docker, vagrant sandboxes in php development - docker

I have a missunderstanding and i want to find the best approach of a development sandbox environment for a PHP project.
I have a github repo that will host the code , .php, .js (will using webpack with babel), .scss files and different machines for development (windows, mac, ubuntu) .
I want to be able to pull the code from git hub , run a command (like vagrant up) and start a VM / container / sandbox with apache2 , php, nodejs that will run to parse .scss files and .js files into one and then be able to start the server on every platform without having to run gulp locally on developers PC, and then have the XAMPP installed with the correct path for apache2 http folder.
What would be the best approach ? To use vagrant VM with a file config on the repo or docker containers ?
I just want to simplify the development experience and to have this automated tools that start a server, compile sass and babel js.
Thank you

While I am a big Docker fan, it isn't always the right tool for the job. Docker has principals like immutability and single-service-per-container that probably won't work well for what you're looking to do without a learning curve.
There is a great open-source Vagrant tool called PuPHPet that make configuring a development environment straightforward.
From the PuPHPet web site you can configure an image with Apache2, PHP, and NodeJS via their wizard and it will generate a Vagrant file that you to run locally on your workstation. This way you can have all the software you need, without having to deal with installing/maintaining it yourself. It also supports installing databases, queues, and mail applications, should you need them.
For your scenario, I would clone the code from Github onto your workstation (not the VM) and mount it using Synced Folders against Vagrant, but still directly accessible by your IDE.


Emacs workflow with development containers

New to Emacs and recently been trying to get used to it. loving it so far!
One thing I cannot seem to figure out by myself nor find any proper examples of how to figure out to following workflow:
Since I work on multiple projects with different languages and like to keep my work and private projects separated as much as possible in my OS, ive been working with development containers using docker and VScode for the past years.
This allowed me to keep both my project dependencies and the development tools in one container, where i just attached my VScode instance to a project and used extensions such as Language servers / linting / debugging from within that container.
Currently I can open my projects in emacs as the code is local and mounted to the containers, but im looking for a way to either:
Allow my local emacs to use the language/linting/debugging services installed in the container.
Install emacs in the dev containers and mount my configs to keep this synchronized.
Or better alternatives?
Most valuable would be to get language servers working again.
In case it matters, i'm working in DOOM Emacs on Arch. Mostly Python, PHP and NodeJS projects.
... use the language/linting/debugging services installed in the container
By design this is difficult to do with Docker: by design the host system can't directly access files or binaries installed in a container. Without a lot of tricks around bind mounts and user IDs and paths and permissions it's very difficult to run a program in a container in a way that looks like it's on the host system. A couple of tools have those tricks built in, but it's not at all universal. (Jenkins for example generates about 5 lines' worth of docker run command options if you ask it to run a step inside a container.)
My Emacs experience has generally been much better using a host-based per-language version manager and per-project packaging tool (a per-project node_modules directory, rbenv plus Ruby gem sets, pipenv for Python programs, ...).
In short: Emacs can't use language servers, language interpreters, or other tools from Docker images instead of the host system (without writing a lot of Lisp (and if you do consider publishing it to MELPA (and also to GitHub))).
Most valuable would be to get language servers working again.
M-x lsp-install-server will download one of the language servers lsp-mode knows about and save it in your $HOME/.emacs directory. If you activate lsp-mode and it doesn't already have a language server for the current major mode, it will offer to download it for you. There's not much to "get working" usually.

Setup Redmine & plugins on local machine then deploy to Linux server, possible?

I am new to Ruby on Rails. My questions is:
Is it possible to setup Redmine and install the plugins on my local machine (macOS Sierra), test the Redmine application on localhost, once everything has been done successfully, then only deploy it on a Linux server?
If it is possible, which part of the code should I modify in order to deploy it on Linux server successfully? (Both of my local machine and Linux server are running MySQL database)
Yes it is possible and you don't need to change any part of the Redmine code to do so. Deployment of Rails apps is often done with a tool called Capistrano (, which executes through ssh on your server, checks out the code and does any additional installation steps necessary. This approach requires you to have your app (Redmine and plugins in your case) in a git repository (or subversion etc). In the simplest case, fork redmine on github and add any plugins as git submodules.
As you're unfamiliar with the platform I'd suggest to start with a simple rails app that you create locally. once you have worked out deployment of that to a remote server, tackle Redmine.
Sounds like a lot of upfront effort but it's worth it since it enables you to work on your local machine, make changes and then deploy the changed code with a single command.
If the Redmine installation on your local host has the same installation path as on the production server, then you can just copy the installation files to the production server. You will also have to copy the database to the production server.
If the installation path is different on your local host and production server, then you will have to install the Redmine and plugin on your production server

