Auth0 ADFS - Can't Find Federation Metadata URL - Next Steps - oauth

This post became much longer than anticipated, TLDR: Where is my ASFS Federation Metadata located on my server? My overall task to the setup a test ADFS server in order to integrate our current application with ADFS
Hello, I'm trying to integrate our application with ADFS (it's a WPF application with a NodeJS backend), and I'm testing out Auth0 for this job (but if there are other simple solutions, I would be open to that as well - I've found no good guides so far ): espeically as a developer with no AD experience).
Regardless, I think I've set up a single server AD FS environment (locally as server1.local - with AD CS, AD DS and AD FS and that same server is the domain controller/DNS server) and set up an Auth0 relying party using this guide:
In the next steps part, it says: try these quickstart guides. So I've downloaded the Angular2 quick start example project to test. But when I go to the enterprise connections and try to set up an ADFS connection, it asks for a ADFS URL
You can either provide the ADFS URL or upload the federation metadata file.
But I can't seem to find my ADFS URL. Not only that, my server is local, so it wouldn't be able to use my URL anyways right? I can just upload the metadata instead?
I've tried going to https://server1.local/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml and and https://localhost/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml which under endpoints that's the one that shows, but ie says:
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://server1.local again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.
I've enabled TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 and this still doesn't seem to give me my metadata. I've also tried that URL on Chrome and it gives a generic "This site can't be reached"
How do I get my metadata?

In the ADFS configuration, look for what you configured as your federation service name.
Use this in the URL.
https://federation service name/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
BTW the federation service name should not be the FQDN of the server.


Azure AD integrated MVC application not working after publishing on local IIS

I have created a sample MVC application and configured Azure AD authentication. This creates an application on Azure Portal automatically. When I run this application, it is working fine.
After this, I published the application on IIS and changed reply URL on azure portal and also I changed PostLogoutURL.
When I configure Azure AD in the sample application, a default connection of LocalDB is created. For hosting on IIS, I have tried LocalDB, SQLExpress & Azure SQL Server but none works.
I get "A task was canceled" error for which I am unable to find a solution.
This is the error I am getting:
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
I came acrosss this kind of issue with my Internet proxy.
Acrroding to the error message, your network may be interrupted by some configuration.As junnas said,
OpenId Connect middleware is trying to download the metadata document
from Azure AD. It needs it to be able to validate tokens
So, you can check if there is proxy or firewall again or run your App in another environment without a Proxy. Also,If you close a proxy on your machine,it may take few minutes to make effect.

WebSphere Liberty Profile OIDC Client URL

I am trying to use the WebSphere Liberty Profile OIDC Client feature. I have the feature installed and configured, but I am confused about what URL I should be using to connect to it. In the WLP Knowledge Center, it shows an example like this:
But when my WLP server comes up, I see the following URL in the log: I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module OpenID Connect Client Redirect Servlet has been bound to default_host. A CWWKT0016I: Web application available (default_host): http://ibm669-r9v0dvb:11080/oidcclient/
I don't know whether to use 'oidcclient' (probably) or 'oidc'. I also don't know what to put as the PROVIDER_NAME. I tried using the ID of my OIDCClient:
<openidConnectClient id="oidcRP"
I tried connecting with this, but it's not finding it:
http://ibm669-r9v0dvb:11080/oidcclient/endpoint/oidcRP/authorize?scope=openid&response_type=code&client_id=XXX&redirect_uri= W handleRequest SRVE0190E: File not found: /endpoint/oidcRP/authorize
Can anyone tell me what URL I should be using to connect to the client?
The Liberty openidConnectClient feature enables Liberty as a client to openid connect provider. The configuration parameters inside openidConnectClient are information about openidConnectProvider, for example, the openidConnect provider's authorization endpoint and token endpoint.
What is your openid connect provider? Liberty also can be configured as openid Connect provider. If you also want to use Liberty as openid connect provider, you can create another Liberty instance and enable openidConnectProvider feature.

ADFS (3.0) integration with iPad app to achieve SSO implementation

I am using ADAL SDK( for integration my iOS app with ADFS for SSO implementation. I run demo code provide with above link.
As per as demo it's asking for following components to SOS implementation :-
Redirect URI
Authority Path
According to ADAL SDK ,I need to register my app to ADFS as per as this tutorial (
But i am not able to figured out how will register my app to ADFS.
I also tried to figure out with this link (loggin into an iOS app using a system with ADFS).
So the following question:-
Am i on right page?
If Yes, how to register and configure my app with ADFS
if No, please help to figure out this
Any help much appreciated.
After R&D, I am able to figure out how to get all points With ADFS.
Client Id :- it's a GUID.You can generate Online as well as , Generate GUID(
Redirect URI :- it's something related with Bundle Identifier(com.compName.MyTestApp), So after adding urn, Redirect URI is looking like this. Ex. #"urn:com.compName.MyTestApp".
ResourceId :- it's same as redirect uri in my case.
Authority Path :- it's ADFS login path url basically to authenticate with ADFS and get Access token. EX #"https.//";
Note :- Please change URL Types as per as you bundle identifier in Info.plist file.
Some Link which helped me :-
SSO from ADAL in WPF Client to ADFS 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2
Hope it will help.
ADFS is a very different beast to Azure AD.
ADFS 2.0 has no OAuth support. ADFS 3.0 has some OAuth support (No OpenID Connect, Web API only) and you have to use PowerShell.
Refer: Securing a Web API with ADFS on WS2012 R2 Got Even Easier for an example. (Not iOS though - not aware of any iOS example.).
ADFS 4.0 (Server 2016 in preview) has much better support.

