PhpSpreadsheet - How to set a chart 's series option is minor coordinate - phpspreadsheet

I am using PHPSpreadsheet to create a line chart.
Is there anywhere that I can set the minor or major coordinates on a series?
I have read the documentation and can't find the method. Thanks


How to draw or implement a pie chart using phpspreadsheet?

Well, I did not found any documentation for the graph chart except the API documentation which is cryptic for me, so if any of the PHPspreadsheet saw this please consider document this class.
My question is how to draw a pie chart and implement it into an excel sheet, view it directly or save it to a file or all the previous if possible
Have you looked at the examples at all? In Samples/Charts, the 33_Chart_create_pie.php example is fairly clear, showing how to create a pie chart, with plenty of comments explaining what each line of code is doing

Stacked value with line chart with highcharts

I got an situation like this. I would like to using line chart to draw stacked value. I have tried google search but i can't find the solution.
For example: On date May/23 i got 3 values, i would like to display these on line-chart.
How could i achieve this? Does highcharts support to do this one. Please take a look at the link attach to clearer the question
Stacked line chart image
Addition info: Im using highcharts to do this one
Thanks for any comment or answer
Follow jlbriggs
I should use scatter-chart to achieve this one
Regarding the tooltip, I would suggest using a scatter series instead of a line. Set the lineWidth in the plotOptions and it will plot just like a line series, but the tool tips are handled differently. Example:

Can you create a phase change line in highcharts

Does highcharts support phase change lines ? It may be called multiple things but im looking to see if an X axis delineation line can be drawn in highcharts. It is used to specify a specific date in time where something in the environment changed. The chart reader would then look at that line and see if that change to the environment impacted the data represented by the lines in the line chart.
Anyone know if this can be done with high charts ? Sample image attached.
Great answer from Ondkloss: That page shows exactly what I was looking for.

How to add crosshair vertical line in line graph using Core Plot framework?

I am using core plot framework for drawing the line graph in iPhone and it is working fine.I am displaying system time on X- axis and Temperature on Y- axis.I need to draw the cross hair vertical line that indicate the selected value on the line graph. for example
I would highly appreciate if someone can give me some suggestion to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
You can use another axis or scatter plot to draw the line. Using an axis is simpler if all you need is a single horizontal or vertical line. Set all of the tick and grid line styles to nil and use the orthogonalCoordinateDecimal to position it in the correct location. There is a demo using a scatter plot to draw a crosshairs over the selected point in the Mac version of the CPTTestApp example app.

How to display live core plot graph in iPad? [duplicate]

I want to use core-plot for drawing line graph dynamically. data won't come at a time, we will be receiving point by point dynamically.
Is it possible to draw the chart dynamically using core-plot i.e drawing point by point as on when we receive the (x,y) point?
Please help me, Thanks.
Yes, you can do this reasonably easily. For each received data point, append it to an array of values to display. As these data points come in, call -reloadData on the Core Plot graph (or just the particular plot) to redraw the graph, passing in the array you just added a value to in response to the -numbersForPlot:field:recordIndexRange: delegate method.
If you need to adjust the plot range to track your data points (for a moving ticker), recalculate the new CPPlotRange for the X axis and set the plot space's xRange property to that.
Use the CPTestApp-iPhone, AAPLot, or StockPlot examples as templates for how to set up the line chart overall, and modify from that starting point.
I do something similar to this on the Mac in a scientific application:
Sounds like you could make use of a demo project I put together and wrote about here (not core plot related though).
It draws a EKG graph but should easily be modified to use another input than the repeated "heart beat"...See line 320 in EAGLView.m where the indata is entered into the array.
