How should I use environment variables at the Entrypoint in Docker? - docker

ENV ADDRESS=http://peer1:8761/eureka/,http://peer2:8762/eureka/
ENTRYPOINT ["java","", "-jar","/app.jar", "--eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone=$ADDRESS"]
I want to specify the eureka address to the entrypoint via environment variables.But it still $ADDRESS when i use docker run,and i use ENTRYPOINT java -jar xxxx,it can be replaced correctly,but when i use ENTRYPOINT like ENTRYPOINT java -jar xxx.jar,and i use docker run image_name,ending parameters active=peer1 will not take effect,What should I do to use environment variables and parameters in Entrypoint

I just tried resolving PATH in dockerfile and it worked for one scenario (I used CMD though) not sure if that helps. If this did not work let me know with more details.
There are two forms to specify command (Exec form and Shell form), and two ways to specify the default command(ENTRYPOINT and CMD) in a dockerfile.
Exec form:
FROM ubuntu
The command specified (ping) will run as PID 1. That is the reason why if we press CTRL + C (SIGTERM) is passed to PID1 process and container is shutdown.
Shell form:
FROM ubuntu
CMD echo $PATH
PATH got resolved to the shell environment PATH when run.(output verified).
shell form specifiies command tokens separated by spaces.
shell form executes command by calling /bin/sh -c (this means PID 1 is actually the shell and the command specified in docker file is just another process)(pressing CTRL + C will not kill container)
Advantage of using shell form is since you are executing with /bin/sh -c we can resolve environment variables in command (in above example we are using PATH).
Hope this helps


Docker is adding single quotes to ENTERYPOINT argument

I am creating a Dockerfile that needs to source a script before a shell is run.
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-rcfile","<(echo '. ./mydir/')"]
However, the script isn't sourced as expected.
Combining these parameters on a command line (normal Linux instance, outside of any Docker container), it works properly, for example:
$ /bin/bash -rcfile <(echo '. ./mydir/')
So I took a look at what was actually used by the container when it was run.
$ docker ps --format "table {{.ID}} \t {{.Names}} \t {{.Command}}" --no-trunc
70a5f846787075bd9bd55432dc17366268c33c1ab06fb36b23a50f5c3aef19bb happy_cray "/bin/bash -rcfile '<(echo '. ./mydir/')'"
Besides the fact that it properly identified the emotional state of Cray computers, Docker seems to be sneaking in undesired single quotes into the third parameter to ENTRYPOINT.
'<(echo '. ./mydir/')'
Thus the command actually being executed is:
$ /bin/bash -rcfile '<(echo '. ./mydir/')'
Which doesn't work...
Now I realize there are more ways to skin this cat, and I could make this work a different way, I am curious about the insertion of single quotes to the third argument to ENTRYPOINT. Is there a way to avoid this?
Thank you,
At a super low level, the Unix execve(2) function launches a process by taking a sequence of words, where the first word is the actual command to run and the remaining words are its arguments. When you run a command interactively, the shell breaks it into words, usually at spaces, and then calls an exec-type function to run it. The shell also does other processing like replacing $VARIABLE references or the bash-specific <(subprocess) construct; all of these are at layers above simply "run a process".
The Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT (and also CMD, and less frequently RUN) has two forms. You're using the JSON-array exec form. If you do this, you're telling Docker that you want to run the main container command with exactly these three literal strings as arguments. In particular the <(...) string is passed as a literal argument to bash --rcfile, and nothing actually executes it.
The obvious answer here is to use the string-syntax shell form instead
ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash -rcfile <(echo '. ./mydir/')
Docker wraps this in an invocation of sh -c (or the Dockerfile SHELL). That causes a shell to preprocess the command string, break it into words, and execute it. Assuming the SHELL is bash and not a pure POSIX shell, this will handle the substitution.
However, there are some downsides to this, most notably that the sh -c invocation "eats" all of the arguments that might be passed in the CMD. If you want your main container process to be anything other than an interactive shell, this won't work.
This brings you to the point of trying to find simpler alternatives to doing this. One specific observation is that the substitution here isn't doing anything; <(echo something) will always produce the fixed string something and you can do it without the substitution. If you can avoid the substitution then you don't need the shell either:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "./mydir/"]
Another sensible approach here is to use an entrypoint wrapper script. This uses the ENTRYPOINT to run a shell script that does whatever initialization is needed, then exec "$#" to run the main container command. In particular, if you use the shell . command to set environment variables (equivalent to the bash-specific source) those will "stick" for the main container process.
# read the file that sets variables
. ./mydir/
# run the main container command
exec "$#"
# Dockerfile
COPY ./ # may be part of some other COPY
ENTRYPOINT ["./"] # must be JSON-array syntax
CMD ???
This should have the same net effect. If you get a debugging shell with docker run --rm -it your-image bash, it will run under the entrypoint wrapper and see the environment variables. You can do other setup in the wrapper script if required. This particular setup also doesn't use any bash-specific options, and might run better under minimal Alpine-based images.
insertion of single quotes can be avoided by using escape characters in the third argument to ENTRYPOINT.
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-rcfile","$(echo '. ./mydir/')"]

How do I run the eval $(envkey-source) command in docker using Dockerfile?

I want to run a command, eval $(envkey-source) for setting certain environment variables using envkey. I install it, set my ENVKEY variable and then try to import all the environment variables. I do this all via Docker. However, docker is giving an error in this command:
Step 31/35 : RUN eval $(envkey-source)
---> Running in 6a9ebf1ede96
/bin/sh: 1: export: : bad variable name
The command '/bin/sh -c eval $(envkey-source)' returned a non-zero code: 2
I tried reading the documentation of envkey but they tell nothing about Docker.
I have installed envkey using following commands:
ENV ENVKEY=yada_yada
RUN curl -s | bash
Until here, all goes well. I get verbose of suggestions on the console about how to run the envkey to get all the environment variables set.
The problem comes on this side:
RUN eval $(envkey-source)
The error:
Step 31/35 : RUN eval $(envkey-source)
---> Running in 6a9ebf1ede96
/bin/sh: 1: export: : bad variable name
The command '/bin/sh -c eval $(envkey-source)' returned a non-zero code: 2
You can't do this, for a couple of reasons. The envkey documentation eventually links to an example in their GitHub which you might find informative.
Each Dockerfile RUN command runs a new shell in a new container. In particular, environment variables set within a RUN command are lost after it exits. Any form of RUN export ... is a no-op. If variables are static you can set them using the ENV directive, but in this case where you're running a program that needs to generate them dynamically, you need another approach.
A typical pattern here is to use a shell script as your container's ENTRYPOINT. That does some initial setup and then replaces itself with the container's CMD. Since the CMD runs in the same shell environment as the rest of the script, you can do dynamic variable setup here. The script might look like:
eval "$(envkey-source)"
exec "$#"
The other thing to keep in mind here is that anyone can docker inspect your image and get its environment variables back out, or docker run imagename /usr/bin/env. If you could run envkey-source in the Dockerfile then the environment variables would be available in the image in clear text, which defeats the purpose. Even embedding the key in the image effectively leaks it. You should pass this at runtime using a docker run -e option or a Docker Compose environment: key, relaying it from the host's environment.

I would like to populate a entry in config file at run time via docker compose

I have tomcat installed in a container, inside it there is application configuration file. I would like to populate a value inside it during run time. (before that I dont know what the value so cant populate at the time of building the image)
I am invoking service with docker-compose up, and I would like the value in configuration file gets replaced via the value I provide to docker compose as parameter
something like docker-compose up -e "value at run time via docker compose"
URL for server
SERVERADD=https://{{value at run time via docker compose}}/{{index}}
Can I accomplish this with environment variable or any other way kindly suggest !!!
This is normally done in an ENTRYPOINT or CMD script that is built into the image.
The script checks for the environment variable, does the replacements or other work required, then continues on to run the command as before.
if [ -n "$SOME_ENV" ]; then
sed -i '' -e 's/^param=.*/param='"$SOME_ENV"'/' /etc/file.conf
exec "$#"
The script needs to be added to an image, the Dockerfile could be:
FROM whatever
CMD [ "run_server", "-o", "option" ]

How do I use Docker environment variable in ENTRYPOINT array?

If I set an environment variable, say ENV ADDRESSEE=world, and I want to use it in the entry point script concatenated into a fixed string like:
ENTRYPOINT ["./greeting", "--message", "Hello, world!"]
with world being the value of the environment varible, how do I do it? I tried using "Hello, $ADDRESSEE" but that doesn't seem to work, as it takes the $ADDRESSEE literally.
You're using the exec form of ENTRYPOINT. Unlike the shell form, the exec form does not invoke a command shell. This means that normal shell processing does not happen. For example, ENTRYPOINT [ "echo", "$HOME" ] will not do variable substitution on $HOME. If you want shell processing then either use the shell form or execute a shell directly, for example: ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "echo $HOME" ].
When using the exec form and executing a shell directly, as in the case for the shell form, it is the shell that is doing the environment variable expansion, not docker.(from Dockerfile reference)
In your case, I would use shell form
ENTRYPOINT ./greeting --message "Hello, $ADDRESSEE\!"
After much pain, and great assistance from #vitr et al above, i decided to try
standard bash substitution
shell form of ENTRYPOINT (great tip from above)
and that worked.
ENTRYPOINT java -cp "app:app/lib/*" hello.Application --server.port=${LISTEN_PORT:-80}
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -d --env LISTEN_PORT=8080 my-image
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 -d my-image
both set the port correctly in my container
I tried to resolve with the suggested answer and still ran into some issues...
This was a solution to my problem:
ARG APP_EXE="AppName.exe"
# Build a shell script because the ENTRYPOINT command doesn't like using ENV
RUN echo "#!/bin/bash \n mono ${_EXE}" > ./
RUN chmod +x ./
# Run the generated shell script.
Specifically targeting your problem:
RUN echo "#!/bin/bash \n ./greeting --message ${ADDRESSEE}" > ./
RUN chmod +x ./
IMPORTANT: The variable which you wish to use in the ENTRYPOINT MUST be ENV type (and not ARG type).
ARG APP_NAME=app.jar # $APP_NAME can be ARG or ENV type.
ENV APP_PATH=app-directory/$APP_NAME # $APP_PATH must be ENV type.
This will result with executing:
java -jar app-directory/app.jar
ARG ADDRESSEE="world" # $ADDRESSEE can be ARG or ENV type.
ENV MESSAGE="Hello, $ADDRESSEE!" # $MESSAGE must be ENV type.
ENTRYPOINT ./greeting --message $MESSAGE
This will result with executing:
./greeting --message Hello, world!
Please verify to be sure, whether you need quotation-marks "" when assigning string variables.
MY TIP: Use ENV instead of ARG whenever possible to avoid confusion on your part or the SHELL side.
For me, I wanted to store the name of the script in a variable and still use the exec form.
Note: Make sure, the variable you are trying to use is declared an environment variable either from the commandline or via the ENV directive.
Initially I did something like:
ENTRYPOINT [ "${BASE_FOLDER}/scripts/" ]
But obviously this didn't work because we are using the shell form and the first program listed needs to be an executable on the PATH. So to fix this, this is what I ended up doing:
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "exec ${BASE_FOLDER}/scripts/ \"${#}\"", "--" ]
Note the double quotes are required
What this does is to allow us to take whatever extra args were passed to /bin/bash, and supply those same arguments to our script after the name has been resolved by bash.
man 7 bash
-- A -- signals the end of options and disables further
option processing. Any arguments after the -- are treated
as filenames and arguments. An argument of - is
equivalent to --.
In my case worked this way: (for Spring boot app in docker)
ENTRYPOINT java -DidMachine=${IDMACHINE} -jar my-app-name
and passing the params on docker run
docker run --env IDMACHINE=Idmachine -p 8383:8383 my-app-name
I solved the problem using a variation on "create a custom script" approach above. Like this:
FROM hairyhenderson/figlet
RUN printf '#!/bin/sh\nfiglet -W \${GREETING} \$#\n' > /runme && chmod +x /runme
ENTRYPOINT ["/runme"]
CMD ["World"]
Run like
docker container run -it --rm -e GREETING="G'Day" dockerfornovices/figlet-greeter Alec
If someone wants to pass an ARG or ENV variable to exec form of ENTRYPOINT then a temp file created during image building process might be used.
In my case I had to start the app differently depending on whether the .NET app has been published as self-contained or not.
What I did is I created the temp file and I used its name in the if statement of my bash script.
Part of my dockerfile:
# File has to be used as a variable as it's impossible to pass variable do ENTRYPOINT using Exec form. File name allows to check whether app is self-contained
ENTRYPOINT ["./", "MyApp" ]
if [ -f "true.txt" ]; then
dotnet "${FILENAME}".dll
Here is what worked for me:
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "source ~/.bashrc && ./ ${#}", "--" ]
Now you can supply whatever arguments to the docker run command and still read all environment variables.

How to escape CMD in Dockerfile

I've tried to start a server inside docker via the following syntax permutations:
CMD [ "forever", "start", "server/server.js" ]
CMD [ "forever", "start", "server\/server.js" ]
CMD forever start server/server.js
But each of them has failed.
The first two ran as "forever start server" ... notice the missing /server.js piece.
The last one ran as "/bin/sh -c 'forever "
So what is the correct syntax to place forever start server/server.js inside a Dockerfile to run it as a detached container?
I've just run into the same issue with starting a Java application inside the docker container when running it.
From the docker reference you have three opportunities:
CMD ["executable","param1","param2"]
CMD ["param1","param2"]
CMD command param1 param2
Have a look here: Docker CMD
I'm not familiar with JavaScript, but assuming that the application you want to start is a Java application:
CMD ["/some path/jre64/bin/java", "server.jar", "start", "forever", ...]
And as the others in your comments say, you could also add the script via docker ADD or COPY in your Dockerfile and start it with docker RUN.
Yet another solution would be to run the docker container and mount a directory with the desired script via docker run .. -v HOSTDIR:CONTAINERDIR inside the container and trigger that script with docker exec.
Have a read here: Docker Filemounting + Docker Exec
Just run it via sh -c as suggested in the comments,
The syntax is:
CMD["/bin/sh", "-c", "'forever start server/server.js'"]
In case your tool requires a login shell to run, maybe try this one too:
CMD["/bin/bash", "-lc", "'forever start server/server.js'"]
This should work fine, having the same effect as putting the command into a standard sh shell in a single line.
