Running node.js libraries on iOS - ios

I have a need of using node.js libraries on iPad/iPhone, like tone.js to trigger generate sounds, see
The app itself can be a react native app or based on Swift.
Are there any modern possibilities, or maybe there are better ways of doing than doing it with node?

I dont think the web audio api used by tonejs works outside of a webview.
for react native use


Way to write an iOS app on a Windows system?

I come to you as a Windows user all my life, so my knowledge of iOS, Apple, and Macs are incredibly limited.
I'm trying to create an iOS app. I know that most iOS apps are now written in Swift (and used to be in Objective-C), which seem to "require" Xcode and/or SwiftUI (not 100% sure about this). Is there a way to write an iOS app in Windows or without using a Mac device? It's nothing too complicated, featuring a simple UI, text submission boxes, and links to other pages of the app.
I know I can use a Virtual Machine or other methods to interact with Mac/iOS software, but is there an easier way to do this? Can I simply code everything in a regular text editor and compile it elsewhere?
Additionally, can I write an iOS app in a different language besides Swift or Objective-C? OR can I use Swift, SwiftUI, and/or Xcode in Windows?
Basically - is there an easy way for me to write an iOS app in Windows? Any and all help would be deeply appreciated. Stay healthy out there.
Flutter is your best option here apart from it writing native multiplatform apps using dart it can also write platform-specific code for both Android (Java) and IOS (swift)
Yes. You can use React Native to write an iOS app on a Windows system.
Also additionally - Yes. You can write an iOS app in a different language besides Swift or Objective-C. React Native will let you write an iOS app in Javascript.
Hope this helps someone!

Is it possible to convert angularjs web application to IOS app with Ibeacon search functionality?

I have developed a web application using angularjs, now i want to convert ios application with iBeacons device searching functionality.
Is it possible to do this, any one please give me advice on this?
Yes this is possible, you can repurpose your Angular single page app into a Cordova/PhoneGap container, then use appropriate plugins (which bridge platform specific native code to Javascript) to add iBeacon or other beacon support. If you don't find plugins that do what you want, you can create your own if you are comfortable working in the native languages of the platforms you want to use (Java for Android, Objective C or Swift for iOS).
Example plugins that already exist to help with this would be:
ngCordova Cordova Beacon
There's an example of how to go about this using Angular JS / Ionic framework here.
There is no way to directly scan for beacons in JavaScript. This is true whether you are talking about a web app running in Mobile Safari on iOS or inside a UIWebView container within a native iOS Web app.
If you want to combine JavaScript-based apps with beacons, the alternative is to build Hybrid apps using technologies like Cordova or Ionic (which is built off of Cordova). You can then use Cordova plugins that let you interact with native code that does the beacon scanning, and pass it back to your JavaScript application. One such plugin that accomplishes this is here:
There are limitations with this approach. Beacon scanning typically has to be in the foreground, and you can't really wake up the app on beacon detection.
Full disclosure: I am the lead developer on the Android Beacon Library open source project upon which the above plugin is based.

iOS App: webView or PhoneGap?

We are developing a HTML5 mobile app with Sencha Touch.
Now we want to package the App, and found that we have two methods:
The first one is to use PhoneGap to generate a native app based on our html5 code.
The second one is to create a Single WebView app in Xcode, and request the url which will host our HTML5 code.
I found the second method relatively easier. So are there any advantages in using PhoneGap to generate the native app?
We usually use phonegap/cordova when we need some native function from the device, for example a barcode scanner.
Of course you can create your own barcode project, however why reinvent the wheel. Since phonegap/cordova 3.0 the effort needed for creating a app is kinda low. Just follow the guide and your all set.
in short:
Advantages of Phonegap/Cordova
Ready for different platforms, little effort to create android app
Native functionality already implemented (plugins)

Using twilio sdk for an iOS app?

I am planing to develop an VoIP iOS app and use Twilios SDK. I am making the choice to either use LiveCode,, PhoneGap or build a native Objective C app. I am going to build the app for iOS, Android and HTML5 so the ideal would be to develope in JavaScript for all platforms, but as I understand the support for WebRTC is laking on the iPhone so the alternative for iOS is the native twilio SDK.
My requirements is:
be possilbe to use in iPhone 5 with iOS 7 be able to use twilio iOS
SDK´s voip functionality or twilio´s js SDK (if it is possible to
wrap a browser that supports RTC in the code?) be able to integrate
billing such as in-app payment or paypal with zooz or similar
communicate with REST API´s such as Amazon S3 or a node.js server
store temporary info in a SQLLite db when app is off line make fast
and responsive views (file listings etc) is very important
create cfuuid´s
I have seen several Twilio projects that use PhoneGap but none that are using LiveCode.
I have already built an iOS VoIP app in Objective C, but I want to be able to release it on several platforms also such as for Android and build a HTML5 app, without redoing everything.
This isn't really a programming question and should perhaps not be asked here.
You can create an external for LiveCode and quickly create an interface using the LiveCode IDE. This is probably a quick and easy way to make a working app. If you're starting with LiveCode but are experienced in Objective-C, creating an external won't be a problem for you.
LiveCode doesn't contain native iOS controls, which means that you have to emulate the GUI. If you use PhoneGap, you also will need to compile a plugin for PhoneGap using Objective-C, but you can use a framework, such as JQuery, to get the right GUI.
Either way, you will have to compile the SDK and you'll need to be quite profound in Objective-C.
LiveCode will meet all your requirements. However, Apple will deny your app if you use PayPal for in-app purchases. You'll have to use Apple's in-app purchasing feature. I believe this is possible in LiveCode now. I'm not sure how easy it is.
I'm not sure about file listings either. On iOS, you won't have complete access to all files on the phone. This isn't a LiveCode limation but a limitation of the OS.

Implementing VOIP with Phonegap

I currently have a app created using PhoneGap running solely on IOS, with future plans of possible providing multi-platform functionality. I am trying to implement a VOIP feature (like a Walkie Talkie) into my app solely over an internal network. I tried exploring Phono but to no avail as it requires me to be connected to the internet. What other options do I have?
What you need to do is to implement your VOIP functionality in native and then make a custom plugin for PhoneGap so your HTML5 app can communicate with the Native code.
You can use Twilio Client if you don't want to write everything yourself.They have API for both iOS and Android
To make a custom plugin for PhoneGap take a look at:
The other option is to use WEBRTC:
