SSL on DigitalOcean without Apache or Nginix - ruby-on-rails

Ok, I am very new to this, so I'm very sorry If what I say does not make sense. I'm a ruby on rails developer and I want to host my web application using Digital Ocean. Now I installed Ubuntu 18.04, and I followed this article to deploy my rails app to my web server:
This article explains how to deploy a ruby on rails app to Digital Ocean using a library called Passenger. Nowhere in the installation do we install Apache or Nginx.
This is where the problem lies... Every tutorial or article I find are explanations on how to configure an SSL certificate with either Apache or Nginx. They use libraries such as Let's Encrypt. But, like I said, I'm not using Apache or Nginx. I'm using Passenger.
How can I implement an SSL certificate on my digital ocean droplet without needing Apache or Nginx. Or if any of you have any articles that can help me with this, I'd really appreciate it if you could share them. Thank you so much!

I don't know if you have found it or not but this is the official tutorial: Using SSL with Passenger in Production


Ruby on Rails on GoDaddy VPS Configuration

So, I have a client who wants his site hosted on GoDaddy, and it's a RoR site I built for him. It's on a VPS server, so I can connect via SSH and do everything I need to do, but I'm not sure what I should do to actually serve the site. On Digital Ocean I would have installed and configured Puma and Nginx, but I'm not sure if I should configure something through CPanel instead.
If so, I'm not sure how to do that. Anyone had any experience with this?
I talked my client into using Digital Ocean. GoDaddy is a nightmare for Rails.

How to make Rails 4 work with Apache

I have a rails application that I would like to deploy on a Linux-based cloud hosting running on Apache server.
I have been searching for information online, it seems to me like using Phusion Passenger is an option.
However I have no idea how to set it all up locally and in production. The Linux-based cloud hosting has a cpanel interface. Do I ftp the whole rails folder into the file manager?
Could someone please guide me or point me to a useful guide with step 1, 2, etc. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
In order to install Passenger on a hosting service you will need SSH access.
If it's shared hosting you will most likely not get SSH, I would recommend they give you full access to your private server.
Here is a guide once you have SSH access:

Setting up Rails on Hostmonster

I'm able to run rails s through ssh successfully and see the app start up just as it does on my own machine but I'm unable to access the app from the web. The app is directly under the home folder and I have a symbolic link pointing from public_html to the public folder of my rails app, just as this tutorial explains. I even tried setting up a subdomain and every other step in the tutorial to no avail. Any help would be highly appreciated.
You need an application server like Phusion Passenger, Unicorn or puma to run a Ruby app in a production environment. Typically, you'll integrate the application server into a web server's (Apache, nginx) environment.
I don't know about your hoster, but if you have root access, then you can probably use any of these application servers.
The built-in server you start by running rails server is only meant for testing purposes on your local machine. It has not been made with security, performance, stability or any other production-environment criteria in mind.

Rails and https (ssl) running on linux

I've been looking for tutorials how to start SSL on my localhost. But ones that I found was related to using nginx or apache. I'm wondering is it possible to use HTTPS(SSL) on localhost using usual ruby server (like webrick, thin, unicorn)?
Have you checked Thin with SSL support and ruby-debug
Additionally you will need your own certificate try this page for a step-by-step tutorial for osX

Can someone explain to me in simple terms what Passenger is?

I was researching to set up my linux (ubuntu) vps for rails. And almost all of the guides I've read tells me to install passenger. But none of the guides explain what it is (atleast not in simple terms). So I was wondering if someone could explain in simple terms what exactly passenger is.
I'm trying to set up my VPS so I can easily push code to it from git, and deploy my app (Easy as heroku?) Any suggestions?
Your web server (apache/nginx) serves HTTP requests for files, like stylesheets and images. But, it doesn't know how to process programming code. In PHP, for example, you have to enable mod_php to allow PHP to run.
Passenger is to ruby/rails what mod_php is to PHP.
Your web server still serves static files, but has passenger run your ruby code.
Passenger usually works with Apache/nginx.
Passenger does the dynamic things, Apache/nginx serves
static files and helps passenger to communicate with user-agents
mod passenger or phusion passenger is a module to deploy ruby on rails application in nginx or apache . Currently you must be using either web brick or mongrel. using mod passenger you can have the full power of nginx or apache at your disposal,
