How to document dart functions/constructors parameters? - dart

With dart it is possible to prefix class/function definition by a commentary so that the analyzer will interpret it as documentation:
/// Some documentation for [Foo]
class Foo {
But how can I achieve the same behavior, with parameters instead?
I tried the following:
void myFunction(
/// Some parameter documentation
String parameter,
) {
But this doesn't work.
However, it seems possible because dartanalyzer do contain a property on ParameterElement for documentation.
Here's the offical Dart language guidelines for documentation best practice. It covers most/all cases and has great examples of do's and don't's.
This bit shows the way to include parameters. Basically, wrap the parameters in square brackets and within a sentence explaining it.


Why does dart not allow method overloading?

I tried to use method overloading in some dart code and quickly learned that overloading is not offered in dart.
My questions are: why is it not offered, and what is the recommended alternative? Is there a standard naming convention since methods that do the same thing but with different inputs must have different names?
Is it standard to use named parameters and then check that the caller has supplied enough information to complete the calculation?
Say I have a method that returns how much money someone makes in a year, called yearlyIncome.
In Java, I would create a method like this
double yearlyIncome(double hourlyRate, double hoursWorkedPerYear)
And maybe another method like this
double yearlyIncome(double monthlyRate, int monthsWorkedPerYear)
and so on. They're all used to calculate the same thing, but with different inputs. What's the best, standardized way to do this in dart?
Thanks so much in advance.
Function overloading is not supported in Dart at all.
Function overloading requires static types. Dart at its core is a dynamically typed language.
You can either use different names for the methods or optional named or unnamed parameters
// optional unnamed
void foo(int a, [String b]);
foo(5, 'bar');
// optional named
void foo(int a, {String b});
foo(5, b :'bar');
Optional parameters can also have default values. Optional named and unnamed parameters can not be used together (only one or the other for a single function)
In the case of a constructor you can use named constructors as an alternative
Dart did not support overloading originally because it was a much more dynamic language where the declared types did not have any semantic effect. That made it impossible to use static type based overload resolution.
Dart has since changed to be more statically type, and there is nothing fundamentally preventing Dart from adding overloading today, except that it would be a huge work and a huge change to the language. Or so I'd assume, because there isn't any obvious design that isn't either highly complicated or hugely breaking.
What you do instead in Dart is to use optional parameters. A method like:
String toString([int radix]);
effectively have two signatures: String Function() and String Function(int). It can act at both signatures.
There are definite limits to how far you can go with just optional parameters, because they still need to have exactly one type each, but that is the alternative that Dart currently provides. (Or use different names, but that's not overloading, you can do that in languages with overloading too).
Optional parameters is also one of the complications if we wanted to add overloading to the Dart language - would existing functions with optional parameters would count as multiple overloadings? If you declare a class like:
abstract class WithOverloading {
String toString();
String toString(int radix);
is that then the same signature as:
abstract class WithoutOverloading {
String toString([int radix]);
Probably not because you can tear off the latter and get one function with an optional parameter, and you might not be able to tear off both functions from the former and combine them into one function. Or maybe you can, that's why it's not a trivial design question how to include overloading into the existing Dart language.

Bounded type parameters in Vala

In Java you can have something like this
class MyClass<E extends A> { ...
In C#
class MyClass<E> where E : A { ...
Anything similar in Vala?
No, not supported in Vala.
This is all available keywords in the language Vala, and the "where" specifier is not there.
Here is a filled bug to ask for this feature.
I've had need for constraints as well, in the and I had to change my design to use a normal generic type.

Looking for Dart documentation on observables

I am looking for documentation, but I don't know what term I should be searching with.
I have an observable:
#observable String inputName66='';
and (from various cuts and pastes from other users' codes!), this function:
void inputName66Changed(Event e, var newValue, var Target) {
So the "inputName66Changed" is an "expected" function, expected by Dart (Polymer?) by extending the observable name by adding "Changed".
Where can I find the documentation for these "name extensions" please? And what other extensions are available? I assume they're generated by the Observe class, but I don't see it.
Thanks in advance
This is one of the Polymer lifeCycle methods. See (attributeChanged)

Attributes in Dart

Are there any plans to introduce attributes
for classes, methods, parameters of methods,
something like C# or Java attributes ?
class SomeClass
class SomeClass
someMethod(#Test int param)
For many frameworks it would be very useful
In dart, they are called metadata / annotation. The syntax is quite close to java. Here's a example :
#Test testMethod() {}
In Dart Specification you can read :
Metadata consists of a series of annotations, each of which begin with the character #, followed a constant expression that starts with an identifier. It is a compile time error if the expression is not one of the following:
A reference to a compile-time constant variable.
A call to a constant constructor.
Metadata can appear before a library, class, typedef, type parameter, constructor, factory, function, field, parameter, or variable declaration and before an import or export directive.
There're already some annotations predifined in dart:core. Particulary #override, #deprecated and #proxy.
Dart already has annotations, similar to Java in some ways, they're just not used in very many places yet, and they're not accessible from reflection yet either.
See this article:
Here's a brief introduction to the two metadata annotations currently available in the Dart meta library:
Dart Metadata is your friend.
This doesn't preclude you from using your own, but these are the two that have tooling integration with the Dart Editor.

How does an interpreter use a DSL?

I'm using an interpreter for my domain specific language rather than a compiler (despite the performance). I'm struggling to understand some of the concepts though:
Suppose I have a DSL (in XML style) for a game so that developers can make building objects easily:
<name> hotel </name>
<capacity> 10 </capacity>
The DSL script is parsed, then what happens?
Does it execute an existing method for creating a new building? As I understand it does not simply transform the DSL into a lower level language (as this would then need to be compiled).
Could someone please describe what an interpreter would do with the resulting parsed tree?
Thank you for your help.
Much depends on your specific application details. For example, are name and capacity required? I'm going to give a fairly generic answer, which might be a bit overkill.
All nested properties are optional
There are many nested properties, possibly of varying depth
This invites 2 ideas: structuring your interpreter as a recursive descent parser and using some sort of builder for your objects. In your specific example, you'd have a BuildingBuilder that looks something like (in Java):
public class BuildingBuilder {
public BuildingBuilder() { ... }
public BuildingBuilder setName(String name) { ... return this; }
public BuildingBuilder setCapacity(int capacity) { ... return this; }
public Building build() { ... }
Now, when your parser encounters a building element, use the BuildingBuilder to build a building. Then add that object to whatever context the DSL applies to (city.addBuilding(building)).
Note that if the name and capacity are exhaustive and are always required, you can just create a building by passing the two parameters directly. You can also construct the building and set the properties directly as encountered instead of using the builder (the Builder Pattern is nice when you have many properties and said properties are both immutable and optional).
If this is in a non-object-oriented context, you'll end up implementing some sort of buildBuilding function that takes the current context and the inner xml of the building element. Effectively, you are building a recursive descent parser by hand with an xml library providing the actual parsing of individual elements.
However you implement it, you will probably appreciate having a direct semantic mapping between xml elements in your DSL and methods/objects in your interpreter.
