Broadcast channel api not triggering, workbox - service-worker

I am new with workbox and have been trying to integrate it with my react app. Caching works fine but seems like broadcastUpdate is not triggering when content of file is changed.
This is the code snipped in the service worker:
cacheName: 'css-cache',
broadcastUpdate: {
channelName: 'api-updates'
plugins: [
new workbox.broadcastUpdate.Plugin(
And I am listening for it in my main file(index.js).Code snippet there is
const updatesChannel = new BroadcastChannel('api-updates');
updatesChannel.onmessage = function(e) {
When the content of css file changes then no message is received in updatesChannel.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.

I tried this as well, and same results for me.. it turned out that the headers were not readable by the client. This is a CORS thing. What solved it for me was to explicitly add these headers (or the ones you use) in the Django settings:
CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS = ['Allow', 'Content-Length', 'ETag', 'Last-Modified', ]


Service worker installs via localhost, but fails when deployed to GitHub pages

I am working on a PWA and I have installed and activated a service worker on my site. It works perfectly well while testing on local server but when I ship my code live, it fails.
This is my SW:
const cacheName = 'v1';
const cacheFiles = [
// Install event
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
console.log("SW installed");
console.log('SW caching cachefiles');
return cache.addAll(cacheFiles);
// Activate event
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
console.log("SW activated");
return Promise.all({
if(thisCacheName !== cacheName){
console.log('SW Removing cached files from', thisCacheName);
return caches.delete(thisCacheName);
// Fetch event
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
console.log("SW fetching", event.request.url);
console.log('Fetching new files');
return response || fetch(event.request);
This is the error I'm getting:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Request failed (sw.js:1)
I don't understand why it fails to cache my files online (github pages) when it works locally. Can someone help me understand?
Thank you.
EDIT: I tried to deploy the site via Netlify and it works there. So it has to be something to do with Github pages. I would still like to know what it is, if anyone can shed any light.
As mentioned in Service Worker caches locally but fails online, when deploying to gh-pages, your web app's content will normally be accessed from a subpath, not in the top-level path, for the domain.
For instance, if your files are in the gh-pages branch of<user>/<repo>, then your web content can be accessed from https://<user><repo>/.
All of the URLs in your cacheFiles array are prefixed with /, which isn't what you want, given that all of your content is accessible under /<repo>/. For instance, / is interpreted as https://<user>, which is different from https://<user><repo>/.
The solution to your problem, which will lead to a configuration that works regardless of what the base URL is for your hosting environment, is to prepend each of your URLs with ./ rather than /. For instance:
const cacheFiles = [
// etc.
The ./ means that the URL is relative, with the location of the service worker file used as the base. Your service worker file will be deployed under https://<user><repo>/, so that will end up being the correct base URL to use for the rest of your content as well.

Setting service worker to exclude certain urls only

I built an app using create react which by default includes a service worker. I want the app to be run anytime someone enters the given url except when they go to /blog/, which is serving a set of static content. I use react router in the app to catch different urls.
I have nginx setup to serve /blog/ and it works fine if someone visits /blog/ without visiting the react app first. However because the service worker has a scope of ./, anytime someone visits any url other than /blog/, the app loads the service worker. From that point on, the service worker bypasses a connection to the server and /blog/ loads the react app instead of the static contents.
Is there a way to have the service worker load on all urls except /blog/?
So, considering, you have not posted any code relevant to the service worker, you might consider adding a simple if conditional inside the code block for fetch
This code block should already be there inside your service worker.Just add the conditionals
self.addEventListener( 'fetch', function ( event ) {
if ( event.request.url.match( '^.*(\/blog\/).*$' ) ) {
return false;
// OR
if ( event.request.url.indexOf( '/blog/' ) !== -1 ) {
return false;
// **** rest of your service worker code ****
note you can either use the regex or the prototype method indexOf.
per your whim.
the above would direct your service worker, to just do nothing when the url matches /blog/
Another way to blacklist URLs, i.e., exclude them from being served from cache, when you're using Workbox can be achieved with workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute:
workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute("/index.html", {
blacklist: [/^\/api/,/^\/admin/],
The example above demonstrates this for a SPA where all routes are cached and mapped into index.html except for any URL starting with /api or /admin.
here's whats working for us in the latest CRA version:
// serviceWorker.js
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (isAdminRoute()) {'unregistering service worker for admin route')
return false
we exclude all routes under /admin from the server worker, since we are using a different app for our admin area. you can change it of course for anything you like, here's our function in the bottom of the file:
function isAdminRoute() {
return window.location.pathname.startsWith('/admin')
Here's how you do it in 2021:
import {NavigationRoute, registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
const navigationRoute = new NavigationRoute(handler, {
allowlist: [
new RegExp('/blog/'),
denylist: [
new RegExp('/blog/restricted/'),
How to Register a Navigation Route
If you are using or willing to use customize-cra, the solution is quite straight-forward.
Put this in your config-overrides.js:
const { adjustWorkbox, override } = require("customize-cra");
module.exports = override(
adjustWorkbox(wb =>
Object.assign(wb, {
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [
...(wb.navigateFallbackWhitelist || []),
Note that in the newest workbox documentation, the option is called navigateFallbackAllowlist instead of navigateFallbackWhitelist. So, depending on the version of CRA/workbox you use, you might need to change the option name.
The regexp /^/blog(/.*)?/ matches /blog, /blog/, /blog/abc123 etc.
Try using the sw-precache library to overwrite the current service-worker.js file that is running the cache strategy. The most important part is setting up the config file (i will paste the one I used with create-react-app below).
Install yarn sw-precache
Create and specify the config file which indicates which URLs to not cache
modify the build script command to make sure sw-precache runs and overwrites the default service-worker.js file in the build output directory
I named my config file sw-precache-config.js is and specified it in build script command in package.json. Contents of the file are below. The part to pay particular attention to is the runtimeCaching key/option.
"build": "NODE_ENV=development react-scripts build && sw-precache --config=sw-precache-config.js"
CONFIG FILE: sw-precache-config.js
module.exports = {
staticFileGlobs: [
staticFileGlobsIgnorePatterns: [/\.map$/, /asset-manifest\.json$/],
swFilePath: './build/service-worker.js',
stripPrefix: 'build/',
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /dont_cache_me1/,
handler: 'networkOnly'
}, {
urlPattern: /dont_cache_me2/,
handler: 'networkOnly'
Update (new working solution)
In the last major release of Create React App (version 4.x.x), you can easily implement your custom worker-service.js without bleeding. customize worker-service
Starting with Create React App 4, you have full control over customizing the logic in this service worker, by creating your own src/service-worker.js file, or customizing the one added by the cra-template-pwa (or cra-template-pwa-typescript) template. You can use additional modules from the Workbox project, add in a push notification library, or remove some of the default caching logic.
You have to upgrade your react script to version 4 if you are currently using older versions.
Working solution for CRA v4
Add the following code to the file service-worker.js inside the anonymous function in registerRoute-method.
// If this is a backend URL, skip
if (url.pathname.startsWith("/backend")) {
return false;
To simplify things, we can add an array list of items to exclude, and add a search into the fetch event listener.
Include and Exclude methods below for completeness.
var offlineInclude = [
'', // index.html
var offlineExclude = [
'/networkimages/bigimg.png', //exclude a file
'/admin/' //exclude a directory
self.addEventListener("install", function(event) {
console.log('WORKER: install event in progress.');
.open(version + 'fundamentals')
.then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll(offlineInclude);
.then(function() {
console.log('WORKER: install completed');
self.addEventListener("fetch", function(event) {
console.log('WORKER: fetch event in progress.');
if (event.request.method !== 'GET') {
console.log('WORKER: fetch event ignored.', event.request.method, event.request.url);
for (let i = 0; i < offlineExclude.length; i++)
if (event.request.url.indexOf(offlineExclude[i]) !== -1)
console.log('WORKER: fetch event ignored. URL in exclude list.', event.request.url);
return false;

How to queue post request using workbox?

