While using Playground - build succes, but no launch and sound - audiokit

When I open playgrounds and press Build (or run), the message "Build Success" appears, but no launch of the code.
Before I set up Xcode Project with AudioKit framework, and built oscillator project successfully with launching on Iphone simulator and produced sound.
But when open playground - only build success and no launch and no messages in console


Xcode shows no error but the react native app crashes forced close automatically right after the splash screen showed

I am developing an android app with react native. It is successful and already uploaded on play store. Now I am trying to build it in iOS version, but when I am opening the simulator, the app crashed, only splash screen that showed up and then forced close automatically. There is no any error showed in terminal in xcode. I am using macbook air M1 and xcode 14.2. Do you know why that happened and how to fix it? Thank you
Check if your Build Configuration for Run is "Debug" and not "Production"
Inside Xcode. Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme
Attaching screenshot for reference

Flutter Debug iOS App with Apple Watch Companion from VSCode

I was wondering if anyone knows if you can start a Flutter debug session with iPhone Simulator + Apple Watch simulator without having to start the Apple Watch instance from Xcode.
Current procedure is:
Change code in xcode/vscode
Start WatchApp scheme in Xcode
Wait for build to finish
Go to VSCode and start Flutter debugging session (which rebuilds the app)
What I would like to be able to do:
Change code in vscode
Start Flutter debugging which builds Runner and AppleWatch at the same time
No need to open xcode.
I have tried xcodebuild command line but can't seem to get it working. It asks for cloud-firestore but that might be another problem.

"Run" command disabled for Particle iOS Cloud SDK

I want to create a mobile app on iPhone that uses Particle.io's iOS Cloud SDK to read a variable from my Internet Button's Photon.
Particle's Getting Started documentation says to download the Particle iOS Cloud SDK example app. I did this, opened the project's .xcworkspace, it builds on Xcode 7.3.1 on MacBook Pro running OS X, but "Run" command is dimmed out for iPhone6+ actual or simulator.
The menu item Product > Run is dimmed out, even after Clean and Build.
In Project Manager, the file "ParticleSDKTests.xctest" is shown in red.
By default, the project's framework target is selected. Because it's only a framework, there's nothing to "run". You'll need to click the scheme selector and pick the application target (called "Spark-SDK") to have anything to run. See the screenshot below:

How to upload project build to iPhone in Xcode for testing?

How do I upload my app in Xcode to my iPhone for testing?
I have my iPhone 5 recognized by Xcode. When I press the Run button - it says Build succeeded and nothing happens after that? What do I do next?
How do I test my app on my phone using latest Xcode?
Do you see the "CordovaLib" beside the run button? You are running the lib, so it can't show anything in your phone. Click on "CordovaLib", and select the target that you want to build.

Can I run an iPhone app from Xcode without debugging it?

Is it possible to have Xcode automatically launch an app on my iOS device from Xcode 4.6 without attaching its debugger to the app? I'm working on an automated build system, so manually launching the app is not an option.
I've found Run Without Building under the Product -> Perform Action menu, but that still attaches the debugger. I can edit the scheme to make Xcode wait until the app is launched manually before attaching the debugger, but that's basically the opposite of what I want.
If you want to launch an app from Xcode without launching the debugger, I would uncheck the “Debug executable” option in the Xcode scheme:
If you want to launch an app manually, you can:
Select your device in the "scheme" dropdown;
Build the app (don't run);
Open the organizer and go to the "devices" tab;
Drag your app from the "Products" folder in the main Xcode project navigator to the device in the organizer window and it will be installed; and
You can then run the app manually from the device at that point.
This process can be useful when diagnosing startup performance and you want to run the app on the device completely separate from Xcode (and the debugger, if you have a debug build).
xcode 6.3.1
unselect the debug execute, then you could run without debugging.
Just Build and run and once it launches press stop and open the app manually. It will then be the app you built but not connected.
