I have a grid, with a menu and items.
If I hide all the items using the inbuilt menu, I would like to refresh the pagination so that it display 0-100 items.
The only way I found i looping over all the column, and if all are hidden, then I just hide the pagination, but it's a shitty solution.
(hide all the item using the grid menu on the right)
Right now I do this :
let allHidden = true;
lodash.forEach(column.grid.columns, function (col) {
if (col.visible) {
allHidden = false;
$scope.gridOptions1.enablePaginationControls= false;
$scope.gridOptions1.enablePaginationControls= true;
but there is still the scrollbar, and actually I don7t like that solution
You could disable both scrollbars, and change the loop a bit.
Still a shitty construction (in your words :), because things will be messy when you decide to unhide any column... You would explicitly have to enable both scollbars again.
gridApi.core.on.columnVisibilityChanged($scope, column => {
if(!column.grid.columns.some(function(col) {return col.visible}))
column.grid.options.enablePaginationControls = false;
column.grid.options.enableHorizontalScrollbar = uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER;
column.grid.options.enableVerticalScrollbar = uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER;
BTW, you would have to inject uiGridConstants to use uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER.
Maybe there is a better solution to your problem, only it is not clear to me what you're trying to achieve here.
I have a button outside the grid, on clicking of this button i am iterating the row nodes and doing a check whether the data is empty or not. If it is empty i want to highlight that row. Did not found anything which can give me any option to highlight the row in ag grid on button click.
Kindly help
I found the answer for above:
In Component: may be in constructor
this.rowClassRules = {
'invalid-row': (params) => {
if (this.inValidRowNode && this.inValidRowNode.data.name === params.data.name) {
return true;
On button click (in validation method), while iterating the node we need to set the data. I am setting in this way.
node.setDataValue('name', ' ');
In Html:
<ag-grid-angular #agGrid rowSelection="multiple" [gridOptions]="gridOptions" [columnDefs]="gridColumnDefs" (gridReady)="onGridReady($event)"
I'm using the angularjs ui-grid and I have a "total" row that I want to pin to the top of the grid no matter what is the current sorting.
How can I accomplish that?
I think this is what you are looking for : Row Pinning
Essentially add another hidden column, something like this:
field: 'pinned',
visible: false,
sort: {direction: uiGridConstants.ASC, priority: 0}, //use uiGridConstants.DESC for pinning to the bottom
suppressRemoveSort: true,
sortDirectionCycle: [uiGridConstants.ASC] //use uiGridConstants.DESC for pinning to the bottom
Row entities which have pinned = true rise to the top, even when other sorting are applied.
DISCLAIMER: I know it's not exactly answers the question, but this is how I solved it for now until I'll have a better solution:
Create an other grid above the main grid :
<div style="height:30px" ui-grid="totalGridOptions"></div>
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid"></div>
with definitions:
$scope.totalGridOptions = {showHeader:false,enableHorizontalScrollbar:false};
and then bind the columns of the main grid to the total grid (for width and other adjustments):
$scope.$watch('gridOptions', function (newVal) {
$scope.totalGridOptions.columnDefs = newVal.columnDefs;
}, true);
I think you should use something like this
unshift adds it to the top
Edit 2 / Actual Solution: The way I finally settled this issue was by using custom header cell templates. I essentially create a second header row by adding a div at the bottom of what was previously my header. Here's a simple version:
<div class="super-special-header>
<div class="header-display-name">{{col.displayName}}</div>
<div class="totals-row">{{grid.appScope.totals[col.field]}}</div>
I store my totals on the controller's $scope and can access them in that div with grid.appScope.totals[whateverThisColumnIs]. This way I can still update them dynamically, but they don't get mixed into a sort function like my previous 'solution' was aiming for.
Edit 1 / Dead-end 'solution': Just ran into a problem with my solution, if your table is long (you have to scroll to get to bottom rows), the totals row will scroll out of view. Going to leave this 'solution' here so no one else makes the same mistake!
I had this same issue but with a twist. Since I was going to need to change the default sorting algorithms for many of the columns anyway, I set my algorithm up to skip the first element in the sort. You can use the sortingAlgorithm property on any columndef that would be part of a sortable column. This is really only a solution if you have only a few sortable columns though. It becomes unmaintainable for huge tables.
I couldn't find any built-in feature for ui-grid to keep a specific row at the top of the grid when sorting is applied. But this could be done using sortingAlgorithm parameter in the columnDefs( please refer to http://ui-grid.info/docs/#!/tutorial/Tutorial:%20102%20Sorting).
I have written an algorithm which keeps the row('total' is the particular cell value in the row) at the top of the grid without applying a sorting.
var sortingAlgorithm = function (a, b, rowA, rowB, direction) {
if (direction == 'total') {
if (a == 'total') {
return 0;
return (a < b) ? -1 : 1;
} else {
if (a == 'total') {
return 0;
if (b == 'total') {
return 1;
What I'm trying to achieve is to stop the value change of a radio button set when an option is tapped. If a variable is true when an option is tapped then return false and avoid the visual and value change.
Something like this:
AvoidChange = true;
if( AvoidChange==true )
return false;
I know beforechange can't be applied to radio buttons but... How can this be achieved?
What I have currently is a very simple div that has a flexcroll scroll bar. This simple div contains some draggable itmes inside of it. My goal is to be able to drag one of the items and and move it about without the flexcroll scroll bar moving.
As it stands right now if I were to drag one of the items below the viewable area the simple div will scroll down. I would like to prevent this.
I'm using jQuery UI for the draggable items. I've already tried using the option "scroll:false" but this does not work for flexcroll.
I'm sorry I don't have any example code, I'm currently away from my work computer.
flexcroll: http://www.hesido.com/web.php?page=customscrollbar
I don't know if you have already resolved this problem. This morning, I have the same problem and I found your post. After that, I have googled a lot to find a solution without any lucky. So finally, I decided to do someting myself, I hope my idea will help you.
After read the Programming Guid, I found that in this version (2.0) of flexcroll, we could register a function for onfleXcroll whose description could be found by searching the keyword "Pseudo-event: onfleXcroll". This is to say that the method will be executed after a scroll is done. So here, what I restore the "top" style with the value before you drag an element.
Here are the code
var $assetswrapper; // This variable indicates the contentwrapper of you div.
var $assetsscrollbar; // This variable indicates the vscroller of you div.
window.onfleXcrollRun = function () { // This method will be executed as soon as the div has been rendered with the help of flexcroll
// You could find these two divs by using firebug, because the top value of these two divs will be changed when we scroll the div which use the class .flexcroll.
$assetswrapper = $('#contentwrapper');
$assetsscrollbar = $('#vscrollerbar');
var wrapperTopPosition = 0; // This is used to stock the top value of the wrapperContent before dragging.
var scrollbarTopPosition = 0; // This is used to stock the top value of the scrollbar before dragging.
var dragged; // This is a boolean variable which is used for indicating whether the draggable element has been dragged.
var dropped = false; // This is a boolean variable which used to say whether the draggable element has been dropped.
$('.draggable').draggable({ // you could change .draggable with any element.
start: function (event, ui) {
// Your code here.
wrapperTopPosition = $assetswrapper.position().top;
scrollbarTopPosition = $assetsscrollbar.position().top
dragged = true;
stop: function (event, ui) {
// Your code here.
dragged = false;
dropped = true;
$('your drag div')[0].onfleXcroll = function () { // This method will be called each time when a scroll has been done.
if (dragged) {
$assetswrapper.css('top', wrapperTopPosition);
$assetsscrollbar.css('top', scrollbarTopPosition);
} else {
// Code here is used for keeping the top position as before even though you have dragged an element out of this div for a long time.
// You could test the scrollbar without this piece of code, if you drag an element out of the div for a long time, the scrollbar will keep its position,
// but after you dropped this element and try to scroll the div, then the scrollbar will reach the end of the div. To solve this problem,
// I have introduced the method setScrollPos with the old top position plus 72. 72 here is to set the scroll increment for this scroll, I know
// this value is not fit for any size of windows, but I don't know how to get the scroll-increment automatically.
if (dropped) {
dropped = false;
$('your drag div')[0].fleXcroll.setScrollPos(false, Math.abs(wrapperTopPosition) + 72);
$('your drag div')[0].fleXcroll.setScrollPos(false, Math.abs(wrapperTopPosition) + 72);
I hope this could give you a help if you haven't found any solution yet.
I have an unordered 'source' list that can contain up to around 1,000 list items. I want to be able to drag the items from the source list into a connected 'destination' list. I have everything working great until my source list gets filtered. I'm using the jquery quicksearch plugin to filter (search) my source list. The filter is accomplished by setting 'display:none;' on items that don't match the search.
When 1..n items in my source list are hidden, the drag operation is not fluid when initiated. Meaning, I click on the item I want to drag, move my mouse around the screen, but the item I'm dragging does not appear under my cursor until about a full second after I've initiated the drag.
For diagnosis, I've slimmed down my use case to just one list that I want to sort. I've completely eliminated the use of quicksearch by just hard coding half of my list items as hidden. I'm still able to reproduce the 'non-fluid' behavior. My example is here:
If I remove the overflow style from the list in my example, the performance is a little better, but still slower than I'd hope to see.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me before I start considering other options?
Thanks in advance.
As you can see on this jsferf example, calculating outerWidth()/outerHeight() (this is what the plugin does - see below) for hidden elements (with display none) is terribly slower than for visible elements, wether it is achieved by a style attribute or a class.
The only way I have found to bypass this and still achieve the same result is to set the height for the elements to hide to zero, instead of working with the display property, whether using the style atttibute or a class:
<li style="height: 0;">b</li>
<li class="hidden">b</li>
.hidden { height: 0 }
DEMO (with class) - DEMO (with style attr)
What's happenning with sortable when dragging an element ?
When starting dragging, the plugin refreshes the list of all items and recalculates positions of all elements. The plugin actually gets outerWidth and outerHeight:
_mouseStart: function(event, overrideHandle, noActivation) {
//We only need to call refreshPositions, because the refreshItems call has been moved to mouseCapture
refreshPositions: function(fast) {
for (var i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = this.items[i];
if (!fast) {
item.width = t.outerWidth();
item.height = t.outerHeight();
var p = t.offset();
item.left = p.left;
item.top = p.top;
return this;
If you still want to use display:none, this is a simple fix to the jQuery UI source specified in Didier's answer:
if (!fast) {
if(item.item.css('display') === 'none') {
item.width = 0;
item.height = 0;
else {
item.width = t.outerWidth();
item.height = t.outerHeight();
This is my very first post on stackoverflow, so do let me know if I messed something up.
I was also having a similar problem, but with hidden drop containers instead of sortable items. Here is my solution applying Jordan's answer to both sortable items and their containers and simply replacing the relvent method.
$.ui.sortable.prototype.refreshPositions = function(fast) {
//This has to be redone because due to the item being moved out/into the offsetParent, the offsetParent's position will change
if(this.offsetParent && this.helper) {
this.offset.parent = this._getParentOffset();
for (var i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var item = this.items[i];
//We ignore calculating positions of all connected containers when we're not over them
if(item.instance != this.currentContainer && this.currentContainer && item.item[0] != this.currentItem[0])
var t = this.options.toleranceElement ? $(this.options.toleranceElement, item.item) : item.item;
if (!fast) {
/********** MODIFICATION ***********/
if(item.item.css('display') === 'none') {
item.width = 0;
item.height = 0;
} else {
item.width = t.outerWidth();
item.height = t.outerHeight();
/********** END MODIFICATION ***********/
var p = t.offset();
item.left = p.left;
item.top = p.top;
if(this.options.custom && this.options.custom.refreshContainers) {
} else {
for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
/********** MODIFICATION ***********/
if (this.containers[i].element.css('display') == 'none') {
this.containers[i].containerCache.left = 0;
this.containers[i].containerCache.top = 0;
this.containers[i].containerCache.width = 0;
this.containers[i].containerCache.height = 0;
} else {
var p = this.containers[i].element.offset();
this.containers[i].containerCache.left = p.left;
this.containers[i].containerCache.top = p.top;
this.containers[i].containerCache.width = this.containers[i].element.outerWidth();
this.containers[i].containerCache.height = this.containers[i].element.outerHeight();
/********** END MODIFICATION ***********/
return this;
I came across with the same problem...
I've searched for a solution, but it seems there is no solution to the jquery problem, only some workaround...
I didn't found either a solution, just another workaround.
In my case I just created a general method to to a search in a sortable list, where on keyup, the code goes and do a find on every element in the list and was hiding it by fadeout if didn't match the value.
This was working very well, but when you have hundreds of items in a list, the of hidden gets big enough to trigger the slow effect on the drag&drop.
My solution was to reorder the list, bringing to the top the matched items..
Just remove and appendTo again...
This way I don't have problems with the hidden elements :)
Sorry this was no solution, but just another workaround..
More recently I came accross with this issue again... and found that my workaround was not the best solution anymore. Since the issue is the height... I've just create a CSS class with
.hidden {display: block; line-height:0; height: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
and instead of setting the element hidden with just add this class and remove it to show/hide the element..
I got the same issue today with sortable + draggable table rows.
The solution was simple : use visibility:collapse instead of display:none and removing the jQuery hide/show function for the hidden lines did the trick. It's a lot faster now.
Hope I will help.