UILabel find height that fits width - ios

I have a UILabel that I need to have a specific text size and frame width (matching the screen width). I want to be able to set the label's height to the minimum height that will fit all of the label's text without cutting it off.
I've tried the following:
let label = UILabel()
label.text = longText
label.numberOfLines = 0
But this won't work if longText is something like "This string is really long, longer than the screen width" as sizeToFit puts that entire string on one line and the text gets cut off with ... when it reaches the screen width.
I then tried setting the label's width to match the screen width after calling sizeToFit. This lets the line wrap but doesn't adjust the label's height, so the string is still cut off after the first line.
Also, setting label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true won't work because I need the label to have a specific font size.
What I'd like to have is some kind of function like label.minimumHeightForWidth: where I can pass UIScreen.main.bounds.width as the width parameter and get a height that will fit the label's text on as many lines as needed with the given width parameter. Is it possible to do something like this?

You can try
let fixedWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
let newSize = lbl.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: fixedWidth, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
lbl.size = CGSize(width:fixedWidth, height: newSize.height)


Find width of string (swift)

How do I find the width of a string (CGFloat) given the font name and font size?
(The goal is to set the width of a UIView to be just wide enough to hold the string.)
I have two strings: one with "1" repeated 36 times, the other with "M" repeated 36 times. These both fill the width (359.0) of the screen (give or take a little for margins).
I am using using Courier 16, which is monospaced, so I expect the width of both strings to be equal (as they in fact do appear on the screen).
However, using https://stackoverflow.com/a/58782429/8635708 :
the width of the string with the "1"s is 257.34375
the width of the string with the "M"s is 492.1875.
The first is does not fill the screen, the other is way too long.
And using https://stackoverflow.com/a/58795998/8635708 :
the width of each string is 249.640625.
At least here, they are the same, but that value clearly does not fill the screen.
I think you could create a label and call label.sizeToFit():
let label = UILabel()
label.font = UIFont.init(name: "Courier", size: 16)
label.text = "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"//"1111111111111111"
print("Width: \(label.frame.size.width)") //153.66666666666666 -> For both strings

Make UILabel auto-adjust font size to screen width, but not to text length

In a very simple single screen app, I have a single-line UILabel going from left edge to right edge of the screen.
The text of the label is dynamically updated at runtime. The length of the text varies, as it contains a number in the range 0...100, and I am neither using a monospaced font nor leading zeroes.
Here is an illustration:
|<--------- Screen width --------------->|
|<----- UILabel "Some value = 0" ------->|
|<----- UILabel "Some value = 50" ------>|
|<----- UILabel "Some value = 100" ----->|
I would like the label to always use the maximum width for any device (i.e. screen size). This can be achieved by using auto-layout, suitable leading and trailing constraints, a large font size and the "auto-shrink" property for the label.
The problem is, that this approach will make the font size also vary depending on the value displayed, which is not what I want. It should only vary with the width of the screen, but not with the length of the label text.
In the example above, a large font size would be used for the value 0, a medium one for 50 and a small one for 100. I want it to adjust to the worst-case (100) and use the resulting size for any text afterwards.
Is it possible to achieve this using Interface-Builder properties and auto-layout constraints only?
I can think of ways how to calculate sizes in code, but I think there must be an easier way.
You cannot express font size as a proportion of view width in interface builder but you can do it very easily in code:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
let textSize = Constant.baseFontSize * bounds.size.width / Constant.baseViewWidth
label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: textSize)

Word Wrap Occurs Inconsistently in UILabel

I have a UILabel that is designed to expand in height when the width of the text's CGSize is greater than the width of the label. I accomplish that with this code:
func viewHeight(_ locationName: String) -> CGFloat {
let locationName = tappedLocation[0].name
var size = CGSize()
if let font = UIFont(name: ".SFUIText", size: 17.0) {
let fontAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.font: font]
size = (locationName as NSString).size(withAttributes: fontAttributes)
let normalCellHeight = horizontalStackViewHeightConstraint.constant
let extraLargeCellHeight = horizontalStackViewHeightConstraint.constant + 20.33
let textWidth = ceil(size.width)
let cellWidth = ceil(nameLabel.frame.width)
if textWidth > cellWidth {
return extraLargeCellHeight
} else {
return normalCellHeight
Lines = 0 and line break style = Word Wrap:
The label lives inside a vertical stackView, and is constrained to its top, leading and trailing edges and a stackView beneath it. The height of the label and the UIView properly expand in height when the CGSize width of the text is longer than the width of the label. All well and good.
However, the words do not wrap consistently. This behavior is intentional:
Bobby Mao's Chinese Kitchen & Bar:
XL cell. Width: 184.0,
Text width: 287.0
This behavior is not (why isn't "steak" on the prior line?):
Ruth's Chris Steak House:
XL cell. Width: 184.0,
Text width: 204.0
And neither is this (why didn't Gina wrap if it's over the label width parameter?):
Ristorante Mamma Gina:
XL cell. Width: 184.0,
Text width: 191.0
I have also set a temporary background color on my label to ensure that it does, in fact correspond to the intended width. The label in this example creates another line when the label's width is exceeded, but the text does not wrap:
I have read the other entries on Stack Overflow about word wrapping. I don't believe this is a duplicate. I do not have trouble creating two lines for my text. I don't have trouble with word wrapping occurring. I have trouble with how and when it is occurring.
I think the intent is clear... what am I missing?

How to get UILabel to resize better?

I am trying to make my multiline UILabel as small as possible with given max-width, but the sizeToFit() and sizeThatFits(_,_) methods aren't giving the results I want.
Take a look at this image:
The red rectangle represents the width that I pass in sizeThatFits (while height being Max). Obviously, as you can see, this method does in fact return a size that fits, but it does not give me the smallest size possible, which I want.
Let's say I specified max-width: 300. This actual result is giving me a size of ca. 280*50.
As you can see in the image, the text is now written like this:
Here is some text that is supposed to
align nicely
What I want to achieve is this:
Here is some text that is
supposed to align nicely
This result would've had the same height, but a much smaller width, e.g 200*50
I realize that it's difficult to define "smallest size possible", as it could return this:
Or even just a single letter per line. But given that sizeThatFits returns this, with a given width and height, why doesn't it return my wanted result, which is the same height, but with smaller width. Why isn't the smallest fit returned? Does a function like this exist?
You can try this buddy :) I have been using it and seems to do a pretty good job :)
CGRect rect = [yourText boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(maxWidth_you_Can_afford, CGFLOAT_MAX)
attributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:16]}
The rect after executing will have the minimum width and height that will be required to render the text :)
Once you have the frame now you can set the same for your label and set the text as well :)
I have used it in chat bubble :) and it works well :)
Happy coding :)
I made my own solution, which works pretty well:
private func calculateWantedSize(label:UILabel)->CGSize{
var lastAcceptableWidth = label.bounds.width
let currentHeight = label.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: label.bounds.width, height: CGFloat.max)).height
var tempHeight = currentHeight
while(tempHeight == currentHeight){
let newWidth = lastAcceptableWidth - 1
tempHeight = label.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: newWidth, height: CGFloat.max)).height
if tempHeight == currentHeight{
lastAcceptableWidth = newWidth
return CGSize(width: lastAcceptableWidth, height: label.bounds.height)
Here I'm sending my label to a function which first calculates the current width and height of the label, then loops through width-1 and checks the resulting height until the height is changed. The height will change when the width is so low that it needs a new line. When this happens, I return the last valid width which still needed the same height as original.
This is perfect for my problem, using attributed text etc.
Of course, when using this, be sure to do some checking before calling. I don't know what will happen if you use this function when the label has a single word, or a single letter, or no text at all. I have only tested this for the cases I know will happen with this app, and it works well.

How to adjust font size of a label according to length of string and label size

I have a multi line label with a set size (300 x 300).
I want to adjust the label's font size programmatically according to how long the label's text is and how big the label is.
Here are 2 examples of the same sized labels with different length text strings
Refer to NSString.boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:. Here you need to decrement the font size stepwise until the string will fit into the original frame.
var paragraph = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
let layout = [NSFontAttributeName:NSFont.systemFontOfSize(0), NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paragraph, ]
paragraph.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
var a = NSString(string: "My long text")
let rect = NSMakeSize(30, 20)
let bb = a.boundingRectWithSize(rect, options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: layout)
Place the above in Playground and modify rect and the font to see what happens.
I know the Question is old but....
Just use the option AutoShrink and set the minimum font size/scale in the Attributes Inspector, it will scale the font as large as possible to fit the size of the label.