Using following js in my service worker from workboxjs sample for my testing:
I want to try out how to queue the post requests in offline mode using workbox-sw, so once the network is available it process the request from the queue!
Q 1:
I think I need to import additional libraries to define my routes for post methods as shown here on github issue #634
How can use import on browser? I tried using importScripts but it doesn't work.
import * as worker from 'workbox-sw';
import 'workbox-routing';
Q 2:
Do I need any additional libraries for background sync, so post methods are queued?
I'd recommend using it as part of the larger workbox-sw framework, as a plugin. Here's a version of the sample code, modified to use importScripts() to pull in the Workbox code from a CDN. Alternatively, rather than using the pre-packaged bundles over a CDN, you could use the ES2015 module syntax and then a bundler like Rollup or Webpack to include the relevant code from your local node_modules into the final service worker file.
let bgQueue = new workbox.backgroundSync.QueuePlugin({
callbacks: {
replayDidSucceed: async(hash, res) => {
self.registration.showNotification('Background sync demo', {
body: 'Product has been purchased.',
icon: '/images/shop-icon-384.png',
replayDidFail: (hash) => {},
requestWillEnqueue: (reqData) => {},
requestWillDequeue: (reqData) => {},
const requestWrapper = new workbox.runtimeCaching.RequestWrapper({
plugins: [bgQueue],
const route = new workbox.routing.RegExpRoute({
regExp: new RegExp('^'),
handler: new workbox.runtimeCaching.NetworkOnly({requestWrapper}),
const router = new workbox.routing.Router();

Can't read from file issue in Swagger UI

I have incorporated swagger-ui in my application.
When I try and see the swagger-ui I get the documentation of the API nicely but after some time it shows some error icon at the button.
The Error message is like below:
[{"level":"error","message":"Can't read from file
I am not sure what is causing it. If I refresh it works and shows error after few seconds.
I am guessing "http://MYIP/swagger/docs/v1" is not publicly accessible.
By default swagger ui uses an online validator: If it cannot access your swagger url then you will see that error message.
Possible solutions:
Disable validation:
config.EnableSwagger().EnableSwaggerUi(c => c.DisableValidator());
Make your site publicly accessible
Host the validator locally:
You can get the validator from:
You will also need to tell swaggerui the location of the validator
config.EnableSwagger().EnableSwaggerUi(c => c.SetValidatorUrl(<validator_url>));
To supplement the accepted answer...I just uncommented one line in the SwaggerConfig.cs. I only wanted to get rid of the red error on the main swagger page by disabling the validator.
// By default, swagger-ui will validate specs against's online validator and display the result
// in a badge at the bottom of the page. Use these options to set a different validator URL or to disable the
// feature entirely.
If you are using files from swagger-ui github repo, then you can disable schema validation from your index.html file by setting validatorUrl to null in it:
window.onload = function() {
// Build a system
const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
url: "/docs/open_api.json",
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
validatorUrl : null, # <----- Add this line
deepLinking: true,
presets: [
plugins: [
layout: "StandaloneLayout"
If you using PHP Laravel framework with L5-Swagger just uncomment
'validatorUrl' => null,
from the config file /config/l5-swagger.php
Setting this.model.validatorUrl = null; in dist/swagger-ui.js worked for me ..
// Default validator
if(window.location.protocol === 'https:') {
//this.model.validatorUrl = '';
this.model.validatorUrl = null;
} else {
//this.model.validatorUrl = '';
this.model.validatorUrl = null;
To anynoe having similar issue when using Swashbuckle.OData:
I was having issues to integrated Swagger with our OData endpoints (using ODataController for API and Swashbuckle.OData NuGet package). I had to write our own document filter for it and add it:
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "OurSolution.API");
//c.CustomProvider((defaultProvider) => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration));
c.RootUrl(req => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppUrl"]);
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
Apparently in order to avoid validation error I had to comment out line which is setting ODataSwaggerProvider along with turning off validator as mentioned in posts above. This makes usefulness of Swashbuckle.OData questionable yet I didn't test whatever it works with vanilla Swashbuckle.
Note: I used approach described on GitHub page for Swashbuckle.OData but it was not working: showing no possible endpoints at all. Maybe somebody knows better solution.

Firefox addon setting custom http header

I'm building a firefox addon and want to set a custom HTTP header.
I've already done some googling and found Setting HTTP headers from a Firefox extension
I however can't get it working.
I've tried placing it in my main.js and when that didn't work in one of my content scripts.
while in main.js the entire addon stops working, can't get a clear error from it though.
When in the content script just that script stops working.
Can anyone help?
For the addon-sdk you need to change that example a bit to look like this:
var chrome = require("chrome");
chrome.Cc[";1"].getService( chrome.Ci.nsIObserverService ).addObserver({
observe : function(subject, topic, data) {
var channel = subject.QueryInterface( chrome.Ci.nsIHttpChannel );
if ( /mysite/.test( ) ) {
channel.setRequestHeader("x-mysite-extended", "true", false);
Note the mysite, you'll want to replace that with your host site and the headers with your headers.
