Firebase TestLab on IOS - upload invalid - ios

Following the instructions here:, I try to test my app with Firebase TestLab
However, I get the issue: "Upload invalid: Uploaded zip files must contain a single .xctestrun file and the contents of the DerivedData/Build/Products directory."
I do .zip with exactly these file (Runner_iphoneos12.1-arm64e.xctestrun) and directory (Debug-iphoneos) since there are no other files or directories in my customized DerivedData/Build/Products
I have made many attempts to find a solution, including Product/Clean, Xcode restart, cleaning of my customized DerivedData/Build/Products - but with no success
Do you have any ideas what it could be?
By the way, I work in Xcode 10.1 and my project is on Flutter, if this make any difference


Error on publish app to AppStore Xamarin.iOS build

Issue: Invalid Swift Support- The file libswiftAVFoundation.dylib doesn’t
I have tried to resolve my issue based on the following link. but still, I'm getting the issue after uploaded in App store. Please help me resolve this issue. I'm new for Xamarin.iOS
Totally I have created two projects in Xamarin and works well in locally.
Project 1. Xamarin Sample Binding Project
- Here, I have included my own Swift SDK
Project 2. Xamarin Sample Demo Project
- Mapped the Binding project
Generated the iPA file:-
Created the IPA file for Project 2 in Xamarin. The IPA doesn't have the SwiftSupport folder. Then I have followed the above doc steps and export the IPA file using Xcode. I have extracted the IPA file and seen swiftSupport folder. After, I have submitted in the Appstore I'm getting the below issue.
AppStore Failed error message:-
Invalid Swift Support- The file libswiftAVFoundation.dylib doesn’t
have the correct code signature. Make sure you’re using the correct
signature, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of
Xcode, and resubmit it. Don’t just modify the code signature of
Finally, Luckily my app works fine. I have just removed all swift framework lib and added the Xamarin.Swift lib only from the Package. That's it.
Thank you Every one

"Could not locate google-services.json or GoogleService-info.plist files" iOS Project, Unity, Mac Computer

I've been trying for the past two hours to figure this thing out! So I already created a project within my Firebase account; an iOS project. Downloaded the google-service-Info.plist files.
If I click Import New Asset and attempt to search for the file.. can't added it like that, I have to drag it into my folder.
I'm aware that the file must be put within the root folder (which I have done many times now), but I still encounter the same error message.
Could not locate google-services.json or GoogleService-info.plist files"
I removed all the Firebase files (SDK), re-installed them,.. same thing..
I also deleted the GoogleService-info.plist file and downloaded a brand new one, same thing!!! enter image description here
I'm currently using Unity 2018.2.1f1, My computer: macOS High Sierra, Version 10.13.6
I have same problem.
Add IOS and Android build component for Unity. Switch to the platform Android. It resolve you problem.
Check SDK status. See in screenshot below:
This happened to me right after adding a GoogleService-info.plist to a project that only had Android support before.
Doing Assets -> Reimport All also worked for me to get past this error.
In my case I missed the step where you generate those files on Firebase.
Generate them from your Firebase console by clicking the Unity icon in your project overview page. See more complete documentation here

This bundle is invalid - The Info.plist file for PersonalizedAdConsent.framework is missing or could not be read

The title error is what gets emailed after uploading the ipa via the application loader and below is the error that occurs in debug mode:
ERROR: "The framework does not
contain a binary named PersonalizedAdConsent"
I've been getting this error in debug mode when trying to build the project. However, when I build it in Ad-Hoc mode, it builds fine and uploads on the application loader without any issues but then I get the following mail
"This bundle is invalid - The Info.plist file for
PersonalizedAdConsent.framework is missing or could not be read."
I've looked in the Info.plist file as well as .csproj file for this reference and I cannot find it anywhere.
Also searched online, can't find much about the PersonalizedAdConsent.
Any ideas?
So it seems like the issue was because of the following packages:
As far as I can tell, the app needs permissions to request consent to display ads or personalized ads (not too sure exactly) and it build correctly after removing these packages.
These were in a build that I've done on Windows for a different app which did not actually use them but VS for MAC gave me the issues and it turned out to be these packages that were causing it.
Hope it helps!

Malformed InfoPlist.strings file

My app upload to the App Store failed with reason:
"Malformed InfoPlist.strings file - The file is not in the proper
My InfoPlist.strings file is 121 bytes in size and it contains only two strings. When I dig into the app files inside the Xcode archive file, I see it is converted to a binary file. This binary file differs from the same binary file from a successfully uploaded previous version of my app, though there are no changes made to InfoPlist.strings file between these two versions.
I managed to workaround the problem by manually replacing the invalid binary file with the proper one in the Xcode archive and then submitting that archive to the App Store from Xcode.
I don't want to perform this manual step on each app release though. I could not find the reason for the malformed strings file in my code. I'm using Xcode 8.3.1 and it just started to produce that malformed file. I reverted all the changes to all of my app files till a version that used to generate a valid strings file, yet Xcode produces a malformed one now.
I wonder if anybody managed to fix this problem.

PayLoad Directory not getting created

I'm having a project with Non-ARC,now I migrated the application Xcode 6 with SDK 8.1 after succesful migration, when I tried to archive it the *.ipa file got created but if I tried to upload the app via diawi or hokey app the it shows a issue
Say In Diawi it shows
No professional profile found
I tried changing it to .zip & extracted the zip there I found out instead of creating PayLoad directory it shows me Applications directory ,From that I came to know there is no Payload directory created that is the issue .
Kindly help me in this , Why Payload directory not been created ?
I just to add a script for creating Payload directory but that not worked for me.
To correct it, I need to edit the Info.plist file to set:
Application requires iPhone environment = YES
