NativeModules.RNRadar remains undefined after installing native SDK - ios

When running on the iOS emulator any Radar function produces a "NativeModules.RNRadar is undefined" error. I have followed the SDK instructions for iOS. I have not installed for Android.
The app, which is just the basic rn template app, runs fine until I call Radar.
Start clean project using rn typescript template.
Follow SDK installation instructions from Radar docs.
Install RN package and follow installation instructions.
Call Radar from App.tsx in componentDidMount.
In the Plist screenshot you'll see an empty string for one of the privacy settings. I put in a string and it didn't change anything.
The errors in AppDelegate don't have an effect at runtime.

I was missing the # string prefix in initializeWithPublishableKey but somehow the native code was compiling.
From the accompanying GitHub thread...
Yeah, this is very odd as that native could shouldn't even compile;
the string literal in [Radar initializeWithPublishableKey:"key"]
should fail, should be [Radar initializeWithPublishableKey:#"key"].
I've noticed that react native builds can fail but the toolchain still
pushes an old version of the .app to the simulator, its worth double
checking that your build is succeeding.


No matching function for call to 'RCTAppSetupPrepareApp'

When running Archive in XCode 14.2 of react native code we run into this error in AppDelegate file.
No matching function for call to 'RCTAppSetupPrepareApp'
I am using react native 0.71.7, react-native-cli: 2.0.1, and node 18.13.0
The code was supposed to be archived, but doesnt.
I was facing same error so I checked the actual version of react and previous I had when it worked last time. According to react-native upgrade helper, I see that this piece of code has changed and is no longer there. Check if this is not the case for you too.

highcharts-react-native not working in iOS binary (.ipa)

I have a react-native app. This app has an iOS version, which uses Highcharts.
# package.json
"dependencies": {
"#highcharts/highcharts-react-native": "^3.1.2"
"highcharts": "^8.2.0"
In Xcode, when I run the app locally, the chart shows up fine. But when I build an iOS binary (.ipa), the same charting area is empty.
This tells me that the Highcharts library didn't get included in the packaged binary.
I've been playing around with package.json, Podfile, and Xcode Libraries and Frameworks. But nothing seems to work.
I'm really getting killed on time here. Has someone come across this and fixed it?
EDIT (10/21/2020)
I've attached screenshots of i) the working and ii) the non-working screens.
My problem also seems similar to this SO question.
App behaves different when run from XCode compared to .ipa
As per the answer there, when I changed the build configuration for Archive to debug the generated .ipa started to work!1
But if I do not want to use debug for the build I send to Apple, then how do I build + archive so that all libraries are working.
Not Working
Got this working, tested in via Xcode and TestFlight.
As per #SebastianWędzel 's comment, there was an issue in the library itself. But I used a slightly different patch, here.
The ultimate solution was patching the getAssetAsString function in this Highcharts library file.

Xcode and Unity missing library 'lGoogleUtilities'

I am working on an App that is made with Unity and I have to build it in Xcode to get it in the App store.
Now I'm running into a problem here. I am getting this error:
library not found for -lGoogleUtilities
However, when I build the app in debug mode and test it on my iPad, there aren't any troubles. But when I try to build it for TestFlight (Toolbar -> Product -> Archive) that error occurs.
I've followed this tutorial to get it working in debug mode (because I had that error there too before) (from 6:20).
I am using the 'Google Admob', 'CloudOnce' and 'Play Services Resolver' plugins for Unity. In the debug version the error (before I fixed it in the debug version), was caused by 'Google Admob'. I feel like I am missing a framework or something in the release build.
Alright, so after another few hours of trying and searching I found out that I was actually opening the wrong file, you would think .xcodeproj would be the correct extension, but actually you have to open the .xcodeworkspace file. It compiled for me.

react native for ios seems to include a library from a previous project

So I am trying my first few tutorials with react native and therefore am still quite unfamiliar. I had followed this tutorial for using an npm camera in an IOS app. The camera worked find but I had to go an link this library for the camera. I tried it both the manual approach and rnpm. However, now I have a different tutorial on the go which I was messing around with prior to the camera one, and the simulator throws this error.
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'CameraManager.Aspect'), and further down there is also an error about a file which I know was only in my other tutorial(because I wrote it).
So this seems to me like xCode or the node modules for react are somehow still holding this code. I had previously added an entry to the header search paths under the projects build settings, but I looked at it and this path I needed for the camera is not there. So I don't know where this is coming in from.
I ran react-native run-ios on my project, and I tried cleaning the product in xcode and running from there. So far I haven't had very much luck figuring this out.
Ok so this was a simple human error on my behalf. I will post an answer to it anyhow as it might help some react-native beginners. So I had recently made the switch from linux to OSX, and when I started on there linux I had always run the packager for react native manually, and then I found out on OSX I can just run react-native run-ios in the root of the project and it starts another terminal window with the packager running.
The react-native packager was causing the issue. When I ran the react-native run-ios command the following day(didn't turn off my computer) the packager in the other window was forgotten about and I thought it be smart enough to kill that process and restart a new packager for the other project, but it didn't. Hopefully if anyone makes the same assumption you can save some time with this answer.

The app references non-public selectors in Payload/

I have written and exported a Cordova 3.5.0 PhoneGap Application using the Telerik Platform. The app is using jQuery Mobile and an InAppPurchasing plugin.
The only other plugins used are Cordova Splashscreen and Cordova Statusbar.
I can run the app no problem when i install it via iTunes on to my iPad. However, when I submit the app via Application Loader, I get the following errors:
I was tempted to go in and edit/look for the lines that reference these 'non-public selectors' myself but the Cordova350 file is a unix executable file that when opened looks like bytes of hex codes.
I cant seem to find anything from googling around about anyone experiencing a similar issue. Is this just a setting somewhere I have forgotten to untick? Any help would be appreciated
