Why does this Advantage Database query take so long? - advantage-database-server

First, there are indices on Orders.Order_Number, OrderDet.Order_Number, and OrderDet.PatID. There are other indices, but these are the ones that look pertinent here to me.
This query takes anywhere from 20 to 114 seconds to perform, in the testing that I've done.
Update O
SET O.BenefitID = 1,
O.LastChangedBy = 'RH Test'
FROM Orders O
JOIN OrderDet od ON od.Order_Number = O.Order_Number
Od.PatID = 703007
and Od.Status IN ('2', '7', '50', '51', '52', '78', '82');
If I do this instead, I get times of under 60ms:
SELECT ODetailID, Order_Number INTO #OrdNum FROM OrderDet
WHERE PatID = 703007
AND Status IN ('2', '7', '50', '51', '52', '78', '82');
Update Orders
SET BenefitID = 1,
LastChangedBy = 'RH Test'
WHERE Order_Number in (SELECT Order_Number from #OrdNum);
Can someone tell me why my query takes so long when joining the OrderDet table to Orders? It isn't making sense to me that the join takes so long. If I select on either table based on order_number, I get under 200ms response. If I select on OrderDet using PatID, I get response of under 40ms. Selecting on Orders by PatId takes longer - 1-2 seconds, but there's no index on that column. I don't understand why it would be taking up to 114 seconds with the join, since the join is on a column that is indexed in both tables. Any help in understanding this is greatly appreciated.

The reason for this behavior is because when performing an UPDATE operation using join, the table being updated is fixed as the driving table of the nested loop join. Since there is no direct condition on the Orders table, table scan is the only option.
In a SELECT query with inner join of two tables, the tables may be switched to place the table with more restrictive result as the driver. This results in more optimized performance.
An alternative to using the temporary table will be using subquery which is more standard anyway:
Update Orders
SET BenefitID = 1,
LastChangedBy = 'RH Test'
WHERE Order_Number in
(SELECT Order_Number
FROM OrderDet
WHERE PatID = 703007
AND Status IN ('2', '7', '50', '51', '52', '78', '82'));


Solr pass value between subquery and upper query

I have to perform the following SQL query on a Solr collection:
select c.CONTRACT
from contracts c
where c.LIMIT_TYPE = 4
and c.TRANSACTION_DATE_DB = (select max(TRANSACTION_DATE_DB) from contracts c2 where c.CONTRACT = c2.CONTRACT and c2.LIMIT_TYPE = 4)
group by c.CONTRACT
order by c.CONTRACT desc;
The objective of the query is the following:
the subquery find, for each contract, the record with last transaction date for limit type 4
the upper query checks if, for each contract, if the record returned has status enabled.
I've seen that there are two possible ways to perform this query using solr: join and subquery
Here below I'll paste my 100th attempt using subquery:
The subquery is correct. However, for each contract, the result contains all the records for that contract. In fact, I'm missing here how to make the upper query return, for each contract, only the record having the same transaction_date_db returned by the subquery.
I tried to add the following condition:
But still, I don't have the desired result.
I've also saw join, but I've failed miserably :P
Does anyone have any suggestion? Going crazy for two days now.
Thanks a lot

how to get subset of activerecord objects after performing .limit()?

I want to be able to limit the activerecord objects to 20 being returned, then perform a where() that returns a subset of the limited objects which I currently know only 10 will fulfil the second columns criteria.
e.g. of ideal behaviour:
o = Object.limit(20)
o.where(column: criteria).count
=> 10
But instead, activerecord still looks for 20 objects that fulfil the where() criteria, but looks outside of the original 20 objects that the limit() would have returned on its own.
How can I get the desired response?
One way to decrease the search space is to use a nested query. You should search the first N records rather than all records which match a specific condition. In SQL this would be done like this:
select * from (select * from table order by ORDERING_FIELD limit 20) where column = value;
The query above will only search for the condition in 20 rows from the table. Notice how I have added a ORDERING_FIELD, this is required because each query could give you a different order each time you run it.
To do something similar in Rails, you could try the following:
Object.where(id: Object.order(:id).limit(20).select(:id)).where(column: criteria)
This will execute a query similar to the following:
SELECT [objects].* FROM [objects] WHERE [objects].[id] IN (SELECT TOP (20) [objects].[id] FROM [objects] ORDER BY [objects].id ASC) AND [objects].[column] = criteria

How to show all records from multiple tables regardless of match on join statement

I am trouble figuring out the proper syntax to structure this query correctly. I am trying to show ALL records from both the SalesHistoryDetail AND from the SalesVsBudget table. I believe my query allows for some of the records on SalesVsBudget to not be pulled, whereas I want them all for that period, regardless of whether there was a corresponding sale. Here is my code:
SELECT MAX(a.DispatchCenterOrderKey) AS DispatchCenter,
CASE WHEN a.CustomerKey IN
(SELECT AddressKey
FROM FinancialData.dbo.DimAddress
WHERE AddressKey >= 99000 AND AddressKey <= 99599) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InterCompanyFlag,
MAX(a.Customer) AS Customer,
MAX(a.Salesman) AS Salesman,
MAX(a.SubCategoryDesc) AS Subcategory,
SUM(a.Value) AS SalesAmt,
b.FiscalYear AS Year,
b.FiscalWeekOfYear AS Week,
MAX(c.BudgetLbs) AS BudgetLbs,
MAX(c.BudgetDollars) AS BudgetDollars
FROM dbo.SalesHistoryDetail AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.M_DateDim AS b ON a.InvoiceDate = b.Date
FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.SalesVsBudget AS c ON a.SalesmanID = c.SalesRepKey
AND a.CustomerKey = c.CustomerKey
AND a.SubCategoryKey = c.SubCategoryKey
AND b.FiscalYear = c.Year AND b.FiscalWeekOfYear = c.WeekNo
GROUP BY a.SalesmanID, a.CustomerKey, a.SubCategoryKey, b.FiscalYear, b.FiscalWeekOfYear
There are two different data sets that I am pulling from, obviously the SalesHistoryDetail table and the SalesVsBudget table. I'm hoping to get ALL budgetLbs, and BudgetDollars values from the SalesVsBudget table regardless of whether they match in the join. I want all of the matching joining records too, but I also want EVERY record from SalesVsBudget. Essentially I want to show ALL sales records and I want to reference the budget values from SalesVsBudget when the salesman,customer,subcategory, year and week match but I also want to see budget entries that fall in my date range that don't have corresponding sales records in that period. Hopefully that makes sense. I feel I am very close, but my budget numbers doesn't reflect the whole story and I think that is because some of my records are being excluded! Please help.
I was able to accomplish this through playing with the FULL OUTER JOIN. My problems was there were more records in SalesVsBudget than SalesHistory_V. Therefore I had to make SalesVsBudget the initial FROM table and SaleHistory_V with a FULL OUTER JOIN and all records lined up.

Order with DISTINCT ids in rails with postgres

I have the following code to join two tables microposts and activities with micropost_id column and then order based on created_at of activities table with distinct micropost id.
Micropost.joins("INNER JOIN activities ON
(activities.micropost_id = microposts.id)").
where('activities.user_id= ?',id).order('activities.created_at DESC').
select("DISTINCT (microposts.id), *")
which should return whole micropost columns.This is not working in my developement enviornment.
(PG::InvalidColumnReference: ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list
If I add activities.created_at in SELECT DISTINCT, I will get repeated micropost ids because the have distinct activities.created_at column. I have done a lot of search to reach here. But the problem always persist because of this postgres condition to avoid random selection.
I want to select based on order of activities.created_at with distinct micropost _id.
Please help..
To start with, we need to quickly cover what SELECT DISTINCT is actually doing. It looks like just a nice keyword to make sure you only get back distinct values, which shouldn't change anything, right? Except as you're finding out, behind the scenes, SELECT DISTINCT is actually acting more like a GROUP BY. If you want to select distinct values of something, you can only order that result set by the same values you're selecting -- otherwise, Postgres doesn't know what to do.
To explain where the ambiguity comes from, consider this simple set of data for your activities:
CREATE TABLE activities (
micropost_id INTEGER REFERENCES microposts(id)
INSERT INTO activities (id, created_at, micropost_id)
VALUES (1, current_timestamp, 1),
(2, current_timestamp - interval '3 hours', 1),
(3, current_timestamp - interval '2 hours', 2)
You stated in your question that you want "distinct micropost_id" "based on order of activities.created_at". It's easy to order these activities by descending created_at (1, 3, 2), but both 1 and 2 have the same micropost_id of 1. So if you want the query to return just micropost IDs, should it return 1, 2 or 2, 1?
If you can answer the above question, you need to take your logic for doing so and move it into your query. Let's say that, and I think this is pretty likely, you want this to be a list of microposts which were most recently acted on. In that case, you want to sort the microposts in descending order of their most recent activity. Postgres can do that for you, in a number of ways, but the easiest way in my mind is this:
SELECT micropost_id
FROM activities
JOIN microposts ON activities.micropost_id = microposts.id
GROUP BY micropost_id
ORDER BY MAX(activities.created_at) DESC
Note that I've dropped the SELECT DISTINCT bit in favor of using GROUP BY, since Postgres handles them much better. The MAX(activities.created_at) bit tells Postgres to, for each group of activities with the same micropost_id, sort by only the most recent.
You can translate the above to Rails like so:
.joins("JOIN activities ON activities.micropost_id = microposts.id")
.where('activities.user_id' => id)
.order('MAX(activities.created_at) DESC')
Hope this helps! You can play around with this sqlFiddle if you want to understand more about how the query works.
Try the below code
Micropost.select('microposts.*, activities.created_at')
.joins("INNER JOIN activities ON (activities.micropost_id = microposts.id)")
.where('activities.user_id= ?',id)
.order('activities.created_at DESC')

How do I query on a subset of ActiveModel records?

I've rewritten this question as my previous explanation was causing confusion.
In the SQL world, you have an initial record set that you apply a query to. The output of this query is the result set. Generally, the initial record set is an entire table of records and the result set is the records from the initial record set that match the query ruleset.
I have a use case where I need my application to occasionally operate on only a subset of records in a table. If a table has 10,000 records in it, I'd like my application to behave like only the first 1,000 records exist. These should be the same 1,000 records each time. In other words, I want the initial record set to be the first 1,000 devices in a table (when ordered by primary key), and the result set the resulting records from these first 1,000 devices.
Some solutions have been proposed, and it's revealed that my initial description was not very clear. To be more explicit, I am not trying to implement pagination. I'm also not trying to limit the number of results I receive (which .limit(1,000) would indeed achieve).
This is the line in your question that I don't understand:
This causes issues though with both of the calls, as limit limits the results of the query, not the database rows that the query is performed on.
This is not a Rails thing, this is a SQL thing.
Device.limit(n) runs SELECT * FROM device LIMIT n
Limit always returns a subset of the queried result set.
Would first(n) accomplish what you want? It will both order the result set ascending by the PK and limit the number of results returned.
SQL Statements can be chained together. So if you have your subset, you can then perform additional queries with it.
my_subset = Device.where(family: "Phone")
# SQL: SELECT * FROM Device WHERE `family` = "Phone"
my_results = my_subset.where(style: "Touchscreen")
# SQL: SELECT * FROM Device WHERE `family` = "Phone" AND `style` = "Touchscreen"
Which can also be written as:
my_results = Device.where(family: "Phone").where(style: "Touchscreen")
my_results = Device.where(family: "Phone", style: "Touchscreen")
# SQL: SELECT * FROM Device WHERE `family` = "Phone" AND `style` = "Touchscreen"
From your question, if you'd like to select the first 1,000 rows (ordered by primary key, pkey) and then query against that, you'll need to do:
my_results = Device.find_by_sql("SELECT *
WHERE `more_searching` = 'happens here'")
You could specifically ask for a set of IDs:
Device.where(id: (1..4).to_a)
That will construct a WHERE clause like:
WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4)
