Does using currying result in lower performance in F#? - f#

When writing a function that can accept currying, you can write it as a single-argument function that returns a function. For example,
let add x =
let inner y = x + y
So you can either do:
add 3 4
let add3 = add 3
add3 4
My question, is because you return a function, you are conceptually calling a function twice (the outer function and the inner function). Is this slower than:
let add x y = x + y
or does the compiler optimise invocations of add 3 4 in the curried definition?

let f x = fun y -> x + y
let g x y = x + y
Looking at these function definitions in dnSpy for an optimized build reveals them to be:
public static int f(int x, int y)
return x + y;
public static int g(int x, int y)
return x + y;
This is not that strange because g is actually a short-hand definition for f which is the general case. In F#-like languages function conceptually always take a single value returning a single value. Values might be functions. This is easier to see if one paranthese the function signature for f and g
val f: int -> int -> int
// Actually is
// val f: int -> (int -> int)
// ie f is a function that takes a single int and returns a function that takes a single int and returns an int.
In order to get F# to execute faster on .NET the physical representation of f in an assembly is:
public static int f(int x, int y)
While this is a more natural representation of the F# function.
public static Func<int, int> f(int x)
Would perform poorly though.
Usually F# is clever enough to avoid the overhead of the abstraction by optimization like above and on invocation. However, there are situations where F# can't optimize for you.
Imagine that you are implementing fold
let rec fold f s vs =
match vs with
| v::vs -> fold f (f s v) vs
| [] -> s
Here F# can't fully optimize f s v. The reason is that f might have a more complex implementation than above that might return a different function depending on s.
If you look in dnSpy you note that F# are invoking function using InvokeFast but this does an internal test to see if it can be invoked fast. In fold we then do this test for each value even though this is the same function.
This is the reason one might sometimes see fold written like this:
let fold f s vs =
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_, _, _>.Adapt f
let rec loop s vs =
match vs with
| v::vs -> loop (f.Invoke (s, v)) vs
| [] -> s
loop s vs
Adapt here tests before the loop if f can indeed be optimized and then returns an efficient adapter. In the general case it might still be a bit slower but then this is what the caller intended.
Note; this potential performance degradation doesn't happen for simple function values like 'T -> 'U. This can always be invoked efficiently.
Hope this helps.

I tested this in LINQPad 5.
When compiler optimizations are turned off, the F# compiler will produce different IL for each snippet. In other words, if there are any optimizations going on, it's left up to the JITter, and it may very well be slower to call the first form.
However, when compiler optimizations are turned on, both forms produce identical IL outputs in every scenario I could think of to test it. In fact, with both forms, calling:
add 3 4
yields the IL equivalent of a hard-coded 7, with the entire function call optimized away:
In other words, the F# compiler is pretty thorough when it comes to optimizing logically identical code blocks.
This is not an exhaustive answer, of course, and there could be some case where they are actually treated differently by the compiler.


F# and lisp-like apply function

For starters, I'm a novice in functional programming and F#, therefore I don't know if it's possible to do such thing at all. So let's say we have this function:
let sum x y z = x + y + z
And for some reason, we want to invoke it using the elements from a list as an arguments. My first attempt was just to do it like this:
//Seq.fold (fun f arg -> f arg) sum [1;2;3]
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| h::hs -> apply (f h) hs
| [] -> f
...which doesn't compile. It seems impossible to determine type of the f with a static type system. There's identical question for Haskell and the only solution uses Data.Dynamic to outfox the type system. I think the closest analog to it in F# is Dynamitey, but I'm not sure if it fits. This code
let dynsum = Dynamitey.Dynamic.Curry(sum, System.Nullable<int>(3))
produces dynsum variable of type obj, and objects of this type cannot be invoked, furthermore sum is not a .NET Delegate.So the question is, how can this be done with/without that library in F#?
F# is a statically typed functional language and so the programming patterns that you use with F# are quite different than those that you'd use in LISP (and actually, they are also different from those you'd use in Haskell). So, working with functions in the way you suggested is not something that you'd do in normal F# programming.
If you had some scenario in mind for this function, then perhaps try asking about the original problem and someone will help you find an idiomatic F# approach!
That said, even though this is not recommended, you can implement the apply function using the powerful .NET reflection capabilities. This is slow and unsafe, but if is occasionally useful.
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let rec apply (f:obj) (args:obj list) =
let invokeFunc =
|> Seq.find (fun m ->
m.Name = "Invoke" &&
m.GetParameters().Length = args.Length)
invokeFunc.Invoke(f, Array.ofSeq args)
The code looks at the runtime type of the function, finds Invoke method and calls it.
let sum x y z = x + y + z
let res = apply sum [1;2;3]
let resNum = int res
At the end, you need to convert the result to an int because this is not statically known.

