How to set Custom Variable tag in Google Analytics w/ iOS - ios

I am trying to add a custom variable to Google Analytics using the iOS Swift library:
let tracker = GAI.sharedInstance().defaultTracker
tracker.set("custom_field" value: "my_value")
Here's what I'm trying to create a filter on:
How do I properly make that a custom variable so I can add a filter in Google Analytics?

They're no longer called custom variables, but custom dimensions (CD).
To configure the CD you've specified in the video:
Go to your GA account, go into Admin, under the property that you'd like to create this CD, click on "Custom Definitions" and click on "Custom Dimensions" Like
When you're in, click on "NEW CUSTOM DIMENSION" in red. Name it whatever you want, in this case "userRoles", you can name it "User Roles" as well. Make sure for "Scope" select "User" to learn more about scope:
Save and note the "Index" number for the newly created CD. This is how you reference it in your code, not by "userRole" or "User Role" most likely it will be something like "1" or "customDimension1", for the value you'd just set it to be whatever you want to use to identify the different user roles.


How to connect Jira Cloud data to a web-app

I have a node.js web-app added to jira as user-installed app.
My app has some simple data:
{name: process_1},
{name: process_2},
{name: process_3}
What I need to do is:
Add a custom field named "tl_process" to the New Issue jira form
Have tl_process field list all the data from my app, eg: "process_1", "process_2", "process_3" as selectable values
2.1 Important note: these values should be supplied to jira by my webapp
When a user creates new jira issue with tl_process value process_2 for example - my webapp should receive a notification about it. Then I will set my data to:
{name: process_1, active: true}
What would be the best course of action to follow here?
Add a custom field named "tl_process" to the New Issue jira form
If you want the field to be seen in the issue view, you might want to consider using the Issue Field module. If you really want a custom field, check the REST API here.
Have tl_process field list all the data from my app, eg: "process_1", "process_2", "process_3" as selectable values
If you go the Issue Field route, you can also add values by using Create issue field option REST API.
When a user creates new jira issue with tl_process value process_2 for example - my webapp should receive a notification about it. Then I will set my data to:
For this, you need to create an endpoint on your app and trigger a webhook to call your app.

Drupal 8 make a link with dynamic url paraneter without coding

I created two separate content types: "Clients" and "Injuries".
In "Clients" each record/node has a client_id (autoincrement by module Serial). In "Injuries" there is a field client which refers to client_id.
I created a (block) View for Injuries, with a contextual filter "Content: Client" so that I can filter out all the injuries of a specific client (for example: client_id = 3), just by typing the URI: /injuries/3.
Now I'm trying to create a link on the Client's page, which dynamically uses the client_id of that client. I tried the module "Linkit" and "D8 Editor Advanced Link".
Is there a way to get the client_id value of the node and use it in the URI?
I also try to make the link in a table view. Unlike the "edit-link" and the "view-link" which are in core, there's no way to customize the path in there.
Can anyone help pointing me in the right direction? Can I make it with the UI of Drupal 8 or do I have to dive into code?
You can create a token based field for your client content type using field_token_value module.
You create this field as usual and in the settings field value should be something like this
see all injuries
where [node:field_client_id] would be replaced with the appropriate client_id each time.
NOTE: There is also a link on the settings page that you can also display all available tokens

How to add a Adobe Analytics Variable to multiple Link Track rule in Dynamic Tag Manager

I have more than 100 DTM rules which has been set up to capture Analytics link track. Now, I have new requirement to add one global variable (let's say eVarX) to all of the link tracking. Could someone please help me how it can be done without adding it manually to each link track rule.
DTM does not currently have a way to globally add variables to all Adobe Analytics (AA) hits. The closest thing you can do is make use of AA's doPlugins callback function, which you can define in the custom code box of the AA tool config page.
If you do not already have doPlugins (commonly namespaced s_doPlugins) function defined there, then in the custom code box of the Adobe Analytics tool, add the following:
s.doPlugins=function(s) {
// add variable here
// make sure to also "register" it in `linkTrackVars`
// for calls
Note: This is global, as in, it will trigger for all s.t and calls, not just those specific 100 DTM rules. There's no good way to effectively say "only do it for [some list of rules]" except to just individually add it to your rules.

Accessing variables in Automator

I am following an Automator tutorial and I can't figure out how to access variables like 'Current year' or 'Current user' in my workflow.
Suppose I am wanting to Add Photos to Album. How could I add them to a new album containing the current year in the name? (e.g. "Photos from ")
Under the top bar, activate left "Variables". Then drag the required variable to the workflow area.
This will insert an action "Query variable".
Enable "Show results", and do a single step to execute this action.
The result of this action can then be forwarded to any next action.

Salesforce Create Buttons and Links option - Custom URL to launch email template

I have an email template that I would like to launch from within the case using a Link/Button. I see the option under setup->customize->cases->button and links I even see where I need to place the URL. What I don't see is nay documentation on how to build the URL to launch an email template. Any help you be great
I don't know if this is documented anywhere by salesforce, but I found from some guess work:
Just use that as the url content of a custom button or link. This one is for cases, as you are trying to do, but I think this should work for other types of objects as well.
The parameters are p3_lkid, which is the case id, p2_lkid which is the id of the contact you are emailing, and template_id which is hardcoded to the desired email template. (You can find this id by looking in the url of the Setup page for the template)
This was really helpful. I did, however, figure out another way to do it. Click on the "Send an Email" button you currently have. Copy the URL and add &template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID.
There is one other ID number that will show up in the original URL. Change that to be the dynamic field you want it to be.
For example:
Copy url from "Send Email":
Add &template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID so it looks like this:
/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?p3_lkid=70150000000Axj1&retURL=%2F70150000000Axj1&template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID
Remove the other id (it's the object you used to send the email - so in this case, I was wanting to be able to send an email directly from a Campaign) and replace with the dynamic field:
/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?p3_lkid={!Campaign.Id}&retURL=%2F70150000000Axih&template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID
And voila! It should work!
Abeyer's answer is good. However, if the template contains solution attachments "{!Case.Solution_Attachments}" the attachments will not get included unless you add the new_template=1 parameter to the URL making it:
