Self updating docker stack - docker

I have a docker stack deployed with 20+ services which comprise my application. I would like to know that is there a way to update this stack with the latest changes to the software from within one of the containers running as a part of the stack?
Approach i have tried:
In one of the containers for a service, mounted the docker socket and the /usr/bin/docker file and downloaded the latest compose file from the server.
Instantiated a script which downloads the latest images
Initiate a docker stack deploy with the new compose file
Everything works fine this way but if the service which is running this process itself has an update and if that docker stack deploy tries to create this service before any other service in the stack, then the stack update fails.
Any suggestion or alternative approaches for this?

There is no out of the box solution for docker swarm mode (something like watchtower for single docker). I think you already found the best solution for doing this automatically. I would suggest you put the update container (the one that is updating the services) on a ignore list. Then on one of your master nodes, create a cron that updates that one container. I know this is not a prefect solution, but it should work.

The standard way to do this is to build a new Docker image that contains your new application code. Tag it (as in the docker build -t argument) with some unique version, like a source control tag or date stamp. Start a new container with the new application code, then stop and delete the old container.
As a general rule you do not upgrade the software inside a running container. Delete the old container and start a new container with the software and version you want. Also, this is generally managed by an operator, a continuous deployment system, or an orchestration system, not by the container itself. (Mounting the Docker socket into a container is a significant security exposure.)
(Imagine setting up a second copy of your cluster that works exactly the same way as your production cluster, except that it has the software you want to deploy tomorrow. You don't want your production cluster picking that up on its own until you've tested it. This scheme should give you a reproducible deployment setup so that it's easy to start that pre-production cluster, but also give you control over which specific versions are running where.)


How to extract docker-compose file from running docker start

I have docker stack started with docker stack deploy --compose-file ...
and later manually edited via Docker Portainer UI.
I'd like to write a script that updates the docker image tag of one of the services.
To do that I need to "download" the latest "docker-compose" stack definition however I cannot find the appropriate docker command.
I do know that the best would be to stop changing stack manually and rely on its definition stored in git but unfortunately, it is not up to me.
Please point me to the appropriate docker command or confirm that it is not available.
As far as i know there is no command you could get the compose file from the running container directly. At least not implemented out of the box in docker. You could try to parse all the relevant information from docker inspect and few other commands to list/inspect all relevant objects?.
I have once came across the similar situation where we had a running container but no run/compose command which we needed to update. At the time (roughly a year ago) i found and used docker-autocompose which did very good job. We only had to manually verify and adjust few things,but it got all the difficult parts with run parameters done for us.
It could help in your case to automate it if your compose configs are simple enough.
But if you wanted to fully automate it to mimic CD, then i would not recommend the approach above. In that case i would check if you could use portainer api as #LinFelix recommended. Or store compose files somewhere - prepared with parameters ($IMAGE_TAG) (git/on server) so you can then generate temporary compose files with all configuration and then remove the current one.

How to create docker images for a system with multiple applications

I have installed and configured a system in EC2s using Ansible. It is 1 EC2 master with a few EC2 workers. Sometimes when I use ansible to update or reinstall configuration, it fails because either some package has been removed from open-source repositories, or the package is updated so not compatible with some other packages. And I learned that using docker-container can resolve these kind of configuration problems.
However, according to what I learned, each docker image will create image of one application (I guess one application means one process). But mine is a system which has airflow master webserver, airflow worker webserver, flower webserver, rabbitmq, airflow celery, several configuration files, etc. how can I create docker images for that? Should I create one docker image for each process? How do I know which linux folder should I go to create each docker image? How do I know which applications/processes I need to create? And how to combine these images to make them work together as a system?
Or maybe in my case I should not use docker image, Instead I should just create an EC2 image?
Use docker-compose.
Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications
each docker image will create image of one application (I guess one application means one process)
That is basically correct. You should create one docker-container per application. In theory you can have multiple process per container, but that doesn't matter in this case.
how can I create docker images for that?
In your case you should make one docker-container for airflow master webserver, one for airflow worker webserver, one for flower webserver, etc. And the you use a docker-compose.yml to link them all together.
Should I create one docker image for each process?
generally yes. (It may depend on your exact setup though)
And how to combine these images to make them work together as a system?
How do I know which linux folder should I go to create each docker image?
I don't understand that question
How do I know which applications/processes I need to create?
You could create a deployment-diagram and then start from there.

