Best practices for developing an application with Neo4J - neo4j

I recently came across an application which uses NEO4j as the backend. In my experience with SQL and other Key-value based databases, I have developed an understanding(which could be refined) that other databases store data and your application derives the information while with NEO4J you store the information. This means that the logic of deriving the information is already captured in the model of NEO4J. I am not able to get my head around this because now I cannot have logic that can be composed and most importantly something that can be tested with unit tests. I can sure have component level tests using embedded neo4j but then that's not the same. Can someone please help me understand the application development philosophy/methodology with NEO4J.

...other databases store data and your application derives the information while with NEO4J you store the information.
Hmmm.... Define data and define information. Mostly it goes: Data is something that requires further processing to become information (that is, something informative - something you can derived some conclusion or insights from).
Anyhow, doubt this has anything to do with Graph databases vs relational/aggregate databases. A database, as the name suggests, stores data.
This means that the logic of deriving the information is already captured in the model of NEO4J.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the logic... is already captured". Some queries are much easier with Neo+Cypher that with say SQL; like "Find all the friends of my friends that live in Berlin", but I would hardly relate this to 'logic'.
I cannot have logic that can be composed and most importantly something that can be tested with unit tests.
What do you mean by 'logic that can be composed'? And unit tests has nothing to do with this I'm afraid - there's no logic being tested if you talk about graph vs other databases.
Can someone please help me understand the application development philosophy/methodology with NEO4J.
There's really not much to it. Neo4J is a database like any other database, only that it uses a different model from relational/aggregate databases.
To highlight two of its strengths:
No joins - That's a pain point with relational/aggregate databases, especially with complex queries. Essentially, nearly all system involve a data model that is a graph (you only need one many-to-many relationship in your data model for that), and not using a graph database is a form of dimensionality reduction. The reasons relational databases prevailed for so many years is nothing short of a set of historical coincidences.
Easier DB migrations - and that's for being a schema-less data base. You ripe the same benefits with any other schema-less database.
I strongly recommend you read the 'NOSQL Overview' appendix of the free Graph Databases. It focus on a lot of these points.


Migrating from Neo4j to Grakn

I'm in the process of migrating a neo4j database into Grakn for genomics and biological data, I have the files in CSV for this but I need to an ETL Tool for solving this problem in the simplest way.
I am following this template Python migrator:
Am I correct in thinking this way -
Do nodes map to entities?
Do edges in neo4j map to relationships in Grakn?
Do labels map to attributes?
While it is possible to use a direct mapping of the property-graph model to the entity-relationship model (used by Grakn), it is highly likely that limitations and shortcomings of the property graph model will be transferred. This is why Grakn does not provide or encourage a completely general migration tool. Every Grakn knowledge graph should be powered by a thought-out model (ie. schema) that is tailored to the intended domain.
To outline how one can easily (re)model a dataset in Grakn, the key is to create a schema that closely resembles how we perceive data in the real world in terms of things and their interactions. This easily maps onto the Entity-Relationship-Attribute model Grakn uses. It is common to iterate several times before settling on the final schema (though it can always be extended later).
Then we can:
ask intuitive questions (in the form of Graql queries) - using the defined Entities/Relationships/Attributes that map closely to our mental model
build an intelligent database that is capable of reasoning over data the same way we do, by adding logical, deductive rules that apply in our domain
I encourage to you check out this blog post on the challenges of working with graph databases, and for any domain specific modeling questions head over to the Grakn community forum.
Good luck and welcome to Grakn!
If you map your property graph directly to GRAKN, you will end up with relations that are most likely named as verbs connecting only two objects (one of which will appear to be a subject and the other an object). GRAKN will be fine with this, but as mentioned previously, may make leveraging all the goodness in GRAKN more difficult. In particular, converting existing graph structures to hyperedges may take some significant reengineering. But the good news is that the ETL would be straightforward.
A better solution would be to define your ideal schema first in GRAKN (taking advantage of hyperedges), then fashion an ETL to populate the schema. In such a case, the ETL might be simple or complex. It would depend on how complex your original data was and how complex the new schema was.

Is there any concept of stored procedures in Cassandra?

For database management, my team right now is using a RDBMS based solution (MSSQL to be exact), but we expect to move to Cassandra soon as we're expecting a huge bump in traffic.
The application logic right now is decoupled from insertion logic, as the application only calls the specific procedures in SQL which calls some data validations and makes corresponding insertions.
I want to do something similar in Cassandra. However, I am unable to find anything that could aid me in doing so. UDFs are not useful as they are mostly used in SELECT query. I'd appreciate the community's help/advice on this, thanks!
The closest feature to a stored procedure will be a batch as it will allow you to "bundle" different DML statements associated to an insert, update or delete.
If you are moving from RDBMS to Cassandra, one of the biggest challenges is to adjust to the data modeling required, and more specific, to denormalization of data. The data model is the key factor of success (and failure) of any Cassandra implementation, and because of that, you may find several resources in the web (to mention the basics eBay blog, Datastax academy's Data model course)
Good luck with your implementation!

Persisting data to neo4j stand alone server

I'm currently doing some R and D regarding moving some business functionality from an Oracle RDBMS to Neo4j to reduce join complexity in the application queries. Due to the maintenance and visibility requirements for the data, I believe the stand alone server is the best option.
My thought is that within a java program I would pull the relevant data out of the Oracle tables, map it to a node object and persist it to neo4j (creating the appropriate relationships in the process).
I'm curious, with SDN over REST not being an optimal solution, what options are available for persistence. Are server plugins or unmanaged extensions the preferred method or am I overcomplicating the issue as tends to happen from time to time.
Thank you!
REST refers to a way to query the data over a network, not a way to store the data. Typically, you're going to store the data on some machine; you then have the option of either making it accessible via RESTful services with the neo4j server, or just using java applications to access the data.
I assume by SDN you're referring to spring data neo4j. Spring is a framework used for java applications, and SDN then refers to a plugin if you will for spring that allows java programmers to store models in neo4j. One could indeed use spring-data-neo4j to read data in, and then store it in Neo4J - but again this is a method of how the data gets into neo4j, it's not storage by itself.
The storage model in most cases is pretty much always the same. This link describes aspects of how storage actually happens.
Now -- to your larger business objective. In order to do this with neo4j, you're going to need to take a look at your oracle data and decide how it is best modeled as a graph. There's a big difference between an oracle RDBMS and Neo4J in terms of how the data is represented. Once you've settled on a graph design, you can then load your data into neo4j (many different options for doing that).
Will all of this "reduce join complexity in the application queries"? Well, yes, in the sense that Neo4j doesn't do joins. Will it improve the speed/performance of your application? There's just no way to tell. The answer to that depends on what your app is, what the queries are, how you model the data as a graph, and how you express the resulting queries over that graph.

Using different datastores in the Rails same app?

So this is more or less an implementation question, this is the senario I have, basically we have an app which uses MySQL as it's datastore, user accounts, transactions etc, but we want to add in a robust charting feature and the data will be stored in Redis, now basically my question is:
Is it possible, and what are the best practices for integrating another datastore into an app which already depends on another one. Can I use Rack to generate the reports? etc...
I want to turn this into a sort of open discussion because I think the need for a solution like this is going to rise as we see more and more key/value stores that offer benefits far different than a RDBMS, an NoSQL stores as well. They all have their benefits but no one solution covers them all.
You can have models that do not inherit ActiveRecord::Base. Add your preferred Redis client gem, do whatever config is necessary, and start writing Redis models.
I can try to reopen this topic, because should be very practical.
Have same issue with this. I want to replicate data from SQL to NoSQL. SQL used as main database storage, because data integrity, relations etc. And NoSQL as secondary database storage set for reading. In SQL you have much associations divided to much tables. Many one-to-one association saved in different tables for better readability. This associations should be saved as one document with NoSQL. It gives unbelievable speed. Only one load. Great for data exchange for API.
Do someone positive experience with replication SQL data to more consistent NoSQL documents?

When developing web applications when would you use a Graph database versus a Document database?

I am developing a web-based application using Rails. I am debating between using a Graph Database, such as InfoGrid, or a Document Database, such as MongoDB.
My application will need to store both small sets of data, such as a URL, and very large sets of data, such as Virtual Machines. This data will be tied to a single user.
I am interested in learning about peoples experiences with either Graph or Document databases and why they would use either of the options.
Thank you
I don't feel enough experienced with both worlds to properly and fully answer your question, however I'm using a document database for some time and here are some personal hints.
The document databases are based on a concept of key,value, and static views and are pretty cool for finding a set of documents that have a particular value.
They don't conceptualize the relations between documents.
So if your software have to provide advanced "queries" where selection criteria act on several 'types of document' or if you simply need to perform a selection using several elements, the [key,value] concept is not appropriate.
There are also a number of other cases where document databases are inappropriate : presenting large datasets in "paged" tables, sortable on several columns is one of the cases where the performances are low and disk space usage is huge.
So in many cases you'll have to perform "server side" processing in order to pick up the pieces, and with rails, or any other ruby based framework, you might run into performance issues.
The graph database are based on the concept of tripplestore, meaning that they also conceptualize the relations between the entities.
The graph can be traversed using the relations (and entity roles), and might be more convenient when performing searches across relation-structured data.
As I have no experience with graph database, I'm not aware if the graph database can be easily queried/traversed with several criterias, however if an advised reader has such an information I'd really appreciate any examples of such queries/traversals.
I'm currently reading about InfoGrid and trying to figure if such databases could by handy in order to perform complex requests on a very large set of data, relations included ....
From what I can read, the InfoGrah should be considered as a "data federator" able to search/mine the data from several sources (Stores) wich can also be a NoSQL database such as Mongo.
Wich means that you could use a mongo store for updates and InfoGraph for data searching, and maybe spare a lot of cpu and disk when it comes to complex searches inside a nosql database.
Of course it might seem a little "overkill" if your app simply stores a large set of huge binary files in a database and all you need is to perform simple key queries and to retrieve the result. In that cas a nosql database such as mongo or couch would probably be handy.
Hope some of this helps ;)
When connecting related documents by edges, will you get a shallow or a deep graph? I think the answer to that question is important when deciding between graphdbs and documentdbs. See Square Pegs and Round Holes in the NOSQL World by Jim Webber for thoughts along these lines.
