UIView is not scrollable inside scrollview - ios

I have view inside scrollview. Inside UIView there are many objects. I want that view should be scrollable.

I think UIView is not suitable for this kind of situation, because there are many objects aligned vertically, so i prefer to use stack view. Now scroll is working!

You need to understand first how UIScrollView works. There should be a warning message that says like this:
ScrollView has ambiguous scrollable content
Your scrollView won't scroll because it means that the subviews of your scrollView does not have enough constraints attached to them and to the scrollView to make the scrollView scroll. Well how does the scrollView scroll? If the content of the scrollView exceeds the frame (either width or height) of the scrollView, then the scrollView will be scrollable.

Adding height of contentview(view) inside scrollview will make the scrollview scroll with other necessary constraints

Better You can Increase the view controller's Height and add a scroll view with it
I hope this video helps.
How To Create A Scroll View In Xcode 8 (Swift 3.0)


How do I add UIView on UIScrollView

I wanted to add some labels and textfields on my view and that view should scroll, so I am thinking of putting view on scrollview.
I wanted to add some labels and textfields on my view
And that view should scroll
So I am thinking of putting scrollView
And then I wanted to put my view having labels and Textfields
Is it possible?
Please check scrollview property Bounces Vertically is checked or not if not check it
May be, your content is less, than ScrollView, that's why scrolling is disabled
Put view with labels in scrollview. Scrollview should be less in height than view. View should have height considering all ui cvontrols in it. should work like this
Make sure your scroll view height is not greater than view its content size has to be greater as all people says. You get confused between content size and scroll view height.
Meas using nib suppose your scroll view height is 300 and when you use the code content size should be greater than 480 so it will be scroll-able on iPhone 4 size device who's height is 480
To make sure your constraints are well defined, first check these steps:
Make sure your base view is a UIView
Put into a UIScrollView and add constraints to the edges of UIView
Put into the scrollview a UIView and add constraints to the edges of the scrollview. I call this "content view".
You should assign a width to the content view. I usually set the width of the content view equal to the width of the scrollview.
Put your labels/views/images/whatever into the content view and use autolayout constraints to resize them automatically to fit the target screen.
Please consider that:
Your scrollview must always have a height, fixed or dynamic. In order to avoid errors with autolayout, consider that:
the last element on the bottom of the content view must always have a constraint to the bottom edge of the scrollview, or
the content view must have a fixed height
If the height of your content view is less than the height of the scrollview, the view will not scroll. You should add more views or more margin to the bottom constraint of the content view.

UIScrollView doesn't scroll with autolayout (content view frame size changed programmatically)

I have UIScrollView with UIView inside (lets name it contentView). Frame size of contentView changes during runtime and that's the main problem! If I had static controls it would be easy to set up scrolling, just pin contentView to scrollView and add 2 constraints equalWidth/equalHeight of view (with Low priority), but it doesn't work for me. So, can anyone help?
It's a pretty easy to fix, all you need to do is to give the "contentView" constrains to the scrollView edges with 0 margin...
If the contentView will be bigger then the UIScrollView frame the scrollView will be scrollable..
All you need to do is to make sure that the last Subview in content view have bottom constraint to contentView.
If I'm not clear enough please tell me.

Can't get UIScrollView to work

This is a storyboard app. I added a UIScrollView on top of the UIView that is there in the view controller by default. Then I added some UI elements on to the scroll view. After designing the viewable part of the Scroll view, using its handles I stretched it vertically and pushed it up a bit so that that part is visible for me to design the rest of the screen. After I was done I positioned the scroll view back to fit the view. Please note that I did not resize the scroll view to match the size of the view from the IB.
Then I added all 4 constraints to the scroll view (Leading and Trailing space to superview, Top and Bottom space to superview). Then I selected the UIView, opened up the size inspector and changed the Bottom Space to superview's value to 0. That automatically resized the UIScrollView to fit inside the view controller.
Then I added the following lines of code inside the viewDidLoad method.
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width, self.scrollView.frame.size.height);
self.scrollView.frame = self.view.frame;
But this does not work. The UIScrollView won't scroll. Yes, the scrolling is enabled.
Can anyone please tell me what I might be missing here?
Thank you.
I found an old project of mine here. It utilize the way I just explained above and it works! No idea why it doesn't anymore.
I also added a demo project here with the issue.
If I understood your code correctly (a screenshot of the view would help) you set the scrollviews frame to be full size of the view and set then contentSize to the view's size. A scrollview scrolls only if the contentSize is larger than its size.
This might not be the complete answer to your question, but it will help you and others for sure.
To design the views that are bigger in size than the size of the UIScrollView, the best way to have the UIView as a child view to UIScrollView and put all the content on the UIView and finally place the UIView as subview of the UISCrollView. AT last you can set the size of the UIView as the content size of the UISCrollView.
Cheers. :)