F# currying efficiency?

I have a function that looks as follows:
let isInSet setElems normalize p =
normalize p |> (Set.ofList setElems).Contains
This function can be used to quickly check whether an element is semantically part of some set; for example, to check if a file path belongs to an html file:
let getLowerExtension p = (Path.GetExtension p).ToLowerInvariant()
let isHtmlPath = isInSet [".htm"; ".html"; ".xhtml"] getLowerExtension
However, when I use a function such as the above, performance is poor since evaluation of the function body as written in "isInSet" seems to be delayed until all parameters are known - in particular, invariant bits such as (Set.ofList setElems).Contains are reevaluated each execution of isHtmlPath.
How can best I maintain F#'s succint, readable nature while still getting the more efficient behavior in which the set construction is preevaluated.
The above is just an example; I'm looking for a general approach that avoids bogging me down in implementation details - where possible I'd like to avoid being distracted by details such as the implementation's execution order since that's usually not important to me and kind of undermines a major selling point of functional programming.
As long as F# doesn't differentiate between pure and impure code, I doubt we'll see optimisations of that kind. You can, however, make the currying explicit.
let isInSet setElems =
let set = Set.ofList setElems
fun normalize p -> normalize p |> set.Contains
isHtmlSet will now call isInSet only once to obtain the closure, at the same time executing ofList.
The answer from Kha shows how to optimize the code manually by using closures directly. If this is a frequent pattern that you need to use often, it is also possible to define a higher-order function that constructs the efficient code from two functions - the first one that does pre-processing of some arguments and a second one which does the actual processing once it gets the remaining arguments.
The code would look like this:
let preProcess finit frun preInput =
let preRes = finit preInput
fun input -> frun preRes input
let f : string list -> ((string -> string) * string) -> bool =
Set.ofList // Pre-processing of the first argument
(fun elemsSet (normalize, p) -> // Implements the actual work to be
normalize p |> elemsSet.Contains) // .. done once we get the last argument
It is a question whether this is more elegant though...
Another (crazy) idea is that you could use computation expressions for this. The definition of computation builder that allows you to do this is very non-standard (it is not something that people usually do with them and it isn't in any way related to monads or any other theory). However, it should be possible to write this:
type CurryBuilder() =
member x.Bind((), f:'a -> 'b) = f
member x.Return(a) = a
let curry = new CurryBuilder()
In the curry computation, you can use let! to denote that you want to take the next argument of the function (after evaluating the preceeding code):
let f : string list -> (string -> string) -> string -> bool = curry {
let! elems = ()
let elemsSet = Set.ofList elems
printf "elements converted"
let! normalize = ()
let! p = ()
printf "calling"
return normalize p |> elemsSet.Contains }
let ff = f [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] (fun s -> s.ToLower())
// Prints 'elements converted' here
ff "C"
ff "D"
// Prints 'calling' two times
Here are some resources with more information about computation expressions:
The usual way of using computation expressions is described in free sample chapter of my book: Chapter 12: Sequence Expressions and Alternative Workflows (PDF)
The example above uses some specifics of the translation which is in full detailes described in the F# specification (PDF)
#Kha's answer is spot on. F# cannot rewrite
// effects of g only after both x and y are passed
let f x y =
let xStuff = g x
h xStuff y
// effects of g once after x passed, returning new closure waiting on y
let f x =
let xStuff = g x
fun y -> h xStuff y
unless it knows that g has no effects, and in the .NET Framework today, it's usually impossible to reason about the effects of 99% of all expressions. Which means the programmer is still responsible for explicitly coding evaluation order as above.
Currying does not hurt. Currying sometimes introduces closures as well. They are usually efficient too.
refer to this question I asked before. You can use inline to boost performance if necessary.
However, your performance problem in the example is mainly due to your code:
normalize p |> (Set.ofList setElems).Contains
here you need to perform Set.ofList setElems even you curry it. It costs O(n log n) time.
You need to change the type of setElems to F# Set, not List now. Btw, for small set, using lists is faster than sets even for querying.

What is "monadic reflection"?

What is "monadic reflection"?
How can I use it in F#-program?
Is the meaning of term "reflection" there same as .NET-reflection?
Monadic reflection is essentially a grammar for describing layered monads or monad layering. In Haskell describing also means constructing monads. This is a higher level system so the code looks like functional but the result is monad composition - meaning that without actual monads (which are non-functional) there's nothing real / runnable at the end of the day. Filinski did it originally to try to bring a kind of monad emulation to Scheme but much more to explore theoretical aspects of monads.
Correction from the comment - F# has a Monad equivalent named "Computation Expressions"
Filinski's paper at POPL 2010 - no code but a lot of theory, and of course his original paper from 1994 - Representing Monads. Plus one that has some code: Monad Transformers and Modular Interpreters (1995)
Oh and for people who like code - Filinski's code is on-line. I'll list just one - go one step up and see another 7 and readme. Also just a bit of F# code which claims to be inspired by Filinski
I read through the first Google hit, some slides:
From this, it looks like
This is not the same as .NET reflection. The name seems to refer to turning data into code (and vice-versa, with reification).
The code uses standard pure-functional operations, so implementation should be easy in F#. (once you understand it)
I have no idea if this would be useful for implementing an immutable cache for a recursive function. It look like you can define mutable operations and convert them to equivalent immutable operations automatically? I don't really understand the slides.
Oleg Kiselyov also has an article, but I didn't even try to read it. There's also a paper from Jonathan Sobel (et al). Hit number 5 is this question, so I stopped looking after that.
As previous answers links describes, Monadic reflection is a concept to bridge call/cc style and Church style programming. To describe these two concepts some more:
F# Computation expressions (=monads) are created with custom Builder type.
Don Syme has a good blog post about this. If I write code to use a builder and use syntax like:
attempt { let! n1 = f inp1
let! n2 = failIfBig inp2
let sum = n1 + n2
return sum }
the syntax is translated to call/cc "call-with-current-continuation" style program:
attempt.Delay(fun () ->
attempt.Bind(f inp1,(fun n1 ->
attempt.Bind(f inp2,(fun n2 ->
attempt.Let(n1 + n2,(fun sum ->
The last parameter is the next-command-to-be-executed until the end.
(Scheme-style programming.)
F# is based on OCaml.
F# has partial function application, but it also is strongly typed and has value restriction.
But OCaml don't have value restriction.
OCaml can be used in Church kind of programming, where combinator-functions are used to construct any other functions (or programs):
// S K I combinators:
let I x = x
let K x y = x
let S x y z = x z (y z)
let seven = S (K) (K) 7
let doubleI = I I //Won't work in F#
// y-combinator to make recursion
let Y = S (K (S I I)) (S (S (K S) K) (K (S I I)))
Church numerals is a way to represent numbers with pure functions.
let zero f x = x
//same as: let zero = fun f -> fun x -> x
let succ n f x = f (n f x)
let one = succ zero
let two = succ (succ zero)
let add n1 n2 f x = n1 f (n2 f x)
let multiply n1 n2 f = n2(n1(f))
let exp n1 n2 = n2(n1)
Here, zero is a function that takes two functions as parameters: f is applied zero times so this represent the number zero, and x is used to function combination in other calculations (like add). succ function is like plusOne so one = zero |> plusOne.
To execute the functions, the last function will call the other functions with last parameter (x) as null.
(Haskell-style programming.)
In F# value restriction makes this hard. Church numerals can be made with C# 4.0 dynamic keyword (which uses .NET reflection inside). I think there are workarounds to do that also in F#.

How do I define y-combinator without "let rec"?

In almost all examples, a y-combinator in ML-type languages is written like this:
let rec y f x = f (y f) x
let factorial = y (fun f -> function 0 -> 1 | n -> n * f(n - 1))
This works as expected, but it feels like cheating to define the y-combinator using let rec ....
I want to define this combinator without using recursion, using the standard definition:
Y = λf·(λx·f (x x)) (λx·f (x x))
A direct translation is as follows:
let y = fun f -> (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x));;
However, F# complains that it can't figure out the types:
let y = fun f -> (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x));;
C:\Users\Juliet\AppData\Local\Temp\stdin(6,33): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
'a -> 'b
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''a -> 'b'
How do I write the y-combinator in F# without using let rec ...?
As the compiler points out, there is no type that can be assigned to x so that the expression (x x) is well-typed (this isn't strictly true; you can explicitly type x as obj->_ - see my last paragraph). You can work around this issue by declaring a recursive type so that a very similar expression will work:
type 'a Rec = Rec of ('a Rec -> 'a)
Now the Y-combinator can be written as:
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = f (x rx)
f' (Rec f')
Unfortunately, you'll find that this isn't very useful because F# is a strict language,
so any function that you try to define using this combinator will cause a stack overflow.
Instead, you need to use the applicative-order version of the Y-combinator (\f.(\x.f(\y.(x x)y))(\x.f(\y.(x x)y))):
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = f (fun y -> x rx y)
f' (Rec f')
Another option would be to use explicit laziness to define the normal-order Y-combinator:
type 'a Rec = Rec of ('a Rec -> 'a Lazy)
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = lazy f (x rx)
(f' (Rec f')).Value
This has the disadvantage that recursive function definitions now need an explicit force of the lazy value (using the Value property):
let factorial = y (fun f -> function | 0 -> 1 | n -> n * (f.Value (n - 1)))
However, it has the advantage that you can define non-function recursive values, just as you could in a lazy language:
let ones = y (fun ones -> LazyList.consf 1 (fun () -> ones.Value))
As a final alternative, you can try to better approximate the untyped lambda calculus by using boxing and downcasting. This would give you (again using the applicative-order version of the Y-combinator):
let y f =
let f' (x:obj -> _) = f (fun y -> x x y)
f' (fun x -> f' (x :?> _))
This has the obvious disadvantage that it will cause unneeded boxing and unboxing, but at least this is entirely internal to the implementation and will never actually lead to failure at runtime.
I would say it's impossible, and asked why, I would handwave and invoke the fact that simply typed lambda calculus has the normalization property. In short, all terms of the simply typed lambda calculus terminate (consequently Y can not be defined in the simply typed lambda calculus).
F#'s type system is not exactly the type system of simply typed lambda calculus, but it's close enough. F# without let rec comes really close to the simply typed lambda calculus -- and, to reiterate, in that language you cannot define a term that does not terminate, and that excludes defining Y too.
In other words, in F#, "let rec" needs to be a language primitive at the very least because even if you were able to define it from the other primitives, you would not be able to type this definition. Having it as a primitive allows you, among other things, to give a special type to that primitive.
EDIT: kvb shows in his answer that type definitions (one of the features absent from the simply typed lambda-calculus but present in let-rec-less F#) allow to get some sort of recursion. Very clever.
Case and let statements in ML derivatives are what makes it Turing Complete, I believe they're based on System F and not simply typed but the point is the same.
System F cannot find a type for the any fixed point combinator, if it could, it wasn't strongly normalizing.
What strongly normalizing means is that any expression has exactly one normal form, where a normal form is an expression that cannot be reduced any further, this differs from untyped where every expression has at max one normal form, it can also have no normal form at all.
If typed lambda calculi could construct a fixed point operator in what ever way, it was quite possible for an expression to have no normal form.
Another famous theorem, the Halting Problem, implies that strongly normalizing languages are not Turing complete, it says that's impossible to decide (different than prove) of a turing complete language what subset of its programs will halt on what input. If a language is strongly normalizing, it's decidable if it halts, namely it always halts. Our algorithm to decide this is the program: true;.
To solve this, ML-derivatives extend System-F with case and let (rec) to overcome this. Functions can thus refer to themselves in their definitions again, making them in effect no lambda calculi at all any more, it's no longer possible to rely on anonymous functions alone for all computable functions. They can thus again enter infinite loops and regain their turing-completeness.
Short answer: You can't.
Long answer:
The simply typed lambda calculus is strongly normalizing. This means it's not Turing equivalent. The reason for this basically boils down to the fact that a Y combinator must either be primitive or defined recursively (as you've found). It simply cannot be expressed in System F (or simpler typed calculi). There's no way around this (it's been proven, after all). The Y combinator you can implement works exactly the way you want, though.
I would suggest you try scheme if you want a real Church-style Y combinator. Use the applicative version given above, as other versions won't work, unless you explicitly add laziness, or use a lazy Scheme interpreter. (Scheme technically isn't completely untyped, but it's dynamically typed, which is good enough for this.)
See this for the proof of strong normalization:
After thinking some more, I'm pretty sure that adding a primitive Y combinator that behaves exactly the way the letrec defined one does makes System F Turing complete. All you need to do to simulate a Turing machine then is implement the tape as an integer (interpreted in binary) and a shift (to position the head).
Simply define a function taking its own type as a record, like in Swift (there it's a struct) :)
Here, Y (uppercase) is semantically defined as a function that can be called with its own type. In F# terms, it is defined as a record containing a function named call, so for calling a y defined as this type, you have to actually call :)
type Y = { call: Y -> (int -> int) }
let fibonacci n =
let makeF f: int -> int =
fun x ->
if x = 0 then 0 else if x = 1 then 1 else f(x - 1) + f(x - 2)
let y = { call = fun y -> fun x -> (makeF ( y)) x }
( y) n
It's not supremely elegant to read but it doesn't resort to recursion for defining a y combinator that is supposed to provide recursion all by itself ^^

