Timer Stops When Phone Goes Into Airplane Mode, Won't Restart After Leaving AM - ios

OK. Looked through the possible answers, but I don't see my issue here.
I have a fairly bog-standard GCD repeating timer:
class RepeatingGCDTimer {
/// This holds our current run state.
private var state: _State = ._suspended
/// This is the time between fires, in seconds.
let timeInterval: TimeInterval
/// This is the callback event handler we registered.
var eventHandler: (() -> Void)?
/* ############################################################## */
This calculated property will create a new timer that repeats.
It uses the current queue.
private lazy var timer: DispatchSourceTimer = {
let t = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource() // We make a generic, default timer source. No frou-frou.
t.schedule(deadline: .now() + self.timeInterval, repeating: self.timeInterval) // We tell it to repeat at our interval.
t.setEventHandler(handler: { [unowned self] in // This is the callback.
self.eventHandler?() // This just calls the event handler we registered.
return t
/// This is used to hold state flags for internal use.
private enum _State {
/// The timer is currently paused.
case _suspended
/// The timer has been resumed, and is firing.
case _resumed
/* ############################################################## */
Default constructor
- parameter timeInterval: The time (in seconds) between fires.
init(timeInterval inTimeInterval: TimeInterval) {
self.timeInterval = inTimeInterval
/* ############################################################## */
If the timer is not currently running, we resume. If running, nothing happens.
func resume() {
if self.state == ._resumed {
self.state = ._resumed
/* ############################################################## */
If the timer is currently running, we suspend. If not running, nothing happens.
func suspend() {
if self.state == ._suspended {
self.state = ._suspended
/* ############################################################## */
We have to carefully dismantle this, as we can end up with crashes if we don't clean up properly.
deinit {
self.timer.setEventHandler {}
self.resume() // You need to call resume after canceling. I guess it lets the queue clean up.
self.eventHandler = nil
Works great!
...except when it doesn't.
That would be when I put the device into Airplane Mode.
At that point, the timer stops firing.
Even when I come out of Airplane Mode, the timer doesn't restart.
The app uses UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true/false to keep the app awake, but that doesn't seem to keep the events coming.
Can anyone clue me into what's happening here, and how I might be able to work around it?
This app needs to work in Airplane Mode. In fact, it is most likely to be used in Airplane Mode.

OK. I think I solved this. As is often the case with these things, it's PEBCAK.
I have a routine that stops the timer when the app is backgrounded, and failed to put in a corresponding restart for when it is foregrounded.
When I slide up the Control Center, it backgrounds the app.
My bad.
Yeah, it's embarrassing, but I want to leave this question here as a warning to others.


Send Local Notification when Timer reaches zero SwiftUI

Learning SwiftUI. I have an app that counts down timers from 30 min. As the timer doesn't work when the app is in the background, I have used user notification to get the current time app goes into the background and the time it comes to the foreground and subtracts the difference between those two times from the countdown timer I have going on so it reflects the time that has passed. Everything works fine. However, I need to be able to send a notification when the timer reaches zero.
As the timer is suspended every time the app goes into the background and the difference between how much time has passed is only calculated when the app comes into the foreground, I'm not able to find a way to send a notification when the timer reaches zero ( as the difference is only calculated when the app is in the foreground ) which negates the whole point of sending notification to let the user know the timer has ended.
Is there a way to figure out how to send a notification when the timer has reached zero without the app coming into the foreground? or any way to keep the timer running in the background so I can check if the timer has reached zero to send a notification?
Snippet of the code:
HStack {
// some code
for: UIScene.didEnterBackgroundNotification)) { _ in
if isTimerStarted {
for: UIScene.didActivateNotification)) { _ in
if isTimerStarted {
// the functions created:
func movingToBackground() {
print("Moving to the background")
notificationDate = Date()
func movingToForeground() {
print("Moving to the foreground")
let deltaTime: Int = Int(Date().timeIntervalSince(notificationDate))
let deltaTimefill : Double = Double(deltaTime) / Double(300)
fbManager.breakElapsed -= deltaTime
if fbManager.breakElapsed <= 0 {
date: Date(),
type: "time",
timeInterval: 5,
title: "AppName+",
body: "Your timer has ended")
fbManager.breakFill += deltaTimefill
Let me know if you need more code.
You can queue up the notification at any time, with the date parameter set to when you want it to be displayed.

How to break out of a loop that uses async DispatchQueue inside

I am using a for loop coupled with a DispatchQueue with async to incrementally increase playback volume over the course of a 5 or 10-minute duration.
How I am currently implementing it is:
for i in (0...(numberOfSecondsToFadeOut*timesChangePerSecond)) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + Double(i)/Double(timesChangePerSecond)) {
if self.activityHasEnded {
NSLog("Activity has ended") //This will keep on printing
} else {
let volumeSetTo = originalVolume - (reductionAmount)*Float(i)
if self.activityHasEnded {
My goal is to have activityHasEnded to act as the breaker. The issue as noted in the comment is that despite using break, the NSLog will keep on printing over every period. What would be the better way to fully break out of this for loop that uses DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter?
Updated: As noted by Rob, it makes more sense to use a Timer. Here is what I did:
self.fadeOutTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: timerFrequency, repeats: true) { (timer) in
let currentVolume = self.getCurrentVolume()
if currentVolume > destinationVolume {
let volumeSetTo = currentVolume - reductionAmount
print ("Lowered volume to \(volumeSetTo)")
When the timer is no longer needed, I call self.fadeOutTimer?.invalidate()
You don’t want to use asyncAfter: While you could use DispatchWorkItem rendition (which is cancelable), you will end up with a mess trying to keep track of all of the individual work items. Worse, a series of individually dispatch items are going to be subject to “timer coalescing”, where latter tasks will start to clump together, no longer firing off at the desired interval.
The simple solution is to use a repeating Timer, which avoids coalescing and is easily invalidated when you want to stop it.
You can utilise DispatchWorkItem, which can be dispatch to a DispatchQueue asynchronously and can also be cancelled even after it was dispatched.
for i in (0...(numberOfSecondsToFadeOut*timesChangePerSecond)) {
let work = DispatchWorkItem {
if self.activityHasEnded {
NSLog("Activity has ended") //This will keep on printing
} else {
let volumeSetTo = originalVolume - (reductionAmount)*Float(i)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + Double(i)/Double(timesChangePerSecond), execute: work)
if self.activityHasEnded {
work.cancel() // cancel the async work
break // exit the loop

timer that works in the background Swift 5 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
update label from background timer
(1 answer)
iOS Swift Timer in not firing if the App is in the background
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'd like to create a simple timer app that works the same way of the native timer of iOS.
To start I just write some simple code that print the second starting to 0 to infinite.
The first problem was that if you go to the home screen, the task obviously stops to work
so I easily sorted just checking the box into background mode - Audio Airplay, and Picture in Picture (inside project - targets - Signing and Capabilities)
now my task works fine.. even in the background.. unless you put your app into a real device
in this case when you go into the background it doesn't work
after that I searched online for a solution and what I've learnt that Apple does't allow the apps to work into the background as you pleased and after 180 seconds the system just "kill" the background task. I just wonder how all the timer app in the Appstore works..
An Interesting thing that I've come across was when I watched an Apple developer conference that they talk about this new framework of background that you basically can make your app working in the background for heavy tasks when the iPhone is charging, and not only that you can forecast when the user will use your app and have some background tasks that work in the background in order to prepare the app to be updated. The link is this https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/707/
after this I've tried different approaches to sort my problem but nothing has worked yet.. I have followed this tutorial which I found interesting https://medium.com/over-engineering/a-background-repeating-timer-in-swift-412cecfd2ef9 but it didn't work for me (maybe because of the version of swift outdated or simply because of me) if you guys have managed to make the timer work in the background in your real device let me know.. I would like to understand it well rather than copy and paste the code.
Happy coding to all
the tutorial code:
class RepeatingTimer {
let timeInterval: TimeInterval
init(timeInterval: TimeInterval) {
self.timeInterval = timeInterval
private lazy var timer: DispatchSourceTimer = {
let t = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource()
t.schedule(deadline: .now() + self.timeInterval, repeating: self.timeInterval)
t.setEventHandler(handler: { [weak self] in
return t
var eventHandler: (() -> Void)?
private enum State {
case suspended
case resumed
private var state: State = .suspended
deinit {
timer.setEventHandler {}
If the timer is suspended, calling cancel without resuming
triggers a crash. This is documented here https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/15902
eventHandler = nil
func resume() {
if state == .resumed {
state = .resumed
func suspend() {
if state == .suspended {
state = .suspended

How to use timer in Vapor (server-side Swift)?

Can I use timer, such as NSTimer in Vapor (server-side Swift)?
I hope my server written in Vapor can do some tasks proactively once in a while. For example, polling some data from the web every 15 mins.
How to achieve this with Vapor?
If you can accept your task timer being re-set whenever the server instance is recreated, and you only have one server instance, then you should consider the excellent Jobs library.
If you need your task to run exactly at the same time regardless of the server process, then use cron or similar to schedule a Command.
If you just need a simple timer to be fired, once or repeatedly you can create it using the Dispatch schedule() function. You can suspend, resume and cancel it if needed.
Here is a code snippet to do it:
import Vapor
import Dispatch
/// Controls basic CRUD operations on `Session`s.
final class SessionController {
let timer: DispatchSourceTimer
/// Initialize the controller
init() {
self.timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource()
print("Timer created")
// *** Functions for timer
/// Configure & activate timer
func startTimer() {
timer.setEventHandler() {
timer.schedule(deadline: .now() + .seconds(5), repeating: .seconds(10), leeway: .seconds(10))
if #available(OSX 10.14.3, *) {
// *** Functions for cancel old sessions
///Cancel sessions that has timed out
func doTimerJob() {
print("Cancel sessions")

NSTimer stops when view controller is not the selected tab or not showing

I have a strange problem with my countdown timer. It fires off normally when my start button is hit, and is reinstantiated correctly when I close the app and relaunch it again. However, when I select a different tab and stay there for a while, it stops counting down, then resumes counting down from where it left off when I show the countdown tab again.
For example, if the timer is now at 00:28:00 (format is HH:MM:SS), select some other tab, stay there for 5 minutes, and then go back to the timer tab, it's only at the 27:52 mark. When I close the app (double tap the home button, swipe up my app) and reopen it, it starts off at a more reasonable 22:50 mark.
I've posted the relevant code from the class to show how I'm setting up the timer, but a summary of what it does:
I have plus (+) and minus (-) buttons somewhere that, when tapped, call recalculate().
recalculate() fires off a CalculateOperation.
A CalculateOperation computes for the starting HH:MM:ss based on the addition/removal of a new record. The successBlock of a CalculateOperation executes in the main thread.
A CalculateOperation creates the NSTimer in the successBlock if the countdownTimer hasn't been created yet.
The NSTimer executes decayCalculation() every 1 second. It reduces the calculation.timer by 1 second by calling tick().
class CalculatorViewController: MQLoadableViewController {
let calculationQueue: NSOperationQueue // Initialized in init()
var calculation: Calculation?
var countdownTimer: NSTimer?
func recalculate() {
if let profile = AppState.sharedState.currentProfile {
// Cancel all calculation operations.
let calculateOperation = self.createCalculateOperation(profile)
func decayCalculation() {
if let calculation = self.calculation {
// tick() subtracts 1 second from the timer and adjusts the
// hours and minutes accordingly. Returns true when the timer
// goes down to 00:00:00.
let timerFinished = calculation.timer.tick()
// Pass the calculation object to update the timer label
// and other things.
if let mainView = self.primaryView as? CalculatorView {
mainView.calculation = calculation
// Invalidate the timer when it hits 00:00:00.
if timerFinished == true {
if let countdownTimer = self.countdownTimer {
func createCalculateOperation(profile: Profile) -> CalculateOperation {
let calculateOperation = CalculateOperation(profile: profile)
calculateOperation.successBlock = {[unowned self] result in
if let calculation = result as? Calculation {
self.calculation = calculation
/* Hide the loading screen, show the calculation results, etc. */
// Create the NSTimer.
if self.countdownTimer == nil {
self.countdownTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: Selector("decayCalculation"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
return calculateOperation
Well, if I leave the app in some other tab and not touch the phone for a while, it eventually goes to sleep, the app resigns active, and enters the background, which stops the timer.
The solution was to set my view controller as a listener to the UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification and call recalculate to correct my timer's countdown value.
