thingsboard widget graph unable to show data beyond 6-7hours - iot

i've created a custom widget on thingsboard but it's unable to show data beyond 6-7hours. Refer screenshot below.
Tried searching the postgre db tables but unsure where the device telemetry data are stored.. perhaps there is a data capped somewhere..
Any advise please?
screenshot of widget:

Go to ThingsBoard database on postgres.
Check tables ts_kv and ts_kv_latest you will see your data.


Can we connect Looker to Google Sheets Directly

I want to know if there is any update in latest looker version about connecting looker to google sheet directly? if yes then can someone please help me with the steps to do the same.
One simple way is to connect Google Sheet directly to your database.
Here's an example to Looker's internal use case:
The example is based on MySQL, if you are connected to BigQuery - hosting a temporary table is also a fine option.

Issue with actual data visualization on thingsboard widget

I tried to fetch weather data from openweathermap using api call on thingsboard using rule chain rest api call. successfully I fetched all data, but I am facing issue with visualizing that data on timeseries widget card on dashboard. Issue is data which are shown on timeseries widget contains brackets.
Here by I am attaching an image of dashboard.
enter image description here
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
Thanks in Advance....

Realtime data from mysql database

my aim is to have a realtime graph or a dynamic using Highchart library.But i am not able to create a realtime chart what i have been doing is refreshing the page .Can someone please help.

Connecting Sheets to BigQuery

I want to connect a Google Sheets to a new BigQuery table that populates and updates the data automatically from Sheets to BigQuery. I'm using this tutorial from Google itself to do the setup.
My problem: the table connected with spreadsheet was created empty so I had to query it and save the result as another table to see and use the data.
I can't post images yet so I ask you please to check this imgur post, please.
I'm not expert in these things but does not seems to be the best way to do it. I found some spreadsheet add-ons but I'm trying to avoid them.
Any ideas what's the best way to do this kind of setup/connection?
I had to configure each column manually
BigQuery provides a variety of tools which make it pretty simple to connect the external table to BigQuery.
One option is to simply use the WebUi and the Auto Detect option which help you not to enter each column manually
This works perfectly for me also when inserting and adding data to the external table.
You can refer to BigQuery official manual on an external table for more help

How to sort data on the basis of time from AWS DynamoDB

I have a table named "User_Records" in that I have a column which is "created_by". I want to sort the records on the basis of this filter. I am very new to AWS and have looked on the internet but didn't got any solution for that. Please share your ideas as I am heavily stucked.
You could use Local Secondary Index to achieve your usecase. Please refer to the link below:
