how to get jenkins build urls related to a jira fix version? - jenkins

I need some help to ingrate Jenkins with jira my user case is this one : i would like to feed urls of builds related to a Jira fix version. This is important for us ( audit & compliance purposes )
How can i do that ?
Think you in advance.

This is how we handled it:
Add a custom text field to every jira issue type. it can be 'build number' or 'build url' or whatever information you need to display regarding the jenkins build
Create a python script that receives as parameters a list of jira issues and a build number.
Using the JIRA python module (pip install jira), the script creates a connection to jira, goes over the list of issues and updates the custom field above to the given build number.
if the list of issues is not known in advance, then instead of parameter you can provide (or hard-code) a JQL query which the script can use to obtain the list of issues.
Depending on your needs, you may want to skip updating issues who already has a build
number set (either manually or by a previous build)
(Sorry, i can't share exact code but it shouldn't be complicated.)
In your Jenkins build, add a 'batch command' item which runs that python script with the appropriate parameters.


Using Jira to trigger a Jenkins build

I have a strange use case here I know, but basically I have a CI / CD solution that starts be a developer creating a zip file of a set of resources. This zip is then sucked in to SVN via the tools internal programs.
Currently the solution works, using the FSTRigger to poll for an updated zip. When it see it, then the process kicks off and we're happy.
going forward I'd like the builds to be triggered by a Jira job reaching a certain status and have been looking at the Jira trigger plugin. It looks like it will help satisfy me with regards the triggering of the build and passing data from Jira to Jenkins to use for delivery notes etc. However it would still depend on the zip file being in a certain location to be picked up.
I'm wondering if it's possible to attach the zip to the Jira task and then as part of the task status hitting 'build' kick off the Jenkins job and copy the zip so it can be picked up by by the Jenkins build task.
for reasons to complex to mention, checking the zip into svn first won't really work.
When your Jenkins build is triggered via jira-trigger-plugin, you would be able to access JIRA_ISSUE_KEY environment variable that contains the JIRA issue which status has changed.
With the JIRA issue key, you can hit Get Issue JIRA REST API to retrieve the issue details. The issue details would contain the attachment information, which would then be able to be used for downloading the zip in Jenkins.

Can you ask for user input for TFS 2015 CI build?

This seems simple enough, but I can't find a solution for this online.
I am integrating SonarQube into our build definitions that get triggered on check in. I want the version SonarQube uses to be tied back to the project number defined by the business side of things.
Ideally, I would like to be able to prompt the user for input. When you go to check in and it kicks off the build, it would ask you for the project number to be used as the version for SonarQube. Is this something TFS 2015 supports?
User input for build definitions
As far as I know, build definitions that are not manually triggered do not prompt for user input. A prompt allowing users to set build variables is shown for manually triggered builds from the VSTS web page.
SonarQube project version
I would recommend against you using the build or assembly version in your build tasks. This is because the SonarQube concept of version is quite different from the build concept. SonarQube uses versions as a baselining mechanism / to determine the leak period. If you up the version number often, the leak period is going to be too short to be actionable.
I'd recommend keeping the SonarQube project version in sync with your release schedule instead.
The short answer to this question is no, there is no way to prompt for input on a non-manually triggered CI build.
Here's what we did to work around this:
I wrote a Powershell script to read a config file and set the values to environment variables exposed to later build steps. Those variables are then what are specified in the Sonar Begin Analysis build task. I packaged that script up as a custom build task that will read a "sonar.config" file. This means all we have to do is add a "sonar.config" file to each solution we want to run Sonar analysis for, defining the key, name and version for the project, and then this build task will populate all necessary environment variables as the first step in the build.
So not a perfect solution, but it gets the job done without us having to add a lot of extra code to our solutions.

Pull version label from TFS in TeamCity

I need to pull from a specific label in TFS and then build it in TeamCity. Is there any way to do this? I've done it before in SVN with custom steps, I was trying to avoid this. I assume a custom step like the below would work, but wanted to avoid it if possible.
Any ideas? Maybe a way through the fetch URL or appended to the collection URL that I don't know about.
tf get * /r /version:Lyourlabelname
You can run a build on a specified change[set] manually using Run
Custom Build dialog.
Another way is to run tf.exe using the Get command.
Synchronize a workspace to match a labeled version of the team’s codebase
c:\code\SiteApp\Main>tf get /v:LLastKnownGood
Synchronizes the workspace to match the items in the codebase that are labeled LastKnownGood
Edit 2
Also see
TeamCity does not support getting labeled sources at this time. The feature request is addressed by TW-5061, please vote for it.

Displaying in Jenkins content from workspace text file in build screen

I have a Jenkins job that stores artifacts as a post-build action. Within these artifacts is a text file that tells which version of the software has been built. Is it somehow possible in a Jenkins project to get access to this text file and displaying its contents somewhere on the Jenkins build page somehow? This way the build manager would instantly see what software version this archived artifact contains. Thanks!
There are more advanced ways with GroovyScript, but I can suggest something like this:
Use Description Setter plugin. It uses RegEx to look at the console output (build log) for a pattern and sets the description (as seen in screenshot) accordingly.
If you don't have the version already printed in console log, you can print it out with either
cat filename (Linux) or type filename (Windows). No need to store a version text file as an artifact (unless you need it for other purposes)
To answer your question directly, in order to add text to actual build page, you can use Groovy Postbuild plugin, something like this:
def workspace =["WORKSPACE"]
String fileContents = new File('${workspace}/filename.txt').text
manager.createSummary("folder.gif").appendText("${fileContents }")
The plugin page has a lot of examples.
I got a revised proposal. Since all you really want is to include a semantic versioning information in your displayed build name and/or description, there is a simpler way to do this.
First of all I have stumbled upon a plugin that does the extraction of your version from the Maven or SBT build process quite nicely - the Semantic Versioning Plugin. This does what is advertised - extracting the version from POM or whatever and including this as a file and a variable in your build process. So you have the freedom to use both, either include the file in your build process and do what you heart wishes AND/OR use the variable to affect the build flow in Jenkins. Now, because this plugin still have couple of bugs I would like to point you for now to my own build of this plugin with fixes already in that can be obtained from here. I will take my own version down the moment that all fixes will be merged to the official plugin...
Then let's start with the name. As suggested previously the best way to do so is to use the Build Name Setter plugin. In order to use both plugins to set up a name for your build navigate to the configuration of the project and find an option named "Determine Semantic Version for project" in there, activate it and either use the default name of the variable or provide your own. When you're down scroll down a little bit to the option named "Set Build Name" and activate it. By default you will see the regular build naming convention there - #${BUILD_NUMBER}. You can use that variable as well as any other provided by any plugin, but in this specific case you need to use the environment variable that you have named above, i.e.:
This will set the name of every build to something more meaningful, so in this case it may result in #76 - 0.0.76-SNAPSHOT. Obviously you're free to experiment on your own to tailor the name of the build to specific format you desire. Keep in mind that it might break your page flow a little bit since the name will be longer than usually, therefore it will push that table with latest builds on the left side of the screen as well it will affect your dashboard.
Now, in order to customize your build information further you might want to take a look at Description Setter Plugin as well. Personally, since I have started to investigate this case further, I use the combination of both at this time. You can use the same token expansion as the one listed above, the big difference is that you will need to create/maintain a file that will be used to create the description. What you will include in this description is only limited by all the variables or token published by Jenkins itself or any of the installed plugins (take a look here). Personally I am listing some information gathered from different places as well as some additional stuff created/provided by Maven during the build process. So it's pretty handy.
Both plugins mentioned above (Build Name Setter and Description Setter) can use other sources of information to build the name and description - it can be properties files, etc. For example one can use Job Exporter Plugin to drop a properties files to read all possible information about the build itself in the form of, as example:
In this case this will resolve to user name of the user who have triggered the build.
Again, any variable visible to Token Macro plugin can be used.

Jenkins Parameterized choice

In Jenkins, I want to create a job with two parameters. The first one gives a choice of environments (like DEV, TEST, PROD). Once the environment is selected I want the second parameter to show the list of servers from the selected environment. So the user can select ALL or a particular server to install. Is it possible to do this in Jenkins or any of its plugins? Basically I want the second choice box to be updated when the first choice box is selected.
This is not possible using the default parameterized build option in Jenkins. There may be another plugin written that does this (there are many many community contributed plugins) but I'm not aware of one.
However I have written several custom Jenkins plugins to essentially customize the build page UI for needs that are specific to my company. Writing a Jenkins plugin seems intimidating at first, but it actually isn't too hard if you know Java and Maven. If you don't know either of those, then you will need to find someone who does.
Here is a similar question with a similar answer: Hudson or Jenkins Parameterized Builds using dynamic choices
I don't think that much dynamic choice parameters are available through plugins also. But you can try out this plugin to get what you want. Extended Choice Parameter Plugin to achieve what you want. But not exactly you want. Hope this helps.