Persisting changes to Windows Registry between restarts of a Windows Container

Given a Windows application running in a Docker Windows Container, and while running changes are made to the Windows registry by the running applications, is there a docker switch/command that allows changes to the Windows Registry to be persisted, so that when the container is restarted the changed values are retained.
As a comparison, file changes can be persisted between container restarts by exposing mount points e.g.
docker volume create externalstore
docker run -v externalstore:\data microsoft/windowsservercore
What is the equivalent feature for Windows Registry?
I think you're after dynamic changes (each start and stop of the container contains different user keys you want to save for the next run), like a roaming profile, rather than a static set of registry settings but I'm writing for static as it's an easier and more likely answer.
It's worth noting the distinction between a container and an image.
Images are static templates.
Containers are started from images and while they can be stopped and restarted, you usually throw them entirely away after each execution with most enterprise designs such as with Kubernetes.
If you wish to run a docker container like a VM (not generally recommended), stopping and starting it, your registry settings should persist between runs.
It's possible to convert a container to an image by using the docker commit command. In this method, you would start the container, make the needed changes, then commit the container to an image. New containers would be started from the new image. While this is possible, it's not really recommended for the same reason that cloning a machine or upgrading an OS is not. You will get extra artifacts (files, settings, logs) that you don't really want in the image. If this is done repeatedly, it'll end up like a bad photocopy.
A better way to make a static change is to build a new image using a dockerfile. You'll need to read up on that (beyond the scope of this answer) but essentially you're writing a docker script that will make a change to an existing docker image and save it to a new image (done with docker build). The advantage of this is that it's cleaner, more repeatable, and each step of the build process is layered. Layers are advantageous for space savings. An image made with a windowsservercore base and application layer, then copied to another machine which already had a copy of the windowsservercore base, would only take up the additional space of the application layer.
If you want to repeatedly create containers and apply consistent settings to them but without building a new image, you could do a couple things:
Mount a volume with a script and set the execution point of the container/image to run that script. The script could import the registry settings and then kick off whatever application you were originally using as the execution point, note that the script would need to be a continuous loop. The MS SQL Developer image is a good example, The script could export the settings you want. Not sure if there's an easy way to detect "shutdown" and have it run at that point, but you could easily set it to run in a loop writing continuously to the mounted volume.
Leverage a control system such as Docker Compose or Kubernetes to handle the setting for you (not sure offhand how practical this is for registry settings)
Have the application set the registry settings
Open ports to the container which allow remote management of the container (not recommended for security reasons)
Mount a volume where the registry files are located in the container (I'm not certain where these are or if this will work correctly)
TL;DR: You should make a new image using a dockerfile for static changes. For dynamic changes, you will probably need to use some clever scripting.

Can I migrate processes between fat containers?

I recently began getting into Docker and containers. Up to now, I understand that the philosophy behind containers is to run one process per container so we end up with applications which can be run easily and consistently regardless of the environment. Also, that containers are intrinsically connected to it's image, so if you want to save the changes to a container you need to commit and create a new image.
But let's say I want to run multiple processes inside a single container, AKA a fat container. I know it can be done and things like "Supervisord" and "Baseimage-docker" can help manage processes within fat containers.
Now we get to my question: Is there a way to have a fat container running, save the run state of a single process and migrate said process to another container?
I've looked online but I haven't really found anyone that has said that this is possible. So I'm turning to you guys in case one of you have thought about this problem or maybe I've missed something along the way.
I am not so sure if the question might be opinion based. but here is what i think you might be able to do, lets say you have a web application like a Django application that uses Redis within the same container, which will be considered as a fat container and you need to migrate redis to be a standalone service within its own container then you have to do the following:
1- Prepare a docker image that has Redis installed you might go with your own image or use the official redis docker image.
2- Copy the configuration that is being used with redis from the fat container so you can mount it later inside the new redis container
3- Change the Django application settings and make it point to that new redis container
4- Remove redis service and its configuration from the fat container or maybe build a new image.
and thats it, now you should start the redis container and restart the django application container to take effect or start a new one if you modified the fat image.
There's the famous Quake demo and the ability to migrate the state of an entire container with CRIU. That's probably the closest I've seen to what you're talking about. More here:
As far as a "single" process inside a container, maybe just migrate the entire container and kill the processes you want moved?
I would say the more common pattern in the Docker community is single process containers that are freely killed/updated/etc.

