how to program PRU of beaglebone black in C - beagleboneblack

I want to try blinking a led on PRU core of beaglebone black rev c.The program I want to write is in c language and o.s. is ubuntu without emulator as described in TI's hands on labs for pru.
I tried blinking led program with TI am335x cortex-A8.
I want to try same with PRU.
I am confused with the dependencies required by PRU.
Any suggestions or guideline will be very helpful.

you can use this example to blink the a led. It is working on my side.
Also please, review the git repository:


Sony Spresense Arduino audio recording with digital microphones

The examples and documentation for the Spresense have a lot of very clear information, yet I think there's something missing for using digital mics with the Arduino IDE. Modifications to the extension board for using digital mics are very clearly documented with nice pictures. The Arduino example projects are great, showing you to record, encode, etc. And I've also understood you must tell the recorder to use the digital microphones with the following:
There are also nice details in the audio documentation explaining that CXD56_AUDIO_MIC_CHANNEL_SEL must be changed from the default value of 0xFFFF4321, which is for analog microphones, to values for digital microphones. I've been able to follow the instructions for rebuilding the Nuttx kernel and spresense SDK with a new value of 0xCBA98765 which should enable eight digital mics. The last piece that is not clear is what nuttx/sdk binary files now need to be copied over to the Arduino environment. I have a Windows PC for use with the Arduino IDE and I have a Linux PC for building Nuttx and those examples. Can you please list which files on the Linux machine that I need to copy over to the Windows PC for the Arduino IDE to use the SDK that enables the digital mics? Sorry if this is documented somewhere and I overlooked it!
The instructions provided by Sony to record using the digital mic work fine! It was a hardware problem with my microphones. I was able to use the nuttx example named audio_recorder. I haven't tried with Arduino and the process of copying files from a nuttx build to the arduino build folders is still not very clear, but that's a separate issue.

Point Grey Bumblebee2 firewire 1394 with Nvidia Jetson TK1 board

I have successfully interfaced Point Grey Bumblebee2 firewire1394 camera with Nvida Jetson TK1 board and I get the video using Coriander and video for Linux loop back device is working as well. But when I tried to access camera using OpenCV and Coriander at the same time, I have conflicts. And when I tried to access the video from camera by closing the Coriander then I can get the video but in that case I am not able to change the mode and format of the video. Anyone can help me to resolve this problem. Can I change the video mode of the camera from OpenCV.
You will have to install the flycapture sdk for ARM if you want to do it manually (by code). The flycap UI software i dont believe works on ARM, let alone ubuntu 14.04, just ubuntu 12.04 x86. If you have access, what I usually do is plug it into my windows machine and use the Flycap software to change the configurations on the camera.
I found this question completely randomly, but coincidentally I am trying to interface the bumblebee2 with the jetson right now as well. Would you care to share as to what firewire mini-PCIe you used and how you went about any configurations (stock or grinch kernel, which L4T version) ?
Also, although not fully complete, you can view a code example as to how to interface with the camera using the flycaputre sdk here: It is a ROS driver, but you can just reference the PointGreyCamera.cpp file for examples if your not using ROS.
Hope this helps
This is not well advertised, but PtGrey do not support firewire on ARM (page 4):
Before installing FlyCapture, you must have the following prerequisites:... A Point Grey USB 3.0 camera, (Blackfly, Grasshopper3, or Flea3)
Other Point Grey imaging cameras (FireWire, GigE, or CameraLink) are NOT supported
However as you have seen it is possible to use the camera (e.g. in Coriander) using standard firewire tools.
libdc1394 or the videography library should do what you need.

arduino nano avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

I am trying to upload the blink sketch to a new arduino nano v3 (technically it is the iduino knockoff from geeetech) with atmega328 but I keep getting the infamous "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" error... How can I avoid this error and get a successful upload?
Here is what I know:
1) I have installed the ftdi drivers according to the ftdi
instructions on the nano.
2) In the arduino IDE it recognizes the
com port. I have both correct port and correct board selected.
3) I shorted my Rx and Tx together and typed a string into my serial
monitor and received it back as I should have.
4) When I attempt to upload the blink sketch my L led flashes, the Rx pin blinks 3 times,
and then I get the error message and the modified version of the
sketch (I just extended the delay) doesn't go through.
5) This piece of information might be inconsequential but my nano is in a perpetual
state of blinking as if it had let me upload the sketch once... I did
try to upload the sketch before I installed the drivers.
I think that is all the relevant information but ask away if it is not. Thank you so much.
Thankfully I found that it was a simple dumb fix after all. I got out the magnifying glass and upon close inspection of my chip discovered that it was an atmega168 and not an atmega328 like I had originally thought it was.
funny coincidence, i found this article in
"Frustrated with one of the greatest failures to become an Arduino
tinkerer, [psgarcha] took a good, long look at the Uno board. He
glanced over to an Arduino Mega board. Something looked different. On
the Uno, the resonator had blown off. Problem found, at least."
Hope your resonator didn't blew off.
Actually on windows platform this error is very often the only solution is to reinstall arduino driver
I am using Bhash Freeduino, what worked for me was
The Pro and Pro mini setting

Jmyron and Windows 8

I am running into hardware issues that perhaps someone here knows a workaround. I am using a PC and windows.
For several years I have been making interactive installations using video tracking: the Jmyron library in Processing, which has functioned marvelously for me. I use this set up: cctv type microcameras to a multiplexer, the I digitize this signal via a firewire cable to a pci card. Then Processing reads these quads (sometimes more) as a single window, and it has always worked (from windows xp all the way to 7). Then comes windows 8: Processing seems to prefer the built-in webcam to the firewire bus. On previous version of windows, the firewire bus would naturally override the webcam, provided I had first opened a video capture in Windows Maker, and then shut it down before running the Processing sketch. In Windows 7, which had no native video capture software, I used this great open source video editor called Capture Flux. The webcam never interfered. With Windows 8, no matter what I try, Processing defaults to the webcam, which for my purposes is useless. I have an exhibition coming up real soon, and there is no way I am going to have the time to rewrite all that code for Open CV or other newer libraries.
I am curious if anyone has had similar problems, found a work around? Is there a way of disabling the webcam in Windows 8 (temporarily of course, because I need it to be operational for other applications), or some other solution?
Thank you!
Try this:
type "windows icon+x" choose device manager (or use run/command line: "mmc devmgmt.msc")
look for imaganing devices, find your integrated webcamera
right click on it and choose disable - now processing should skip the device.
Repeat the steps to reenable the device.
Other solution would be using commands in processing:
println (Capture.list()); (google it on this way you will get all avaliable devices and you can choose the particular one based on its name.
Hope this helps.

Distorted 3D reconstruction OPENCV + PCL (Martin Peris code)

I am using Martin Peris code for 3D reconstruction using OpenCV and PCL (link below):
Trouble point:
I am having trouble with the final step in viewing the 3D reconstruction in the "3D viewer" window. I am getting a perfect disparity image as shown in the blog but my final reconstruction image looks like this:
You can compare this with the one which is shown in the video link given in that blog.
Things that I have tried:
Checked if all the required libraries are installed. I believe otherwise the code wouldn't compile and give me any results.
Checked if I have a graphics support on my machine:
$lspci | grep VGA
09:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G71GL [Quadro FX 3500] (rev a1)
My doubts:
If there is some library missing for OpenGL or OpenCV or PCL which is making the 3D reconstruction window suffer.
The controversial reprojectImageTo3D() function in OpenCV which is also used in the code by Martin Peris.
Some other reason that one of you could help me with ;-)
Other details:
Ubuntu Version : 12.04
OpenCV Version : 2.3.1-7
Any suggestions would really be helpful!
It was actually a driver issue with my graphics card. To solve it I wiped off the currently installed driver and then re-installed an updated one and that worked like a charm.
Details of this solution I have posted on the PCL mailing list as I didn't wanted to repeat myself here.
enter link description here
I hope this helps.
