ZeroBrane remote debugging embedded script - lua

I work on image processing application in Embarcadero C++ Builder XE10.2 that executes Lua scripts. I use LuaJIT with FFI to share image data. Everything works fine. I've downloaded ZeroBrane studio and tried to see if I can debug scripts executed from "host" C++ application, so I've included
package.path = package.path .. ";C:/Portable_App/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/mobdebug/?.lua"
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";C:/Portable_App/ZeroBraneStudio/bin/clibs/?.dll"
before any function in the script is called. However, when the script is loaded and executed (on C++ side):
FResult = lua_pcall(FLs, 0, 0, 0);
host program crashes with "floating point division by zero" exception. It crashes on
Without this line script works OK. Any clue?

It's not possible to tell what may be going wrong based on the provided information, but you can try to get the stack trace (using this SO answers), which should provide more information about what's leading to the error.
The only division that I'm aware of is in the serialization code that uses tostring(1/0) code to generate platform-independent NaN values. Would this lead to "floating point division by zero" error in your Lua configuration?
(Update to include the solution mentioned in comments) The issue was related to BCC compiler settings on how to handle FPU exceptions. One way is to manipulate FP control: _clear87(); _control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM); or to set arithmetic exception mask: SetExceptionMask(exAllArithmeticExceptions);.


luaL_loadbufferx returns syntaxerrors

I'm working on a personal project and I'm trying to get Lua to work on my embedded device.
I have my own simple file system that works with the the flash drive, and now I'm trying to use modules for the lua scripts that I run on the device.
I have edited linit.c, to make it also load the modules that are existing in the flash drive, and it works for a few modules, but for most of them it just gives me a syntax error when it parses the contents of the module. I have a lua interpreter running on my Windows machine and the code I'm writing is syntactically correct and works, and the Lua API that I use is of the same version 5.4 on the device.
These are the arguments I pass to
luaL_loadbufferx(L, luaCFunction, sizeOfModule, moduleName, "t")
where, L is the lua state, luaCFunction is the lua module wrapped in a C-style return statement, sizeOfModule, moduleName and t is selfexplanatory.
Right now luaL_loadbufferx is called in a loop for every module in my flash-drive, I have overwritten the openf function from the Lua API for these external modules.
This below is one of the examples of a module that gives me
"Syntax Error: PANIC, unprotected error in call to Lua API
[string "module"]:3: '(' expected near 'writeobj'"
File: module.lua
function writeobj()
print('Hello World')
File: run.lua
require ('module')
Does anyone know why this happens or did I not provide sufficient information? Please let me know.
The problem was that I thought the modules passed to the buffer had to be of the LuaToC form, i.e. "return { ...luamodule...}", but changing it to pass the module only to loadbuffer was sufficient enough because it covers the case of it not being in a C style return format.

Pointcloud Visualization in Drake Visualizer in Python

I would like to visualize pointcloud in drake-visualizer using python binding.
I imitated how to publish images through lcm from here, and checked out these two issues (14985, 14991). The snippet is as follows :
point_cloud_to_lcm_point_cloud = builder.AddSystem(PointCloudToLcm())
point_cloud_lcm_publisher = builder.AddSystem(
# use_cpp_serializer=True
However, I got the following runtime error:
RuntimeError: DiagramBuilder::Connect: Mismatched value types while connecting output port lcmt_point_cloud of System pointcloud_converter (type drake::lcmt_point_cloud) to input port lcm_message of System point_cloud_publisher (type drake::pydrake::Object)
When I set 'use_cpp_serializer=True', the error becomes
File "/opt/drake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrake/systems/", line 71, in _make_lcm_publisher
serializer = _Serializer_[lcm_type]()
File "/opt/drake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrake/common/", line 90, in __getitem__
return self.get_instantiation(param)[0]
File "/opt/drake/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrake/common/", line 159, in get_instantiation
raise RuntimeError("Invalid instantiation: {}".format(
RuntimeError: Invalid instantiation: _Serializer_[lcmt_point_cloud]
I saw the cpp example here, so maybe this issue is specific to python binding.
I also saw this python example, but thought using 'PointCloudToLcm' might be more convenient.
I am aware of the development in recent commits on MeshcatVisualizerCpp and MeshcatPointCloudVisualizerCpp, but I am still on the drake-dev stable build 0.35.0-1 and want to stay on drake visualizer until the meshcat c++ is more mature.
The old version in is a bit too slow on my current use-case (multiple objects drop). I can visualize the pointcloud with this visualization setting, but it took too much machine resources.
Only the message types that are specifically bound in can be used on an LCM message input/output port connection between C++ and Python. For all other LCM message types, the input/output port connection must be from a Python system to a Python system or a C++ System to a C++ System.
The lcmt_image_array is listed there, but not the lcmt_point_cloud.
If you're stuck using Drake's v0.35.0 capabilities, then I don't see any great solutions. Some options:
(1) Write your own PointCloudToLcm system in Python (by re-working the C++ code into Python, possibly with a narrower set of supported features / channels for simplicity).
(2) Write your own small C++ helper function MakePointCloudPublisherSystem(...) that calls LcmPublisherSystem::Make<lcmt_point_cloud> function in C++, and bind it into Python. Then your Python code can call MakePointCloudPublisherSystem() and successfully connect that to the existing C++ PointCloudToLcm.

Code works in Debug mode but when I run the code there is "type mismatch" error.

One of the used references for my code is Refprop which includes required functions such as Temperature. In debug mode, there isn't any problem, but when outside the vb I run the code there is a "type mismatch" error to calculate TR_O_P_Com.
Option Explicit
Sub Simulation()
Sheets("Sheet1").Activate: Range("A:ZZ").Select: Selection.ClearContents
TR_O_P_Com = Temperature("R134A", "HP", "si", HR_O_P_Com / 1000, PR_S_P_C) - 273.15
and when I use F8 in debug mode there isn't any problem! I have declared all of the variables such as HR_O_P_Com and TR_O_P_Com.
I am so grateful if you help me to remove this error.
Seems like dll and exe has different method signature. For example in dll method A(int a, int b) and in exe you are calling with A(int a, char c). But not sure. Use all the latest dll and exe after the compilation and try again.
Did you compile the code in release mode? First use the exe that has been generated in debug mode out side of vb. If that works fine then try with the exe in release mode.

Delphi code compilation error

when i compile my code i can see that some lines are not compiled. Due to this issue some codes does not execute according to the way i want.
i have attached a screenshot of the delphi IDE in the debug mode. Blue dots on the left shows the lines which are compiled and those lines without the blue dots does not function properly or not complied
As can see on the watch window that variable dPcnt value is 0 taxP, srvP, serv_charge does not have a proper value but in the code window can see that the variables have been initialized to 0
Can someone help me out to correct the issue.
It is the optimizer that has removed useless lines like
srvP := 0;
because you don't use that value before you assign a new value on line 770.
I can not see how and where the other variables are used, but I bet the reason is similar.
You can turn optimization on and off with the compiler directive {$O+} or {$O-} {$OPTIMIZATION ON} or {$OPTIMIZATION OFF}. But, please note what help says about it:
Other than for certain debugging situations, you should never have a
need to turn optimizations off. All optimizations performed by the
Delphi compiler are guaranteed not to alter the meaning of a program.
In other words, the compiler performs no "unsafe" optimizations that
require special awareness by the programmer.
If you have compiler hints turned on ({$HINTS ON}) you will see hints in the form H2077 Value assigned to '%s' never used for lines that are 'useless'.
Further info here:
H2077 Value assigned to '%s' never used #Delphi#

Unit source code does not match code execution path when breakpoint hit

I am debugging a DirectShow filter I created with the DSPACK code library using Delphi 6 Pro. When a breakpoint I set is hit in one particular unit named BaseClass.pas, and I begin tracing, the Execution Point jumps to strange places in the source code. This usually indicates that the source code being traced does not match the source code that was compiled into one of the packages being used by the Delphi application. Oddly enough it is only the BaseClass unit since I have traced other units belonging to the DSPACK code library and they do not exhibit this problem. I am not using run-time packages.
I scanned my disk and found only one copy of BaseClass.dcu with a modification date equal to the last time I built the program. I have not modified the source for that unit or any other belonging to DSPACK. Since my Filter is part of the main application this indicates that BaseClass.pas would be subject to a dual use situation since it is used to build the DSPACK component package (dpk), and is also referenced by my main application directly via the TBCSource object my Filter descends from. Note, I did try adding the unit PAS file directly to my Project but that didn't fix anything.
I also went back and re-opened each of the DSPACK package files and did a full re-build. None of this helped. Is there something else I can try to get the source synchronized with the compiled image of the BaseClass unit? Or is a different problem altogether and if so, what is it and how can I fix it?
Sometimes this happens when code is copied/pasted from web pages or other sources, and the lines don't end with CR/LF pairs (#13#10 or 0x0D0A, standard for Windows) but end in only LF (#10 or 0x0A, typically the line ending in *nix systems) or CR (#13 or 0x0D, typical with Mac OSX/iOS). The incorrect line terminators confuse the debugger - this has been an issue for the past several Delphi versions.
You can sometimes fix this by opening the source file using a text editor like Notepad, making a small meaningless change (insert and then delete a blank line, for instance), and then save the file.
I had same problem and made a similar utility. Fixed it.
Basically, just this:
procedure adjustCRLF(filename : String);
strList : TStringList;
strList := TStringList.Create;
strList.Text := AdjustLineBreaks(strList.Text);
There is another way this can happen: if the IDE erroneously opens another source file with the same name (but different, such as an earlier version) then all the debug points will be incorrect, and the debugger will even allow you to step through the incorrect file.
I've seen Delphi 7 do this once.
Make sure that when you rebuild it, that in the compiler options for your project that you have "Debug Information" turned on. In fact, most of the options under Debugging should be set in your project's Compiler options.
Also, if you haven't already, restart Delphi.
