Notifications on jenkins job failures - with pipeline from scm - jenkins

We have several jenkins pipeline jobs setup as "pipeline from scm" that checkout a jenkins file from github and runs it. There is sufficient try/catch based error handling inside the jenkinsfile to trap error conditions and notify the right channels.This blog post goes into a quite a bit of depth about how to achieve this.
However, if there is issue fetching the jenkinsfile in the first place, the job fails silently. How does one generate notifications from general job launch failures before the pipeline is even started?

Jenkins SCM pipeline doesn't have any execution provision similar to catch/finally that will be called if Jenkinsfile load is failed, And I don't think there will be any in future.
However there is this global-post-script which runs groovy script after every build of every job on Jenkins. You have to place that script in $JENKINS_HOME/global-post-script/ directory.
Using this you can send notifications or email to admins based on project that failed and/or reason/exceptions of failure.
Sample code that you can put in script
def job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("$JOB_NAME")
def build = job.getBuild("$BUILD_NUMBER")
def exceptionsToHandle = ["","hudson.plugins.git.GitException"]
def foundExection = build
.filter{ line ->
!line.trim().isEmpty() && !{ex -> line.contains(ex)}.collect().isEmpty()
.size() > 0;
println "do something with '$foundExection'"

You can validate your Jenkinsfile before pushing it to repository.
Command-line Pipeline Linter
There are some IDE Integrations as well

Apparently this is an open issue with Jenkins:
I have decided not to use Yogesh answer mentioned earlier. For me it is simpler to just copy the content of the Jenkinsfile directly into the Jenkins project instead of pointing Jenkins to the GIT location of the Jenkinsfile. However, in addition I keep the Jenkinsfile in GIT. But make sure to keep the GIT and the Jenkins version identical.


How to disable "build now" option?

For a given scripted pipeline(jenkins), the pipeline should only get triggered through webhook from GitLab
Build Now option should be disabled for that pipeline.
Can we configure Jenkins, to disable Build Now option for a specific pipeline script job in jenkins?
EDIT: Here the solution with an scripted Pipeline:
node {
def userIdCause = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause')
stage("Authorize Usage") {
if (userIdCause.size()) {
error('Aborting Build due to manual start - thats not permitted!')
How about the following solution without any extra plugin on an declarative pipeline:
pipeline {
stages {
stage ("Authorize Usage") {
when { expression { getCause() == "USER" } }
steps {
currentBuild.description = 'Aborting Build due to manual start - thats not permitted!'
error('Aborting Build due to manual start - thats not permitted!')
Have taken a look at this plug-in supplied on the Jenkin's site? Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin :
Matrix Strategy
Specifically this sectionL Allow configuring per-agent permissions. This allows e.g. restricting per-agent build permissions when using the Authorize Project plugin (JENKINS-46654)
Not ideal, but if this is a 'freestyle pipeline job'
a quick workaround is to add a build step "Execute shell" as first step. You can use this to prevent a build, when noting has changed.
Every time your sources changes and you push to your repo, a build will have been triggered and as there are changes this script will not exit.
When you click the 'Build now', nothing should have changed in your repo (as the only way it can is through a push which would then trigger a build) it will causes an exit, and fail the build.
echo "Exiting build - Nothing has changed"
echo "This is to prevent the usage of Jenkins 'build now'"
exit 1
EDIT: This is the answer to the question of user #mohet in the comments of my other answer because it was to long for the comment section (
The currentBuild variable, which is of type RunWrapper, may be used to refer to the currently running build...
Source: .
hudson.model is the package name of most corresponding core jenkins classes. 'Hudson' because jenkins was once cloned from the codebase of his ancestor named 'hudson'.
You can look up them here: .
There you will also find . To specify directly the package$classname in some methods like getbuildcauses is the straightforward thought of jenkins dev Team. This reduces the failure potential and makes the code better readable and understandable.

How to "Scan Repository Now" from a Jenkinsfile

I can call another jenkins job using the build command. Is there a way I can tell another job to do a branch scan?
A multibranch pipeline job has a UI button "Scan Repository Now". When you press this button, it will do a checkout of the configured SCM repository and detect all the branches and create subjobs for each branch.
I have a multibranch pipeline job for which I have selected the "Suppress automatic SCM triggering" option because I only want it to run when I call it from another job. Because this option is selected, the multibranch pipeline doesn't automatically detect when new branches are added to the repository. (If I click "Scan Repository Now" in the UI it will detect them.)
Essentially I have a multibranch pipeline job and I want to call it from another multibranch pipeline job that uses the same git repository.
node {
if(env.BRANCH_NAME == "the-branch-I-want" && other_criteria) {
//scanScm "../my-other-multibranch-job" <--- scanScm is a fake command I made up
build "../my-other-multibranch-job/${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
I get an error on that build line, because the target multibranch pipeline job does not yet know that BRANCH_NAME exists. I need a way to trigger an SCM re-scan in the target job from this current job.
Similar to what you figured out yourself, I can contribute my optimization that actually waits until the scan has finished (but is subject to Script Security):
// Helper functions to trigger branch indexing for a certain multibranch project.
// The permissions that this needs are pretty evil.. but there's currently no other choice
// Required permissions:
// - method jenkins.model.Jenkins getItemByFullName java.lang.String
// - staticMethod jenkins.model.Jenkins getInstance
// See:
void scanMultiBranchAndWaitForJob(String multibranchProject, String branch) {
String job = "${multibranchProject}/${branch}"
// the `build` step does not support waiting for branch indexing (ComputedFolder job type),
// so we need some black magic to poll and wait until the expected job appears
build job: multibranchProject, wait: false
echo "Waiting for job '${job}' to appear..."
while (Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(job) == null || Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(job).isDisabled()) {
sleep 3
Ended up figuring this out shortly after posting the question. Calling build against the base multibranch pipeline job as opposed to a branch causes it to re-scan. The solution to my above snippet would have ended up looking something like...
node {
if(env.BRANCH_NAME == "the-branch-I-want" && other_criteria) {
build job: "../my-other-multibranch-job", wait: false, propagate: false // scan for branches
sleep 2 // scanning takes time
build "../my-other-multibranch-job/${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
The wait: false is important because otherwise you get "ERROR: Waiting for non-job items is not supported". The multibranch "parent" job is closer to a folder than a job, but it's a folder that supports the build command, and it does so by scanning the SCM.
But solving this just led to another problem, which is that with wait: false we have no way of knowing when the SCM Scan finished. If you have a large repository (or you're short on jenkins agents), the branch won't get discovered until after the second build command has already failed due to the branch not existing. You could bump the sleep time even higher, but that doesn't scale.
Fortunately, it turns out manually initiating the SCM scan isn't even needed if you have github webhooks set up for your jenkins. The branch will be discovered more-or-less instantly, so for my purposes this is solved another way. The reason I was running into it is we don't have webhooks set up in our dev jenkins, but once I move this code to prod it will work fine.
If you're trying to use JobDSL to set up multibranches calling multibranches and you don't have webhooks or something equivalent, the better path is probably to abandon multibranch for your second tier of jobs and use JobDSL to create folders and manage the branch jobs yourself.

Jenkins: how to trigger pipeline on git tag

We want to use Jenkins to generate releases/deployments on specific project milestones. Is it possible to trigger a Jenkins Pipeline (defined in a Jenkinsfile or Groovy script) when a tag is pushed to a Git repository?
We host a private Gitlab server, so Github solutions are not applicable to our case.
This is currently something that is sorely lacking in the pipeline / multibranch workflow. See a ticket around this here:
If you're not opposed to using release branches instead of tags, you might find that to be easier. For example, if you decided that all branches that start with release- are to be treated as "release branches", you can go...
if( env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-") ) {
// groovy code on release goes here
And if you need to use the name that comes after release-, such as release-10.1 turning into 10.1, just create a variable like so...
if( env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-") ) {
def releaseName = env.BRANCH_NAME.drop(8)
Both of these will probably require some method whitelisting in order to be functional.
I had the same desire and rolled my own, maybe not pretty but it worked...
In your pipeline job, mark that "This project is parameterized" and add a parameter for your tag. Then in the pipeline script checkout the tag if it is present.
Create a freestyle job that runs a script to:
Run git describe --tags --abbrev=0 to get the latest tag.
Check that tag against a running list of builds (like in a file).
If the build hasn't occurred, trigger the pipeline job via a url passing your tag as a parameter (in your pipeline job under "Build Triggers" set "Trigger builds remotely (e.g. from scripts) and it will show the correct url.
Add the tag to your running list of builds so it doesn't get triggered again.
Have this job run frequently.
if you use multibranch pipeline, there is a discover tag. Use that plus Spencer solution

How to use "Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin" in Jenkins Pipeline script?

I tried search but didn't find any example. I tried and got it is for the different nodes on the same Jenkins.
I would like to trigger a build on another Jenkins. I configured the Remote Hosts and Authentication in system configuration of my Jenkins.
How to call "Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin" in Jenkins Pipeline script?
Seems to be an open bug:
As a workaround you could create another job locally of an old type and use the plugin in the old school non pipeline script way. Then in your pipeline script you would just trigger this job. I know it's an ugly adapter but then you have parametrize this adapter and have it up and running for almost anything ;)
The bug 38657 is already closed, the plugin is available as pipeline step since 16th of May 2018. Usage should be as easy as:
//Trigger remote job
def handle = triggerRemoteJob(remoteJenkinsName: 'remoteJenkins', job: 'RemoteJob')
More information on the triggerRemoteJob step
For anyone wondering how to do this using the Declarative Jenkinsfile Syntax:
steps {
triggerRemoteJob remoteJenkinsName: 'configured-remote-jenkins-name', job: 'trigger-job-folder/trigger-job-name', blockBuildUntilComplete: true

Jenkins how to create pipeline manual step

Prior Jenkins2 I was using Build Pipeline Plugin to build and manually deploy application to server.
Old configuration:
That works great, but I want to use new Jenkins pipeline, generated from groovy script (Jenkinsfile), to create manual step.
So far I came up with input jenkins step.
Used jenkinsfile script:
node {
stage 'Checkout'
// Get some code from repository
stage 'Build'
// Run the build
stage 'deployment'
input 'Do you approve deployment?'
node {
//deploy things
But this waits for user input, noting that build is not completed. I could add timeout to input, but this won't allow me to pick/trigger a build and deploy it later on:
How can I achive same/similiar result for manual step/trigger with new jenkins-pipeline as prior with Build Pipeline Plugin?
This is a huge gap in the Jenkins Pipeline capabilities IMO. Definitely hard to provide due to the fact that a pipeline is a single job. One solution might be to "archive" the workspace as an "artifact" (tar and archive **/* as 'workspace.tar.gz'), and then have another pipeline copy the artifact and and untar it into the new workspace. This allows the second pipeline to pickup where the previous one left off. Of course there is no way to gauentee that the second pipeline cannot be executed out of turn or more than once. Which is too bad. The Delivery Pipeline Plugin really shines here. You execute a new pipeline right from the view - instead of the first job. Anyway - not much of an answer - but its the path I'm going to try.
EDIT: This plugin looks promising:
