Can't mount volume in Docker CLI - docker

I have the following Dockerfile:
FROM continuumio/anaconda3
VOLUME /code
I execute it using the following command line:
docker run -it 626058fb269a --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/code,type=bind /bin/bash
However I'm getting this error:
[FATAL tini (8)] exec --mount failed: No such file or directory
Clearly I'm missing something. If run docker run -it 626058fb269a /bin/bash, the directory is there, but obviously has nothing mounted. I just want to have access to my code from the container. How can I mount this correctly?

docker run interprets everything after the image name as the "command" part of the command line (passed as command-line arguments to the entrypoint, if present, or else run directly), so your command is
docker run \
-it \ # Container launch options
626058fb269a \ # Image name
\ # Command and its arguments follow
--mount src="$(pwd)",target=/code,type=bind /bin/bash
You don't need to declare a VOLUME in a Dockerfile to mount a named volume or host directory into a container, so for your use the custom image isn't adding anything for you. I'd probably suggest something like
docker run \
--rm -it \ # Container launch options
--mount src="$(pwd)",target=/code,type=bind \
continuumio/anaconda3 \ # Image name
/bin/bash # Command and its arguments
(Better still, develop and test the application locally without Docker, then COPY it in a Dockerfile, so that you can run the image without also being forced to separately copy around the application code.)


Docker not saving a file created using python - Flask application

I created a Flask Application. This application receives a XML from a url and saves it:
response = requests.get(base_url)
with open('currencies.xml', 'wb') as file:
When I run the application without Docker, the file currencies.xml is correctly created inside my app folder.
However, this behaviour does not occur when I use docker.
In docker I run the following commands:
docker build -t my-api-docker:latest .
docker run -p 5000:5000 my-api-docker ~/Desktop/myApiDocker # This is where I want the file to be saved: inside the main Flask folder
When I run the second command, I get:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"/Users/name/Desktop/myApiDocker\": stat /Users/name/Desktop/myApiDocker: no such file or directory": unknown.
ERRO[0001] error waiting for container: context canceled
But If I run:
docker build -t my-api-docker:latest .
docker run -p 5000:5000 my-api-docker # Without specifying the PATH
I can access the website (but it is pretty useless without the file currencies.xml
FROM python:3.7
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /app
CMD [ "flask", "run", "--host=" ]
When you
docker run -p 5000:5000 my-api-docker ~/Desktop/myApiDocker
Docker interprets everything after the image name (my-api-docker) as the command to run. It runs /Users/name/Desktop/myApiDocker as a command, instead of what you have as the CMD in the Dockerfile, and when that path doesn't exist in the container, you get the error you see.
It's a little unlikely you'll be able to pass this path to your flask run command as a command-line argument. A typical way of dealing with this is by using an environment variable instead. In your code,
download_dir = os.environ.get('DOWNLOAD_DIR', '.')
currencies_xml = os.path.join(download_dir, 'currencies.xml')
with open(currencies_xml, 'wb') as file:
Then when you start your container, you can pass that as an environment variable with the docker run -e option. Note that this names a path inside the container; there's no particular need for this to match the path on the host.
docker run \
-p 5000:5000 \
-e DOWNLOAD_DIR=/data \
-v $HOME/Desktop/myApiDocker:/data \
It's also fairly common to put an ENV statement in your Dockerfile or otherwise pick a fixed path for this, and just specify that your image's interface is that it will download the file into whatever is mounted on /data.
When you docker run the image, the process' context is the container's file system not your host's file system. So my-api-docker ~/Desktop/myApiDocker (attempts to) place the file in the container's (!) ~/Desktop.
Instead you need to mount one of your host's directories into the container's file system and store the file in the mounted directory.
Something like:
docker run ... \
... \
my-api-docker [CONTAINER-PATH]/thefile
The container then writes the file to [CONTAINER-PATH]/thefile but this is mapped to the host's [HOST-PATH]/thefile.
NB The values for [HOST-PATH] and [CONTAINER-PATH] must be absolute not relative paths.
You may prove this behavior to yourself using e.g. either python:3.7 or busybox:
# List my host's root
ls -l /
# List the container's root
docker run --rm busybox ls -l /
# Mount the host's /tmp into the container's /tmp
ls -l /tmp
docker run --rm --volume=/tmp:/tmp busybox ls -l /tmp

Where is the file I mounted at run time to Docker?

