iOS compatibility with Swift's String .isEmpty - ios

What compatibility issues, if any, are there with using isEmpty on a string in Swift?
let str = "Hello, planet"
if !str.isEmpty {
I'm developing with the latest Xcode+Swift versions, but I thought I once read (perhaps incorrectly) that .isEmpty will not work with older versions of iOS, and so str == "" should be used instead.
References (whose overlap confuses me some):
(String) "whether a string has no characters" ... From Protocol: Collection
(String) "whether the collection is empty"
(Range) "whether the collection is empty" ... SDK: Xcode 10+

The availability of isEmpty to check if a String is empty came into Swift, when String became a collection type with the release of Swift 4. So the isEmpty check on a String is quite similar to the isEmpty check on an Array, Dictionary or a Set.
And, features like these are not limited to the iOS or Xcode versions. These kind of changes are specific to the language version (Swift); so you can safely assume that it would work on all devices or OS which can run your application.

In the recent / latest version of Swift, you can just use the isEmpty, and it's the same with comparing == "".
but I thought I once read (perhaps incorrectly) that .isEmpty will not
work with older versions of iOS
The iOS/MacOS version is NOT related to the Swift version you are using (and you should use always the latest), and instead, some of the new provided APIs in Swift do support a minimum version of the iOS/MacOS. So don't be confused.


Realm crash on iOS 10 with 'String'

I have recently released a new version of our app and during beta testing, it's crashing on all iOS 10 devices but not other versions. Since we have Crashlytics, we found a strange crash message in the backend that we can confirm is the reason all iOS 10 crashing since it's 100% iOS 10 and there's like 40 of them.
It reads as follows:
Fatal Exception: RLMException
Property is declared as String, which is not a supported managed Object property type. If it is not supposed to be a managed property, either add it to ignoredProperties() or do not declare it as #objc dynamic. See for more information.
And here's the object:
class Article: Object {
#objc dynamic var id: String = UUID().uuidString
// others...
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
As you can see, this is perfectly nomral and runs fine on other iOS. In Realm's doc, it LITERALLY SAYS to use String with #objc dynamic and there's no way it's unsupported. I suspect there's nothing special about, and since Article starts with A, it happens to be the first String property of all realm Objects. Maybe somehow all Strings stopped working on iOS 10?
Can anyone offer some advice or insights?(Please don't say things like drop iOS 10 support. For now, we need it.)
We ran into the same issue a couple of times, trying to drag Realm fully into Swift. This is not really the answer but more of a workaround we've had success with when needing backward compatibility.
It's an ObjC object, not Swift.
There's something going on with the bridging, perhaps conforming to NSCopy'ing or something along those line, so just change it to read
#objc dynamic var id = NSUUID().uuidString
See the Getting Started Guide in the Models section which calls for using NSUUID
NSUUID: An object representing a universally unique value that bridges
to UUID; use NSUUID when you need reference semantics or other
Foundation-specific behavior.
Turns out it was a Realm's bug. We happen to have another app that runs just fine on iOS 10, and after some inspection we realized that it was using Realm 4.3.2, instead of 4.4.1. After we downgraded Realm to 4.3.2, this problem disappeared.

NSAttributedStringKey.attachment versus NSAttachmentAttributeName

I'm having problems with NSAttributedStringKey.attachment versus NSAttachmentAttributeName. Here's the relevant code:
var key: Any?
if #available(iOS 11, *) {
key = NSAttributedStringKey.attachment
else {
key = NSAttachmentAttributeName
One of two things are happening. In the actual place where I'm trying to use this code (a Cococapod of my own design, with a deployment target of iOS 8 and now building with Xcode 9), I get an error:
Type 'NSAttributedStringKey' (aka 'NSString') has no member 'attachment'
Or, if I just make a new example project and set the deployment target at iOS 8, I get:
'NSAttachmentAttributeName' has been renamed to 'NSAttributedStringKey.attachment'
This is not the behavior I'd expect with #available. Thoughts?
This String vs struct difference is between Swift 3 (uses Strings such as NSAttachmentAttributeName) and Swift 4 (uses struct static attributes such as NSAttributedStringKey.attachment), not between iOS <11 and iOS >=11. For instance, you can use NSAttributedStringKey.attachment and similar in any supporting version of iOS (e.g. .attachment is available since iOS 7) within a Swift 4 project. #available doesn't apply because it's a Swift language version difference rather than an OS version difference.
Ensure your pod is set to the correct Swift version and it should then work as expected. You can tell CocoaPods that by adding a .swift-version file at the top of your project:
$ echo 4.0 >.swift-version
This magical version file is mentioned in passing in a CocoaPods blog post from last year:

Swift App Extension: instance method count is unavailable

I just create my first app extension using XCode 7.1. One code file containing the code below is shared with both targets:
var str = "";
var l = str.count; //Compile error for extension target App: count is unavailable: There is no ...
The reason for this compile error seams to be that App extension compiles with swift 1.2 while the container target compiles with swift 2.0.
One solution would be importing the content App into the extension App doesn't appear to be a good solution from what i read about it. Sharing the code between targets can be difficult if both are not compiled using the same compiler.
I just run through all target settings and didn't find nothing that could be changed.
Can't find any post about this problem, witch is not so uncommon, so it is must likely i am interpreting something in a wrong way.
The only solution i can think of is using NSString instead of String but that is just an workaround for one class type. More problems of this kind will emerge in the future.
In Swift 2 it's
Use str.characters.count to get String length in Swift 2

suddenly UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey is unavailable

I don't understand this. Suddenly, I couldn't use the in iOS 9.0 introduced UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey identifier for accessing text input messages in notifications. Xcode 7.1 says: "UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey is unavailable".
But I can see this value in UIUserNotificationeSettings.h.
In Watchos2.0 I have this value.
Any Ideas?
I'm seeing the same exact thing in the release version of Xcode 7.2. Instead of using the key UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey, I've gotten it working using the string version "UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey".
So for me this is doing the trick:
if let response = responseInfo["UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey"] as? String {
// Your code here

iswalpha() in iOS doesn't return the same value on iOS that it does on MacOS

I have a problem about iswalpha() on iOS.
I am tuning my app in Xcode 4.5 and I tried to pass the Spanish character ú to iswalpha(). The xcode displays the int value of ú is 250.
When I tried to run the app on a real device, iswalpha() returns 0; but in the simulator (I run Xcode on a MacBook air with 10.8.2) it returns 1.
I guess the reason might be iOS has a different implementation of wide-character than does MacOS. What is the best way to resolve this?
Enhanced details:
UTF-16(unicode)encoding of Spanish character ú is 250 in int value. I think iswalpha()should return 1, as MACOS does, other than in iOS return a 0.
Dam new user could not post image here. so for UTF-16 encoding of ú please refer to :
Well I can answer my own question now, as well as a development log in case I forgot this later:
It seems to be a fault of Apple's implementation of libc in iOS. The implementation of iswalpha() is incomplete considering letters in languages other than English. The specific letters(ú,á,ó,...) in different languages could not be recognized by iswalpha(), because they fall out of the 0x7F ASCII boundry, and for somehow it could not be recognized by iOS's locale processing functions, but obviously in different locale those should still be readable alphabet letters.
Some details about it:
iswalph() in iOS is tracked down to:
__DARWIN_CTYPE_static_inline int
__istype(__darwin_ct_rune_t _c, unsigned long _f)
#ifdef USE_ASCII
return !!(__maskrune(_c, _f));
#else /* USE_ASCII */
return (isascii(_c) ? !!(_DefaultRuneLocale.__runetype[_c] & _f)
: !!__maskrune(_c, _f));
#endif /* USE_ASCII */
and it is __maskrune(_c, _f)) that in the end returns 0.
It is understandable that Apple missed this point since, nobody will use iswalpha() in Objective-C. However it may still be useful to note this point for some porting projects. It was a widely used function so maybe important to many legacy projects that porting to iOS. Hope Apple could fix it in later release.
My workaround now to this problem is to have a wrapper function of iswalpha(), which handle these Latin letters by my own code. Now the app runs flawlessly in my iPhone!
