How to use swagger-ui-express.serve and setup swagger document inside call back function Nodejs - swagger

const swaggerUi = require('swagger-ui-express');
const swaggerDocument = require('./swagger.json');
app.use('/swagger', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocument));
instead of this, i want to use inside callback function of NodeJS
Need to set basepath dynamically inside callback function.
app.use('/swagger', function(req,res) {
swaggerDocument.basepath = "/pet/details",
res.send(swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocument));
Please help me to resolve this..

Found the solution,
Used callback function like this,
function(req, res) { = req.get('host'); // Replace hardcoded host information in swagger file
swaggerDocument.schemes = [req.protocol]; // Replace hardcoded protocol information in Swagger file
swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocument)(req, res);


Next.js rewrites + custom dynamical header for axios on the server-side

How i can do dynamical header for axios on the serve-side? I want to make functionality of cities, without edit nextjs folder structure. Rewrities from nextjs solves my problem, but I can't set the header for axios request functions on the server side. useRouter() hook returns non-proxied path.
// next.config.js
async Rewrites() {
return [
source: '/new-york/:path*',
destination: '/:path*',
Im tried use axios intreception function:
// destination _app.js
export default function AxiosInterceptors() {
const router = useRouter();
const asPath = router.asPath; // asPath return not non-proxied path, if i use url /new-york/blogs, here i see /blogs;
apiQr.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
config.headers['city'] = asPath.includes('/new-york') ? '2' : '1'; // city id
return config;
}, function (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
Im also tried set headers from NextJS _middleware.js but there is no access to axios requests and the axios interceptor function is not called there.
Where and how can I get a stable variable depending on the entered url on the server side so that I can adjust the axios headers?
I expect to get the proxied url in the axios interceptors instance as I showed above, but I get the proxied path.

In electron how to send custom header and value for every request?

I use electronjs for building a cross platform desktop application. I would like to send a custom header with a value for every request from electron. Initially in loadURL(), i could use extraHeaders to set the custom header. How to send it in all subsequent requests?
As recommended by the documentation, you should use session object and the method onBeforeSendHeaders:
const { session } = require('electron')
// Modify the user agent for all requests to the following urls.
const filter = {
urls: ['https://**', '*://']
session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter, (details, callback) => {
details.requestHeaders['User-Agent'] = 'MyAgent'
callback({ requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders })

Silex Pimple service implementation

Inside my Silex app I need a function which basically does a file_get_contents() my idea was to use something like
$app['funky_service'] = function () {
$content = file_get_contents();
return $content;
this is working fine, but how can I pass parameters to this function? I can call it like this
$fs = $app['funky_service'];
but passing arguments to it is still puzzling my
As per the services chapter in the silex documentation, you need to protect your function if you want to store it as a parameter:
$app['function_parameter'] = $app->protect(function ($resource) {
$content = file_get_contents($resource);
return $content;
$example = $app['function_parameter']('');

SignalR- send data to a specific client

I want to send data to a specific client. to do that I am trying with the following;
public Task GetWaitingOrdersCount(string id, string clientId)
DateTime today = Util.getCurrentDateTime();
var data = 10
return Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).loadOrders(data);
//return data;
In the above code, I want to send 'data' to the 'clientId' passed to this method.
BUT I m having an error in this line
return Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).loadOrders(data);
And the error is
'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<object>' does not contain a definition for 'loadOrders'
the client side code
con.loadOrders = function (data) {
function loadOrders(data) {
Any help about the error???
This is my full client code..
<script type="text/javascript">
var con;
$(document).ready(function () {
con = $.connection.messagingHub;
$.connection.hub.start(function () {
var myClientId = $;
con.getWaitingOrdersCount('<%:ViewBag.rid%>',myClientId).done(function (data) {
con.client.loadOrders = function (data) {
function loadOrders(data) {
I just tried out your code (slightly modified) and it works fine for me. What version of SignalR are you using? Judging by your server code I'd say 1.0Alpha1+ but your client code looks more like 0.5.3, that is unless your con object is assigned to $.connection.yourhub.client;
If you update to SignalR 1.0Alpha2 and change your client code to be:
var con = $.connection.myCon;// This is arbitrary and would change based on your naming
con.client.loadOrders = function (data) {
function loadOrders(data) {
That being said I believe your issue has to do with the version of SignalR you are using, server side that is: since you're receiving a task oriented error. Another piece of information that might be beneficial would be to know how GetWaitingOrdersCount is being called. Aka is it being invoked from the client directly via: con.server.getWaitingOrdersCount or is it being called from within the hub.
Hope this info helps!

two way communication between extension and content javascript files

i am trying to accomplish a two way communication request response in my firefox sidebar extension, i have a file named event.js this resides on the content side, i have another file called sidebar.js file which is residing in the xul. I am able to communicate from event.js to sidebar.js file using the dispatchEvent method. my event in turn raises a XMLHttpRequest in sidebar.js file which hits the server and sends back the response. Now, here i am unable to pass the response to the event.js file. I want the response to be accessed in the event.js file. Till now i have achieved only one way communication. Please help me in getting the two way communication.
Code is as follows:
// event.js file
// This event occurs on blur of the text box where i need to save the text into the server
function saveEvent() {
var element = document.getElementById("fetchData");
element.setAttribute("urlPath", "http://localhost:8080/event?Id=12");
element.setAttribute("jsonObj", convertToList);
element.setAttribute("methodType", "POST");
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("saveEvent", true, true);
//Fetching the response over here by adding the listener
document.addEventListener("dispatchedResponse", function (e) { MyExtension.responseListener(e); }, false, true);
var MyExtension = {
responseListener: function (evt) {
function receivedResponse(event) {
alert('response: ' + event);
// sidebar.js file
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
var saveAjaxRequest = function (urlPath, jsonObj, methodType, evtTarget) {
var url = urlPath;
var request = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
request.onload = function (aEvent) {
window.alert("Response Text: " +;
saveResponse =;
//here i am again trying to dispatch the response i got from the server back to the origin, but unable to pass it...
evtTarget.setAttribute("responseObject", saveResponse);
var evt = document.createEvent("dispatchedRes"); // Error line "Operation is not supported" code: "9"
evt.initEvent("dispatchedResponse", true, false);
request.onerror = function (aEvent) {
window.alert("Error Status: " +;
//window.alert(methodType + " " + url);, url, true);
this.onLoad = function () {
document.addEventListener("saveEvent", function (e) { MyExtension.saveListener(e); }, false, true);
var MyExtension =
saveListener: function (evt) {
saveAjaxRequest("urlPath"),"jsonObj"),"methodType"), evt.originalTarget);
Why are you moving your fetchData element into the sidebar document? You should leave it where it is, otherwise your content code won't be able to receive the event. Also, use the content document to create the event. Finally, document.createEvent() parameter for custom events should be "Events". So the code after your //here i am again trying comment should look like:
evtTarget.setAttribute("responseObject", saveResponse);
var evt = evtTarget.ownerDocument.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("dispatchedResponse", true, false);
Please note however that your code as you show it here is a huge security vulnerability - it allows any website to make any HTTP requests and get the result back, so it essentially disables same-origin policy. At the very least you need to check that the website talking to you is allowed to do it (e.g. it belongs to your server). But even then it stays a security risk because server response could be altered (e.g. by an attacker on a public WLAN) or your server could be hacked - and you would be giving an attacker access to sensitive data (for example he could trigger a request to and if the victim happens to be logged in he will be able to read all email data). So please make this less generic, only allow requests to some websites.
