Android call View Controller method from ViewModel - android-lifecycle

I started playing around with Android JetPack (ViewModel, Architecture Components, LIfeCycle and so on).
Untill now, I was working with Model View Presenter architecture, and actually I found it a quite easy to test and maintain architecture.
On the other hand, The big advantage I can see by using ViewModels instead, is their native coupling with Activities and Fragments lifecycle, which always was one of the biggest pains for Android developer, so I think this is a very big step forward.
Said that, I think there is a big disavantage though: with this new approach, it seems much more tricky to call Activity's or Fragment's methods, because, as stated in the official docs
A ViewModel must never reference a view, Lifecycle, or any class that
may hold a reference to the activity context.
In MVP approach, the Presenter had a contract with the view and could call all of its methods. I made some research on how to address this scenario with Architecture components, but it seem there is no easy and painless way to do that: at the end you always have to handle states in ViewModel and react to these changes in Activities and Fragments. Someone suggest to use SingleLiveEvent class, which makes it a little bit easier, but still much more painfull than before.
So my question is:
The docs say you cannot reference anything holding a reference to an Activity Context (to avoid memory leaks I guess), but what if I do that and then I clear all references in ViewModel's onCleared()?

You wouldn't avoid memory leaks, because for example if you rotate your device your activity will be destroyed, then recreated, but the VM would remain the same, and it's onCleared would not be called (hence your old activity still remains in memory, since your VM still references it).
Generally the MVVM conceptually says, that the ViewModels should not know about the View and this is the beauty of architecture: there is not a better pattern, just a more suitable one, and you should choose the one, that works better for you.

I can think of couple of ways to "notify a user" of the ViewModel:
A LiveData object that changes and an Observer to this data
Send a Broadcast to a BroadcastReceiver using the Application's Context, if you don't mind accessing it statically from the ViewModel
Edit: I know this is not exactly an answer to the question, but I think it removed the need for it

but what if I do that and then I clear all references in ViewModel's onCleared()?
That is far too late. onCleared() is only called if the Activity is finished / the Fragment is removed, it is not called on configuration changes.
But you could potentially use some form of command queue to emit events only when a subscriber is available, for example DispatchWorkSubject in RxJava2-Extensions.
Just make sure you make your subscriptions in onStart and then dispose your disposable in onStop.


Where to add persistent/networking code in a MVVM architecture

I'm trying to make a project for learning purpose using MVVM. I get the idea on how this pattern works, but all of the examples I found are very basic and don't explain where exactly you add your persistent/networking code.
I am trying to use Core Data in my project.
Does someone has experience with this pattern ? I am reading that this kind of code should go in a NSOperation. Does this make sense ?
Any other thoughts ? I am just looking for some advice from other people who done this.
For now I am not interested in a Reactive approach.
Since asynchronous networking code can stay live well outside (and past) anything to do with the current UI, it should probably be put in a model object or other separate controller object, completely outside the view, view controller or view model hierarchy. Perhaps in a network controller object (custom class) attached at the app delegate level, so that networking state can be retained and gracefully shut down or handled in the background.

Debating the use of dependency injection in iOS app

I'm working on an iOS app where we need different binaries for each customer based on their needs. A customer may want to change all the colors, icons and texts. We can do that through white labeling process. The problem here, though, is when they ask for different behavior, for instance, removing login screen and making it optional to login.
I thought we can use dependency injections and use different handlers for each customer if needed. For instance, we can have LoginHandler1 and LoginHandler2, both implementing ILoginHandler and inherit from UIViewController.
However, use of dependency injection is costly, it slows down the app because resolving is expensive comparing to normal instantiation.
The other way is to define all these behaviors in the app and enable/disable them in a plist file. like "is login optional? yes/no"
Any suggestions?
You should create the entire object graph up-front, in the composition root. Object creation, and constructor injection, should not take much time at all as long as your constructors are not doing any actual work.
That being said, there are times when creating the entire object graph at the start of the application may take longer than is acceptable. In those cases, you can use lazy-loading to defer the costly initialization until later - while still creating the objects in the composition root.
Mark Seemann describes this approach in more detail here: Compose object graphs with confidence.
I thought we can use dependency injections and use different handlers for each customer if needed.
You thought right. Flexibility is one of the main reasons people use DI.
However, use of dependency injection is costly, it slows down the app because resolving is expensive comparing to normal instantiation.
It really doesn't cost that much at all. Have you tried it yourself? Unless the object in question (i.e. the object being injected) is very expensive to instantiate, you have no real reason to stay away from DI and Inversion Of Control. Also, as #Lilshieste noted above, creating the object graph up front (see AppDelegate) will probably make this even less a problem.
A good way of doing that is described here: and here
The other way is to define all these behaviors in the app and enable/disable them in a plist file. like "is login optional? yes/no"
While less "elegant", this solution is a pretty useful one, especially if the project is not really big in terms of number of classes and VCs. It is also the easiest one to implement if the app code is already laid out and introducing major design changes would ask for lots of refactoring.
Always take action based on the task at hand, there is rarely if ever a single solution to a software design problem.

Data Accessor object singleton or some other pattern? (Objective C)

It seems to satisfy the three requirements here: On Design Patterns: When to use the Singleton?
I need it to exist only once.
I need to access it from all over the source base.
It handles concurrent access, i.e. Locks for writes, but can handle concurrent reads.
Hi all,
I've been reading a lot of no doubt intelligent educated and wise gems of advice that Singletons are 'Evil' and singletons are anti patterns or just plain bad news.
With the argument that logging makes sense but not much else.
Just interested to know if the case of essentially a persistent data store context makes sense for a singleton, i.e. Reading/Writing from disk to memory and referencing an object graph.
And if not, how do people normally tackle this issue, I don't currently have any problem with it, I know it's created only once, it's fast and the accessor logic is in one place. Meaning it takes me one line of code to do anything data model related.
Which leaves the only argument that it's bad for testing, in that it's a hard coded production implementation to data, but couldn't I just write a method swizzle through a category or in the test code to create the test version of the singleton?
And the final argument from DI testers, is that it is a hard coded implementation, rather than simply an interface to something, which I do get but I don't really have a major drive to use a DI framework given that I can use protocols for implementation, and use separate init methods for setting up an objects state in testing. There's only ever going to be two types of state for the singleton, or realistically one type...production.
Making it (in my opinion) much easier to read and faster to develop.
Change my view SO?
Yup, for some singletons are Evil. For the new developers who has little MRC knowledge and more ARC it sounds scary because they need to mess with memory,volatile,synchronize etc.
However it is not against to use them, they indeed has their own purpose to use with some are below.
when sharing large data models like arrays and dictionaries etc between multiple screens (VC's) we can't prefer storing them in UserDefaults (because userdefaults is permanent storage and storing such large entries make app start lazily) instead singletons are best since they stay only current app context and restarting app creates new one.
when we need a stable db connection to be accessible allover the app without messing up with connecting and closing in every business classes we can go for it.
when we wanted an ability to app for theming itself dynamically we would need to create a singleton class which holds all the color,image instances etc. and use that instance in application VC/Views etc so no code duplication and re-processing theme occurs in all places.
You dont have to change your view but tweak it a bit to get some positive intention towards singletons.
Hoping this clears it out, thanks

Windsor keeping track of my transient objects

I do have an architectural problem (and besides I am not very familiar with Castle Windsor, which is used as a container for my application).
I have a Web application that implements the unit of work design pattern.
UnitOfWork implements the IDisposable interface.
I see no particular reason for the actions done in the Dispose method of the UnitOfWork (those actions are already done somewhen at an earlier moment).
Also, all my components are instantiated using the transient lifecycle.
Almost any component is also using a repository instance, which is also transient and also implements IDisposable (and again, no particular reason for that).
Also most of those components are also used by some desktop applications.
The problem I met was the memory leak due to the transient components implementing IDisposable, as I read here: .
I also noticed Dispose any way being never called, neither from the web application nor from the client ones (and actually found more posts that it would be called when Release is called on the component).
One option of fixing the memory leak problem (and without using the NoTrackReleasePolicy!) was to actually remove implementing of the IDisposable.
But I guess this would be similar to specifying the NoTrackReleasePolicy, which could lead to even bigger problems than memory leak (although I do no see how ?) - so this is my first question.
I also tried specifying PerWebRequest instead of Transient, but how would be the behaviour of the components for the desktop applications in this case, since there's no web request\context ? That is my second question.
One more thing which I would not like to take into consideration is manually calling release for every component I resolve ...
Any ideas of solving the issue in the most safe\elegant\with less changes way would be much appreciated ...
There are few steps you should take.
stop whatever you're doing
learn about the tools you're trying to use, especially the part about lifestyles
Make sure you're understanding why Windsor is tracking the
Make sure you're understanding why tracking is important and
NoTrackingReleasePolicy is a Bad Idea™
Make sure you understand how Unit of Work works.
Now that you know a few basics, if you're looking for inspiration as to how solve this in web have a look at this tutorial which shows how to implement UoW with Windsor on the web.
On desktop it's more complicated and scenario dependant, just make sure you're not trying to reuse your registration code between the two apps.

Why does Apple documentation that getting ManagedObjectContext from UIApplicationDelegate is bad?

Just curious why ManagedObjectContexts should be passed to UIViewControllers when they are created, rather than just grabbing them from a UIApplicationDelegate?
The docs say that this makes your applications more rigid, but I am failing to see the nuances of when to use which pattern.
Imagine that I ask you to do some task, like painting a room. If I just tell you "go paint a room," you'll need to ask me a lot of questions, like:
Which room?
Where's the paint?
Where are the brushes?
Should I use a dropcloth?
In short, you won't be able to complete the task without help from me. If you have to depend on me every time, you won't be a very flexible painter. One way to deal with that problem is for me to give you all the stuff you need at the outset. Instead of "go paint a room," I'll say "please paint room number 348 using this bucket of paint and this brush, and don't bother with a dropcloth." Now, you've got everything you need, and you can get right to work with no further help from me. You're a much more flexible worker because you no longer depend on me.
The same thing applies to view controllers (and objects generally); it's better to give them everything they need than to have them depend on a particular object like the app delegate. It's true not just for managed object contexts, but for any information they need to do their job.
This is mainly because you want to use dependency injection with your UIViewControllers instead of just grabbing everything from UIApplication, this keeps your delegate clean instead of full of reference hacks.
This is also to keep with the MVC pattern:
View Controller (Only for view logic)
Controller (For coordinating between the view and the model)
I tend not to agree with this pattern.
First of all I try to treat Core Data as an implementation detail, and as any implementation detail it should be hidden behind a good facade. The facade is the interfaces I expose for my model objects. For example if I have two model objects; Cource and Student, any cource can have a number of students. I do not want to let the controller take upon the duty to setup predicates and sort descriptors, and jump through all Core Data hoops just to get a list of students for a particular class. There is a perfectly valid way to expose this in the model:
#interface Cource (StudentAccess)
Then implement the ugly stuff once and for all in the Model class. Hiding all the complex details of Core Data, and no need to pass around managed object contexts. But how would I find the sources, it has to start somewhere right? Yes, it does but you need not expose it to the controller. Adding methods such as these are perfectly reasonable as well:
#interface Cource (CourceAccess)
This also helps in minimizing dependencies between controllers. And reducing he dependencies between the model and controller. Assuming I have a CourceViewController and a StudenViewController is I did not hide the Core Data details behind a facade and wanted to pass around the managed object context as well, then I would end up with a designated initializer like this:
Whereas with good a good facade I end up with this:
Minimizing dependencies behind facades, in favor of dependency injection also makes it much easier to change the internal implementations. Passing around the managed object context encourages each controller to implement their own logic for basic stuff. Take for example studentsSortedByName method. At first it might be sorter by last/first name, if later changed to last/first name sort you would have to go to each and every controller that has sorted students and make the change. Where a good facade method requires you to change in one method, and all controller automagically get the update for free.
The Apple Docs try to foster the most widely applicable and sustainable design patterns.
Dependency injection is preferred because it allows for the most flexible, expandable, reusable and maintainable design.
As apps grow in complexity, using a quasi-singleton like parking the context in the app delegate breaks down. In more complex apps, you may have multiple context tied to multiple stores. You might want the same view-controller/view pair to display data from different context at different times or you may end up with multiple context on different threads/operations. You can't pile all those context up in the app delegate.
If you have a simple app with a single context then using the quasi-singleton with the app delegate can work well. I've used it on several smaller apps in the past without immediate issue but I did hit scalability problems on a couple of apps when the apps grew overtime.
Which pattern to use depends on your shipping constraints and you best guesses about of the evolution app over its entire lifecycle. If its a small one shot app, then the app delegate quasi-singleton will work fine. If the app is more complex, might grow more complex or might spawn other related apps that will reuse existing components, then dependency injection is the way to go.
