Decode SQ_FETCHBLOB in Informix-Protocol - informix

I'm writing a parser for the SQLi-protocol ("turbo") used by Informix. I have most opcodes covered by now, yet SQ_FETCHBLOB I don't have a clue yet. Reverse engineering the driver is difficult since it copies values from its internal state machine, which itself is hard to track. All I know is that SQ_FETCHBLOB is followed by 56 bytes of data, some of which seem to be the BLOB's total size and fetch-offset.
Does anyone have some information on how to decode SQ_FETCHBLOB as used by Informix SQLi ?

I can't comment on the specifics of the SQ_FETCHBLOB SQLI packet type but you might want to look at the file $INFORMIXDIR/incl/esql/blob.h which is shipped with Client SDK. This describes the tblob_t data structure which is 56 bytes.


How to convert hexadecimal data (stored in a string variable) to an integer value

Edit (abstract)
I tried to interpret Char/String data as Byte, 4 bytes at a time. This was because I could only get TComport/TDatapacket to interpret streamed data as String, not as any other data type. I still don't know how to get the Read method and OnRxBuf event handler to work with TComport.
Problem Summary
I'm trying to get data from a mass spectrometer (MS) using some Delphi code. The instrument is connected with a serial cable and follows the RS232 protocol. I am able to send commands and process the text-based outputs from the MS without problems, but I am having trouble with interpreting the data buffer.
From the user manual of this instrument:
"With the exception of the ion current values, the output of the RGA are ASCII character strings terminated by a linefeed + carriage return terminator. Ion signals are represented as integers in units of 10^-16 Amps, and transmitted directly in hex format (four byte integers, 2's complement format, Least Significant Byte first) for maximum data throughput."
I'm not sure whether (1) hex data can be stored properly in a string variable. I'm also not sure how to (2) implement 2's complement in Delphi and (3) the Least Significant Byte first.
Following #David Heffernan 's advice, I went and revised my data types. Attempting to harvest binary data from characters doesn't work, because not all values from 0-255 can be properly represented. You lose data along the way, basically. Especially it your data is represented 4 bytes at a time.
The solution for me was to use the Async Professional component instead of Denjan's Comport lib. It handles datastreams better and has a built-in log that I could use to figure out how to interpret streamed resposes from the instrument. It's also better documented. So, if you're new to serial communications (like I am), rather give that a go.

Importing MNIST dataset with Fortran

A Linux/GFortran question.
I know exactly what my problem is but I can't figure out how to solve it...
I want to import the MNIST dataset images and labels into Fortran arrays to play around with Machine Learning algorithms using Fortran. I've done this with Python but I can't replicate reading the data files with Fortran.
The dataset files and file layout descriptions are at:
The 2 problems I'm struggling with are...
1) The data in the files is stored in unsigned bytes. I can't find a similar datatype in Fortran. I'm using integer(kind=1) to read the first 4 bytes successfully, which constitutes the file magic number, but I'm worried about incorrectly reading the value of one of these bytes into the signed integer(kind=1) datatype.
2) The data is stored in Big-Endian format. So when I read the number of images, rows and columns, which are stored in 4 byte integers, into my Little-Endian machine, I receive the obvious gobbledegook. Ideally, what I would like to be able to do is specify the Endiness of a variable to read from a file in an edit descriptor. Is this possible?
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Kind regards

GNURADIO 3.7.8: identify a part of a byte stream

I am feeling Stream Tags, Message Passing, Packet Data Transmission are a bit of overkill, and I have hard time to understand.
I have a simple wish: starting from a stream of bytes I would like to "extract" only a fixed number of bytes) starting from a known pattern. For example from a stream like this: ...01h 55h XXh YYh ZZh..., it should extract XXh YYh ZZh.
I utilized Correlate Access Code Tag block -- Tagged Stream Align -- Pack K Bits to convert a bit stream into a byte stream and synch to the desired Access Code (01h 55h), but how do I tell gnuradio to only process 3 bytes after every time the code is found? Likely OOT block would solve, but is it there some combinatino of standard GRC block to do this?
I think with correllate_access_code_tag_bb you can actually build this, with a bit of brain-twisting, from existing blocks alone. (Note: this does rely on stream tags, because those are the right tool to mark special points in a sample flow.)
However, your simple case might really not be worth it. Simply follow the guided tutorials up to the point where you can write your own python block.
Use self.set_history(len(preamble)+len_payload) in the constructor of your new block to make sure you always see the last samples of the previous iteration in your current call to work, and simply search for the preamble in your sample stream, outputting only the len_payload following bytes when you find it, not producing anything if you don't find it.

NS-3 trace file packet ID

I have a simple point to point UDP WiFi simulation in NS-3 that outputs data to a trace file. It provides lots of useful data but there is no information that gives a unique ID for each packet. I can't find anything in wireshark either when I open the pcap files.
I have output the results of my simulation to an ascii trace file and pcap files for both nodes but I can't find any packet identifier. I can see the sequence numbers of the packets but that's it.
I am new to NS-3 so I am not sure how to produce this information.
Here is some of the output from the trace file.
t 2.00082 /NodeList/0/DeviceList/0/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/State/Tx ns3::WifiMacHeader (DATA ToDS=0, FromDS=0, MoreFrag=0, Retry=0, MoreData=0 Duration/ID=0usDA=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, SA=00:00:00:00:00:01, BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:01, FragNumber=0, SeqNumber=0) ns3::LlcSnapHeader (type 0x806) ns3::ArpHeader (request source mac: 00-06-00:00:00:00:00:01 source ipv4: dest ipv4: ns3::WifiMacTrailer ()
Any suggestions are appreciated.
In case you might not be aware of this already, let me first point out what might seem to be the obvious but: "there is no such thing as unique packet id in real networks" and since pcap traces are designed to contain dumps of real packets in real networks, there is zero chance you will be able to find a unique packet id in a pcap trace generated by ns-3.
Now, ns-3 does contain a per-packet unique id that is available with the Packet::GetId method and you can trivially change the source code of the function that generates your ascii dump to add this in src/wifi/helper/ Grep for "Ascii".
Now if you want to know why it does not do this by default because it is so useful, I honestly can't remember but:
there is probably something related to the ns2 trace format that inspired this ascii format. Compatibility with existing tools might have been an issue
adding a packet id goes against the ns-3 philosophy of matching what real networks do

Why is it not safe to use Socket.ReceiveLength?

Well, even Embarcadero states that it is not guaranteed to return accurate result of the bytes ready to read in the socket buffer, but if you look at it, when you place -1 at Socket.ReceiveBuf (this is what ReceiveLength wraps) it calls ioctlsocket with FIONREAD to determine the amount of data pending in the network's input buffer that can be read from socket s.
so, how is it not safe or bad ?
e.g: ioctlsocket(Socket.SocketHandle, FIONREAD, Longint(i));
The documentation you mention specifically says (emphasis mine)
Note: ReceiveLength is not guaranteed to be accurate for streaming socket connections.
This means that the length is not known ahead of time because it's being supplied by a stream of data. Obviously, if you don't know how big the data is that's being sent ahead of time, you can't properly set the length the client should expect.
Consider it like generic code to copy a file. If you don't know ahead of time how big the file is you'll be copying, you can't predict how many bytes you'll be copying. In the case of the socket, the stream size that's supplying the socket isn't known in advance (for instance, for data being generated real-time and sent), so there's no way to inform the client socket how much to expect.
