How to match nodes and their relationships with the main node? - neo4j

I have a graph like this:
({id: 1, name: 'Winston'}) --[{name: 'Bill'}]--> ({id: 2, name: 'Max'})
({id: 3, name: 'Steve'})
I want to match nodes with id = 2 or 3 and replace property name in them by name from relationship with node which has id = 1:
"id": 2,
"name": "Bill"
"id": 3,
"name": "Steve"
How can i do this?

For one, you should be using labels on your nodes. For example's sake let's use :Person. As your graph gets larger you should also be adding indexes on the labels/properties used for node lookup.
For this case, only adding/replacing the name property of nodes based on a relationship property when connected to a starting node with id:1, we can do the following:
MATCH (:Person {id: 1})-[r]->(u:Person)


Adding relationships between an array of array of objects in Neo4j Cypher

I have three arrays of objects as shown below:
const org = [
id: "orgId1",
name: "first organization"
id: "orgId2",
name: "second organization"
const location = [
id: "loc1",
name: "Texas"
id: "loc2",
name: "New York"
const contacts = [
id: "contact1",
name: "James"
id: "contact2",
name: "John"
What is the optimal way to add relationships between them? Note that the arrays are of the same length.
I need a Cypher query that can loop through a range from 0 to orgs.length, and add corresponding relationships between each element at i. e.g org[i], contacts[i], location[i]
I tried the following, but it gives me an explosive combination where the first org maps to all the entries in location array and contact array, when I want is a one-to-one mapping.
UNWIND $orgs as orgs
UNWIND $locations as locs
UNWIND $contacts as contacts
FOREACH (i IN range(0, size(orgs) - 1)
| MERGE (:Organization { id: orgs[i].id })-[r:LOCATED_AT]->(:Location {id: locs[i].id})
| MERGE (:Organization { id: orgs[i].id })-[r:CONTACT_AT]->(:Contact {id: contacts[i].id})
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I don't think you need to UNWIND all arrays
WITH $orgs AS orgs,
$locs AS locs,
$contacts AS contacts
UNWIND $orgs as orgs
FOREACH (i IN range(0, size(orgs) - 1) |
MERGE (org:Organization { id: orgs[i].id })
MERGE (loc:Location {id: locs[i].id})
MERGE (contact:Contact {id: contacts[i].id})
MERGE (org)-[:LOCATED_AT]->(loc)
MERGE (org)-[:CONTACT_AT]->(contact)
should do it
A solution was posted in the official Neo4j site. I'm sharing here as well.
UNWIND range(0, size($orgs) - 1) as i
with i
MERGE (o:Organization { id: $orgs[i].id })-[r:LOCATED_AT]->(l:Location {id: $locs[i].id})
with o, i
MERGE (o)-[r2:CONTACT_AT]->(l2:Contact {id: $contacts[i].id})
Link to original answer

Create relationship with multipl values

how can I create an relationship in NEO4J from one node to another node which has multiple vales.
The first node has unique values for the identifier. For example:
Data of the first NodeA:
"c": "11037",
"b": 15.4,
"a": 10.0,
"id": 11137100
The second NodeB look like this:
"text": "some text",
"prio": 1,
"id": 11137100,
"value": 0.1
But here we have data which has the same id like here:
"text": "some other text",
"prio": 2,
"id": 11137100,
"value": 2.1
Now want to create a relationship between both nodes. But if I do things like:
MATCH (p:NodeA),(h:NodeB)
CREATE (p)-[dr:Contains{prio:h.prio}]->(h)
I get multiple relationships. I want one NodeA with two Outputs to NodeB.
How can I do it?
The CREATE statement will create a new node/relationship, irrespective if one already exists.
If the intent is to only create a relationship if one does not already exist, I would suggest you do a pre-filter query first, e.g.
MATCH (p:NodeA), (h:NodeB)
WHERE = AND NOT (p)-[:Contains{prio:h.prio}]->(h)
//continue your query here

Neo4j return a node with an array of nodes as propery or seperate array

I have four nodes that -[belongTo]-> (ContainerNode)
I want the json to return as a single container node which contains an array of all the nodes that link to it. For example:
"nodes": [
"id": "240",
"Type": "ContainerNode"
"SubNodes": [
"id": "1",
"Type": "node"
"id": "2",
"Type": "node"
It seems simple but all i can get is the default of all nodes being returned as equal. I want the result to make it clear that the container node is separate from the rest. An array property seems most intuitive but i would also be content with two lists - one for the single nodeContainer and one for the contained nodes
Does something like this steer you towards your end goal? It builds a collection of the contained nodes and then returns it as a property of the ContainerNode.
MATCH (c:ContainerNode)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(n:Node)
WITH c, collect({ id: id(n), name:, type: labels(n)[0] }) AS nodes
WITH { id: id(c), name:, type: labels(c)[0], SubNodes: nodes } AS containerNode
RETURN {nodes: collect(containerNode) }

Neo4j Batch update of data

How can I do multiple Nodes update in neo4j cypher?
Now I'm trying to do like this:
MATCH (user151325288158:User{userId:151325288158}),
SET user151325288158.balance=2902833.4219789803
SET user88245.balance=146701.0299999991
RETURN user151325288158.balance,user88245.balance;
But here I have problem that if such user is absent in DB, nobody will be updated.
Other problem is performance, such queries are slow.
Is there some method to do such bulk updates?
Assuming you have pairs of userIds and new balance values in an array of maps/dicts, like this:
"userId": 151325288158,
"balance": 146701.09
"userId": 887436512344,
"balance": 22453.34
"userId": 873927654232,
"balance": 300002.22
You can pass this array as a parameter to a Cypher query to MATCH on the userId and update the balance property like this:
WITH {data} AS pairs
UNWIND pairs AS p
MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.userId = p.userId
SET u.balance = p.balance
By following William Lyon's answer, I was able to implement a batch update of multiple properties as follows:
UNWIND [{id: 123456, name: "John", age: 27}, {id: 789012, name: "Jane", age: 24}] AS updateUser
MATCH (user: User)
SET user += updateUser

match property on nodes in path of cypher shortestPath

For simplicity sake, let's say I have a graph like this (using actors/movies as an example):
Actor(id:1) APPEARS_IN Movie(id:4)
Actor(id:2) APPEARS_IN Movie(id:4)
Actor(id:2) APPEARS_IN Movie(id:5)
Actor(id:3) APPEARS_IN Movie(id:5)
Cypher to create the sample graph:
create (a1:Actor {id: 1, name: 'Actor 1'})
create (a2:Actor {id: 2, name: 'Actor 2'})
create (a3:Actor {id: 3, name: 'Actor 3'})
create (m1:Movie {id: 4, rating:'PG-13', name: 'Movie 1' } )
create (m2:Movie {id: 5, rating:'PG-13', name: 'Movie 2' } )
create (a1)-[:APPEARS_IN]->(m1)
create (a2)-[:APPEARS_IN]->(m1)
create (a2)-[:APPEARS_IN]->(m2)
create (a3)-[:APPEARS_IN]->(m2)
return *
So now we have want to find the shortest path between Actor(id:1) and Actor(id:3). That's easy enough, we might try a cypher query like:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a:Actor { id: 1 })-[:APPEARS_IN*0..14]-(b:Actor { id: 3 })) RETURN NODES(p)
And we would get a result.
This is where my question comes in How can I put a requirement on the nodes in between (specifically the movie nodes) to only include rating:'R' as part of its path?
This query will only return the nodes of the shortest path between the two actors where all of the movies are R rated.
It filters out the Movie nodes and then checks to make sure that the rating of each movie node in the collection is R.
MATCH p=shortestPath((a:Actor { id: 1 })-[:APPEARS_IN*0..14]-(b:Actor { id: 3 }))
WHERE all ( movie in filter( m in nodes(p) where 'Movie' in labels(m)) where movie.rating = 'R')
RETURN nodes(p)