I mounted my secret file secret.json at runtime to a local docker, and while it works, I don't seems to find this volume anywhere.
My docker file looks like this and has no reference to secret:
RUN mkdir ./app
ADD src/python ./app/src/python
ENTRYPOINT ["python"]
Then I ran
docker build -t {MY_IMAGE_NAME} .
docker run -t -v $PATH_TO_SECRET_FILE/:/secrets/secret.json \
-e MY_CREDENTIALS=/secrets/secret.json \
{MY_IMAGE_NAME} ./app/src/python/
This runs successfully locally but when I do
docker run --entrypoint "ls" {MY_IMAGE_NAME}
I don't see the volume secrets.
Also, if I run
docker volume ls
it doesn't have anything that looks like secrets.
Without environment variable MY_CREDENTIALS the script won't run. So I am sure the secret file is mounted somewhere, but can't figure out where it is. Any idea?
You are actually creating two separate containers with the commands you are running. The first docker run command creates a container from the image you have built with the volume mounted and then the second command creates a new container from the same image but without any volumes (as you don't define any in your command)
I'd suggest you give your container a name like so
docker run -t -v $PATH_TO_SECRET_FILE/:/secrets/secret.json \
-e MY_CREDENTIALS=/secrets/secret.json \
--name my_container {MY_IMAGE_NAME} ./app/src/python/
and then run exec on that container
docker exec -it my_container sh

How to specify in Dockerfile that the image is interactive?

I have created a docker container that runs a command line tool. The container is supposed to be interactive. Am I somehow able to specify in the Dockerfile that the container is always started in interactive mode?
For reference this is the dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install curl
RUN mkdir adr-tools && \
cd adr-tools && \
curl -L --output adr-tools.tar.gz && \
tar -xvzf adr-tools.tar.gz && \
cp */src/* /usr/bin && \
rm -rf adr-tools
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
I know of the -it options for the run command. I'm explicitly asking for a way to do this in the docker file.
This is not a duplicate of Interactive command in Dockerfile since my question addresses an issue with how arguments specified to docker run can be avoided in favor of specifying them in the Dockerfile whereas the supposed duplicate addresses an issue of interactive input during the build of the image by docker itself.
Many of the docker run options can only be specified at the command line or via higher-level wrappers (shell scripts, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, &c.). Along with port mappings and network settings, the “interactive” and “tty” options can only be set at run time, and you can’t force these in the Dockerfile.
You can use the docker run command.
docker build -t curly .
docker run -it curly curl
The convention is:
docker run -it IMAGE_NAME [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Where [COMMAND] is curl and [ARG...] are the curl arguments, which is in my example.
-i enables interactive process mode. You can't specify this in the Dockerfile.
-t allocates a pseudo-TTY for the container.
Are you looking for the -it option?
From the Docker documentation:
For interactive processes (like a shell), you must use -i -t together
in order to allocate a tty for the container process.
So, for example you can run it like:
docker run -it IMAGE_NAME [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Actually, in Ubuntu, I am running Apache Server in the background.
But for you, Try with below command and you should be able to go inside docker container.
docker exec -i -t your_container_name bash

Arguments for overridden docker entrypoint

The Entrypoint of a docker image can be modified while running the image using --entrypoint in docker run command. I want to start a script in my image with some arguments at startup. I can get docker to run the script at startup as
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /my/script/ my-docker-image
How do I pass arguments to my script?
Note that I cannot modify the original dockerfile with which this image was created. Neither do I want to create another docker image with this image as its base.
When your Docker image has an ENTRYPOINT, either via a Dockerfile or provided on the command line with --entrypoint, any arguments on the docker run command line after the image name are passed to the entrypoint script.
So for example, if I have a script like this in
echo "Here are my arguments: $#"
And I run an image like this:
$ chmod 755
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/ \
--entrypoint / alpine one two three
I will see the output:
Here are my arguments: one two three
...and the container will exit, because the entrypoint script didn't arrange to do anything else. You could replace alpine here (which is a minimal docker image) with any other Docker image that has /bin/sh (so, most of them). For example:
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/ \
--entrypoint / centos one two three
Here are my arguments: one two three
Note that I'm using the -v argument in this example to mount a script on my host into the container, since I didn't want to create a new image for the purposes of this example. You could obviously bake a similar script into your image instead.
For details, read the ENTRYPOINT docs.

How to read docker command?

I would like someone to assist me in reading below docker run command
docker run --rm \
--volumes-from myredis \
-v $PWD/backup:/backup \
debian \
cp /data/dump.rdb /backup/
I know it dumps redis, and attaching volume from container myredis into cwd backup. As for the rest of the command I am having trouble interpreting it.
this command is to create a redis's backup you are coping the dump.rdb into the /backup dir on your host.
--rm means remove the container after run, usually it's a good way to clean your env because you can not reuse this container when it finish its work.
debian is the name of the image that you are using.
"cp /data/dump.rdb /backup/" is the command that you are doing inside your container
