Electron development - Generate API client based on swagger definition - electron

I am very new to electron, trying to use it to build a cross-platform app which should be able to run natively on the machines. On the server side, I already have an application which exposes a REST API, documented with swagger.
Now I am trying to generate a client stub for this swagger definition, which I can then use with electron. How is that accomplished? Should I just generate JS code and use it (how would that work?)? Or is there another (better) way to do it as Electron has build in functions to access REST APIs like
I spent a considerable amount if time searching for a solution and did not find one. Now I wonder if that is such an uncommon scenario to use Electron as framework accessing REST APIs, and auto-generating the code using swagger codegen.

The great thing is that Electron apps can be very similarly developed to normal web applications. This is possibly why you didn't find specific instructions for using Electron with the tools you are used to using.
You should be able to go ahead and use whichever tools you would normally use to generate stubs for calling REST from any web application, and the stubs should work fine when referenced within Electron (as long as they generate in Javascript or Typescript).
Have you tried using Swagger codegen, did you try use the resulting client code API, and did it give you an error? Try posting any specific errors as new questions on Stack Overflow for solutions (or edit this question to be more specific).
Electron is almost like a blank canvas - there is no "right" or "wrong" way to develop, although there are certainly "good practises" and "bad practises".
There are definitely concepts that are unique to developing applications within Electron and for this it would be good to couple your development experience with some general Electron reading and learning.
You will very soon run in to "unique" Electron concepts such as "main" and "renderer" and it will be much easier if you have learning material to guide you. There is a lot of material for learning Electron so I won't try make a list here.
Also note that Stack Overflow is more useful when specific errors or minimum examples are provided and you'll probably get better answers that way :-) See: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve for more info on this.

I actually ended up swagger-codegen as GrahamMc suggested.
The general approach was like that:
rm -rf api
wget http://localhost/site/json-schema -O api.json
docker run --user `id -u`:`id -g` --rm -v ${PWD}:/local swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate -i /local/api.json -l javascript -o /local/api
rm api.json
cd api
npm install
Step 1 is cleaning up old generated code and step 2 is downloading the swagger spec which is not available from within the docker-container. The rest is cleaning up and installing dependencies.
From within the code, it can then be used like that:
var jtm_api = require('.api/')
var userApi = new jtm_api.UserApi()
var cb = function(error, data, response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
//do whatever
} else {
//do whatever
userApi.usersLoginPost(txtUser, txtPwd, cb)
There is an extensive documentation available on how to use the generated code starting from the README.md file within the generated folder.


Orocommerce - generate API client libraries

I am quite new in the orocommerce ecosystem, and I would like to generate API client librairies automatically for orocommerce API (frontend and backend). The objective is to build my own UI.
I found some dependencies on NelmioApiDocBundle than could potentially generate swagger file, but I hit multiple problems:
this is a quite old version, that only support swagger 1.2
the generated file (using symfony run php bin/console api:swagger:dump /tmp/api/) seems not working with swagger codegen "as is"
all the part of the API seems not written using NelmioApiDocBundle annotation
I am wondering if there is an other mechanism to generate API client librairies for orocommerce. I would like a SDK for typescript.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Right now, the only supported swagger version is 1.2, as you stated.
By default, the api:swagger:dump command works with an outdated API, to generate data for the current API, run it with --view=rest_json_api option:
api:swagger:dump --view=rest_json_api
As an alternative to the API client generation, as Oro API strictly follows JSON.API standard, you can use many existing client libraries, compatible with the JSON.API specification. The list of Typescript implementations can be found at the official website: https://jsonapi.org/implementations/#client-libraries-typescript

