I work with Firebird and Delphi, I want to implement access via internet with wirecompression;
But I am unable to activate it.
I have followed the steps inside this document for the new parameter(one of the few I was able to find)
How to enable WireCompression on Firebird 3.0 using FireDAC
In the tests I use
Windows server 2012 R2
Firebird : Firebird- bits)
Also copied to executable folder.
zlib1.dll (idem server and client)
created firebird.conf with wirecompression=true.
and I am giving wirecompression=true inside the Firedac of the application.
Why am I unable to activate the P15:CZ compression ?
Sending connection info for the example:
Connection definition parameters
FireDAC info
Tool = RAD Studio 10.2
FireDAC = 16.0.0 (Build 88974)
Platform = Windows 32 bit
Client info
Loading driver FB ...
Brand = Firebird
Client version = 300049900
Client DLL name = C:\APPS\WC01\fbclient.dll
Session info
Current catalog =
Current schema =
Server version = WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0
WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0/tcp (WIN-2012LAGO003)/P15:C
WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0/tcp (nucleo)/P15:C'
NOTE: I don't know Delphi nor FireDAC, this answer is based on the general behavior of Firebird and my experience with maintaining its JDBC driver (Jaybird). So it is possible that there is a better answer specifically for FireDAC/Delphi.
Enabling or disabling wire compression is entirely determined by the client, not by the server. This means that configuration of the server is not necessary nor has it any effect, except in cases where the server itself acts as a client, for example with execute statement ... on external datasource.
To be able to use wire compression, you need three things:
zlib1.dll (in the same location as fbclient.dll, or on the search path)
A configuration to enable wire compression for the client
Point 3 is likely your problem: I'm not sure if FireDAC has a connection property WireCompression that actually enables wire compression.
I know of two ways to enable wire compression for the client:
Create a firebird.conf in the same directory as the fbclient.dll used by your application. In this configuration file, put the requested configuration options (one per line):
WireCompression = true
# maybe other config lines (eg AuthClient, WireCrypt, etc)
Instead of creating a firebird.conf file, pass the configuration (with linebreaks separating config options) in the isc_dpb_config (int 87) database parameter item.
The value is the same as the content of the firebird.conf file in the previous option. This may run into size issues if the client is using the old database parameter buffer format (where strings are max 255 bytes) and you want to pass (a lot) more config options.
Option 1 is probably the simplest and will work for all frameworks. Option 2 depends on whether or not the framework or driver exposes the database parameter buffer or if it has a connection property that maps to isc_dpb_config.
For example in Java using Jaybird, you can enable compression (only when using native connections) using:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", "sysdba");
props.setProperty("password", "masterkey");
props.setProperty("config", "WireCompression=true");
try (var connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:firebirdsql:native:localhost:D:/data/db/fb3/fb3testdatabase.fdb", props)) {
FirebirdConnection fbCon = connection.unwrap(FirebirdConnection.class);
FbDatabase fbDatabase = fbCon.getFbDatabase();
} catch (SQLException e) {
This prints out WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0,WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0/tcp (host)/P15:CZ,WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0/tcp (host)/P15:CZ (note this is <server version>,<server protocol info>,<client protocol info>). The Z in P15:CZ means that the connection is zlib compressed (the C that the connection is encrypted).
Here, the config property is an alias for isc_dpb_config.
Mark's answer is the best (and probably the only) source of information about this problem in the entire internet. Good luck finding anything on Delphi, FireDAC or Firebird documentation about what he said.
Based on his answer, here is what you need to use Firebird wire compression with FireDAC:
You need Delphi Rio 10.3.1 (Update 1) or later. Only in this version the config low level parameter (see below) was added to FireDAC.
You must pass WireCompression=true to the low level config connection parameter. This is NOT TFDConnection.Params (high level).
To accomplish this you need to set the IBAdvanced property of TFDPhysFBConnectionDefParams to config=WireCompression=true (yeah! Go figure it!)
FDConnection1.DriverName := 'FB';
with FDConnection1.Params as TFDPhysFBConnectionDefParams do
Server := '...';
Database := '...';
UserName := '...';
Password := '...';
IBAdvanced := 'config=WireCompression=true';
FDConnection1.Connected := True;
Using a connection definition file:
You need zlib1.dll in the same path of your fbclient.dll. The catch here is that Firebird distribution DOES NOT have the 32-bit version of zlib1.dll in its C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\WOW64 folder. So:
If your application is 64-bit you are probably fine. Just use both fbclient.dll and zlib1.dll from your C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0 folder.
