Why would Xcode show MUCH more memory use than Instruments for SceneKit app? - ios

I'm trying to debug why our SceneKit-based app is using so much memory but Xcode and Instruments / Allocations seem to have very different values for the amount of memory being used. When I look in Xcode I see something like 600 MB but when I transfer the same running session over to Instruments / Allocations, I see a very different number for persistent bytes, like 150 MB.
Which one is correct? Why the difference? Are they measuring different things?
(Regardless of whether I Transfer an Xcode debug session or start fresh in Instruments, it doesn't seem to make much difference.)
The reason that I care is that iOS is killing the app for excessive memory use (according to Xcode) but I can't seem to find the problem via Instruments.
I've tried turning off all GPU and Metal debug options but they don't seem to make a difference.

Which one is correct?
My intuition is: Instruments. It uses Dtrace to (sorry) instrument your code and watch actual allocations and deallocations as they happen, at the expense of performance. The Xcode debug navigator memory graph is more of an outside view designed to give a very general sense of what’s happening. That is exactly why the latter offers you a way to switch to the former — because that (Instruments) is where you’re going to get real measurements.
(However, let’s keep in mind that Instruments may fail to include in the total you’re seeing some virtual memory backing stores for graphics. There are plenty of WWDC videos discussing this topic in more detail. )

I know that this answer is quite late, but for the sake of future developers with the same problem, I would advise you to check the images in your assets folder. If any of your images have dimensions larger than 1000 x 1000 you should scale them down. With the example above, the image comprises of 1000000 pixels. Following how images are loading in (4 bytes per pixel), this means 4 MB of memory is used to load the image. Unbeknownst to me, I had an image of roughly 3600 * 4000 in my assets folder. Doing the maths, this was over 50 MB of memory usage!


What does "Anonymous VM" in allocations instruments signify?

I get frequent memory warnings in my application but I don't know why.
Here is the snapshot of allocation instruments.
I know that we don't have any control over virtual memory assigned to us but I am trying to understand what information does that number 26.50 MB means for a developer.
1. What does a high VM means ? Does it lead to a jetsam ? Is that cause of any other concern ?
2. Is this value dependent on device ?
3. Does a low vm means that your app is memory efficient
4. Does a high VM leads to memory warnings in your app ?
5. What cause this value to change ?
6. What steps should a developer take when they see a high vm for their app (like 300 MB) ?
7. Is VM tracker instrument related to this value ?
Anonymous VM covers a lot of things, some of which are things you want to minimize and some that are generally less important. The short version of "anonymous VM" is that it's addresses you have mapped but not named. Heap allocations get "named" which lets you track them as objects. But there are lots (and lots) of non-objecty things that fall into the "anonymous VM" bucket.
Things allocated with malloc can wind up in this region. But also memory mapped files. Your executable is a memory mapped file, but since it's never dirty, parts of it can be swapped out. So "it's complicated." But in big, vague terms, yes, you do care about this section, but you may not care about all of it very much. Heap allocations tends to track your ObjC stuff. Anonymous VM often tracks things that you don't have a lot of direct control over (like CALayer backing storage).
All that said, the Instruments output you provide doesn't look like any major problem. I suspect it's not indicative of a time you're pressuring memory. You'll need to get yourself into a memory warning situation and see what's going on then, and dig into the specifics of what is using memory.
For much more detail on this, you should watch WWDC 2013 session 704 "Building Efficient OS X Apps" which goes into depth on much of this. While iOS has a somewhat different memory system, and some OS X tools aren't available on iOS, many of the concepts still apply.

