Jenkins CI/CD setup for a microservices system - jenkins

I have a system with dozens of microservices, all build and released the same way - each is in a docker container, and deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.
There are multiple clusters (Dev1, dev2, QA ... Prod)
We are using Jenkins to deploy each microservice. Each microservice has its own pipeline and this pipelines is duplicated for each environment, like so:
DEV1 (view)
dev1_microserviceA (job / pipline)
each of those pipelines is almost identical, differences are really just a matter of parameters like environment, name of the microservice, name of git repo.
Some common code is in libraries that each pipeline uses. Is this the proper / typical setup and most refactored setup? I'd like to avoid having to create a pipeline for each microservice and for each envionment but not sure what are my further refactoring options. I am new to Jenkins & devops.
I've looked into parametrized pipelines but I do not want to have to enter a parameter each time I need to build, and I also need to be able to chain builds, and see the results of all builds at a glance, in each environment.

I would use Declarative Pipelines where you can define your logic in a local Jenkinsfile in your repositories.
Using Jenkins, you can have a "master" Jenkinsfile and/or project that you can inherit by invoking the upstream project. This will allow you to effectively share your instructions and reduce duplication.
What is typically never covered when it comes to CI/CD is the "management" of deployments. Since most CI/CD services are stateless it has no notion of applications deployed.
GitLab has come a long way with this but Jenkins is far behind.
At the end of the day you will have to either create a separate project for each repository/purpose due to how Jenkins works OR (recommended) have a "master" project that let's you pass in things like project name, git repo url, specific application variables and values and so on.


Simple CICD workflow for small-scale deployments?

I work for a small startup. We have 3 environments (Production, Development, and Staging) and GitHub is used as VCS.
All env runs on EC2 with docker.
Can someone suggest me a simple CICD solution that can trigger builds automatically after certain branches are merged / manual trigger option?
Like, if anything in merged into dev-merge, build and deploy to development, and the same for staging and pushing the image to ECR and rolling out docker update.
We tried Jenkins but we felt it was over-complicated for our small-scale infra.
GitHub actions are also evaluated (self-hosted runners), but it needs YAMLs to be there in repos.
We are looking for something that can give us option to modify the pipeline or overall flow without code-hosted CICD config. (Like the way Jenkins gives option to either use Jenkins file or configure the job manually via GUI)
Any opinions about Team City?

Jenkins Pipeline building micro-services with multiple repos

I'm trying to put together a Jenkins pipeline that builds a docker application composed of multiple containers. Each service is in it's own git repository.
I can create a Jenkinsfile that builds the individual services, but I'd like a way to build and test the application end-to-end if any single service changes (avoiding rebuilding the unchanged services).
I could maintain 3 separate Jenkinsfiles, and 3 separate pipelines to achieve this, but it seems like a lot of duplication. Is there a way to have a single pipeline that will let me achieve this ?

Jenkins Docker image building for Different Tenant from same code repository

I am trying to implement CI/CD pipeline for my Spring Boot micro service deployment. I am planned to use Jenkins and Kubernetes for Making CI/CD pipeline. And I have one SVN code repository for version control.
Nature Of Application
Nature of my application is, one microservice need to deploy for multiple tenant. Actually code is same but database configuration is different for different tenant. And I am managing the configuration using Spring cloud config server.
My Requirement
My requirement is that, when I am committing code into my SVN code repository, then Jenkins need to pull my code, build project (Maven), And need to create Docker Image for multiple tenant. And need to deploy.
Here the thing is that, commit to one code repository need to build multiple docker image from same code repo. Means one code repo - multiple docker image building process. Actually, Dockerfile containing different config for different docker image ie. for different tenant. So here my requirement is that I need to build multiple docker images for different tenant with different configuration added in Dockerfile from one code repo by using Jenkins
My Analysis
I am currently planning to do this by adding multiple Jenkins pipeline job connect to same code repo. And within Jenkins pipeline job, I can add different configuration. Because Image name for different tenant need to keepdifferent and need to push image into Dockerhub.
My Confusion
Here my confusion is that,
Can I add multiple pipeline job from same code repository using Jenkins?
If I can add multiple pipeline job from same code repo, How I can deploy image for every tenant to kubernetes ? Do I need to add jobs for deployment? Or one single job is enough to deploy?
You seem to be going about it a bit wrong.
Since your code is same for all the tenants and only difference is config, you should better create a single docker image and deploy it along with tenant specific configuration when deploying to Kubernetes.
So, your changes in your repository will trigger one Jenkins build and produce one docker image. Then you can have either multiple Jenkins jobs or multiple steps in pipeline which deploy the docker image with tenant specific config to Kubernetes.
If you don't want to heed to above, here are the answers to your questions:
You can create multiple pipelines from same repository in Jenkins. (Select New item > pipeline multiple times).
You can keep a list of tenants and just loop through OR run all deployments in parallel in a single pipeline stage.

