How to handle the concurrence of file uploads in my kubernetes cluster? - docker

I am designing the architecture of my software instance provisioning system. For this I will use kubernetes in such a way that each client will have their namespace with the pods of their integrity. However, the kubernetes cluster will have a common entry point to all the instances, which will be a nginx server.
My question is as follows, as software provided allows upload of files, in case at the same time several of my clients decide to upload a file simultaneously, I run the risk that the server nginx is overloaded and that nobody can access your instance hired?
Is there any good practice to try to design my architecture?

You could use nginx ingress controller and deploy it with multiple replicas so that it can be scaled up to handle the load. Then your nginx is part of the cluster (rather than a separate server) and can take advantage of the kubernetes cluster's capacity for horizontal scaling.
Unless you are running on-prem with NodePort/HostPort - then you might want to run your nginx as an external Load balancer as in that case you don't have one from a cloud provider. Then what you can do is configure rate-limiting and throttling in nginx. If cloud then you can also use annotations to do this with nginx ingress.


Does a simple monolith application need kubernetes to manage

I'm very new to the infrastructure so I built a simple monolith application and I use docker for building a container and deploy it on my linux server. My question is, do I need to install kubernetes for a single container and if no how can I scale or do the load balancing.
"... do I need to install kubernetes for a single container" - No, it is not mandatory. One can use docker to manage applications. Kubernetes is a platform that can be used to orchestrate containerized applications. It offers tools and concepts like autoscaling based on load, isolation through namespaces, network access management through services and ingresses, and much more. But Kubernetes is not the only platform for orchestration. There are others, for example OpenShift, docker swarm, rancher. All those are optional platforms with additional tooling and concepts that can be used if necessary.
"how can I scale or do the load balancing." - We can, for example, define the replicas through the replicas variable in a docker-compose file. All containers defined under a service are accessed through this service's name. How exactly the balancing is done can also be configured through the endpoint_mode configuration. If we need even more control, we can deploy a separate load balancer, e.g. nginx. A possible configuration is described in this medium article.
For future posts, please limit yourself to one question per post.

Kubernetes - from Minikube to production

I have created a simple PHP api application that works with a mysql database to store data. I have been experimenting with Kubernetes on my Windows 10 machine through Minikube.
I have just about got my head round the ideas involved, yet I’m not sure about how to implement this properly. So far I have used Kompose to create a set of yaml files from an existing docker-compose file. This has been half successful.
To get my application code into a pod hosting PHP, I have been using hostPath to share from my local machine. I mount to the minikube machine and share from there. I was having trouble sharing by other means. The application code is hosted in a github repo.
My questions are:
Is mounting my application code into a pod (assuming this is similar to what happens in docker) the correct way to do this? I’m not clear exactly what information is held on an image retrieved from the docker hub. Although I have read up on containers isolating the build environment from your machine.
How does this approach to translate into a production environment hosted on a cloud? I see there are various storage types. I had for example, wanted to try deploying on AWS just to see how this would work in practice.
I’m really looking for guidance to go from the tutorials found on the web working on my machine, to something that could be done for a customer hosted on the cloud. This might scale up to a more microservices style architecture over time.
The approach you are describing is mostly for development setups, where you want to mount your code into the container as a volume so you don't have to rebuild every time your code changes. Typically done with a docker-compose file.
For production setups, you want the docker image to correctly work and only mount volumes to data you want to persist, typically databases are the core example. For this EKS is deeply integrated into the AWS infrastructure and will create EBS volumes on demand. You don't need to provision any volume or even care for most cases (unless you need multiple read-write volumes needed for scaling).
For a PHP application you really should not persist any data in the pod, because it will create other issues when you need to scale the application. Also, a good approach for managing files that need to persist is S3 (AWS simple storage service).
So generally speaking, you need a deployment per application a service to access each pod on that application and then an ingress object to route traffic from the internet to each pod.
Your application docker image is really the core. You just build it with your code inside. Make sure to pass configuration using environment variable or configuration file so you can connect to the database.
Now for kubernetes, for each compoment (e.g. PHP application, MySQL) you will most likely create a deployment k8s manifest that points to the docker image and add some configuration environment variables.
For production, you will need persistence volume. On aws you can simply use EBS-backed volumes
To get traffic from Internet to your PHP application, you will need to add one or more k8s components:
K8s Service manifest that exposes your PHP deployment/pod on a stable address. If you only have q or very few services, you can use LoadBalancer which on cloud like AWS will create an ALB/ELB (might need to add annotation to your service)
An ingress which is just a reverse proxy (contour, nginx, traefik). On cloud environment it will map to an ALB/ELB. The advantage of this is that you can have a single ALB for all your services i.e. save money. Also you can configure routing path or TLS termination in one place.

How to setup nginx in front of node in docker for Cloud Run?

I need to setup reverse proxy nginx in front of nodejs app that need to be deployed in google cloud run.
Use Cases
- Need to serve assets gzipped via nginx (I don't want to overhead node for gzip compression)
- To block small DDOS attacks
I didn't find any tutorial to setup nginx and node in cloud run.
Also I need to install PM2 to for node.
How to do this setup in docker? also how can I configure nginx before deploying?
Thanks in advance
I need to setup reverse proxy nginx in front of nodejs app that need
to be deployed in google cloud run.
Cloud Run already provides a reverse proxy - Cloud Run Proxy. This is the service that load balances, provides custom domains, authentication, etc. for Cloud Run. However, there is nothing in the design of Cloud Run to prevent you from using Nginx as a reverse proxy inside your container. There is nothing in the design of Cloud Run to prevent you from using Nginx as a separate container front-end to another Cloud Run service. Note in the last case you will be paying twice as much as you will need two Cloud Run services, one for the Nginx service URL and another for the node application.
Use Cases - Need to serve assets gzipped via nginx (I don't want to
overhead node for gzip compression) - To block small DDOS attacks
You can either perform compression in your node app or in Nginx. The result is the same. The performance impact is the same. Nginx does not provide any overhead savings. Nginx may be more convenient in some cases.
Your comment to block small DDOS attacks. Cloud Run autoscales, which means each Cloud Run instance will have some limited exposure to a DOS. As the DDOS traffic increases, Cloud Run will launch more instances of your container. Without a prior request from you, Cloud Run will stop scaling at 1,000 instances. Nginx will not provide any benefit that I can think of to mitigate a DDOS attack.
I didn't find any tutorial to setup nginx and node in cloud run.
I am not aware of a specific document covering Nginx and Cloud Run. However, you do not need one. Any document covering Nginx and Docker will be fine. If you want to run Nginx in the same container as your node application you will need to write a custom script to launch both Nginx and Node.
Also I need to install PM2 to for node.
Not possible. PM2 has a user interface and GUI. Cloud Run only exposes $PORT over HTTP from a Cloud Run instance.
How to do this setup in docker? also how can I configure nginx before
There are numerous tutorials on the Internet for setting up Nginx and Docker.
Two examples below. There are hundreds of examples on the Internet.
How to run NGINX as a Docker container
Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus on Docker
I have answered each of your questions. Now some advice:
Using Nginx with Cloud Run does not make any sense with a Node.js application. Just run your node application and let Cloud Run Proxy do its job.
Compression is CPU intensive. Cloud Run is designed for HTTP style microservices that are small, fast, and compact. You will pay for increased CPU time. If you have content that needs to be compressed, compress it first and serve the content compressed. There are cases where compression in Cloud Run is useful and/or correct, but look at your design and optimize where possible. Static content should be served by Cloud Storage, for example.
Cloud Run can handle a Node.js application easily with excellent performance and scalability provided that you follow its design criteria and purpose.
Key factors to keep in mind:
Low cost, you only pay for requests. Overlapping requests have the same cost as one request.
Stateless. Containers are shut down when not needed which means you must design for restarts. Store state elsewhere such as a database.
Only serves traffic on port $PORT, which today is 8080.
Public traffic can be either HTTP or HTTPS. Traffic from the Cloud Run Proxy to the container is HTTP.
Custom domain names. Cloud Run makes HTTPS for URLs very easy.
UPDATE: Only HTTPS is now supported for the public endpoint (Public Traffic).
I think you should consider using a different approach.
Running multiple processes in a single container is not a best practice. The more common implementation of a proxy as you describe is to use 2 containers (the proxy is often called the sidecar) but this is not possible with Cloud Run.
Google App Engine may be more suitable.
App Engine Flexible permits deployments of containers that are proxied (behind the scenes) by Nginx. You may use static content with Flexible and can incorporate a CDN. App Engine Standard addresses your needs too.
Like Cloud Run, App Engine is serverless but provides more flexibility and is a more established service. App Engine integrates with more (all?) GCP services too whereas Cloud Run is limited to a subset.
Alternatively, you may consider Kubernetes (Engine). This provides almost limitless flexibility but requires more ops. As you're likely aware, there's a Cloud Run implementation that runs atop Kubernetes, Istio and Knative.
Cloud Run is a compelling service but it is only appropriate if you can meet its (currently) contrained requirements.
I have good news for you. I have written a blog post about exactly what you needed with sample code.
This example puts NGINX in the front (port 8080 on Cloud Run) while proxying the traffic selectively to another service running in the same container (on port 8081).
Read the blog post:
Source code:
Google Cloud Compute Systems
To understand GCP Computing, please see the below picture first:
For your case, I totally recommend you to use App Engine Flex to deploy your application. It supports docker container, nodejs,... To understand HOW TO DEPLOY nodejs to GAE Flex, please visit this page
You can install some third party libraries if you want. Moreover, GCP supports the global/internal load balancer, you can apply it into your GAE services.

