Keyboard low resolution - ios

I have an iPad project that i've been wanting to add an iPhone part to it.
So I've added a target and added a new Storyboard, but when I run the app and pressing a textfield, the keyboard looks strange. As if the resolution is low.
The left one is how it looks and the right one is how I want it to look:
Anyone has any clue? Thanks

Special thanks to James.P (from the comments above) for a great solution.
Apparently, this happens when one doesn't use any LaunchImages at all.
Just make sure to use LaunchImages correctly and it should be solved.


iOS UI elements are invisible

I work on a project for few days. All worked great until today. I've added few elements to view just like normal today. But when I launch app on device I can't see them. They are there: size classes works ok, everything is on right place. I can even touch UISegmentedControl and pick item on UIPickerView that makes the Picker View noise. But they are invisible - I can see only older elements.
I can't even tell where is the problem, because new elemts have THE SAME setting as olders. Methods like [_someElement setHidden:NO] does nothing.
Can you help me please?
Edit: they are visible in IB Preview
probably bug with cache, try to:
-delete all data from DerivedData folder
/Users/%user name%/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
-manually remove application from device/simulator
rebuild application
Thank you, I solved it after few hours, when I was focusing on another problem.
AVFoundatuon preview layer hide those elements. Simple solution is to bring them to the top as subviews.
Thank you.

XCode Storyboard Issue

I cant see the Labels, Button etc in the View or their constraints though the Labels and Button appears on the side of the storyboard. And when you run the program in the simulator you can see that they are there.
The project from my colleague who uses XCode 6.3.1 and I am using XCode 6.3.2
and he doesn't have this issue. When he updated his to to the same version I have he had the same problem; so he went back to the previous version 6.3.1.
Now the problem persisted on my device even when I removed the 6.3.2 and substitute it with 6.3.1
stackoverflow prevented me from uploading the images but I can send it by email to anyone to see the screen shots
I think I found the answer but yet the labels seems to be shifted out of the view. but the Answer is: This problem occurs when one of the users design the view controller using the compact or any other dimension other than Any X Any. to fix the problem, click in any of the objects created ( label, button..etc), and go the attribute inceptor, and scroll down to the bottom and you will find a check box with the word installed. there will probably be more than one. Look for the one that is not highlighted, and highlight it. This should fix the problem.
Another faster solution instead of going over each object you can deselect
Use Auto Layout
Use Size Classes
then select them again

iphone simulator only shows the background images not the labels and text box, why is this?

This is a simple iOS mobile app exercise. I have a image as a background, and then the labels and text box are added. I run the simulator and it shows correctly. but after a while I run the simulator again, the simulator only shows the background image, the text box and labels are not there anymore. I restart writing everything many time and the same thing happen at some point. This is driving me crazy. Did anyone know what is going on here??? Thank you so much in advance for your help!!!
if you done with story board than your object must be in right order.
Right/Proper Way
Wrong Way
I supposed you drag all button, label,text box objects in the storyboard. All the thing are supposed to disappear if you do not used any Layout stuff. Please try AutoLayout.
Or if you write the code to show your label in viewDidLoad(), please add the objects to your subview as self.view.addSubview(yourObjects).

Cannnot move scenes in interface builder of XCode 6.1

My problem is that I cannot move scenes after updating XCode to 6.1. They are quite distorted as u can see in a picture and I want to group them a bit. I know i can arrange them using source code of storyboard but may be there's simple way to allow just dragging them?
From what I see in your screenshot I think you just need to zoom in more, to be able to move them individually. I think its a little annoying.
Unless Its another issue, zoom in more you can do it by double clicking a few times

Wrong color in UIImageView

It looks like UIImageView (or the underlying UIView is changing my colors.
iPad simulator is on the left side, and on the right side is the same view from IB.
I have same effect on UITableViewCell, and on other views in the application. What's the problem, and how to deal with it?
It looks on a real iPad just like on a simulator.
My guess would be that it has something to do with this, though I'm not too sure what it does. You might wanna try playing around with it and see what you get.
You need not to care about how it appears in the IB. The actual appearance you can see is in Device only.
Even the simulator and the Device may give different appearance of the images.
Well, I've found out (by looking at jpeg sources using Dropbox iPad app) that the problem actually goes deeper into that: StackExchange post.
That solved my question. It still looks differently in IB and on device, but it's now pretty close to what I get in Photoshop.
