is still broken. Read more
I was recently struggling with this issue with an Activity table made using powerapps. For those who are interested, here's my post request:
"regardingobjectid_contact#odata.bind": "/contacts(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)",
"description": "data for this entity",
"subject": "more data"
I didn't do anything different from other peoples' answers. I'll give an update if this problem fails sporadically. But as it is right now, it looks like regardingobjectid may be working in version 9.1
using D365 Api v9.1
POST https://{domain}
"text": "This is a private message post",
"source": 1,
"type": 4
source :
Auto Post
Manual Post
ActionHub Post
type :
Private Message

Microsoft API Graph create distribution list

I try to create a distribution list on Office365 with the Microsoft API Graph.
For that, I do a POST request on "" with json parameters :
"description": "My description",
"displayName": "testlist",
"groupTypes": ['Unified'],
"mailEnabled": True,
"mailNickname": "testlist",
"securityEnabled": False
It creates an office365 group or a security group with some little changes, but impossible to create a distribution list. Via the web, I can do it and when I get it with the API, the parameter "groupTypes" is empty.
What's bad on my request or how to do it (if it's possible) ?
You can create Unified Group or Security Group or Dynamic Group alone with this API. Refer the documentation in the above URL.

Getting Issue Type Scheme and Workflow Scheme for JIRA project using REST API

I'm doing an integration for JIRA using REST API 6.2.6. One thing that I need to do is to get Issue Type Scheme and Workflow Scheme for a project.
What I tried:
Issue Type Scheme
The only thing that I can get right now is a list of issue types using /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}. I can't see any way of getting an ID of Issue Type Scheme. Looking at API there is no any endpoints for issue type schemes, so I guess it's not possible.
Workflow Scheme
/rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey} doesn't return any information about Workflow Scheme. But there is an endpoint /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}, so that means that it's possible to get ID somehow... At the end I want to get a list of workflows for a project to check transitions for an issue type.
Is there any way to get the data I want? Maybe there is some hidden not documented API?
Note: I'm using only JIRA REST API.
This is what you want.
Latest Jira documentation provides information about the APIs which can be used to fetch details for issuetype scheme and workflow scheme. Below are the APIs which can be used for the same,
Fetching Issue type Scheme for a project Issuetype Scheme API
Rest URL:GET{projectId}'
Sample Response:
"maxResults": 100,
"startAt": 0,
"total": 3,
"isLast": true,
"values": [
"issueTypeScheme": {
"id": "10000",
"name": "Default Issue Type Scheme",
"description": "Default issue type scheme is the list of global issue types. All newly created issue types will automatically be added to this scheme.",
"defaultIssueTypeId": "10003",
"isDefault": true
"projectIds": [
Fetching workflow scheme configured for a project Workflow Scheme API
Sample Response:
"id": 101010,
"name": "Example workflow scheme",
"description": "The description of the example workflow scheme.",
"defaultWorkflow": "jira",
"issueTypeMappings": {
"10000": "scrum workflow",
"10001": "builds workflow"
"draft": false,
"self": ""
As far as I am aware you can get the correct XML or JSON response from the
Then if you want to find out the information about the workflowscheme you can do this programmatically by using the following information.
If you have an issue that you want to use then you can use it to get the workflowscheme id by doing this this:
Then once you get the id of the workflow scheme e.g. 10, you then can get the scheme generic value as follows:
GernericValue scheme = ComponentAccessor.getWorkflowSchemeManager().getScheme(10);
Now that you have the scheme you then can get all of the workflows that are referenced in the scheme by doing this:
Collection<JiraWorkflow> workflows = ComponentAccessor.getWorkflowManager().getWorkflowsFromScheme(scheme);
Then if you want to get one workflow you will have to use:
Also note, that workflows are identified by their name in JIRA as there are no id's in JiraWorkflow.
So that would be the approach I would use if I wanted to find out the workflowscheme information so I could use the id to then use the REST API:
But the main reason that you might not be able to find a workflowscheme is because it is not present in the JIRA's Issue.
Using this HTTP and inputting it into "Postman" as a get request will return all the JSON information.
Using this will return all the information for that project. Then using this REST API:
Using this HTTP get request will get you the returned XML or JSON workflow information too.