How to add scrolling to uiviewcontroller?

Good day!
I have view controller in storyboard, its height more than default size and it is not scrolling. how to make it so? i tried to add uiscrollview to uiview but it didn't help. thanks for answering=)
UIScrollView is exactly what you need, however scrolling will only be possible if the contentSize of the scroll view is larger than the bounds of the scroll view itself. Try setting the contentSize of the scroll view either in storyboard or pragmatically.
found the solution: for correct working scrolling you need ONLY add constraint horizontal and vertical spaces + spaces from top and bottom Layout guide=) stay on scroll view - touch button "Add missing constraints"... after this constraints will be added automatically...=) setting contentSize or frame is not necessary! good luck!

UIScrollview won't scroll when Autolayout is used

I have a scrollview which has two subviews (iPad). The view hierarchy is as follows:
-- UIScrollView
-- UIView1
-- UIView2
The frame of the UIScrollView is the size of the screen, the frame of UIView1 is also the size of the screen, but the frame of UIView2 is (0,0,768,2000).
The scrollview doesn't scroll vertically. According to the apple documentation, the scrollview should automatically set its content size. Can anyone help me out with this issue as why the content size is not being set properly ?
P:S: When I use a single view inside the scrollview and set a proper vertical constraint, it scrolls properly.
Scrollview won't scroll if you enable autolayouts. Technically when you scroll, all the elements in the scrollview change their position. So use auto layout if you are fixing the position of the elements in the scrollview.
Instead use a UIView as a container view inside a scrollview which contains all other objects like button , label, imageview etc. And then you will be able to scroll.
Check the below link for more details:
In your problem try to put proper values of content size. Also check if the vertical scrolling is enabled or not.
The question is old, but the correct answer would be to make sure the autolayout constraints are all set.
Vertically, you should have some constraint pinning your View1 to the Scroll View Top, another one pinning your View2 to the Scroll View Bottom, and one third one setting the vertical space between View1 and View2. Also check that the views themselves (View1 and View2) have constraints for their heights.
Horizontally, pin one of the views to the Scroll View in both leading and trailing space, and the other view left and right to the first one (so they will have equal widths).
Once all of those are set, the content should scroll correctly.
Use contentSize property of scroll view in code. The best way is to use 'viewDidLayoutSubviews' method
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
_scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(568, 594);
2.Always make horizontal space >=0 between lowest of inner views and a scroll view. Automatically, auto layout make suggestions like '-160' and this negative space will not scroll.
If the Content size is more than the scroll view frame then only scroll view scrolls otherwise not .
Main Point : Mistake is in set 'contentSize' of 'UIScrollView', you need to set manually.
As seem in your Question
scroll view frame = screen frame,
view 1 frame = screen frame,
Its okay but
view 2 frame = (0,0,768,2000), then it overlapping on first view because your view2 x,y position is (0,0), so may be your first view will not display.
If you want to vertically add view 1 after view 2 then your view 2 frame should be
view2.frame = CGRectMake(0,view1.frame.origin.y + view1.frame.size.height , 768,2000);
And after added both of view then you need to manage contentSize of UIScrollView , in your case such like
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(768, view1.frame.origin.y + view1.frame.size.height + 2000)
I put simple logic, That may be helpful in your case:
How to enable scrollview scroll automatically when used with AutoLayout:
Please see the below link which help you to fix it correctly:
Question for above help guide:
Which view is parent view?
scrollView or parent of scrollView?
- Parent Of ScrollView (Give equal with and Equal height to view which is parent of scrollview)
