Installing react-native-custom-segmented control, need to install ios framework to react-native project - ios

I'm trying to install this: into my react-native project.
In the installation instructions, it says to move the .xcodeproj file to my project folder. I dragged it to the root folder of my project (though I am not sure that is right).
Then the instructions say to add the libCustomSegmentedControl.a file to my target's library.
The project was initialized using expo and I don't think it has a xcode target project? I am confused as to how to proceed in installing this. Is there a secret place in a react-native app that I can find the xcode project?
I'm a beginner with ios so any help would be really appreciated!

If you created the project using expo then you need to eject it before you can install any module that expo doesn’t support.
You can find more info at this link.
Expo doesn’t actually have an Xcode or Android project inside the code base, so you can’t add react-native-custom-segmented-control to an expo project.
This post does a good breakdown of the differences between creating a react-native project using expo or react-native init


Upgrading React Native plugin to support autolinking and React Native versions 0.6>=

I am fairly new to React Native but am helping manage a React Native plugin and would like some guidance for upgrading it so that it is compatible with auto linking and React Native versions 0.60 and up in iOS.
Our plugin currently only works with React Native up to and including 0.59.x through the react-native link command and sometimes involves manually dragging our xcodeproj and .a binary inside Xcode.
When trying to instrument our plugin with a blank hello world React Native app of version 0.60.5, after react-native link and dragging in Xcode, we get an error saying rctbridgemodule.h not found and have to add React.xcodeproj too. This however doesn’t work on some apps we’ve tried. Furthermore the issue is in newer versions of React eg 0.61.4, the React.xcodeproj file is no longer in the React folder in node_modules. 

I’ve had a look at the What do I need to have in my package to make it work? Section in this link:
But to me its not very clear how we should be configuring a pod spec in the root of our repo. Our package is scoped also. I’m assuming that there shouldn’t need to be any changes to the actual code of our plugin but rather just some modifications to our pod spec and package configuration. Any guidance in how this works and how to upgrade our plugin to support versions 0.6 and above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Exact steps needed to migrate a react native android app to iOS

I've written a react-native app and compiled it for android.
Now I wish to compile my app for iOS.
I've searched the internet and found a lot of documentation about adding react-native components to an existing iOS app project, but couldn't find a concrete guide/explanation on how to take an existing react-native project(with many components, packages installed etc) and add the relevant iOS configuration.
I guess that I somehow should create an iOS project through xCode,then probably copy some project files into my ios folder of my project, create a podfile corresponding to my packages in package.json, install the required stuff using pod install and then maybe I can run it using the react-native run-ios command, but I'm really not sure whether I'm correct and to do these steps.
If someone can clarify to me what are the required steps I'll be grateful! (And I think other people might find it useful as well)

Renaming a React Native project

I have a working react native app (without expo), running and compiling in both Android and iOS devices. Now I'm trying to rename the app, but I'm having problems with that.
Steps followed:
I have deleted both ios and android directories.
Changed the project name in my app.json
Regenerated the android and ios directories with react-native upgrade --legacy (cause eject is not working anymore)
Updated my podfile with the need
Pod install
When i tried to compile my app via xcode, I got "null is not an object (evaluating '_RNGestureHandlerModule.default.Direction')
I guessed that was due to the autolinking when you install some react native third party components. So I deleted node_modules, and installed all react native navigation again. Then I ran react-native link. The previous error went away.
Now, I'm stuck with:
Target 'cjlrnneTests' has target dependency on Target 'cjlrnne'
That command depends on command in Target 'cjlrnne': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resources”
Honestly, I don't know what else more to do / look for.
Can anyone please provide with some clue, or the steps to change a RN app's name?
You can try this package for renaming the app.
react-native-rename <newName>
It will automatically configure all the things.

Xcode showing error 'No such module' even though I've installed Cocoapods and installed pod file of Dialogflow

I've been making a chatbot using Dialogflow formerly Api.AI but now encountering error while integrating the project to my app written in Swift in Xcode. I'd installed cocoapods using terminal "sudo gem install cocoapods" and using this version of Dialogflow to create the podfile.
All gone well but now when I'm importing inside Xcode in my app's AppDelegate.swift file using import ApiAI or import AI Xcode is showing me error that No such module. Please refer to image.
And on GitHub this library which is written in Swift, showing that it has depreciated and asking me to refer to API.AI's Apple Client library which is in Obj-C and unfortunately I've no expertise in Obj-C.
After installing a pod using Cocoa Pods, you must from that point forward open the workspace rather that the project file. The icons will appear differently in your project like so:
In the image you provided is clearly showing that you have opened the project file not the workspace one.
Go to Pods Build settings and set Build Active Architecture Only to NO. This always helps while using pods. After that clean the project once and then build.
After installing pod you should clean project (shift + command + k) and then builds (command + b) in it a few times. Repeat it a few times if it is not still working.
Hope this help!

Why does my xcode project build on simulator but not device in xcode project?

I have a react native project that runs successfully on simulator but not on device.
I have run the project on the same device before, but not since I've incorporated cocoapods, though none of the above library are in cocoapods. I'm building in xcworkspace rather than a project file, not sure if that is it.
Not sure what this could be... Any suggestions appreciated!
Usually these type of errors appear when the libraries are not linked with the project.
The libraries might have been unlinked after adding cocoapods. Try running npm install and then react-native link to link all the libraries or run react-native link <library-name> to link the specific library in the terminal from your project root directory.