Run a web page similar to kubernetes dashboard

I a want to run a web page similar like kubernetes dashboard.The web page takes input from the user and generates a small file but i want the web page to be loaded without using any server. kubernetes is deploying a pod and bringing up the web page i want to do the same.If kubernetes is also using a server how is it using it(is it directly downloading it with the OS in the pod or how is kubernetes doing it).
Overview I want to know how kubernetes dashboard is getting deployed is it using a server if so how is it getting the server installed in the kubernetes pod else how is it bring up the UI.
Actually, Kubernetes plays the role as an orchestrator and provides sufficient way for building communication channels between containers in the cluster and uses Docker by default as a container runtime.
Containers represent run-time environment for images, however images consist with OS layer and application binaries, a good explanation you can find here. In order to build own image you might consider two ways to afford this: create an image from existing one in Docker Hub or compose image from Dockerfile.To store the customized image might be the option to push it into Docker Hub repository or stand for some private isolated repo by deploying a Registry server.
When you are ready with an image, and you plan to implement application in Kubernetes cluster, that's a good time to create first microservice. Although, there are tons of materials about Kubernetes cluster and its run-time engine architecture in the globe, I would focus on the application deployment lifecycle.
Deployment is the main mechanism which defines how are Pods should to be implemented within a cluster and provides specific configuration for further application run-time workflow.
Service describes a way how the particular Pod will communicate with other resources within a cluster, providing endpoint IP address and port where your application will respond.
In general scenario with Kubernetes Dashboard, the method in use kubectl proxy will expose the application by proxying gateway between host and Kubernetes API, which is more like for testing purposes and not secure, in comparison with Nodeport type which brings more convenient way to make application accessible outside the cluster, as described in this Stack thread.
I encourage you to get some more learning stuff in the official Kubernetes documentation.

Container delivery on amazon ecs

I’m using Amazon ECS to auto deploy my containers on uat/production.
What is the best way to do that?
I have a REST api with a several front-end clients
Should I package my api container with nginx in the same container?
And do the same thing with the others front end clients.
Or I have to write a big task definition to bring together all my containers(db, nginx, php, api, clients) :(, but that's mean that I should redeploy all my infrastructure at each push uat/prod
I'm very confusing.
I would avoid including too much in a single container. Try and distill your containers down to one process doing one thing. If all you're doing is serving up a REST API for consumption by your front end, just put the essential pieces in for that and no more.
In my experience you also want your ECS tasks to be able to handle failure gracefully and restart, and the more complicated your containers are the harder this is to get right.
Depending on your requirements I would look into using ELB instead of nginx, you can have your ECS cluster point at an ELB and not have to deal with that piece at all.
Do not use ECS - it's too crude. I was using it as a platform for our staging/production environments and had odd problems during deployments - sometimes it worked well, sometimes - not (with the same Docker images). ECS provides not clear model of container deployment and maintenance.
There is another good, stable and predictive option - Docker Cloud service. It's new tool (a.k.a. Tutum) that was acquired by Docker. I switched the CI/CD to use it and we're happy with it.
Bind Amazon user credentials to Docker Cloud account. Docker Cloud uses AWS (or other provider) API for creating appropriate computer instances.
Create Node. Select Amazon EC2 instance type and parameters of storage, security group and so on. New instance will contain installed docker software and managing container that handles messages from Docker Cloud (deploy, destroy and others).
Create Stackfile, see Stackfile is a definition of container group you required. You can define different scaling/distribution models for your containers using specific Stackfile options like deployment strategy, see
Define ELB configurations in AWS for your new instances.
P.S. I'm not a member of Docker team and I like other AWS services :).
Here is my two cents on the topic, the question is not really related to ecs, it applies to any body deploying their apps on docker.
I would suggest separating the containers, one for nginx and one for API.
if they need to be co-located on the same instance, on ECS you can define them as part of the same task and on kubernetes you can make them part of same pod.
Define a docker link between the nginx and the api container. This will allow the nginx process to talk to api container without the api container exposing its ports to the host.
One advantage of using the container running platforms such as kubernetes and ecs is that they ensure each of the container run all the time and dynamically restart if one of the processes/containers go down.
Separating the containers will allow these platforms to monitor both the processes separately. When you combine the two into one container the docker container can only run with one of the processes in foreground, so you will loose the advantage of auto-healing for one of the processes.
Also moving from nginx to ELB is not a straightforward solution, you may have redirections and other things configured on the nginx, which are not available on ELB(As of date).
If you also need the ELB, there is no harm in forwarding the requests from the ELB to the nginx port.
