Divio app docker server connection stuck at "installing" - docker

I have a problem with my divio app.
setting up my divio application for the first time, I managed to get a check mark for "docker client", "docker compose", "docker machine" and "virtual box" by installing docker toolbox, however, when trying to install "docker server connection" it seems that Divio app gets stuck at "installing" and nothing actually happens. I left it for hours and nothing happened. What am I getting wrong here? Is it permission issues or something else?
P.S. I'm using windows 7 ultimate 64-bit. Any help is highly appreciated.

Docker, and therefore the Divio local development environment, will run natively on Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise.
On other versions (Windows 10 Home, and earlier versions) it cannot run natively and must be run in a virtual machine.
This is why your installation requires Docker Toolbox and VirtualBox. The best way to get past this is to upgrade to Windows 10 Professional, but that's not an option for everyone.
If the Divio app detects that your system does not support Docker natively, it will do its best to install Docker Toolbox and VirtualBox, but this set-up is more complex and fragile, and as you have seen, setting it up can sometimes fail.
Try these steps:
Quit the Divio application.
Make sure that VirtualBox on your system is fully up-to-date with the latest version. You can download and install it from the VirtualBox website.
Make sure that Docker Toolbox is fully up-to-date with the latest version. You can download and install it from the Docker Toolbox.
Make sure that both applications are able to run if you launch them manually.
Ensure that you are running as an administrator user.
Check that virtualisation is enabled in your PC's BIOS.
Finally, try again with the Divio app.


Docker Engine don't start after the first installation in Windows 11

I want to learn about Docker. So I go ahead to install Docker, check all requirements for Windows 11,
wsl2 is enabled in my system.
virtualization is also enabled.
I have 16gb ram
but I don't know why the docker engine don't start. Every time I see the following image click here
I have done so many things, I am listing all of them ---
Execute the command "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe" -SwitchDaemon by running command line as administrator but no effect.
I watch from an youtube video that some time ubuntu installed in wsl2 make interruption in docker daemon, so I uninstall it. But still the problem persists.
I installed hyper-v as there is no option for hyper-v in windows 11' s "turn windows features on or off" and enabled it. same problem exist.
Uninstalling and reinstalling docker and restarting multiple times, but still no luck.
I don't know why this happened. Please help me in this matter. I have windows 11 home single language installed in my computer.
I had the same problem in Windows 11, but the solution in the link below fixed it.
wsl --update

Docker failed to initialize, Docker Desktop is shutting down win10 Home

ErrorI got an error Docker failed to initialize, Docker Desktop is shutting down.
I uninstalled then restart my computer then I reinstalled again with admin. But couldnt solve this error. I used Windows 10 Home Single Language
How can I solve this error? (I attached screenshot)
In windows 10 home, hiperv(hypervisor) to available(but you can also enable it). so you have to use wsl, so follow this guide on how to install docker desktop with wsl.
if you followed the guide, please check,
Windows subsystem for Linux
Virtual Machine Platform
are enabled in Windows features, check this guide if you don't know how to enable them.

it is possible to install docker desktop on VMWARE ESXI?

it is possible to install docker desktop on virtual machine (vmware) windows 10 on a VMWARE ESXI ?
i am trying to install desktop docker on my vmware virtual machine with windows 10.
I installed the wsl2 support but at the end of the installation docker crashes with the following error:
Docker desktop 4.0.1
Installation failed
Component CommunityIstaller.ServiceAction failed to start services: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
I have done several tests but I cannot avoid this crash in any way.
The Operating System is a build that meets the minimum requirements to install Docker.
However, I noticed that Hyper-V is not enabled in the windows features. can this be a problem?
I think maybe it's a grafted virtualization problem because I install docker inside a VM. it's possible?
How can I solve? (or do you think that i will fix this problem with linux virtual machines?)
Does your host machine have all the advanced flags for 'efficient' nested virtualization? I wouldnt really recommend a third layer install of docker (as the final container is then virtual , on paravirtual (wsl2) on virtual (HyperV), on virtual (Esxi). I heavily assume the performance will be terrible.
And yes: You need Hyper-V, it's a requirement still. I assume, as you say its not available on the features, youre running a windows 10 home? Then sorry, you need at least Windows 10 Pro for Hyper-V support.
But as youre running a ESXI host, go the better performing way: Install any Linux distro of your choise, install docker there - if you wanna use it for Visual Studio etc. , you can still remotely debug etc. - and its performing better than on an a even deeper nested virtualized windows-wsl2. And btw: if its because of GUI, simply install the free Visual Studio Code, it offers Docker Tools which offer you many configiruation and monitoring options in a GUI , without enforcing you to do such a super deep nesting.
Yes, it's definitely possible. I'd probably check the hardware assisted virtualization (if available) is enabled. If so, you might want to make sure you've satisfied the rest of the requirements for the WSL2 backend deployment. If you're still having issues, try an older version and try upgrading from there.

How to Run Docker Linux Containers on Windows Server 2016 Build 14393

I'm in a situation where:
I have no choice of server OS (Windows Server 2016 Build 14393).
And no choice of container OS (I need Linux Containers).
And I don't need Docker EE (Enterprise), CE (Desktop Edition) will do.
The easiest way to get Linux containers without hacky workarounds is to download Docker Community Edition 2019-02-15
Link: https://download.docker.com/win/stable/31259/Docker%20for%20Windows%20Installer.exe
Page with all versions: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/release-notes/
Simply download/copy the file to the Windows Server 2016 machine and run it.
It can also run offline for air gapped systems.
Uncheck the "Use Windows containers" during setup. Unchecked by default.
You will get a message after installing saying that windows so and so is deprecated. Click OK.
Log out and log back in.
If you hadn't installed Hyper-V it'll prompt you to do it automatically. Allow it, let it finish and restart. You're good to go now.
I've tested this by running several Linux containers, it works fine. If I'm missing something do share for the benefit of others. The downside is you cannot update to a later version of Docker.
This can help you avoid the hardware limitations and complexities of using LCOW with Docker-EE for Windows.
It is more recent than the latest official version of LCOW available.
This won't let you run Windows and Linux containers in parallel. You can only run one or the other.
This also won't start docker automatically at startup (not until you login). To start docker without login you'll need to add Docker Desktop Executable to Windows Task Scheduler and configure it to run on startup whether user is logged in or not. You'll have to provide an account for it (ideally a service account, or an account with a permanent password)

Docker installation error on windows

I am trying to install Docker client on windows but when i start the installer i get the below pop up .
Can someone please guide me what should the solution to this issue be.
I am using windows 7 enterprise, 64 bit.
Thanks in advance.
Docker requires Windows 10. If you are using Windows 7, use Docker toolbox from the following location
As you install the toolbox, automatically the VM virtual box also will get installed. Atleast, that is what happened to me.
After installation, my docker container did not start properly.
So, I uninstalled the VM virtual box, installed it again, then started the kitematic and it was all a great flow to see my docker up and running!
Couple of the links that helped me gain better understanding:
