Reducing pixels in large data set (sklearn) - image-processing

Im currently working on a classification project but I'm in doubt about how I should start off.
Accurately classifying pictures of size 80*80 (so 6400 pixels) in the correct class (binary).
5260 training samples, 600 test samples
As there are more pixels than samples, it seems logic to me to 'drop' most of the pixels and only look at the important ones before I even start working out a classification method (like SVM, KNN etc.).
Say the training data consists of X_train (predictors) and Y_train (outcomes). So far, I've tried looking at the SelectKBest() method from sklearn for feature extraction. But what would be the best way to use this method and to know how many k's I've actually got to select?
It could also be the case that I'm completely on the wrong track here, so correct me if I'm wrong or suggest an other approach to this if possible.

You are suggesting to reduce the dimension of your feature space. That is a method of regularization to reduce overfitting. You haven't mentioned overfitting is an issue so I would test that first. Here are some things I would try:
Use transfer learning. Take a pretrained network for image recognition tasks and fine tune it to your dataset. Search for transfer learning and you'll find many resources.
Train a convolutional neural network on your dataset. CNNs are the go-to method for machine learning on images. Check for overfitting.
If you want to reduce the dimensionality of your dataset, resize the image. Going from 80x80 => 40x40 will reduce the number of pixels by 4x, assuming your task doesn't depend on fine details of the image you should maintain classification performance.
There are other things you may want to consider but I would need to know more about your problem and its requirements.


Autoencoder vs Pre-trained network for feature extraction

I wanted to know if anyone has any sort of guidance on what is better for image classification with a small amount of samples per class (arround 20) yet a lot of classes (about 400) for relatively big RGB images (arround 600x600).
I know that Autoencoders can be used for feature extraction, such that I can just let an autoencoder run on the images unsupervised, and thus reduce the dimensionality of the images to train on those dimensionally-reduced images.
Similarly, I also know that you can just use a pre-trained network, strip the final layer and change it into a linear layer to your own dataset's number of classes, and then just train that final layer or a few layers before it to fit your dataset.
I haven't been able to find any resources online that determine which of these two techniques for feature extraction is better and under which conditions; anyone has any advice?

image augmentation algorithms for preparing deep learning training set

To prepare large amounts of data sets for training deep learning-based image classification models, we usually have to rely on image augmentation methods. I would like to know what are the usual image augmentation algorithms, are there any considerations when choosing them?
The litterature on data augmentation is very very large and very dependent on your kind of applications.
The first things that come to my mind are the galaxy competition's rotations and Jasper Snoeke's data augmentation.
But really all papers have their own tricks to get good scores on special datasets for exemples stretching the image to a specific size before cropping it or whatever and this in a very specific order.
More practically to train models on the likes of CIFAR or IMAGENET use random crops and random contrast, luminosity perturbations additionally to the obvious flips and noise addition.
Look at the CIFAR-10 tutorial on TF website it is a good start. Plus TF now has random_crop_and_resize() which is quite useful.
EDIT: The papers I am referencing here and there.
It depends on the problem you have to address, but most of the time you can do:
Rotate the images
Flip the image (X or Y symmetry)
Add noise
All the previous at the same time.

Designing a classifier with minimal image data

I want to train a 3-class classifier with tissue images, but only have around 50 labelled images in total. I can't take patches from the images and train on them, so I am looking for another way to deal with this problem.
Can anyone suggest an approach to this? Thank you in advance.
The question is very broad but here are some recommendations:
It could make sense to generate variations of your input images. Things like modifying contrast, brightness or color, rotating the image, adding noise. But which of these operations, if any, make sense really depends on the type of classification problem.
Generally, the less data you have, the fewer parameters (weights etc.) your model should have. Otherwise it will result in overlearning, meaning that your classifier will classify the training data but nothing else.
You should check for overlearning. A simple method would be to split your training data into a training set and a control set. Once you have found that the classification is correct for the control set as well, you could do additional training including the control set.

Is this image too complex for a shallow NN classifier?

I am trying to classify a series of images like this one, with each class of comprising images taken from similar cellular structure:
I've built a simple network in Keras to do this, structured as:
1000 - 10
The network unaltered achieves very high (>90%) accuracy on MNIST classification, but almost never higher than 5% on these types of images. Is this because they are too complex? My next approach would be to try stacked deep autoencoders.
Seriously - I don't expect any nonconvolutional model to work well on this type of data.
A nonconv net for MNIST works well because the data is well preprocessed (it is centered in the middle and resized to certain size). Your images are not.
You may notice (on your pictures) that certain motifs reoccure - like this darker dots - with different positions and sizes - if you don't use convolutional model you will not capture that efficiently (e.g. you will have to recognize a dark dot moved a little bit in the image as a completely different object).
Because of this I think that you should try convolutional MNIST model instead classic one or simply try to design your own.
First question, is if you run the training longer do you get better accuracy? You may not have trained long enough.
Also, what is the accuracy on training data and what is the accuracy on testing data? If they are both high, you can run longer or use a more complex model. If training accuracy is better than testing accuracy, you are essentially at the limits of your data. (i.e. brute force scaling of model size wont help, but clever improvements might, i.e. try convolutional nets)
Finally, complex and noisy data you may need a lot of data to make a reasonable classification. So you need many, many images.
Deep stacked autoencoders, as I understand it is an unsupervised method, which isn't directly suitable for classification.

Neural Network Picture Classification

I would like to implement a Picture Classification using Neural Network. I want to know the way to select the Features from the Picture and the number of Hidden units or Layers to go with.
For now i have an idea of changing the size of image to some 50x50 or smaller so that the number of Features are less and that all inputs have constant size.The features would be RGB value of each of the pixels.Will it be fine or there is some other better way?
Also i decided to go with 1 Hidden Layer with half the number of units as in Inputs. I can change the number to get better results. Or would i require more layers ?
There are numerous image data sets that are successfully learned by neural networks, like
MNIST (here you will find many links to papers)
and CIFAR-10/100.
Not that you need many training examples. Usually one hidden layer is sufficient. But it can be hard to determine the "right" number of neurons. Sometimes the number of hidden neurons should even be greater than the number of inputs. When you use 2 or more hidden layer you will usually need less hidden nodes and the training will be faster. But when you have to many hidden layers it can be difficult to train the weights in the first layer.
A kind of neural network that is designed especially for images are convolutional neural networks. They usually work much better than multilayer perceptrons and are much faster.
50x50 image features matrix is 2500 features with RGB values. Your neural network may memorize this but most probably will perform poorly on other images.
Therefore this type of problem is more about image-processing , feature extraction. Your features will change according to your requirements. See this similar question about image processing and neural networks
1 layer network will only be suitable for linear problems, are you sure your problem is linear? Otherwise you will need multi layer neural network
