Some questions about security in Rails 5 - ruby-on-rails

I've got a number of security concerns about my current application and wondering if I am leaving myself open to abuse, in the following arenas.
a) .My main access control method is by maining a current_user, current_company current_project method in my application controller. These methods return object based on stored session keys established when a user logs in and cleared when they log out. I.e if I want to know something about the current user, I can call "current_user.role" or if I want see whether the account a user is trying to change belongs to him, I check whether the associated account id which is requested in the url actually belongs to that user, essentially as follows
in Account controller
def account_info
redirect_to login_path if !user.logged_in
#account = Account.find(account_id)
unless account_belongs_to_user(account_id)
redirect_to unauthorized_path
In my application controller, when a user is initially authenticated, I do something like this:
session[:current_user_id] =
and clear that session key when the user logs out.
Then when account is requested, and account_belongs_to_user is called, the application controller processes it, more or less like this:
def account_belongs_to_user(account_id)
account = Account.find(account_id)
return account.user_id==session[:current_user_id]
So I guess my security scheme ultimately relies on whether the session data is secure and not trivially spoofable.
b) When I render pages I sometimes pass objects which have senstive data to my erb pages to generate the page text.
For example, I might pass a "company" object (ActiveRecord) to the view to generate an invoice screen. But the company object, passed as #company, has a lot of sensitive data like access keys and the like. Not really being fully aware of the the internals, if I don't specifically include something like:
<%= #company.access_token %>
on my web page, can I be confident that the attributes of #company won't somehow be passed into the browser unless I specifically ask for them to be rendered on the page?
This is obviously an issue when using rails to serve data for say, AngularJS single page applications, as everything I pass for Angular to render the page I assume is probably accessible to an evil-doer even if not on the page itself, but I'm hoping that's not the case with pages generated server side by rails.
This may be a naive question, but thanks as I just want to be certain what I am doing before start spilling secrets all over the place.

put an authentication for the token using active_record callback


Rails controller actions & cache - handling simultaneous/overlapping requests

My Rails app depends on the Rails cache to temporarily hold user input and pass it between controller actions during the user log in process. However, I realized that I have made a pretty serious error (since I am super-new to Rails and MVC, in general) and could use some help/advice/wisdom - basically, if two users are simultaneously (or nearly simultaneously) submitting data and going through the controller steps below, there's going to be some trouble - lost data, one user's data being entered as another, etc. When I was building this, I did not understand the nature of controllers, though I for sure have a better idea now....
In short, here's how the code below is intended to work: a non-logged-in user fills out a form and submits that data which is passed to the submission action and held in a Rails cache object called incoming_report; the user is then prompted to log in (via Devise), and a successful log in triggers the approval controller action which reads the incoming_report cache object, saves that data to the database, and then creates a new cache object called ids to hang on to the id #'s of the user's entries; this redirects to the summary action which gathers up those ids and shows the corresponding data to the user as a summary of their entry.
def submission
#incomingReport = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:report])
def approval
#incomingReport ="incoming_report")
#newReportIDArray =
#incomingReport.each do |x|
#DELETE 'incoming_report' FROM CACHE
redirect_to report_summary_path
def summary
#newReportIDs ="ids")
For the most part, this works very well, but if users cross each other during any of these actions, it's disastrous. For instance, if one user hits the submission action while another user is busy logging in, the incoming_report object of the second user will overwrite that of the first user... and so on and so forth.
The main source of this problem is the fact that users log in after they have clicked the form submit button - the app must be structured that way - and the data can't be held in local/session storage objects because it includes base64 strings and is too long to employ those methods in certain browsers. Holding this data on the server seemed like the best course of action until I noticed this issue...
Is there any way that I can prevent users from getting in each other's way in the controllers? Or have I made a pretty fatal error?
Editing to show solution
Ultimately, using session variables instead of the Rails cache saved the day. Here's the reconfigured controller to show the solution...
def submission
#incomingReport = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:report])
#newReportIDArray =
#incomingReport.each do |x|
session[:ids] = #newReportIDArray
respond_to do |format|
format.json do
render json: {
success: 200
def approval
#reportIDs = session[:ids]
#reportIDs.each do |x|
#new_report = Report.find(x)
#new_report.user_id =
redirect_to report_summary_path
def summary
#reportIDs = session[:ids]
Many thanks to the two folks who helped me on this and showed me the ways of the session variable.
I ran into a problem with the session variable being 'lost' between controller actions - Rails / Devise - updating session variables between controller actions
I would suggest that you store the initial information into the database. From there I would either save the id in a cookie or session variable. You would then be able to retrieve the information from the database in the approval controller. Another option I would consider would be to generate a guid as an id and pass that along to the sign in page as a query string parameter. Store the guid in a hidden input tag, under the form tag. Then when the user submits their credentials, you can also pass the guid. At that point you log them in. If successful, pull the guid from the posted data and then retrieve the database information with the guid.

How to store where a new user was referred? Using Rails + Devise

I have a rails app that uses devise. I'm curious to know, is it possible in the User table to somehow track where a new user came from, the HTTP referrer?
I'd like to know which came from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ in order to track a viral loop.
Any ideas? Seen anyone do this? Possible? Where should this live in the rails app? Still very new. Thanks
It could be done like this. May require some tweaking and fixing but You'll get an idea
Make before filter for Application controller, you will call it for any action
def landing_filter
if from_other_site(request.referrer) and !session[:referer].blank?
session[:referer] = request.referrer #you don't want to delete first entrance
from_other_site should be the method which will check domain name in referrer url, if it match your then return false, otherwise true
in devise/registration/new.erb.html view add in form hidden field
<%= f.hidden_field :referrer, session[:referrer] %>
and don't forget to add migration with new database field for user
Save referer somewhere and after creating a user copy information to user table. Using session to save referer works but permanent cookies are better. Cookies can persist the information even when user closes browser and comes again in the next day.
# so basically in ApplicationContreller using before_filter
def referer_before_filter
if cookies[:referer].blank?
cookies.permanent[:referer] = request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] || 'none'
# and in signup action somewhere else saving that information
#user.referer = cookies[:referer] # or maybe to some other table
Instead of modifying every action you can also use rails sweepers/observers to handle automatic saving every time an object is created.
A good gem to automatically save referer and other needed information is . You can choose do you want to save information manually or use sweepers to do saving automatically.

Preventing discoverability in a RESTfully routed model

I have a model in my database whose 'show' action is open to viewing at URLs like:
The way my system is set up, there are a couple of defined methods through which these should be accessible:
A custom route I've set up is accessible to any visitor (registered or unregistered) who has this route. As an example, this custom route might be, which the company might pass out itself to certain people it wants to have access. Note that this custom route runs a separate controller action, which sets some internal analytics then redirects to the show action.
Direct access when linked to by a registered user's home page.
I want to restrict the ability to start with then simply change the IDs, thereby seeing any project. How can I do this?
My goal with this question is not just to obfuscate record IDs to make discovering certain records harder. Instead, I would like there to be only two allowable means of accessing project/12:
A user clicks on a link we provide on their home page (how can I ensure this link alone reaches project 12?)
A user or simple visitor is redirected here by another (specific) controller action.
Typing in project/12 directly should not be possible. At the moment, I imagine the best way to do this would be for the two methods above to pass a code that gets picked up by the project#show action. I just don't know how to implement this and if there are potential drawbacks.
Whatever you come up with - it is going to end up being security through obscurity due to this simple requirement:
A user clicks on a link we provide on
their home page (how can I ensure this
link alone reaches project 12?)
What you can do, however, is make it difficult to just straight-up guess the correct URL for the project.
My thought would be to give every Project a unique 'token' - If you are not logged in as the owner of the project, then you must use the token to access it.
For instance, in your project model you could have this:
class Project
before_create :set_public_token
def set_public_token
# Randomizes a 20-digit long hex code
self.token = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(20)
Then, in your project's show action you would need to have this:
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
def show
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
# Obviously you would changed signed_in? to whatever method
# you have that verifies someone is logged in
if !signed_in? || #project.owner_id !=
raise "Unauthorized Access" if #project.token != params[:token]
Then the owner of the project can share the 'public' link of their project to people they want to have access to it, which would look something like this:
Again, anyone with that url could access the project, and I don't think you will be able to sanely get away from that - but it makes it a lot more difficult to do so.
This is the same concept many password reset functions work. Anyone with access to the password reset token could reset your password after you've requested a password. But knowing what token to use will take you ages (Make the token longer to make it harder to bruteforce).
That personally is how I would handle it, and how I've seen this sort of thing handled in the past (photobucket, private gists on github, etc)
The easiest way is to associate a project with a user or account, then require authentication when browsing your non public routes. If you setup an association, you can then do:
#user = current_user
#project = #user.projects.find(params[:id])
This will ensure that a given user can only find projects they 'own'.
If you don't want authorization, and just want obfuscation, you won't be able to use the 'id' alone in the route (as it is sequential). You could either pair the 'id' with a random key stored in the model (/projects/1?key=1234) or use a GUID instead of an id.
OK so another attempt now that I sort of understand.
First in your public controller action you want to do something like this:
def public_redirect
session[:authorized_for] = params[:id]
redirect_to resource_show_path(params[:id])
Now in your private controller:
def show
#resource = current_user.resources.find params[:id]
if #resource # authorized
respond_with #resource # ok
elsif session[:authorized_for] == params[:id] #redirected from public route
#resource = Resource.find params[:id]
respond_with #resource # ok
raise NotAuthorizedException # not ok, do something
This relies on sessions. This is certainly hackable, but it would be much harder then figuring out the public route. See
You can reuse the session technique for other similar needs (like for links from home pages where you can't verify the user from the controller, etc.
I have a project that has a similar requirement. Now first I feel the need to say that this is security by obscurity - and thus not much security at all. But for some apps that can be OK.
I have a on create callback on my model that generates a random string (or number) that I use as my ID - thus it is impossible hard to guess another resource's path.

Is it possible to specify two root pages in Rails (one for anonymous user another for logged in user)

I am building a product that has static pages and dynamic pages(product related). Both category of pages have different release life cycle. The marketing team working with the designer, release the static pages and the product pages are released by the engineering team.
The static pages reside in public/home and they are self contained. They don't need access to the Rails infrastructure other than providing links.
In this setup, I am trying to implement the following behavior:
When an un-authenticated visitor launches, the user should be taken to the static landing page.
When an authenticated visitor launches, the user should be taken to the product landing page (LandingsController, index action).
In my current implementation, I check if the user is authenticated in the Rails world and render the static page OR the product page.
I want to know the following:
1) How do you handle such scenarios?
2) Is there a way to avoid entering the Rails stack for static home page.
3) Is there a customization for the root_path method to return different root based on the context
1) How do you handle such scenarios?
The common answer would look like this:
class LandingsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :login_required
def index
def login_required
if not_logged_in? # This methods depends on your authentication strategy
send_file "/your/static/path/#{params[:action]}", :type => "application/html charset=utf8;"
return false # Halt chain
send_file documentation
And, depending on the correspondence between each of your actions and your templates, you can further abstract the login_required method into the ApplicationController, and validate if the file exists.
2) Is there a way to avoid entering the Rails stack for static pages
Yes. You have to take my word for it, because I haven't done it myself, but you can use a Rack middleware to do that. Here is an example of how to do something similar, with the exception that instead of a redirect, you would serve the file statically (just set the headers and the results of as content) This depends on the authentication library you're working with, though.
3) Is there a customization for the root_path method to return different
root based on the context
You cannot define a conditional route (that is, defining multiple routes in the routes.rb file), but you can override the root_url method in ApplicationController, assuming you are using a named path root in your route definitions. Something like
class ApplicationController
def root_url(*options)
if logged_in?
This, however, sound really a bad idea, since 1) You should point to the same url, and let the controller handle the request (your links should be blind of where to take you), and 2) It may potentially break other stuff that rely on the root_url and root_path methods.
Unfortunately, Rails' routing can only route requests to different controllers based on something in the request, making the per-request session data just out of reach. Your current implementation is certainly the most common strategy. I am guessing something like this:
def index
if logged_in?
# any logged in logic you need.
render :file => 'public/home', :layout => false
The only way to refactor this to make it feel less "icky" is to move that render call to a before_filter. Since the filter will have rendered?, your action won't get invoked at all. Of course, you could also choose to redirect_to another location for authenticated (or non-authenticated) requests in a before filter, which would solve the problem entirely.
The only thing you could do would be based on the non-existence of the session cookie.
Write a middleware component or Rack application (etc.) that explicitly handles the request if no session cookie is present. Similarly, you could use middleware to re-write the request, and then pass it onto the application layer.
Use a similar strategy as #1, but do it via web server configuration (Apache or nginx), avoiding the Rails app entirely.
But, it's definitely possible for someone to have a session and yet not be logged in (e.g. if they went to another page which you didn't handle this way), or even have invalid session data, so you wouldn't be able to actually eliminate the code you have now. These changes would only serve to increase the performance of the session-less requests, but unless those pages are causing a significant problem (which I doubt), so I would not recommend doing so.

redirect_to doesn't work well for RESTful apps?

As a long-time Ruby and Rails user, it never struck me until today to really think about the get-and-redirect pattern in Rails. The typical example of this would be calling a create() action, and then redirecting the user to a show() action to display the newly-created item:
class JournalEntries
def index
#entries = JournalEntry.all
def create
#entry = :name => "to-do list" )
redirect_to :action => "index"
However, this has the inherent disadvantage that you are doubling your network traffic. This both slows down your users' site experience, as well as increasing your bandwidth charges.
So why not just do this instead:
def create
#entry = :name => "to-do list" )
Same output, and no extra overhead required. But in addition to this, there is an even more substantial problem: redirect_to can only redirect using GET. This causes major problems for RESTful apps that use four different HTTP methods.
In my case, I wanted a user to be able to call /journals/8 and retrieve the Journal with that ID. If it wasn't found, I wanted to create a new, empty Journal object. In either case, the Journal object would then be sent to the caller.
Note that the create() method in RESTful Rails is routed from "POST /players". But since redirect_to (and the underlying HTTP redirect) can only send GET requests, it actually redirects to "GET /players", which is the index() method. This behavior is clearly wrong.
The only solution I could think of was to simply call create() instead of redirect_to() as in my example above. It seems to work fine.
Any thoughts on why redirect_to is preferred to calling actions directly?
If they do a page refresh they don't get that annoying "Resend data?" popup
It's not just that the popup is annoying (and makes no sense to most users) -- if the user clicks "yes, re-do the POST", he'll end up creating another Journal Entry (or whatever).
Also, it's annoying for the URL to read /posts/create instead of /posts since the user cannot copy / re-use it.
The reason for it is as you point out. You redirect to a GET request, which is correct when it comes to REST (only do updates with POST/PUT, only get data with GET).
A redirect surely gives a little overhead with the redirect, but since no data is actually being sent between the browser and the server except for the POST data and the redirect (which is only sending the new url to the browser) I don't think that the issue of bandwith is of concern.
But on another point, you should not redirect to /journals (by calling redirect_to :index), you should redirect it to the newly created journal entry (by calling redirect_to #entry) which will work if you set up the routes correctly by, for instance map.resources :journals
I think, for creating the Journal when one doesn't exist, you should ask the user for more input. What is the reason for you to create the entry? The entry should have some text or some other input from the user, so I think from a REST (and rails) perspective you should actually redirect it to the new() method (with a GET request) where the user can input the additional information, that one will then POST the input and create the entry and after redirect to the newly created entry.
If you don't have any extra information that needs to put in, I'm not sure how to do it in a RESTful way, but I would probably have done it by putting the creation logic in a separate method that I would call from the create() and the show() method and then just continue with the show(), not redirecting at all, but also not calling the resource method.
I'm a Python/Django person, but the reasons for the redirect is language agnostic:
If they do a page refresh they don't get that annoying "Resend data?" popup.
This gives you a completely clean, RESTful URL for the page they are looking at. If you used POST it might not matter that much, but if GET was used for the update then you definitely want to get rid of any dangling params.