XCode 5 Debug Navigator Memory disagrees with Instruments

I'm working on my first ARC & Core Data project, basing this stage on Xcode's (Universal) Master-Detail template.
I note that Xcode5 has a memory display in the Debug Navigator but when using it find its graph bears few similarities with mem usage displayed in Instruments when running a Leaks&Allocations trace.
I've done the Instruments tracing with the Simulator (simulating both iPhone & iPad - in case the 'unloading' of the detail View with the latter makes a difference) and on an iPad2 & an iPodTouch. The results are broadly the same:
iPhone 6.1 simulator
Generation A--------1.13 MB
Generation B--------397.70 KB
Generation C--------76.96 KB
Generation D--------11.70 KB
Generation E--------1.56 KB
Generation F--------3.48 KB
an overall growth of c30%
where Generation A shows the growth to the loading of the Master table, and each successive Generation the growth after the Detail view has been visited and interacted with (entailing the fetching of NSManagedObjects and the creation of NSObjects, respectively).
The growth trend with the other devices was broadly similar (with the Generation A growth being iPad sim:1.42; iPad2:1.57; iPodTouch:0.94 but tailing off similarly).
According to the Debug Navigator, however, the total usage at each point comes out at:
iPhone 6.1 Debug Navigator
Generation A--------4.2 MB
Generation B--------6.9 MB--growth 2.7
Generation C--------7.1 MB--growth 0.2
Generation D--------7.8 MB--growth 0.7
Generation E--------8.0 MB--growth 0.2
Generation F--------8.4 MB--growth 0.4
an overall growth of 100%!
Referring to other similar questions, I don't have Zombies enabled.
Have others seen such discrepancies? Am I right in being inclined to trust Instruments over the Debug Navigator's summary figure?
PS. Debug Navigator's summary figure doesn't seem to be available when running the real devices (both on versions of iOS5). Is this normal?
This may not be a very good answer for you, but it is my justification for this issue with the research that I have done.
The debug navigator shows the same things as the "Activity Monitor" instrument. It is not showing current allocated memory by your app, it's showing current memory allowed to your app by the OS.
Say I create a for loop to create lots of objects in memory, but then I delete half of them because they don't fit my search criteria (bad coding, I know, but hypothetically here). The OS would get a request from your app for the full memory to create all of the objects, but after the loop when you check your allocations in instruments it shows only the saved objects because garbage collection took out the deleted ones. The OS may or may not know about the garbage collection events, but it doesn't take the memory that it just gave you away. I'm not sure of the overhead of giving/taking available memory from your app, but I'm sure they take that into account. I've noticed that if I leave my app alone long enough the OS takes some of the memory I'm not using back.
Just think of the debugging memory information as your app's full memory allotted by the OS. You may not be using all of it, but the OS gave it to you anyway (for one reason or another). This number will increase based on your app's requests/use. It will decrease due to Memory Pressure warnings or inactivity that the OS thinks it can safely recover the memory from you. It will likely never match the Instruments allocated memory information because there is always transient memory used in applications that needs to be allocated somewhere even for a short time.
Again, this is my conclusion based on when I was wondering the same thing you are. Hope it helps a little.

My app is slow, how to read this Xcode instrument

Users are complaining that my app is slow sometimes, so I did allocations profile, check attached image below, Live bytes is around 35 MB.
Is 35 MB fine or I have to lower it?
What's the best Live bytes?
I see ImageIO_PNG_Data & JS garbage collector have the biggest allocation.
How can I clear them?
P.S. I'm using ARC
You're looking in the wrong place. To determine why your application is slow, you will need to use one of the CPU instruments (e.g, Time Profiler), not memory allocation.