CI/CD pipeline deployment flow for test and prod environment

I am trying to implement CI/CD pipeline for my microservice deployment creating in Spring Boot. I am trying to use my SVN repository, Kubernetes and Jenkins for implementing the pipeline. When I am exploring the deployment using Kubernetes and Jenkins, I found tutorials and many videos for deploying in both test and prod environment by creating and defining in the Jenkinsfile. And also adding the shell script in Jenkins configuration.
Here I had felt the doubt that when we are deploying into test environment, how we can deploy the same into prod environment after the proper testing is finished? Do I need to add separate shell script for prod? Or are we deploying serially using one script for both test and prod?
It's completely up to you how you want to do this. In general, we create separate k8s clusters for prod and staging(etc). And your Jenkins needs to deploy to different cluster depending on your pipeline. If you want a true CI/CD, then one pipeline is enough - which will deploy to both the clusters (or environments).
Most of the time businesses don't want CI on production (for obvious reasons). They want manual testing on QA environments before it's deployed to prod.
As k8s is container based, deploying the same image to different envs is really easy. You just build your spring boot app once, and then deploy it to different envs as needed.
A simple pipeline:
Code pushed and build triggered.
Build with unit tests.
Generate the docker image and push to registry.
Run your kubectl / helm / etc to deploy the newly build image on
Check if the deployment was successful
If you want to deploy the same to prod, continue the pipeline with (you can pause here for QA as well
Run your kubectl / helm / etc to deploy the newly build image on
Check if the deployment was successful
If your QA needs more time, then you can also create a different Jenkins job and trigger it manually (even the QA enggs can trigger this)
If you QA and PM are techies, then they can also merge branches or close PRs, which can auto trigger jenkins and run prod deployments.
EDIT (response to comment):
You are making REST calls to the k8s API. Even kubectl apply -f foo.yaml will make this rest call. It doesn't matter from where you are making this call - given that your kubectl is configured correctly and can communicate with the k8s server. You can have multiple cluster configured for kubectl and use kubectl --context <staging-cluster> apply -f foo.yaml. You can pick the context name from jenkins env variable or some other mechanism.
We're working on an open source project called Jenkins X which is a proposed sub project of the Jenkins foundation aimed at automating CI/CD on Kubernetes using Jenkins and GitOps for promotion.
When you merge a change to the master branch, Jenkins X creates a new semantically versioned distribution of your app (pom.xml, jar, docker image, helm chart). The pipeline then automates the generation of Pull Requests to promote your application through all of the Environments via GitOps.
Here's a demo of how to automate CI/CD with multiple environments on Kubernetes using GitOps for promotion between environments and Preview Environments on Pull Requests - using Spring Boot and nodejs apps (but we support many languages + frameworks).

How do you manage multiple releases in multiple environments in continuous integration/delivery?

I am trying to wrap my head around this. Most CI/CD examples/projects have a single master that is always released, and have some variant of, e.g. git-flow, to have a develop branch. Once tagged, it goes to master.
Either way, master is always released to production.
But in the real world as I see it, there are human gates for release to production and other environments. What mechanism do you use to manage the deployment of different versions?
For example:
v1.5 is the current production release
v1.6 has passed all tests, artifacts are ready, it is tagged as valid, but business decides to deploy it only to staging, awaiting an opportune moment to deploy
v1.5 is deployed to a demo environment
v2.0 has also passed all tests, but is in UAT, subject to the customer being happy, as it is a major release
There could be many more such environments - production, staging, UAT, demo, demo2, etc.
What mechanism do you use to handle the tagging of a particular version for a particular environment, and the actual deployment thereof?
Although there a probably a few ways to do it, I use the build pipeline plugin Along with the copy artifacts plugin
With these, you can create individual jobs for each piece of your environment, and link them altogether.
So as in your example, the pipeline would look like:
Build -> Test and Deploy to UAT (2.0) -> deploy to staging(1.6) -> demo(1.5) -> prod (1.5)
Each piece represents a different build in jenkins. The idea behind continuous integration is you create the binaries once, and you carry it down the pipeline, only changing configuration pieces along the way. In a build job, the artifacts are created and then archived. In any jobs after, the artifact is picked up from the upstream job, some stuff is done, and then it get's re-archived for the next downstream job. So the deploy to staging would go to the Test and Deploy to Uat job to get its binary. The entire concept of Continuous Delivery boils down to the the build pipeline. (and yes I did just cite wikipedia).
As for tagging individual binaries for specific environments, that is by definition, not continuous integration. A binary is suppose to be created in a way that it can easily be propagated from one environment to the next. So unfortunately, individual builds for specific environments can never be continuous delivery. You can use jenkins as a CI server all you want, but if your process does not match, you will never achieve true continuous integration.
Braching, merging and checkins always seems to be a touchy subject when it comes to Continuous Integration, so I won't go into it much. But a lot of people share the idea that : "If different members of the team are working on separate branches, then by definition, they not participating in continuous integration process."
For Flagging specific builds, it sounds like your looking to take use of this feature : ... Which gets the job done effectively, giving you the entire life of any individual artifact. A bit more complex solution would be artifactory, which is essentially artifact source control.
I explained the concept of the deployment process above, and without information on your specific environment it is hard to go much further. But for me, for java applications deployed to tomcat containers, the deploy plugin works great
You shouldn't have to worry about selection of which artifact to deploy. The pipeline should be setup to always deploy the latest artifact that was archived in its corresponding upstream job.
Maybe Docker can help you out with this issue. It is able to deploy images of projects to a specific environment. If that environment has a docker client or a docker deamon you are able to request specific information about that environment and the project (to be) deployed on it.
Jenkins can still play a huge part in your pipeline for the integration part and you could let docker do the delivery part.
Docker plugin for jenkins:
Docker also has support for windows machines and .NET.
