What is the meaning of count argument in str_replace function of php? How to use it? - str-replace

I would like to know what is the meaning of count argument in str_replace() function of PHP. This argument is optional. We have to pass it through reference. But why? What is it for? How can I use it?
Syntax of str_replace():
str_replace(searchValue, replaceValue, String, [&count]);
Refenrence: http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-replace.php
Thank you.


Text tag '#<text>' does not work when used as an argument

When I do something similar to the following example, it results in the Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type error. I'm not sure if that is a normal behavior or there's something wrong with how I use it.
#(Html.Kendo.Dialog().Content(#<text> Some Html Code </text>))
However, what do I have to do if I wanna pass something like that, let's say a long html code containing scripts, etc., to a helper function?

How to include a variable in io:get_line (Erlang)

Is there a way to put a variable in a io:get_line() code? I tried
io:get_line("~s: ",[Variable]).
but it doesn't work. So my question is there another implementation for this?
You can pass the format string and arguments to io_lib:format/2 first, and then send that to io:get_line/1:
1> Variable = "Name".
2> io:get_line(io_lib:format("~s: ", [Variable])).
Name: Dogbert
You can use fread/3 function:
Reads characters from the standard input (IoDevice), prompting it with Prompt. Interprets the characters in accordance with Format. Format contains control sequences that directs the interpretation of the input.

how to pass special char \ in query string?

I want to pass a variable named as \Set in query string. Can anyone please help me how to pass this in query string of url because currently I am getting 404 error.
You would need to URL-encode characters which otherwise already have meanings in a URL.
So this:
Becomes this:

To convert variable name to string or symbol

it's possible in rails convert variable name to string?
stack_overflow = "Fantastic!".
by stack_overflow.to_sym I'll get :Fantastic!.
Instead I would => :stack_overflow
and, if it were possibile, this would be bad programming cause unsafe code?
Thanks :-)
You'd need to use eval(), although I don't know the specific way you'd achieve what you want:
new_var = eval(stack_overflow.to_sym)

Find all URL's in a string in rails 3

I'm building an app in Rails 3 and I need a method to extract all urls from a string and store them in a hash or something. I know I need to use regular expressions but I don't know where exactly to begin with them.
Also, I know about auto_link, but it doesn't quite do what I'm trying to achieve. I just simply need a hash of all the url's from a string.
From http://www.regular-expressions.info/ruby.html
"To collect all regex matches in a string into an array, pass the regexp object to the string's scan() method, e.g.: myarray = mystring.scan(/regex/)."
So you probably need strings that start with "http". So check the docs for that :)
I don't program in Ruby and I'm not very good with regex but maybe this will help you out:
