Looking for a way to save a received email + the attachments (in different files) into SharePoint via harmon.ie, all at once.
For the sent emails, the dialog box allows to do that by checking the relevant options. However, if I'm not wrong, for the received emails I have to first save the message and then save the attachments, or viceversa, but I cannot do it at once.
Am I overlooking something obvious here? Haven't any other users come into this problem too?
It would be great if the dialog of the "save message" box allowed to save the attachments as well, instead of having to do it into two separate operations. If there's not a way to do it now, can harmon.ie consider to implement this feature for next releases?
Thanks in advance for your help.
[EDIT] I'm asking for this feature not only because it's time consuming having to do it separately but because some of my users just "forget" to save the attachments when they have already saved the message, thinking they've done it all at once. Thank you.
When saving the email (and when the option to ask to save email is set) the whole email will be always be saved (i.e. with attachments), however you have the option to aslo select the attachment(s) to upload along with the email (but the email is uploaded with the attachment(s))
The option to replace attachment with links is however not available when saving message from Inbox or any other folder (or when using Save Message button)
If you set the option to replace attachment with links (see screen shot at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrgxsriww2h81hx/replace.png?dl=0), the email will be saved without the attachment but will contain the link to the attachment in SharePoint.
This is close to your initial request.
---- Jean
I have implemented an invitation system in my application, that generates an ical attachment that is sent to the appropriate users.
Is it possible to add a link in the email body that would trigger the processing of the invitation ? (in addition to the extra buttons provided by some email clients)
This question mentions that for email attachments in the general case it's not possible. Is it still the case for icalendar attachments ?
Other questions suggest using a service like https://www.addevent.com/, but this seems to be more oriented toward "public events", whereas in my case I would need something quite private (only invitations between 2 people), that are expected to be generates quite often (should be able to scale up to 100/day without problem), or it it just me getting a bad impression ?
Dealt with this problem several years ago and there was no way you could force most email client to "process" (trigger "Add to calendar" menu).
However, what you want is just make some element in your email trigger that. You can do this by simply linking that element to .ical file on your server. The advantage is that you can attache some parameters to your link and generate that event file dynamically. Also, it scales pretty well.
I am using a jira mail handler to automatically create tickets whenever email comes to a particular mail id. However many of the users who are sending mails are part of jira users and jira will create the issue with creator as their name. Later looking at the tickets is there any way to identify whether the ticket was created from email or the user manually created it. Thanks in advance
I think, it is not possible automatically. What about using a extra customfield? this way you can fill that new field, with the value you want: one for manually opened tickets, and another for email opened tickets. You can show or hide this field, and this would allow you to look for manually opened using jql (even it is not your first need :) )
For making it more visual, then you can use a bit of proggramatic magic and represent the values with icons or wahtever.
Let me know if it is not clear or if you need help for adding the new field or whatever.
Edit: the easiest way for doing this could be add to every issues opened by mail, at the begining of the summary something like "from mail:" and then the real summary. Anyway probably better if you customize the handler or create new one
Our Delphi application uses Outlook programmatic access when a user needs to send reports as PDF's to their customers. Normally there are no issues but there are a few reports where each customer gets their own copy and errors are being reported by Outlook when the number of customers is over 100.
We did track down the problem to Outlook not being able to create more than 100 temporary copies of the same attachment name, due to the auto-numbering it uses. This blog entry has a good example of the issue.
The preferred solution is to delete the files from the OutlookSecureTempFolder, however we can't do this during the processing as sometimes Outlook hasn't actually finished sending the email before we delete the temp file, which causes a similar error.
Is there a way to know, after you use .Send, when Outlook has actually sent the email and it is safe to delete the temp file? There does not seem to be any callback or event we can hook into.
There are many suggestions here and there for storing e-mail messages. Somehow what I am doing is writing an Outlook addin to send emails from inbox/sent folders directly to my application.
So only what is really interesting is saved. And I decide where to save it.
Imagine this case:
I recieve an email from a customer. It's up to me to decide whether I should save it on the customer or on the order 24 that that customer did. So this is why I am doing the add in, and not some automatic storing of emails = noise after some time.
This said, how to store the emails? For the emails that I recieve or send through Outlook the idea could be save the whole file in a blob field (so the eml file), may be I can save also other info (like the subject) in another text field. But the problem comes when I write an email from my application.
In this case I am not generating an eml file, I send through MAPI data to Outlook to compose an email that I will send with Outlook (so in this case I cannot save the eml), or I directly send it with Indy. Also in this case I don't have the eml file...
One idea could be that the all the emails that I auto compose have a special flag that the Add in recognises and therefore when I send the mail it is stored back to the DB. So in this case I can save the eml also of the mails I sent from my application.
May you comment?
First you have to decide on on what information you want to store. The rest is just a means to get there.
One option is to store the .msg files (you have posted related questions suggesting you are no stranger to MAPI) in stead of .eml files. Using MAPI you can store the IMessage you created as a .msg file (with a bit of pain). However, not all mapi props will be set until the message actually is sent, you so might need to hook outlooks send items folders for that.
A much more straightforward solution would be to generate the .eml (or whatever textbased format you prefer) directly from the source. When sending, take your source data, generate the correct MAPI calls to outlook AND generate the .eml and store it directly into your database. When recieving, have Outlook save to .eml directly.
Personally, I wouldn't use .eml at all for storage. I would parse the data I'm particularly interested in (like to/from addresses) into separate columns. In the end, you are probably using your DB for data retrieval. Databases tend to do a better job when you don't store everything in a single memo/blob field. :)
Exact duplicate of Is there a way to determine whether an e-mail reaches its destination?
Hi all,
I heard that it's possible to determine how many people opened a newsletter and analyze WHEN they opened the mail.
I just wanted to know how that's possible... is it necessary to generate a "read confirmation" or is such an analysis possible without letting the recipient know?
Thanks a lot for your input...
See also Is there a way to determine whether an e-mail reaches its destination?, my answer repeated below:
If you make the email HTML based, you
can include images in it which contain
URLs with information unique to the
recipient. You could structure your
application so that these URLs trigger
some code to mark that particular
email as read before returning the
required image data.
To be totally effective, the images
would have to form a key part of the
email, so that the recipient has to
make their email client grab the
images. You could also make the plain
text part of the email just contain a
URL to retrieve the full message,
again allowing you to track receipt.
How far you take these ideas depends on why you need to know it's been read
and to what extent you want to
potentially annoy the recipient with
an email they can't cut'n'paste, read
easily on mobile device, listen to
with a screenreader, etc...
There is no way to guarantee that someone has opened your newsletter e-mail. But you can get a clue of how many time it was opened by embedding a one pixel image in you mail and use the statistics of you web server to determine how often it was requested.