If your application is 32-bit you have to download the 32-bit version of zlib1.dll from the 32-bit Firebird distribution. Use it together with the fbclient.dll you find in your C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\WOW64 (which contains 32-bit libraries).
In Firebird 3.0.4 or later you can use the WIRE_COMPRESSED context variable to check if the connection was established as you expected:
This will return TRUE if the current connection is compressed.
I have a .dll written in C++/Builder of 2007, that uses GSOAP for it's connections to a webservice, It seems to require the location of a .PEM file and it's password (This file is created form a .pfx file delivered by the service organization to authenticate and encrypt). Besides gsoap, it uses openSSL version 0.9.8
Now I need to update SSL to TLS1.2, and this is not covered with openSSL 0.9.8, and updating to version 1.0.2 (the latest I could use) is impossible, because I get a bunch of errors in the OpenSSL code on compilation.
Translation to Delphi 2007 did not really help - since Indy lacks required facilities as well (SOAP1.2 is not supported, it seems) .
However, moving to Ddelphi2018 is on my TODO list so I moved the code for this process to a standalone program (for now) to Delphi. All seems well except for one thing:
in gsoap file stdsoap2.h, there is:
struct SOAP_STD_API soap
unsigned short ssl_flags;
const char *keyfile;
const char *password;
and the C++ code uses this
struct soap soap;
memset(&soap, 0, sizeof(soap));
soap.keyfile = Parms->pCERTIFICAAT; // is .pem bestand, including path
soap.password = "(Certww)"; // hardcoded in deze code....
However, In Delphi/Indy I don't see any way to add this data; searc in the internet does give examples of username and password, but seartching on keyfile doesn't show any hits...
What does this do in gsoap, and how to the same in Delphi (2018) / Indy10 ?
Indeed - 10.2 Tokyo..
We found the solution in re-importing the WSDL's into Delphi and use code we already had for accessing certificates.
Before inserting filestream data I'd like to check the following NTFS settings:
1) 8.3 naming status (this is disabled by using fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 1)
2) last access status (this is disabled by using fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1)
3) cluster size (this is set with format F: /FS:NTFS /V:MyFILESTREAMContainer /A:64K)
The filestream recomendation is to disable (1) and (2) and to set (3) at 64kb.
But before setting this I'd like to know the existing settings. How do I check this? Answer can be in Delphi but not necessarly.
The GetDiskFreeSpace Windows API call returns the sector_per_cluster and bytes_per_sector values. I think this function should be in Windows unit.
You can read the registry for points 1 and 2 (using xp_regread in SQL)
Number 3 is not essential but helps and has been SQL Server best practice for a decade or more. You'd have to use sp_OA% or a CLR function to read this in SQL.
Microsoft has recently broken our longtime (and officially recommended by them) code to read the version of Excel and its current omacro security level.
What used to work:
// Get the program associated with workbooks, e.g. "C:\Program Files\...\Excel.exe"
SHELLAPI.FindExecutable( 'OurWorkbook.xls', ...)
// Get the version of the .exe (from it's Properties...)
// Use the version number to access the registry to determine the security level
// '...\software\microsoft\Office\' + VersionNumber + '.0\Excel\Security'
(I was always amused that the security level was for years in an insecure registry entry...)
In Office 2010, .xls files are now associated with "“Microsoft Application Virtualization DDE Launcher," or sftdde.exe. The version number of this exe is obviously not the version of Excel.
My question:
Other than actually launching Excel and querying it for version and security level (using OLE CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application')), is there a cleaner, faster, or more reliable way to do this that would work with all versions starting with Excel 2003?
function GetExcelPath: string;
result := '';
with TRegistry.Create do
if OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe', false) then
result := ReadString('Path') + 'excel.exe';
to get the full file name of the excel.exe file. Then use GetFileVersionInfo as usual.
As far as I know, this approach will always work.
using OLE CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'))
you can get installed Excel versions by using the same registry place, that this function uses.
Basically you have to clone a large part of that function registry code.
You can spy on that function call by tools like Microsoft Process Monitor too see exactly how does Windows look for installed Excel - and then to do it exactly the same way.
You have to open registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ and enumerate all the branches, whose name starts with "Excel.Application."
For example at this my workstation I only have Excel 2013 installed, and that corresponds to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application.15
But on my another workstation I have Excel 2003 and Excel 2010 installed, testing different XLSX implementations in those two, so I have two registry keys.
So, you have to enumerate all those branches with that name, dot, and number.
Note: the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application\CurVer would have name of "default" Excel, but what "default" means is ambiguous when several Excels are installed. You may take that default value, if you do not care, or you may decide upon your own idea what to choose, like if you want the maximum Excel version or minimum or something.
Then when for every specific excel branch you should read the default key of its CLSID sub-branch.
Like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application.15\CLSID has nil-named key equal to
{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - fetch that index to string variable.
Then do a second search - go into a branch named like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer ( use the fetched index )
If that branch exists - fetch the nil-named "default key" value to get something like C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office15\EXCEL.EXE /automation
The last result is the command line. It starts with a filename (non-quoted in this example, but may be in-quotes) and is followed by optional command line.
You do not need command line, so you have to extract initial commanlind, quoted or not.
Then you have to check if such an exe file exists. If it does - you may launch it, if not - check the registry for other Excel versions.
What needs to be done to enable pooling in a Delphi 7 app? My connection string is:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=%s;Data Source=%s;Password=%s;User ID=%s;OLE Db Services=-1
I can tell that connection pooling is not being achieved by looking at the SQLServer:GeneralStatistics UserConnections performance counter - it fluctuates wildly when my application runs. With connection pooling I'd expect it to achieve a steady state. Also, I see that Logins/sec and Logouts/sec counters are both very high - if connection pooling were used Logouts/sec would be at or near zero.
In searching I found this article on resource pooling:
It suggests that "If you are working at the OLEDB SDK (or COM) level using ATL, you have to write some more code" (aside from adding OLE Db Services=-1 to the connection string) to get connection pooling:
CDataSource db;
dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_USERID, "MyName);
dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE, "MyServer);
dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG, "MyDb );
dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_PROMPT, (short)4);
dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_LCID, (long)1033);
HRESULT hr = db.OpenWithServiceComponents(_T("sqloledb"), &dbinit);
Unfortunately that code is Greek to me and I'm not sure how to translate that to Delphi (or if its even necessary).
I'm also careful not to change the connection string at all. Any suggestions on what else I might need to do to enable resource pooling?
You need to keep one instance of the connection open at all times...if it drops to zero, then ADO will re-establish the connection to authenticate the user.
You don't mention it, but are you using Delphi's ADO implementation (dbGo for Delphi 7, IIRC) for your data access? If so, are you connecting everything through the same TADOConnection? If so, it should be doing the pooling for your application (meaning that one running copy of your application is using one connection to the DB server).
lI am using the Data Application block for a majority of my data access, specifically using the SqlHelper class to call the ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery, and like methods. Passing the connection string with each database call.
How can I modify this to enable connection to a MySQL database as well.
If you've got the Enterprise Library installed and already know how to connect to SQL Server databases, connecting to MySQL databases is not any harder.
One way to do it is to use ODBC. This is what I did:
Go to MySQL.com and download the latest MySQL ODBC connector. As I write this it's 5.1.5. I used the 64-bit version, as I have 64-bit Vista.
Install the ODBC Connector. I chose to use the no-installer version. I just unzipped it and ran Install.bat at an administrator's command prompt. The MSI version probably works fine, but I did it this way back when I installed the 3.51 connector.
Verify the installation by opening your ODBC control panel and checking the Drivers tab. You should see the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver listed there. It seems to even co-exist peacefully with the older 3.51 version if you already have that. Additionally it coexists peacefully with the .NET connector if that is installed too.
At this point you will be doing what you've done to connect to a SQL Server database. All you need to know is what to use for a connection string.
Here's what mine looks like:
Of course you can set "name" to whatever you want.
If this is your only database, you can set it up as the defaultDatabase like this:
Access your data in your code like you always do! Here's a plain text sql example:
public List<Contact> Contact_SelectAll()
List<Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("MySqlDatabaseTest");
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand("select * from Contact");
using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand))
while (dataReader.Read())
Contact contact = new Contact();
contact.ID = (int) dataReader["ContactID"];
client.FirstName = dataReader["ContactFName"].ToString();
client.LastName = dataReader["ContactLName"].ToString();
return clientList;
Another way to do it is to build and use a MySql provider. This guy did that.
I learned how to do this by adapting these instructions for connecting to Access.
Oh, and here are some more MySql Connection String samples.