Ruby:-- Accept array as input and put it into hash - ruby-on-rails

User must enter the array as input. Hash has to accept the input array elements as values.
Create a Ruby program for this by using loops. If array completed print this statement “All array elements are assigned to keys in the hash”
A = [1, 6, 4, 5]
H = {“k1” => 1
“k2” => 6
“k3” => 4
“k4” => 5}

Another solution can be,
a.each_with_index.inject({}) { |m,(a,i)| m["k#{i+1}"] = a; m }
Update: answering to your question
puts 'Enter number of hash elements'
n = gets.to_i
n.times |i|
hash["k#{i+1}"] = gets.to_i
puts 'All array elements are assigned to keys in the hash'

A = [1, 6, 4, 5]


Search by array of values in .select query method

I'm having this type of search:
values = ModelName.find(:all, :conditions => ['attr_id IN (SELECT attr_id FROM srv_type_attr WHERE id IN (?))', serv_objt_attr.collect(&:stya_id)])
Witch returns me an array of needed values:
[33458, 33438]
Next i need to check if record exists with select: {|array| array.stya_id == values.collect(&:attr_id).uniq}
This is an example what i'm thinking off.
So how to do it with select, so he would walk through all values witch i'm getting from values.
I know that i could to something like
values.collect(&:attr_id).uniq do |val| {|array| array.stya_id == val}
But i do not thing that this is a good option.
Ruby 1.8.7
Rails 2.3.4
This is a good case for the set intersection operator:
values = ModelName.find(:all, :conditions => ['attr_id IN (SELECT attr_id FROM srv_type_attr WHERE id IN (?))', serv_objt_attr.collect(&:stya_id)])
values &
Here's what the & does:
>> values = [1,2,3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
>> other_array = [1,5,9,3]
=> [1, 5, 9, 3]
>> values & other_array
=> [1, 3]

Remove array elements at indices non destructively

Let's say you have something like this:
my_array = ['some_rather', 'long_named', 'array_element', 'entry']
I want to remove arbitrary entries by index from my_array without changing it and I want the filtered (i.e. array with indices removed) to be returned from my call. Furthermore, I want to avoid chaining 4 separate calls and write a block doing so.
filtered_array = my_array.drop_indices(1,3)
You could chain Enumerable's with_index onto Array's reject method to do what you want, though this might violate your desire to not chain separate method calls or write a block to do this:
my_array = ['some_rather', 'long_named', 'array_element', 'entry', 'long_named']
indices_to_remove = [1, 3]
filtered = my_array.reject.with_index { |_, index| indices_to_remove.include?(index) }
p filtered # => ["some_rather", "array_element", "long_named"]
p my_array # => ["some_rather", "long_named", "array_element", "entry", "long_named"]
If this isn't acceptable, the only other thing I can think of right now, to keep duplicate items (as noted in my comment to your solution), is to change from indices_to_remove to indices_to_keep:
my_array = ['some_rather', 'long_named', 'array_element', 'entry', 'long_named']
indices_to_remove = [1, 3]
indices_to_keep = [*(0...my_array.length)] - indices_to_remove
filtered = my_array.values_at(*indices_to_keep)
p filtered # => ["some_rather", "array_element", "long_named"]
p my_array # => ["some_rather", "long_named", "array_element", "entry", "long_named"]
For Arrays with duplicate Elements the best I know is:
array = [0,15,8,15,8]
indices_to_remove = [1,4]
res = array.reject.with_index{ |_,i| indices_to_remove.include?(i) }
Additionally for arrays with unique entries such as a set of users
(using variable definitions from the question)
filtered_array = my_array - my_array.values_at(1,3)
Bonus, if your indices are inside an array themselves:
indices_to_remove = [1,3]
filtered_array = my_array - my_array.values_at(*indices_to_remove)
I think this is rather descriptive, not awkward and not shorter than needed.
One more possible solution with some addition, now it's also will work with negative indexes:
array = %w( a b c d e f )
indexes = [1, 2, -1, -9, -6, 6]
def array_except(array, *indexes)
indexes = { |e| e.negative? ? e + array.length : e }
array.values_at(*((0...array.length).to_a - indexes))
array_except(array, *indexes)
=> ["d", "e"]
array_except(array, 0, -1)
=> ["b", "c", "d", "e"]

Using .map function to create hashes

I have an array [5,2,6,4] and I would like to create a structure such as the first minus the second etc until the last row.
I have tried using map, but not sure how to proceed since i might need indxes.
I would like to store the result in something that looks like:
{1 => (5, 2, 3), 2 =>(2,6,-4), 3 => (6,4,2)}
So an array of x should return x-1 hashes.
Anybody knows how to do? should be a simple one.
Thank you.
First, you want to work with the array elements in pairs: 5,2, 2,6, ... That means you want to use each_cons:
a.each_cons(2) { |(e1, e2)| ... }
Then you'll want the index to get the 1, 2, ... hash keys; that suggests throwing a Enumerator#with_index into the mix:
a.each_cons(2).with_index { |(e1, e2), i| ... }
Then you can use with_object to get the final piece (the hash) into play:
a.each_cons(2).with_index.with_object({}) { |((e1, e2), i), h| h[i + 1] = [e1, e2, e1 - e2] }
If you think all the parentheses in the block's arguments are too noisy then you can do it in steps rather than a single one-liner.
You can use each_index:
a = [5, 2, 6, 4]
h = {}
a[0..-2].each_index { |i| h[i+1] = [a[i], a[i+1], a[i] - a[i+1]] }
=> {1=>[5, 2, 3], 2=>[2, 6, -4], 3=>[6, 4, 2]}
Try to use
Suppose you have an array:
arr = [3,[2,3],4,5]
And you want to covert with hash(key-value pair). 'Key' denotes an index of an array and 'value' denotes value of an array. Take a blank hash and iterate with each_with_index and pushed into the hash and finally print the hash.
Try this:
arr.each_with_index do |val, index|
p hash
Its output will be:
{0=>3, 1=>[2, 3], 2=>4, 3=>5}
If you want that index always starts with 1 or 2 etc then use
arr.each.with_index(1) do |val, index|
hash[index] = val
Output will be:
{1=>3, 2=>[2, 3], 3=>4, 4=>5}

Iterating Over 2 Arrays And Building A New Array From Matches

Ok so I have an array of 'winner ids' this array represents users who have won in the previous round of a tournament. I then have an array of objects called 'tournament participations', this represents all the users that have participated in the tournament (many to many relationship join table).
For each 'winner id' I want to iterate through the 'tournament participations' array and find the tournament participation with a user_id that matches the 'winner id', then push it into a new array called 'round participations'...
I have tried the code below but I always get returned the original 'winner_ids' array....
#challenges = Challenge.where(tournament_id:
#winner_ids = #challenges.pluck(:winner_id)
#tournament_participations = #tournament.tournament_participations
#round_participations = []
#round_participations = #winner_ids.each do |winner_id|
#round_participation = #tournament_participations.where(user_id: winner_id)
#round_participations << #round_participation
each returns the enumerable it was called on; in this case, #winner_ids.each is returning #winner.ids. You don't need to assign the result of the iteration to #round_participations.
Also, check out the map method.
Use the map method, instead of .each.
The map method can be used to create a new array based on the original array, but with the values modified by the supplied block. See the below example.
In case of each method
irb(main):001:0> arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
irb(main):002:0> arr.each { |a| print a -= 10, " " }
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
you can see after iterations it returned the original array. But in the case of map
irb(main):005:0> arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
irb(main):006:0> { |a| 2*a }
=> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
map can transform the contents of an array, meaning that it can perform an operation on each element in the array.

What is the best way to access an element from 2d array saved as a hash value?

I have a hash, its values are 2 dimensional arrays, e.g.
hash = {
"first" => [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],
"second" => [[7,88,9],[6,2,6]]
I want to access the elements to print them in xls file.
I did it in this way:
hash.each do |key, value|
value.each do |arr1|
arr1.each do |arr2|
arr2.each do |arr3|
sheet1.row(row).push arr3
Is there a better way to access each single element without using each-statement 4 times?
The desired result is to get each value from key-value pair as an array, e.g.
=> [1,2,3,4,5,6] #first loop
=> [7,88,9,6,2,6] #second loop
#and so on
hash = { "first" =>[[1, 2,3],[4,5,6]],
"second"=>[[7,88,9],[6,2,6]] }
#=> [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 88, 9, 6, 2, 6]]
Isn't it as simple as something like:
hash.each do |k,v|
sheet1.row(row).concat v.flatten