WebAPI + Azure WebSite + Client WebSite + SSL - how many certs do I need?

I have a WebAPI solution hosted in an Azure Web Site ( that has some endpoints exposed to regular http right now.
I also have a client application hosted in a separate Web Site under
I purchased from hover and am forwarding to with masking. The client application makes requests to right now, but not encrypted.
My goal is to get SSL working on the web client so that users see SSL in the browser bar, and so that anything that goes from the client to the api endpoints is encrypted.
I went to rapidSSL and purchased a certificate for Now I'm not sure if I need to put this in my WebAPI web site, or my client web site. I've found some documentation on setting up SSL in Azure but nothing that's given me a good grasp of what needs to be done in this scenario.
What's the next step? Do I need one cert per site, and if not, where does the single cert go?
You client web site is You have mapped to this. Your SSL certificate is for this domain. So, you will need to put the certificate with the client app. As an end user, if I go to, the certificate your application will present to my browser will be the one you purchased for This is for the pages rendered by the client web application.
Now, as the browser renders the page from the client web application, say it needs to make jQuery AJAX calls to your web API site You can use a domain name for this one as well, some thing like but regardless, this will be a cross-origin call, BTW. If this call is also through HTTPS, then for this case also, a valid cert must be presented to the browser. Assuming you have which is a sub-domain of, you can use the same certificate you bought from rapidSSL with web API site as well provided it is a wild-card cert, which is obviously more expensive. Otherwise, you will need one more certificate for the web api site (or the domain name if you plan to use one for API) and install that new cert in the api app.

IIS Passing client certificate to rails

I have an application written in Rails that must be ran behind a IIS server due to restrictions by the client, the government. We have to have SSL authentication. So what I can't figure out in my hours of searching Google is how to get IIS to pass the client certificate to the rails server (thin).
I've seen tutorials on Apache that use:
SSLOptions +ExportCertData
Which then make it available to the request object. Any ideas on how to configure IIS to do the same?
At least in the way that you ask the question IIS cannot provide a client certificate as the client cert would be issued by a third party. So you need to get the x509 cert that your application and then the cert is authenticated as part of the initial connection request with iis.
As to the apache function to provide the ssl cert from the server to the client, this functionality is not exposed by iis.
That's why you were not able to find anything on google
The main reason companies want to run Rails(or Other) applications behind an IIS server is for SSO apart from protecting the resources.
See if this helps.
We have been running our Rails app behind IIS at quite a few customer locations. We run our Rails app in JRuby inside Tomcat.
The steps to install the JK ISAPI redirector plugin are here
All Rails contexts are protected in IIS using standard IIS authentication schemes, Integrated Windows Authentication ( Negotiate, NTLM).
Within the Rails app one can get the logged in user's information.
The Rails app also connects to Microsoft AD for additional user information like email, department etc.,
Since the Rails is blindly trusting the IIS server for authenticaiton it needs to be prevented from direct access.
1. Disable HTTP ports in Tomcat
2. Enable only the AJP port
3. Add an IP restriction so that it accepts connection only from the IIS server(s)
I do not think it is possible for IIS to pass on the certificate details. We tried to extract the Kerboros tokens ( for kerboros authentication delegation ) without much success and realized it is not possible.
After being told this may be impossible. I've finally figured it out! Here are the steps that I took.
Using OpenSSL create your own CA certificate.
Using the generated CA certficate create and sign other certificates with Open SSL.
Open Internet Information Service Manager click on the server, then click on server certificates.
Click Import under the Actions column
After importing click on your site.
In the Actions column click bindings...
Click add, scroll to https, and select the CA certificate that you imported
Click on your site again to get to the menu and click on SSL settings
Check require SSL and then click the radio buttion, require
Click your site again then click on the configuration editor (installed in IIS 7.5 can add-in in 7.0)
Go to system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication
Set enabled to true
Set manyToOneCertificateMappings to true
Click on the ... box on the far right-end of manyToOneMappings
Click add under actions column, under collections
Add the username and password of the user you created (can be on local machine)
Now, go to the main server and restart.
You should be able to see the certificate using request.headers hash.
Variables for the hash include:
If you cannot find something you may have to install a module (for like authentication). I don't remember which ones I installed.