What would be a good docker webdev workflow?

I have a hunch that docker could greatly improve my webdev workflow - but I haven't quite managed to wrap my head around how to approach a project adding docker to the stack.
The basic software stack would look like this:
Docker image(s) providing custom LAMP stack
Apache with several modules
Some CMS, e.g. Silverstripe
I could imagine the workflow to look somewhat like the following:
Write a Dockerfile that defines a LAMP-container meeting the requirements stated above
REQ: The machine should start apache/mysql right after booting
Build the docker image
Copy the files required to run the CMS into e.g. ~/dev/cmsdir
Put ~/dev/cmsdir/ under version control
Run the docker container, and somehow mount ~/dev/cmsdir to /var/www/ on the container
Populate the database
Do work in /dev/cmsdir/
Commit & shut down docker container
Set up remote host (e.g. with ansible)
Push container image to remote host
Fetch cmsdir-project via git
Run the docker container, pull in the database and mount cmsdir into /var/www
Now, this looks all quite nice on paper, BUT I am not quite sure whether this would be the right approach at all.
While developing locally, how would I get the database to persist between reboots of the container instance? Or would I need to run sql-dump every time before spinning down the container?
Should I have separate container instances for the db and the apache server? Or would it be sufficient to have a single container for above use case?
If using separate containers for database and server, how could I automate spinning them up and down at the same time?
How would I actually mount /dev/cmsdir/ into the containers /var/www/-directory? Should I utilize data-volumes for this?
Did I miss any pitfalls? Anything that could be simplified?
If you need database persistance indepent of your CMS container, you can use one container for MySQL and one container for your CMS. In such case, you can have your MySQL container still running and your can redeploy your CMS as often as you want independently.
For development - the another option is to map mysql data directories from your host/development machine using data volumes. This way you can manage data files for mysql (in docker) using git (on host) and "reload" initial state anytime you want (before starting mysql container).
Yes, I think you should have a separate container for db.
I am using just basic script:
$JOB1 = (docker run ... /usr/sbin/mysqld)
$JOB2 = (docker run ... /usr/sbin/apache2)
echo MySql=$JOB1, Apache=$JOB2
Yes, you can use data-volumes -v switch. I would use this for development. You can use read-only mounting, so no changes will be made to this directory if you want (your app should store data somewhere else anyway).
docker run -v=/home/user/dev/cmsdir:/var/www/cmsdir:ro image /usr/sbin/apache2
Anyway, for final deployment, I would build and image using dockerfile with ADD /home/user/dev/cmsdir /var/www/cmsdir
I don't know :-)
You want to use docker-compose. Follow the tutorial here. Very simple. Seems to tick all your boxes.
I understand this post is over a year old at this time, but I have recently asked myself very similar questions and have several great answers to your questions.
You can setup a MySQL docker instance and have data persist on a stateless data container, aka the data container does not need to be actively running
Yes I would recommend having a separate instance for your web server and database. This is the power of Docker.
Check out this repo I have been building. Basically it is as simple as make build & make run and you can have a web server and database container running locally.
You use the -v argument when running the container for the first time, this will link a specific folder on the container to the host running the container.
I think your ideas are great and it is currently possible to achieve all that you are asking.
Here is a turn key solution achieving all of the needs you have listed.
I've put together an easy to use docker compose setup that should match your development workflow requirements.
Main Features
Persistent DB
Your choice of HHVM + NGINX or Apache2 + PHP5
Debug and set breakpoints with xDebug
The should be clear enough to get you started.
