Memory does not refresh automatically in Recast.AI - memory

I have created a entity called #USER-NAME and have set that as a requirement.
Now, for the first time when the entity is detected in the conversation - say, "I am John" , then the memory is set to John. On subsequent encounter of the same entity with different value - "I am Dave", the memory remains unchanged.
I have seen the edit memory option, which provides 1. reset memory 2. set to a value . For the option 2, it does not provide a way to set to the value of #USER-NAME, instead only provides option to enter static values.
How can I update the memory every time the value of the entity changes ??
Hi, I am attaching some screenshots to show what's exactly going wrong.
I have a Entity named '#USER_NAME' that saves the user name in a memory variable .
I make the following conversation -
The JSON payload after the conversation is as follows. This works perfectly-
I update the conversation again by providing a new user name.
This triggers the entity just fine. You can see the entity being detected properly.
However, the memory value remains the same.
What I wanted was the memory variable to replace 'Dev' with 'John'.

Remember that:
memory <> Intent
You can set memory in the message section or update automatically using for example a requirement in this case every time the skill is trigged it will replace the value in the memory ID
EDIT: Because the set memory field expect a JSON you can't use memory as you want, but if you reset that memory ID shomewhere relevant in the chat (in my sample I delete it right after saying Hi XXX) so when the skill is trigged again it will "replace" it with the new value
In the Requirement I set the golden entity #Person to variable "name" and if is missing I ask her name.
Sample Image

the memory is a persistent object so if you want to reset it you need either to have specific conditions within the builder or go through a webhook to have a backend code to reste the memory.


Antd. Form.List and Form.Item get data from initialValue

Can you please tell me how can I pass data from initialValue (line #187) to (line #217)?
I need to do a check, and for this, I need to get the index of the current object I'm accessing and the main data set (that is, initialValue).
I used this example -
The problem is that I don't know how to get the original dataset from the .
The idea is this: The user can change the name/description of the fields only for the newly created objects that they added through the button (as in the example), but for those fields that were immediately created from the data set - they cannot, that is, they have should be on.
Tell me, please, how can I do this?
I haven't been able to solve the problem for over an hour now.
I need to somehow assign a custom ID (from a dataset) for each form.
And then pass the information of this field to the validator. If it has id != null => the field becomes disabled.
But damn, how to do it.... 🙁

Creating a copy of a PFObject

I am in a situation where I allow the user to download a PFObject and modify it locally, and they can then either cancel the changes or hit Done, which will dismiss the editing interface but NOT upload the changes to Parse yet. They need to hit Save on the previous screen to write all changes to the database at once.
The problem is once the PFObject is modified, you cannot revert it to its prior state without refetching from the database. But I cannot always refetch the data from the database every time they hit Cancel because the prior state may not be uploaded to Parse yet (and that's a bad UX making them wait to discard changes that are only stored locally).
For example, imagine the user taps to edit the PFObject, they make changes then hit Done, then tap on it again and further edit the object, then hit Cancel. In this case, the object needs to be reverted to its prior state, but that state has not been uploaded to Parse yet. So I cannot refetch the data from the database to revert changes otherwise it would overwrite the changes they made the first time.
To solve this problem, I would simply fetch the PFObject and store a copy of it. I'd call that the transient object. I would have another property that stores the real object. The user would modify the transient object, and when they hit Cancel I would simply set that to nil, if they instead hit Done I would set the real object equal to the transient object, and once they finally hit Save I would save the real object to the database. That way I can be sure changes aren't being made to the real object until the user commits the changes. The problem is, PFObject does not adopt the NSCopying protocol (not sure why), therefore I cannot create a copy of the PFObject. Any change I make to it affects the real object.
How can this be resolved, without modifying the app's design that allows control over when the data is committed and later saved? Is there a way to extend PFObject and adopt NSCopying, has it been done before?
I did consider storing the attributes of the object in a dictionary and allow the user to edit that instead, then upon commit set each of those attributes on the PFObject. The problem with this solution arises with complex structures. In this app, I allow the user to modify multiple arrays that contain multiple PFObjects. It's just infeasible to try to recreate and later merge changes with complex structures like this beyond a single simple PFObject.
I ran into this same problem. I did not make any changes directly to the PFObject, but rather, saved the updates in an NSDictionary. When the user clicks the done button, I then update the PFObject and saveInBackground. I don't think there is a "discard local changes" option for PFObject. If you don't do this, the only option is to throw out the existing PFObject and fetch again.
Regarding the NSDictionary comment, perhaps NSArray would be better. The implementation really depends on your specific program, but I'll give a quick example. The NSArray we'll call instructionArray. Imagine there are 3 sections in a tableView. Also assume that the data source for each section is an NSArray of PFObjects. Now say you want to set the age property of each PFObject in Section 2 to 35.
Add an NSArray object (corresponding to an instruction to carry out) to the instructionArray. This instruction to carry out could have the form
Section to update
Property to update
Value to update to
So the object you'll add is #[#(2),#"age",#(35)];
Given that the user is probably carrying out a finite amount of instructions, it might not be that performance heavy to loop through the instructionArray in cellForRowAtIndexPath so when a cell uses its corresponding PFObject to figure out what to display, it can loop through the instructions after and change what is displayed as if the PFObject was updated.
When the save button is touched, loop through the instructions and actually edit the PFObjects themselves.
If you need the instructions to handle specific objects rather than sections, then you just have to update the structure of the instructionArray. Maybe you could include an identifier to indicate what type of instruction it is.

Why is Entity framework loading data from the db when I set a property?

I have two tables (there are more in the database but only two are involved here).
Account and AccountStatus, an account can have an AccountStatus (active,inactive etc).
I create a new Account and set a couple of properties but when I reach this code:
1. var status = db.AccountStatuses.SingleOrDefault(s => s.ID == (long)AccountStatusEnum.Active);
2. account.AccountStatus = status;
3. db.Accounts.AddObject(account);
The first line executes fine, but when I reach the second line it takes a REALLY long time, and when I step in to the code it seems that every single account is loaded from the database.
I don't see why it should even want to load all the accounts?
We use Entity Framework 4 and Poco and we have lazy loading enabled.
Any suggestions?
You have to be careful which constructs you use to fetch data, as some will pull in the whole set and filter afterword. (aside: the long time delay may be the database being created and seeded, if there isn't one already, it will occur the first time you touch it, likely with a query of some sort. Also remember that when you retrieve a whole dataset, you may in actuality only have what amounts to a compiled query that won't be evaluated until you interact with it).
Try this form instead and see if you have the same issue:
var status = db.AccountStatuses.Where(s => s.ID == (long)AccountStatusEnum.Active);

Erlang and the records

What is wrong in this code?
I was expected "titi" in but I still have "toto"!
More explicitly, how to modify a record in a function?
S=#person{name="toto"}, %record creation and field setting
R#person{name="titi"}. %record updating
You need to get a result of fct():
S=#person{name="toto"}, %record creation and field setting
S2 = fct(S), % Get updated record
R#person{name="titi"}. %record updating
Bertaud, I think you are getting ahead of yourself a bit. You really need to understand the basics of immutability before you write any more code. (i.e. "variables" do not vary : you can only assign a value to them once.) I suggest you read the free online guide "Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good", at The section that covers the basics of variables is
It is impossible to stress too much that all data in Erlang is immutable. So to do something like in your original question you need to modify it like #hdima did. The record is not updated but rewritten. In the same way there is no global data in Erlang, all data belongs to a process. This is even true of ETS tables as they basically behave like a process, albeit a built-in one without explicit communication.
So if you use the process dictionary or an ETS table the data itself can never be updated, only the dictionary/table. This means that to modify some data in the dictionary/table you basically have to:
"Read" the data
Update the data making new data
"Write" the new back into the dictionary/table
Without writing the new data back into the dictionary/table it will be lost, as your new data was.
Within fct(), you're not mutating the record, but you're returning a new value for the record, which needs to be used further. If you're calling fct(S), without handling the return value, then you'll lose that new value ("titi").

troubleshooting a NullPointerException in grails

preface note: I'm just starting to learn Grails, so I'm sure there are many other problems and room for optimization.
I've got two domains, a parent (Collection) and child (Event), in a one-to-many mapping. I'm trying to code an integration test for the deletion of children. Prior to the code in question, I've successfully created a parent and three children. The point where I'm having problems is getting a single child in preparation to delete it. The first line of my sample code is only there because of my rudimentary attempt to troubleshoot.
// lines 95-100 of my EventIntegrationTests.groovy file
// delete a single event
assertEquals("2nd Event", event2.title) // passes
def foundEvent = Event.get( // no apparent problems
assertEquals("2nd Event", foundEvent.title) // FAILS (line #98)
assertFalse Event.exists(
The error message I'm getting is:
Cannot get property 'title' on null object
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'title' on null object
at edu.learninggrails.EventIntegrationTests.testEventsDelete(EventIntegrationTests.groovy:98)
What should my next troubleshooting steps be? (Since the first assertEquals passes, event2 is clearly not null, so at this point I have no idea how to troubleshoot the failure of the second assertEquals.)
This is not evident from the code: did you persist event2 by calling save()? Get will try to retrieve it from the persistent storage (the in-memory database for example) and if the event wasn't saved, the retrieved instance will be null.
If you did save it, did the save go through OK? Calling will return false if there was something wrong while saving the item (like a validation error). Lastly, you might try calling in case the Hibernate session doesn't handle this case as you might expect (I'm not entirely sure about this one, but it can't hurt to try).
Try to print or inspect the on line 97 and check if you actually have an id, if so check if you actually get an Event object on line 97.
I dont think you saved the parent and its children successfully. after you save, you should make sure that every object that was persisted has a non null id, in your test.
What you are seeing is you created the event2 with a title, but didnt save it. It passes the first assertion because you created it. When you do the get, null is returned because your save failed.
in general for DAO integration tests i do the following
Setup -- create all objects Ill use in the test.
Save -- assert that all ids on saved objects are NOT null.
Clear the hibernate session -- this is important because if you don't do it, objects can be in the session from the previous operations. In your real world scenario, you are probably going to start with a find, i.e. an empty session. In other words, you are not going to start with anything in the session. If you are you need to adjust this rule so that the session in the test, when you start the actual testing part, is the same as the session of the code in the wild
Load the objects on which you want to operate and do what you need to do.