How do I demo an electron app on the web

Is there a way to easily distribute an electron.atom.io app as a static site?
I don't need all the functionality, I just want to allow the client to view the latest updates.
-- edit --
Perhaps a better way to ask the question is; "How do I build a web app that can be hosted online and run on electron with minimum rewriting" - similar to the Slack app that works the same way on web or electron app.
As long as your main use of Electron is to create a 'native browser wrapper' for a web-app this is entirely possible.
You will have to implement a check if your application is running inside a browser or inside Electron and wrap your electron specific code in it:
if (window && window.process && process.versions['electron']) {
const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron').remote
You'll probably have to step through your application and disable Electron specific functionality at multiple places.
You have other options to do a long distance demo of an Electron app
Electron is basically a shell to run node.js apps on the desktop. This means if you want to move it to the web, you have to give up all the Electron APIs that access the local system and you're left with a basic node.js app, which is most likely not desirable.
To demo your desktop app to an off-site client, you can either make a presentation with screenshots detailing the current user flow, or compile a sandboxed demo version of your app and send it over to them.
Screen presentation
This is your quickest and easiest solution if your client just wants to be kept in the loop and see some eye candy. You can just record how the app works with some example data, add some written or audio explanation to it, and let them enjoy the smooth ride.
Build a demo
If your client wants to actually have a hands-on demo with the app, you need to have some form of basic code distribution. The cleanest way to do this would be to tie up all loose ends in your current app flows, block all unfinished roads in it and compile it for whatever platform your client requested the demo for.
Take a look at the electron-packager and electron-builder docs to get an idea how to build an .exe, .dmg or whatever file from your Electron app, then send that file to them with some basic instructions.

How to make use of .jsp LDAP code and other java files in ruby on rails?

I am very exited to join this community. Here is my problem.
I am doing a project in ruby on rails which basically is to develop an interface to take applications from people then run some algorithm like Gale-Shapely for example in background after deadline and then output the results in a new page. I had the gale shapely algo coded in Java and C++ languages. The problem is we have to contact LDAP server in our institute in-order to verify the credentials of the person who is willing to fill the form. And there is a proper Java code written for that purpose which should only be used in order to contact LDAP server as per our insti rules. I ran the .jsp code by installing tomcat7 and it is working perfectly. But, now the problem I had written some code for filling form etc.. in ruby on rails. But, I am not able to use this .jsp file in the login form in rails. I searched a lot on net but I didnt found any.
Apart from this another problem is how to run my java Gale-Shapely code in background? One solution is again re-writing the entire code in ruby and use database info to run algo. Is there any method that I can give my database info to this java program and capture its output?
I solved this by using netldap gem present in rails. I realized that similar to the java code which uses an LDAP library, there is this netldap library in ruby. So, I used it to get the credentials and verify the identity of person and also to get other details from LDAP server.

Possible to deploy WAR via Dreamweaver CS5?

I use Dreamweaver heavily for modifying Liferay templates (Velocity files), and then have to run Apache Ant from Command Prompt to deploy the WAR to Tomcat . Is there anyway I can streamline this process so I can save/deploy straight from Dreamweaver?
I tried to setup a site and specify Tomcat as the local server, but obviously Dreamweaver just tries to push the raw file and does deploy the WAR.. Is there some sort of extension or way I can call Apache Ant from Dreamweaver?
I've not seen such an extension, you can search for one at the Adobe Exchange: http://www.adobe.com/go/exchange , however if there isn't one already available, which I suspect there isn't, it would be possible to write one of your own. The following links are for the extending Dreamweaver, and Dreamweaver extensibility APIs:
In this particular case, I believe that you'd need to use an undocumented API call to communicate with an external process (in your case Ant), such as DWfile.runCommandLine() or MM.runCommandLine(). Paul Boon found these and blogged about them and a couple of others here:

I want to use EtherPad (or a clone). My site is running Ruby on Rails. API or local install?

I'd like to utilize an etherpad interface on my website. Two questions:
1) is there any site with an etherpad api that I could just call remotely?
2) if not, how much trouble is it to install scala and have the two run concurrently?
Check out http://piratepad.net and http://ietherpad.com
And you can embed those etherpad instances using a simple iframe as suggested here: http://etherpad.com/ep/blog/posts/embedding-etherpad
There doesn't seem to be a proper API yet for more robust interactions.
The original etherpad.com has now gone away but at that link there is a list of clones.
The instructions for embedding etherpads seems to have gone away with the rest of etherpad.com but I believe it's as simple as this:
<div id="ep">
<iframe src="http://etherpad.com/foo?fullScreen=1"></iframe>
Replace "etherpad.com" with whatever clone you're using, "foo" with the name of your pad, and you may or may not want to change that fullScreen=1 to fullScreen=0 (or leave it off altogether).
Installing scala might mean a few things:
Installing the SDK (i.e. scalac)
Installing the runtime
Assuming you mean the runtime, scala runs entirely on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) so assuming you have 1.5+ JVM installed, you can run scala programs on it easily (Scala just compiles down to bytecode, after all). All a scala program requires is a few JARs on the classpath (scala-library and scala-compiler)
Now there is a better solution Etherpad Lite it is easily installable and embedable. See http://etherpad.org
