Is it possible to set UIEdgeInsets on a NMAMapView? - ios

I've got some content to display over the top of an NMAMapView. I'd like to zoom and pan to specific bounding boxes, but I want it to respect a kind of edge inset, so that my overlaid content does not obscure what I want visible in the map view.
I've looked here, but can't find anything that might help me.

I've discovered it's possible to set a 'view frame' on an NMAMapView, using this function:
I can't work out how to inset the content when using the navigation manager however, which would be great.

this is right usage of NMAMapView API for Starter SDK.
Starter SDK have no NMANavigationManager. It available in Premium SDK.
If you use Starter SDK, please clarify what case with 'navigation manager' do you mean.
For Premium SDK additionally to 'setBoundingBox:insideRect:withAnimation' available 'clipRect' property:


Automatic scrolling in a PDF using Swift

I'm a newbie to iOS and just recently finished the Swift developer tutorial on the Apple website. I want to create a program that loads in a PDF that can automatically scroll, like a teleprompter. I was looking through the PDFView documentation, but could not find a scrolling function. The closest things I could find were go but I don't understand what it means by rectangle and scrollSelectionToVisible which I'm not quite sure what it does. Any help / tips / general Swift knowledge would be appreciated! Thanks so much!
The only way to switch to vertical scrolling is to start all the way from scratch at CGContextDrawPDFPage
If the selection is not visible, scrolls view so that it is.
You can put pdfview on the top of UIScrollView and then give a timer to let it auto scroll like PDFExpert.
You can visit the demo from Apple.
Visit hereZoomPDF
It needs time to make it happen, nobody can tell you how to make it happen quickly , based on my experience it's the core code about PDF application such as PDFExport, but the mind is same, you can do as I said.The PDF inherits to UIView, so you should know why it can support auto scroll. Chose UIScrollView , it's right choice.

HERE Map SDK iOS (Lite Edition) Usage in UIScrollView

This is my View skeleton:
I have implemented the HERE Map for iOS (Lite Edition). I have the MapViewLite inside a UIScrollView. I want the map view and the remaining UIView to scroll simultaneously, but always the UIScrollView intercepts all panning events. In HERE Map for iOS (Starter Edition), there is no scrolling issue, but a specific image marker doesn't display. I updated this SDK, and now I experience this issue.
Any help will be appreciated.
For this first app using the HERE SDK, we want to load one of the default map styles the SDK is shipped with.
mapView.mapScene.loadScene(mapStyle: .normalDay, callback: onLoadScene)
Please refer below documentation and examples on GITHub to run sample code. Also please share the error if any.

iOS 9 Swift 2: horizontally scrollable views? Facebook's "suggested friends/groups"

I am writing an iOS app in Swift 2 using Xcode 7.
I want to display a set of a user's trophies. For this, I am imagining a horizontally scrollable display as each trophy image is small, but users can have more trophies that fit across a screen.
You can see a Sketch example here:
I first thought that I could use a UIScrollableView, but I don't think this will work because user's are NOT supposed to be able to zoom into these trophies. BUT, if UIScrollView is the way to go, then how do I go about implementing it horizontally and without zoom? The most similar feature in an app that I have found is in Facebook's iOS app. Facebook uses these "horizontally scrollable views" for suggested friends/groups.
You can see what I am talking about in this screenshots: Facebook Horizontal Scroll
This feature also seems to be built in to Apple's iOS. When choosing which action to perform, users are presented with a "horizontally scrollable list" of apps to choose from.
See what I'm talking about here: built in iOS horizontal scroll
I would appreciate any help that anyone can offer! Thank you!
They're using a UICollectionView with an horizontal flow layout.
This more detailed answer might help you to figure out how to implement it:

Is there anyway I can change the size of the title for an apple watch app?

Is there anyway I can change the size of the title for an apple watch app?
The one that shows up on top left corner.
Take a look at this. It's the Apple development guide.
Also look into this. It's specific to Apple Watch App labels.
This link specifically has the methods and properties used to resize label text within an Apple Watch App.
Both of these were found via a simple Google search. If you want help with a code block specifically, please edit your original question to add that code.
I also have the same issue. You can "kind of" solve it by using a group. Paste the group in, layer it over with another group and put the label inside there, change your label size by dragging the corners. That centers it. I don't think Apple has added the capability to freely move around labels like iOS View Controllers. I hope that helps for now :)

How to implement auto scroll view using corona sdk in lua programming?

I want to add a scroll view and it should scroll automatically (auto-scroll). Is there any way to achieve it, please share your suggestions or ideas
Thank you, Madan Mohan.
If you mean "auto scroll" as the screen moves with the character then you should take a look at Lime
scrollView is made more for making small windows you can drag up and down to get at other things on it.
I'm not sure if you've already found your own answer or not by now but I'm gonna answer it anyways.
In Lua using Corona SDK, there's a piece of code here at ANSCANA Comunity:
Corona SDK-Lua ScrollView
It is a scrollview code in Lua, but I want a Horizontal one, which implies that one page must be twice the size even for an Android app, which I am making ;P
Hope this help :D
