Firebase Crashlytics data not showing on firebase - ios

I have an application which I incorporated Crashlytics into it. I followed the docs but when I force a crash, Nothing shows up in my crash console. I checked the web for solutions but nothing seems to work.


IOS app doesn't show up in Firebase Analytics

I build a firebase iOS app. It works with Firestore and it works fine but the problem is the app doesn't show up when I click on dashboard (under analytics in the Firebase console). I have reinstalled firebase (multible times) and I have checked if analytics was enabled and it was. Does anyone know what I need to check or something?
I followed the instructions from firebase when adding firebase to the IOS project (if this was installed correctly firestore wouldn't work). The only difference that I didn't use cocoapods but Swift package dependencies. I followeded this instructions: The reason that I didn't use cocoapods is that I just can't get accesses to the iOS project. It keeps giving me zsh: permission denied. I have tried everything from chmod 777 to using sudo. I gave the terminal full disk acces but I keep getting permission denied. Anyway that's why I use swift package manager. I use the following dependencies:
Everything works fine apart from getting user data on the dashboard. Does anyone know what this problem could be? I don't know what code to give. I do use FirebaseApp.configure() in AppDelegate (otherwise Firestore wouldn't) work. But I do get this error in the logs:
app[74317:4168079] [] nw_protocol_get_quic_image_block_invoke dlopen libquic failed
Because of confusion in the comment section this edit.
Firebase gives you automatically all kinds of information on the analytics page about your app. When enabled the only thing you need to do (according to the docs) is call FirebaseApp.configure() in AppDelegate. I have done this and it works because otherwise Firestore would not work. But the IOS app doesn't show up on the analytics page. I have reinstalled Firebase 6 times on my IOS app and still nothing. Does anyone know what could possible go wrong? Because this should all work automatically so I don't know what code to post.
I forgot to add -ObjC to my build settings. That fixed my problem.

Fabric Crashlytics not working. iOS 14 app/XCode 12

Firebase integration with my app is working like a charm.
So I tried to add Crashlytics.
After pod the SDK and configuring my app in XCode, I've got the version message on log:
"2020-10-23 14:13:36.386002-0300 Findn[44158:3074710] [Firebase/Crashlytics] Version 4.6.2"
But at Firebase Console there isn't a card for Crashlytics.
And at Crashlytics tab this circle keep spinning.
Any tips?
Guess I wasn't clear enough, sorry.
I did follow all guidelines to integrate Firebase to my app.
The problem seems to be on Firebase side, since my app's log does not report any errors on xcode.
Yes, Now you can not use fabric solely. You have to integrate firebase to use a fabric.
Check this link:
firebase crashlytics
Maybe the solution is here!
The steps are the following:
Ensure you add the code in order to force a crash, something like that firebase
First, you need to build the app and launch the app with Xcode,
Next launch without attaching with Xcode (manually, tapping on icon app), and force crash app with fatalError()
Then launch with Xcode and the app will send the traces... 💥

Firebase Crash log not reporting for IOS React Native app

I have implemented all the steps depicted in firebase official document for Firebase Crashlytics. I have cross-checked few times to make sure I don't miss any step.I referred this doc for implementation [;lsteps for implementation Also I uploaded DSYM files in firebase console assuming if dSYM files are not generating automatically. Still no crash is appearing in firebase console. I forced a crash for testing as mentioned in this docenter link description herebut no luck. Can someone please help me get crash logs in my firebase console?
Note: It is working perfectly in Android and logging crashes in console for Android.
iOS Crashalytics started working once I unlinked it from fabric.

Swift Crashlytics without cocoapods and fabric API Key not showing dashboard or any data

I have implemented firebase Crashlytics in my swift projects without cocoapods. I have done the following task so far. But still, not getting anything on the dashboard.
Created project in firebase console. Downloaded the plist file and added to project.
Added the firebase library all with Firebase.h header file. Then added the header with an Obj-c bridge header file from settings. Also fabric and Crashlytics library.
Added the run script.
In appdelegate, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() , added these 3 lines.
Fabric.sharedSDK().debug = true
In a viewcontroller, added the following line, run on the simulator, make a crash, relaunch the apps. So that I can expect it to upload on the dashboard. Nothing found in the log, just see firebase enabled. Crashlytics version ...
From project settings i set , Debug Inforation Format : DWARF with dSYM File
But I see nothing on the dashboard. I don't use any API key in my Plist, I just using the plist in my project. What could be my problem?
I think I know what the issue is. You're probably running in the Simulator with the debugger attached.
Crashlytics can’t capture crashes if your build attaches a debugger at launch.
Docs for forcing a crash:
To fix this, go to your app in the Simulator w/o the debugger attached and reproduce your crash. You should see your crash in the Firebase console.

crashes don't appear on crashlytics

I have searched a lot for a solution to my case but no answer. I proceed with the installation for crashlytics on iOS, but the crashes don't appear on crashlytics. There are no missing DSYM, and I set the 'Debug Information Format' to 'DWARF with dSYM File'. I tried a lot of solutions but no one fit my case. Any help is appreciated!
when I press run I get the following from fabric window
the updated output of the console when I press run
Looking at the output from your log, it seems like you're using Firebase Crash Reporting and not Firebase Crashlytics. If you want to use Crashlytics, you need to remove the Firebase Crash Reporting SDK (you can't have 2 exception handlers in iOS apps) and then follow the instructions for installing and setting up Firebase Crashlytics.