Deploy features.xml in servicemix during jenkins Build

I have my features.xml file in src/main/resources/features folder , when I build my project through Jenkins after building my bundle goes to the nexus repository , my requirement is that after my bundle goes to nexus then features.xml should automatically be deployed on servicemix as part of build only. I should not open the servicemix console to install the feature. Please help
You may think about using a KAR (KAraf aRchive).
More information can be found here:
You can build а KAR (through Jenkins), containing your feature, then you can use a hot deployment.
Apache Karaf also provides a KAR deployer. It means that you can drop
a KAR file directly in the deploy folder.
Apache Karaf will automatically install KAR files from the deploy
folder. You can change the behaviours of the KAR deployer in the
I have also been working on this and my solution was to turn to automated scripting to accomplish this. I wrote a ssh and FTP based program which would stop an smx, delete the ${karaf.home}/data/cache/ directory, replace the new feature file with the one retrieved from the ftp operation, then restart the karaf container.
If you are open to looking into other possibilities:
You can look into Fuse Fabric which can link many smx Containers together and implement version increases and rollbacks. Currently I believe this would also need scripting to accomplish it automatically.
The third option is relatively new and comes in the form of Building docker images and deploying them via OpenShiftV3 which was just unveiled at the Redhat Summit 2015. Its worth noting its fairly new, but it does pack a very impressive feature set.

Installing Jenkins on a webserver

I've searched the whole internet for this. I have a website that is run by a hosting company. All the tutorials to install Jenkins assume I'm running my own Linux machine and can perform various commands.
Is there a way I can install Jenkins on this website using only FTP?
Maybe. If your hosting company provides Tomcat (or another servlet container/J2EE server like JBoss) then you can install Jenkins as a webapp inside of Tomcat. Typically it just involves placing the jenkins.war file in $TOMCAT_BASE/webapps.
If your hosting company does not provide Tomcat and doesn't allow you to run Java yourself from a shell then AFAIK you can't run Jenkins.

Creating a Ruby on Rails environment on Windows, in a VM Vagrant Box

Is Vagrant a good solutions for creating a Rails environment in windows?
I have a powerful Windows 8 64bit desktop. I recently did a project with RoR and fell in love with it. As I found out, installing RoR on windows is just bleh; so I created a dual boot to ubuntu. As a creative developer, I find it rather difficult to get any of the "creative" done in ubuntu because of the lack of my typical creative tools.
I read a bit about a tool called Vagrant; however, I'm still unsure if it meets my requirements: adobe suite, sublime text, git, rails, rails friendly OS(mac?/ubuntu)
Typical duties: edit an image in photoshop(windows), drop it to project assets in VM?
Typical duties: push/pull to git; ssh to VPS server?
Also, I hear you can install mac os in the VM do you think thats a good option? (because I want to try their new OS)
Installing osx in Vagrant is probably possible but it would likely be quite hard, and its not really what vagrant is designed for.
As for your other questions vagrant sounds like the perfect fit.
With Vagrant you could start up an ubuntu vm and get your rails setup going. Then you could just forward a port on your local machine to the vm and load the rails site as if it were running locally on your windows PC. A quick google gets this vagrant box that looks like it might work for you -
To work with the site you can just share a folder between the vm and your local machine which will allow you to edit images and code with your windows apps (Photoshop, sublime) so you don't actually need to install these in the ubuntu vm at all, and can pretty much work as normal.
Git is much the same... I prefer to SSH into the vagrant box and use git on the command line in ubuntu but you can just as easily use gitbash or tortoisegit from windows in the repo folder... works just as well.
A good alternative is,
"Ventriloquist combines Vagrant and Docker to give developers the ability to configure portable and disposable development VMs with ease. It lowers the entry barrier of building a sane working environment without the need to learn tools like Puppet or Chef."
