musb Bubble Interrupt Error in Beaglebone patch path not found - beagleboneblack

I am new in beaglebone black. BBone Device is connected to the GSM Module on the USB port. I faced some issue like;
1 USB Port not initialize
2 Beaglebone abruptly Off
3 Beaglebone Restated
I have to find some patch for controlling bubble interrupt but I am not finding that patch path in the beaglebone device.
Pls see below patch link;
Can Anybody faced similar type problem????
And finding a solution then reply me...

Do you supply the power from the jack? Not from the usb right?
Where the GSM module takes the power? Does it take from the Beaglebone USB_VBUS?
If the GSM module takes the power from the USB_VBUS of BeagleBone or any IO from the BeagleBone. It is possible to cut the connection and restart because, there is an over current protection on the hardware.
It is an important point that what are the power sources of Beaglebone and GSM module? Also, GSM modules maximum current increase the 2A.


Get coordinates from USB 2.0 TouchScreen Monitor under ubuntu.

I have a Touchscreen Panel working under Ubuntu and I need to find out where this device is writing the coordinates when touching the panel.
Buffer? DMA REGISTER? USB REGISTER? Where can I get this information? How to get this information unter linux consol? How getting the physical memory location / buffer adress ?! ...
Anybody has an idea?
in general you can get the coordinates using the evtest tool, that reads input events i.e. in /dev/input/event see How to get Coordinates of Touchscreen Rawdata using Linux <- very good answer
Despite this other ways to get the data depend on your touchscreen (reading/writing /dev/ttySx ,...). Touch screens are in general implemented as USB HID devices or emulating a serial connection
Checking for touchscreen connectivity
When encountering a new device, the first order of business is to
determine how the touchscreen is connected to your computer. If the
touchscreen produces no events out of the box, check to see if it's an
USB device or not:
USB connection
Check the output for any reference to a touchscreen. If your
touchscreen has an USB interface, and it isn't working, then you may
need to blacklist the usbtouchscreen driver for it to work:
sudo modprobe -r usbtouchscreen
If your touchscreen begins to produce events, then you can permanently
blacklist the usbtouchscreen driver:
echo "blacklist usbtouchscreen" | sudo tee -a
Some touchscreens might already have good or perfect calibrations,
otherwise you'll need to continue to the calibration section.
Serial connection
If there is no reference to a touchscreen device in your lsusb output,
the connection is most likely through one of your serial ports. The
actual IRQ mapping varies between manufacturers. In the case of
Itronix devices, the default is /dev/ttyS3. A simple way to check for
connections is to check each one for events:
screen /dev/ttyS0
Touch anywhere on your screen to check for any character output. If
nothing happens, quit screen by pressing Ctrl+A and then the \ key
to quit. Continue with /dev/ttyS1, etc. until you get a response. Once
you've determined the device, we can try a few different drivers. In
the case of Itronix (and most other devices using the Touchkit
driver), the correct driver is touchit213.
sudo inputattach --touchit213 /dev/ttyS3
Will work for most touchkit screens. The calibration or one or more
axes may be swapped, but if the calibration is approximate then it's
probably the correct driver. Press Ctrl+C to try a new mode.
inputattach supports any of the following modes, which includes
external touchscreens which may attach through a physical serial port:
--h3600ts -ipaq Ipaq h3600 touchscreend
--elotouch -elo ELO touchscreen, 10-byte mode
--elo4002 -elo6b ELO touchscreen, 6-byte mode
--elo271-140 -elo4b ELO touchscreen, 4-byte mode
--elo261-280 -elo3b ELO Touchscreen, 3-byte mode
--mtouch -mtouch MicroTouch (3M) touchscreen
--touchit213 -t213 Sahara Touch-iT213 Tablet PC
--touchright -tr Touchright serial touchscreen
--touchwin -tw Touchwindow serial touchscreen
--penmount -pm Penmount touchscreen
--fujitsu -fjt Fujitsu serial touchscreen
If your device is built into a laptop, you'll have the best luck with
the mtouch, touchright, touchwin, or touchit213 drivers. Likewise,
non-Elo external touchscreens will most likely use touchit213. If your
device is a tablet with stylus-only input, fujitsu is a popular maker
of embedded tablet devices.
To attach the touchscreen at startup, edit your /etc/rc.local to look
like the following:
/usr/bin/inputattach --daemon --always -t213 /dev/ttyS3 exit 0
Replace -t213 with your appropriate driver and /dev/ttyS3 with the
correct device.
Again, don't worry if the calibration isn't perfect, or if an axis is
inverted or reversed - this will be addressed in the calibration

How to connect TX and RX on the ESP8266 to USB pins D- and D+ on the NXP LPC1769?

I have a board (with NXP LPC1769) hosting an application and connected to the PC via USB cable. I use an application running on my PC and communication is pretty straightforward (some ASCII commands are exchanging) and working as it should be.
So, what I would like to achieve is to connect my favorite WIFI module ESP8266 using its TX/RX pins to the USB connector (D- and D+) of the NXP LPC1769 instead of my PC.
You may ask why you don't use any UART pins of the LPC1769. And my answer, I would love to. But it requires pretty much code modification which is not pleasant at this stage for me.
Pins P0.29 and P0.30 used from LPC1769 connected to USB connector.
Here is the existing schematic;
I would like to ask if this is even possible, and if possible, what are the options?
(I am inexperienced with NXP MCUs, still a work in progress, please bear with me).
Thank you.
NO my friend, it is simply not possible to connect USB serial to Rx/Tx pins of the ESP8266. First there is the hardware limitation, only asynchronous serial communication is possible with the ESP8266. That device has no USB host in it that can be programmed so there no way to do what you ask simply with that circuit. Nevertheless i would suggest implementing a simply board with a FTDI device of your choice (FT232R for example) and do the conversion from USB to asynchronous serial communication (Rx/Tx) directly.

BeagleBone Black doesn't power on

I am working in a technology Laboratory. We have 15 BBB, an suddenly, 5 of them didn't power on any more.
They stay with the power on Led on, but nothing more happens.
What can i solve the problem?
Thank you
Prior to solve the problem, you probably have to investigate it first.
I would verify those beaglebones are still functional:
That is, checking if the beaglebone black is displaying any messages on the serial console,
The procedure for connecting a USB-to-TTL adapter is described here.
I would strongly suggest to buy the exact adapter featured in the article above on e-bay
if you don't have one.
If there were no messages displayed on the serial console, I would attempt to load u-boot from the serial port.
This can be done by connecting both P8.44/SYS_BOOT3/LCD_DATA3/GPIO2_9
and P8.43/SYS_BOOT2/LCD_DATA2/GPIO2_8 to the ground (two of P9.43/P9.44/P9.45/P9.46) using two 4.7 k
ohm resistors, powering the beaglebone with an external 5V power supply (not by USB),
and power-cycling the beaglebone - power-cycling IS required, performing a 'reset' is
not enough for the new SYSBOOT configuration to be taken into account.
You can then download u-boot from your PC using Teraterm: u-boot-spl-.bin should
be downloaded using x-modem, and u-boot.bin using y-modem, as described in the
'Boot over UART' section of this TI wiki article.
Once you have u-boot running, you should be able to reinstall your beaglebone using information available on the Internet.
If you cannot boot using the boot ROM and the serial port, this would probably be a bad sign.
I would suggest to try the procedure for loading u-boot from the serial port with a beaglebone you know is working, this is totally non-intrusive providing that you don't modify the eMMC from u-boot.

how to connect nexys2 FPGA with camera? Driver issue

My project is to capture images and process them to move a wheelchair accordingly. I am using Nexys2 FPGA board for this purpose. Nexys2 has a usb port and the camera is also a usb camera. but i dont have the drivers in verilog which will make nexys2 and the camera communicate with each other. Please help me ill be very grateful.
Well, if you manage to write a driver for a USB camera in VErilog, you can sell that for a lot of money :)
Well, sarcasm aside, there is NO WAY you can access a USB camera in Verilog, unless you have a USB host implemented in your FPGA and have a CPU controlling it and have a SW driver for that camera.
There are alternatives to this, you can buy a camera which has an FPGA "friendly" connector like this one:
5 Mega Pixel Digital Camera Package
Which comes with the Verilog code that you can use in your project.
Sadly, the USB port on the Digilent Nexus 2 board does not have host capabilities, it can only act as a USB slave. The USB connection on the board is used for powering the board and configuring the FPGA and other onboard peripherals.
The newer Nexus 3 board has a second USB port however it has the same issue in that it can only act in slave mode. Also due to the configuration can only be used for mouse and keyboard input.

Need help using Arduino R3 as serial-to-usb converter (to program something)

I have researched (and learnt quite a bit), but I have little experience in programming and only really understand basic sketches so far. I would like to use the Arduino R3 (more specifically, the usb to serial converter chip) to program a full-size hobby radio.
I have connected my radio to the Arduino appropriately (5V, Rx, Tx, Gnd) and put the Arduino into Tristate mode (apparently you have to do this..), but I seem to be lacking appropriate drivers. I basically want my Arduino R3 to function exactly like this: CP2102 . Please note that I am not being super cheap. To get something like that where I live would take at the very least a month. Some people also say that I should remove the Atmega chip. The ultimate goal is that I have a device, with drivers, on a com port and not just an "unknown device".
So, my questions are: leave the Atmega on, or remove it? and which drivers do I need?
EDIT: I found almost exactly what I need just after I posted. For some reason I couldn't get it to work, but maybe you could help me understand? Here's the link LINK If anyone is keen to help me out!
Just to make it clear: it has been done before, but I get the feeling people leave out things which they think are obvious, but to the not-yet-professional tinkerer like me aren't :/
Thanks so much!
It seems like the links you reference are for older Arduinos with an FTDI chip. The Arduino Uno doesn't use that. Here's a link for using the Uno
So! All of the older Arduinos (NG, Diecimila and Duemilanove) have
used an FTDI chip (the FT232RL) to convert the TTL serial from the
Arduino chip (Atmel ATmega). This allows for printable debugging,
connecting to software like PureData/Max, Processing, Python, etc.
etc. It also allows updating the firmware via the serial bootloader.
The good news about the FT232RL has royalty-free drivers and pretty
much just works. The bad news is that it can -only- act as a
USB/Serial port. It can't act like a keyboard, mouse, disk drive, MIDI
device, etc.
The Arduino Uno has a number of facilities for communicating with a
computer, another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328
provides UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available on
digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An ATmega16U2 on the board channels
this serial communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port
to software on the computer. The '16U2 firmware uses the standard USB
COM drivers, and no external driver is needed. However, on Windows, a
.inf file is required. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor
which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino
board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being
transmitted via the USB-to-serial chip and USB connection to the
computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1).
Basically the LINK you provided, shows the user HACKING the Arduino. Using the USB/Serial(TTL) converter(what ever chip that is on your Arduino) to link to the Radio's Mini Din connector, in place of connecting to the Arduino's CPU.
As stated in other answer the Arduino uses a CHIP (of some flavor) to bridge the USB(Virtual Serial Port) to the Serial Port of the ATmega328 micro. These pins are available on the Shields connector 0(RX) and 1(TX). Hence you see the picture wiring those pins to the Radio's DIN connector.
Where I would expect in addition the RESET of the Arduino's CPU would be held to GND, this would force the pins into Hi. Simply with an extra wire jump the RESET pin to a GND.
It's working! Somewhere along the line the drivers for my arduino seem to have been deleted, so I reinstalled them, did what you said, and learnt something.
So to clarify for others: pretty much plug and play (as the link I posted suggests), but make sure to install the arduino drivers properly.
Thanks a lot for the help!