Using Instruments to Work Through Low Memory Warnings

I am trying to work through some low memory conditions using instruments. I can watch memory consumption in the Physical Memory Free monitor drop down to a couple of MB, even though Allocations shows that All Allocations is about 3 MB and Overall Bytes is 34 MB.
I have started to experience crashing since I moved some operations to a separate thread with an NSOperationQueue. But I wasn't using instruments before the change. Nevertheless, I'm betting I did something that I can undo to stop the crashes.
By the way, it is much more stable without instruments or the debugger connected.
I have the leaks down to almost none (maybe a hundred bytes max before a crash).
When I look at Allocations, I only see very primitive objects. And the total memory reported by it is also very low. So I cant see how my app is causing these low memory warnings.
When I look at Heap Shots from the start up, I don't see more than about 3 MB there, between the baseline and the sum of all the heap growth values.
What should I be looking at to find where the problem is? Can I isolate it to one of my view controller instances, for example? Or to one of my other instances?
What I have done:
I powered the device off and back on, and this made a significant improvement. Instruments is not reporting a low memory warning. Also, I noticed that Physical Free Memory at start up was only about 7 MB before restarting, and its about 60 MB after restarting.
However, I am seeing a very regular (periodic) drop in Physical Free Memory, dropping from 43 MB to 6 MB (an then back up to 43 MB). I would like to knwo what it causing that. I don't have any timers running in this app. (I do have some performSelector:afterDelay:, but those aren't active during these tests.)
I am not using ARC.
The allocations and the leaks instruments only show what the objects actually take, but not what their underlaying non-object structures (the backing stores) are taking. For example, for UIImages it will show you have a few allocated bytes. This is because a UIImage object only takes those bytes, but the CGImageRef that actually contains the image data is not an object, and it is not taken into account in these instruments.
If you are not doing it already, try running the VM Tracker at the same time you run the allocations instrument. It will give you an idea of the type memory that is being allocated. For iOS the "Dirty Memory", shown by this instrument, is what normally triggers the memory warnings. Dirty memory is memory that cannot be automatically discarded by the VM system. If you see lots of CGImages, images might be your problem.
Another important concept is abandoned memory. This is memory that was allocated, it is still referenced somewhere (and as such not a leak), but not used. An example of this type of memory is a cache of some sort, which is not freeing up upon memory warning. A way to find this out is to use the heap shot analysis. Press the "Mark Heap" button of the allocations instrument, do some operation, return to the previous point in the app and press "Mark Heap" again. The second heap shot should show you what new objects have been allocated between those two moments, and might shed some light on the mystery. You could also repeat the operation simulating a memory warning to see if that behaviour changes.
Finally, I recommend you to read this article, which explains how all this works: http://liam.flookes.com/wp/2012/05/03/finding-ios-memory/.
The difference between physical memory from VM Tracker and allocated memory from "Allocations" is due to the major differences of how these instruments work:
Allocations traces what your app does by installing a tap in the functions that allocate memory (malloc, NSAllocateObject, ...). This method yields very precise information about each allocation, like position in code (stack), amount, time, type. The downside is that if you don't trace every function (like vm_allocate) that somehow allocates memory, you lose this information.
VM Tracker samples the state of the system's virtual memory in regular intervals. This is a much less precise method, as it just gives you an overall view of the current state. It operates at a low frequency (usually something like every three seconds) and you get no idea of how this state was reached.
A known culprit of invisible allocations is CoreGraphics: It uses a lot of memory when decompressing images, drawing bitmap contexts and the like. This memory is usually invisible in the Allocations instrument. So if your app handles a lot of images it is likely that you see a big difference between the amount of physical memory and the overall allocated size.
Spikes in physical memory might result from big images being decompressed, downsized and then only used in screen resolution in some view's or layer's contents. All this might happen automatically in UIKit without your code being involved.
I have the leaks down to almost none (maybe a hundred bytes max before a crash).
In my experience, also very small leaks are "dangerous" sign. In fact, I have never seen a leak larger than 4K, and leaks I usually see are a couple hundreds of bytes. Still, they usually "hide" behind themselves a much larger memory which is lost.
So, my first suggestion is: get rid of those leaks, even though they seem small and insignificant -- they are not.
I have started to experience crashing since I moved some operations to a separate thread with an NSOperationQueue.
Is there a chance that the operation you moved to the thread is the responsible for the pulsing peak? Could it be spawned more than once at a time?
As to the peaks, I see two ways you can go about them:
use the Time Profiler in Instruments and try to understand what code is executing while you see the peak rising;
selectively comment out portions of your code (I mean: entire parts of your app -- e.g., replace a "real" controller with a basic/empty UIViewController, etc) and see if you can identify the culprit this way.
I have never seen such a pulsating behaviour, so I assume it depends on your app or on your device. Have you tried with a different device? What happens in the simulator (do you see the peak)?
When I'm reading your text, I have the impression that you might have some hidden leaks. I could be wrong but, are you 100% sure that you have check all leaks?
I remember one particular project I was doing few month ago, I had the same kind of issue, and no leaks in Instruments. My memory kept growing up and I get memory warnings... I start to log on some important dealloc method. And I've seen that some objects, subviews (UIView) were "leaking". But they were not seen by Instruments because they were still attached to a main view.
Hope this was helpful.
In the Allocations Instrument make sure you have "Only Track Active Allocations" checked. See Image Below. I think this makes it easier to see what is actually happening.
Have you run Analyze on the project? If there's any analyze warnings, fix them first.
Are you using any CoreFoundation stuff? Some of the CF methods have ... strange ... interactions with the ObjC runtime and mem management (they shouldn't do, AFAICS, but I've seen some odd behaviour with the low-level image and AV manipulations where it seems like mem is being used outside the core app process - maybe the OS calls being used by Apple?)
... NB: there have also, in previous versions of iOS, been a few mem-leaks inside Apple's CF methods. IIRC the last of those was fixed in iOS 5.0.
(StackOVerflow's parser sucks: I typed "3" not "1") Are you doing something with a large number of / large-sized CALayer instances (or UIView's with CG* methods, e.g. a custom drawRect method in a UIView?)
... NB: I have seen the exact behaviour you describe caused by 2 and 3 above, either in the CF libraries, or in the Apple windowing system when it tries to work with image data that was originally generated inside CF libraries - or which found its way into CALayers.
It seems that Instruments DOES NOT CORRECTLY TRACK memory usage inside the CA / CG system; this area is a bit complex since Apple is shuffling back and forth between CPU and GPU ram, but it's disappointing that the mem usage seems to simply "disappear" when it clearly is still being used!
Final thought (4. -- but SO won't let me type that) - are you using the invisible RHS of Instruments?
Apple hardcoded Instruments to always disable itself everytime you run it (so you have to keep manually opening it). This is stupid, since some of the core information only exists in the RHS bar. But I've worked with several people who didn't even know it existed :)

Ambiguities in using Instruments for iOS Development

I am Profiling an Application with Instruments. The profiling is done using Allocations Tool in two ways:
By choosing Directly the Allocations when I run the App for Profiling
By Choosing Leaks when I run the App for Profiling.
In both the cases , I had Allocations tool enabled for testing. But surprisingly , I had two different kind of Out put for Allocations at these instances.
Are they supposed to behave differently? or this is a problem with Instruments.
The time I Profile the with Leaks Tool:
In Allocations Graph:
1. I get lot of Peaks in Graph, The Live bytes and overall bytes are same.
2. I get the Black flags (I think it alarms about memory warning) after 1 minutes usage. Then after a set of flags appearing, my App Crashes. (This happens at times, even when directly run the App in Device)
The time I Profile the with Allocation Tool:
In Allocations Graph:
1. I do not get peaks often as it was in the above case. The Live bytes was always way less than Overall bytes.
2. I have used for over 20 minutes and never got Black flags.
One fact I came to know is that, when Live bytes and overall bytes are equal, the NSZombieEnabled could be enabled.
Have any of you ever encountered this problem.
I faced another problem with first case. Whenever I profiled after a short duration (compared to profiling in second case), the app got lots of Black Flags and my App Crashed. (Due to Memory warning)
And when I tried the similar step by step use of Application my Application did not crash and got no flags.
Why this discrepancy?
In the first case, you are only tracking live allocations because the "Leaks" template configures the Allocations instrument that way. In the second, you are tracking both live and deallocated allocations. (As CocoaFu said).
Both are useful, but for slightly different reasons.
Only tracking live allocations (in combination with Heapshot Analysis, typically), is a great way to analyze permanent heap growth in your application. Once you know what is sticking around forever, you can figure out why and see if there are ways to optimize it away.
Tracking all allocations, alive and dead, is a very effective means of tracking allocation bandwidth. You can sort by overall bytes and start with the largest #. Have a look at all the points of allocation (click the little arrow next to the label in the Category of the selected row), and see where all the allocations are coming from.
For example, your graph shows that there are 1.27MB of 14 byte allocations -- 9218 allocations -- over that period of time. All have been free()d [good!], but that still represents a bunch of work to allocate, fill with data (presumably), and free each one of those. It may be a problem, maybe not.
(To put this in perspective, I used this technique to optimize an application. By merely focusing on reducing the # of transient -- short lived -- allocations, I was able to make the primary algorithms of the application 5x faster and reduce memory use by 85%. Turns out the app was copying strings many, many, times.)
Not sure why your app crashed as you described. Since it is a memory warning, you should see what is most frequently allocated.
Keep in mind that if you have zombie detection enabled, that takes a lot of additional memory.
Depending on the way Allocations is instantiated there are different options. Check the options by clicking the "i" symbol in the Allocations tile.
Yes, I find this annoying also.
