I currently have a generated XBase object with some method names:
get_0(), get_1(), get_...(), get_50()
Now I'd like to call them with a loop instead of 50 lines, like this
for(var i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {
fiftyGetters.get_ + i //
How can I achieve this in XBase/XText?
I have a List of the type Model. when I loop all its elements and loop the next one except for the last one, then change the last one manually, the one before changes.
here is a little code to reproduce the problem (also you can run it directly in dartpad from here)
void main() {
List<Model> s = [];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length - 1; i++) {
s[i] = s[i + 1];
s[s.length-1].x = 100;
class Model {
int x;
String toString() => 'x: ' + this.x.toString();
notice that this problem does not happen when you comment out the for loop or the manual change, or instead of changing the last one's property, you reassign a new value to it, like s[s.length - 1] = Model(100);. seems like dart for some reason is re-running the loop.
When you run the second for loop, you assign the i + 1th Model to the ith position in the list:
// initialise list
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
s[i] = s[i + 1]
If you unwrap the loop, it looks roughly like this:
s[0] = s[1];
s[1] = s[2];
s[2] = s[3];
s[3] = s[4];
Notice that this leaves s[4] unchanged, but also assigns it to s[3].
In Dart, variables contain references to objects. This means that when your list runs s[3] = s[4];, both s[3] and s[4] point to the same object.
Now, if you modify s[4] you, are actually modifying the objects that s[4] refers to, which happens to also be the object that s[3] refers to, so they both appear to change in your list.
I'm a total newbie in Dart and I've a lot of issues trying to change a member value of an Object inside a loop.
I've my object so defined:
class Cell {
int magicnum, x, y;
toString() {
return ("$magicnum - [$x][$y]");
I create a List of List of Cell (2d array) and then I need to fill x and y value according to position of each object in array.
for (int x = 0; x < DIM; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < DIM; y++) {
grids[x][y].x = x;
grids[x][y].y = y;
This obviosly doesn't work because in Dart everything (also integer) is an Object and so, all Cell objects in my array have the same x and y value (they all got a reference to the same object).
How can I do?
Array is made this way:
List<Cell> cells = List<Cell>.generate(DIM, (i) => Cell(i + 1));
List<List<Cell>> grids = List<List<Cell>>();
for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
You problem is you are not actually cloning each Cell object when you are doing the following (taken from the code example from comments):
List<Cell> newlist = List<Cell>.from(items);
Instead, you are creating a new List containing the same references to Cell objects as the previous list of items.
To create a copy of Cell objects you need to implement a clone method like:
class Cell {
int magicnum, x, y;
Cell.from(Cell cell)
: magicnum = cell.magicnum,
x = cell.x,
y = cell.y;
And do the following to iterate each element of the old list, create a new Cell object for each element and convert the result to a new List:
List<Cell> newlist = items.map((item) => Cell.from(item)).toList();
Getting error on this:
for (i = 1; i <= 18; i++) {
oAllKits = myNode.getElementById('node' + i).getElementsByTagName('a');
I have a series of IDs on the html document called: node1, node2,... node18. I am trying to target the A tags on these IDs since these A tags are the only elements inside these ids. The console is giving me this message: # has no method 'getElementById'.
I am doing a for loop because I want the variable oAllKits to hold an all those A tags inside the Ids. Thank you advance for your help.
That can be done easily. Find it here
or you can see the code
var avar = document.getElementById('div');
var bvar = div.getElementsByTagName('a');
var cvar = children.length;
for (var i=0;i < len;i++) {
document.getElementById('aclass').innerHTML +='<br> ' + children[i].href;
getElementById exists on the document. There should be only 1 of any particular ID so the selector is fast.
var div = document.getElementById('id1');
var children = div.getElementsByTagName('a');
var len = children.length;
for (var i=0;i < len;i++) {
document.getElementById('found').innerHTML += '<br> ' + children[i].href;
Is it possible to execute a "foreach" through each of my SharedObjects?
Something like this . . .
_so = SharedObject.getLocal("test","/");
foreach (var item:Object in _so)
// print key name and value
I'm not sure I understand.
1.Do you want to loop through all your Shared Objects ?
2.Do you want to loop through all your objects inside the data property of a SharedObject ?
1.Assuming sharedObjects is an array containing SharedObject instances
var sharedObjects:Array = ['test','fred','louie'];
var sharedObjectsData:Array = [];
for(var i:int = 0 ; i < sharedObjects.length ; i++){
//or something like that
2.Try using an old school for in loop.
for(var i in _so.data){
trace('property: ' + i + ' value: ' + _so.data[i]);
Hope it helps!
I'm an experienced programmer but just starting out with Flash/Actionscript. I'm working on a project that for certain reasons requires me to use Actionscript 2 rather than 3.
When I run the following (I just put it in frame one of a new flash project), the output is a 3 rather than a 1 ? I need it to be a 1.
Why does the scope of the 'ii' variable continue between loops?
var fs:Array = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
var ii = i + 1;
fs[i] = function(){
Unfortunately, AS2 is not that kind of language; it doesn't have that kind of closure. Functions aren't exactly first-class citizens in AS2, and one of the results of that is that a function doesn't retain its own scope, it has to be associated with some scope when it's called (usually the same scope where the function itself is defined, unless you use a function's call or apply methods).
Then when the function is executed, the scope of variables inside it is just the scope of wherever it happened to be called - in your case, the scope outside your loop. This is also why you can do things like this:
function foo() {
trace( this.value );
objA = { value:"A" };
objB = { value:"B" };
foo.apply( objA ); // A
foo.apply( objB ); // B
objA.foo = foo;
objB.foo = foo;
objA.foo(); // A
objB.foo(); // B
If you're used to true OO languages that looks very strange, and the reason is that AS2 is ultimately a prototyped language. Everything that looks object-oriented is just a coincidence. ;D
Unfortunately Actionscript 2.0 does not have a strong scope... especially on the time line.
var fs:Array = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
var ii = i + 1;
fs[i] = function(){
trace("out of scope: " + ii + "... but still works");
I came up with a kind of strage solution to my own problem:
var fs:Array = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
var ii = i + 1;
f = function(j){
return function(){
fs[i] = f(ii);
fs[0](); //1
fs[1](); //2
fs[2](); //3