What does -> mean in F#?

I've been trying to get into F# on and off for a while but I keep getting put off. Why?
Because no matter which 'beginners' resource I try to look at I see very simple examples that start using the operator ->.
However, nowhere have I found as yet that provides a clear simple explanation of what this operator means. It's as though it must be so obvious that it doesn't need explanation even to complete newbies.
I must therefore be really dense or perhaps it's nearly 3 decades of previous experience holding me back.
Can someone please, explain it or point to a truly accessible resource that explains it?
'->' is not an operator. It appears in the F# syntax in a number of places, and its meaning depends on how it is used as part of a larger construct.
Inside a type, '->' describes function types as people have described above. For example
let f : int -> int = ...
says that 'f' is a function that takes an int and returns an int.
Inside a lambda ("thing that starts with 'fun' keyword"), '->' is syntax that separates the arguments from the body. For example
fun x y -> x + y + 1
is an expression that defines a two argument function with the given implementation.
Inside a "match" construct, '->' is syntax that separates patterns from the code that should run if the pattern is matched. For example, in
match someList with
| [] -> 0
| h::t -> 1
the stuff to the left of each '->' are patterns, and the stuff on the right is what happens if the pattern on the left was matched.
The difficulty in understanding may be rooted in the faulty assumption that '->' is "an operator" with a single meaning. An analogy might be "." in C#, if you have never seen any code before, and try to analyze the "." operator based on looking at "obj.Method" and "3.14" and "System.Collections", you may get very confused, because the symbol has different meanings in different contexts. Once you know enough of the language to recognize these contexts, however, things become clear.
It basically means "maps to". Read it that way or as "is transformed into" or something like that.
So, from the F# in 20 minutes tutorial,
> (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) [1 .. 10];;
val it : bool list
= [false; true; false; true; false; true; false; true; false; true]
The code (fun i -> i % 2 = 0) defines
an anonymous function, called a lambda
expression, that has a parameter x and
the function returns the result of "x
% 2 = 0", which is whether or not x is
First question - are you familiar with lambda expressions in C#? If so the -> in F# is the same as the => in C# (I think you read it 'goes to').
The -> operator can also be found in the context of pattern matching
match x with
| 1 -> dosomething
| _ -> dosomethingelse
I'm not sure if this is also a lambda expression, or something else, but I guess the 'goes to' still holds.
Maybe what you are really referring to is the F# parser's 'cryptic' responses:
> let add a b = a + b
val add: int -> int -> int
This means (as most of the examples explain) that add is a 'val' that takes two ints and returns an int. To me this was totally opaque to start with. I mean, how do I know that add isn't a val that takes one int and returns two ints?
Well, the thing is that in a sense, it does. If I give add just one int, I get back an (int -> int):
> let inc = add 1
val inc: int -> int
This (currying) is one of the things that makes F# so sexy, for me.
For helpful info on F#, I have found that blogs are FAR more useful that any of the official 'documentation': Here are some names to check out
Dustin Campbell (that's, cited in another answer)
Don Symes ('the' man) (aka Tomas Petricek)
Andrew Kennedy (for units of measure) (famous for the Project Euler solutions) (aka Brian)
Jomo Fisher
(a -> b) means "function from a to b". In type annotation, it denotes a function type. For example, f : (int -> String) means that f refers to a function that takes an integer and returns a string. It is also used as a contstructor of such values, as in
val f : (int -> int) = fun n -> n * 2
which creates a value which is a function from some number n to that same number multiplied by two.
There are plenty of great answers here already, I just want to add to the conversation another way of thinking about it.
' -> ' means function.
'a -> 'b is a function that takes an 'a and returns a 'b
('a * 'b) -> ('c * 'd) is a function that takes a tuple of type ('a, 'b) and returns a tuple of ('c, 'd). Such as int/string returns float/char.
Where it gets interesting is in the cascade case of 'a -> 'b -> 'c. This is a function that takes an 'a and returns a function ('b -> 'c), or a function that takes a 'b -> 'c.
So if you write:
let f x y z = ()
The type will be f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit, so if you only applied the first parameter, the result would be a curried function 'b -> 'c -> 'unit.
From Microsoft:
Function types are the types given to
first-class function values and are
written int -> int. They are similar
to .NET delegate types, except they
aren't given names. All F# function
identifiers can be used as first-class
function values, and anonymous
function values can be created using
the (fun ... -> ...) expression form.
Many great answers to this questions, thanks people. I'd like to put here an editable answer that brings things together.
For those familiar with C# understanding -> being the same as => lamba expression is a good first step. This usage is :-
fun x y -> x + y + 1
Can be understood as the equivalent to:-
(x, y) => x + y + 1;
However its clear that -> has a more fundemental meaning which stems from concept that a function that takes two parameters such as the above can be reduced (is that the correct term?) to a series of functions only taking one parameter.
Hence when the above is described in like this:-
Int -> Int -> Int
It really helped to know that -> is right associative hence the above can be considered:-
Int -> (Int -> Int)
Aha! We have a function that takes Int and returns (Int -> Int) (a curried function?).
The explaination that -> can also appear as part of type definiton also helped. (Int -> Int) is the type of any of function which takes an Int and returns an Int.
Also helpful is the -> appears in other syntax such as matching but there it doesn't have the same meaning? Is that correct? I'm not sure it is. I suspect it has the same meaning but I don't have the vocabulary to express that yet.
Note the purpose of this answer is not to spawn further answers but to be collaboratively edited by you people to create a more definitive answer. Utlimately it would be good that all the uncertainies and fluf (such as this paragraph) be removed and better examples added. Lets try keep this answer as accessible to the uninitiated as possible.
In the context of defining a function, it is similar to => from the lambda expression in C# 3.0.
F#: let f = fun x -> x*x
C#: Func<int, int> f = x => x * x;
The -> in F# is also used in pattern matching, where it means: if the expression matches the part between | and ->, then what comes after -> should be given back as the result:
let isOne x = match x with
| 1 -> true
| _ -> false
The nice thing about languages such as Haskell (it's very similar in F#, but I don't know the exact syntax -- this should help you understand ->, though) is that you can apply only parts of the argument, to create curried functions:
adder n x y = n + x + y
In other words: "give me three things, and I'll add them together". When you throw numbers at it, the compiler will infer the types of n x and y. Say you write
adder 1 2 3
The type of 1, 2 and 3 is Int. Therefore:
adder :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
That is, give me three integers, and I will become an integer, eventually, or the same thing as saying:
five :: Int
five = 5
But, here's the nice part! Try this:
add5 = adder 5
As you remember, adder takes an int, an int, an int, and gives you back an int. However, that is not the entire truth, as you'll see shortly. In fact, add5 will have this type:
add5 :: Int -> Int -> Int
It will be as if you have "peeled off" of the integers (the left-most), and glued it directly to the function. Looking closer at the function signature, we notice that the -> are right-associative, i.e.:
addder :: Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Int))
This should make it quite clear: when you give adder the first integer, it'll evaluate to whatever's to the right of the first arrow, or:
add5andtwomore :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
add5andtwomore = adder 5
Now you can use add5andtwomore instead of "adder 5". This way, you can apply another integer to get (say) "add5and7andonemore":
add5and7andonemore :: Int -> Int
add5and7andonemore = adder 5 7
As you see, add5and7andonemore wants exactly another argument, and when you give it one, it will suddenly become an integer!
> add5and7andonemore 9
=> ((add5andtwomore) 7) 9
=> ((adder 5) 7) 9)
<=> adder 5 7 9
Substituting the parameters to adder (n x y) for (5 7 9), we get:
> adder 5 7 9 = 5 + 7 + 9
=> 5 + 7 + 9
=> 21
In fact, plus is also just a function that takes an int and gives you back another int, so the above is really more like:
> 5 + 7 + 9
=> (+ 5 (+ 7 9))
=> (+ 5 16)
=> 21
There you go!
